tree: 69e71a3538243ff7dac50411375be9c04be3b046 [path history] [tgz]
  1. decoder/
  2. ffi/
  3. patches/

Rust PNG decoder

This directory contains experimental code for providing SkCodec API for decoding PNG images using Rust png crate. See the following document for more details:

Chromium build instructions

To build and test the code from this directory from Chromium:

  1. gn args out/... and set enable_rust_png = true
  2. autoninja -C out/... gfx_unittests blink_platform_unittests chrome
  3. out/.../gfx_unittests --gtest_filter=RustEnabled*
  4. out/.../blink_platform_unittests --gtest_filter=RustEnabled*
  5. out/.../chrome --enable-features=RustyPng

Skia build instructions


To build the code from this directory from Skia (testing via Bazel is not supported yet):

$ cd skia-repo-root
$ bazelisk build experimental/rust_png/decoder

gn / ninja

To build the code from this directory from Skia:

  1. gn args out/RustPng and set enable_rust_png_decode = true
  2. gn gen out/RustPng
  3. autoninja -C out/RustPng dm

To test the code (via `tests/SkPngRustDecoderTest.cpp`):

$ out/RustPng/dm --src tests --nogpu --match Codec_apng

TODO( Add support for running older tests (e.g. ones from `tests/CodecTest.cpp`) against `SkPngRustCodec`. ## Differences between `SkPngCodec` and `SkRustPngCodec` * `SkPngCodec`: - No APNG support. - No CICP support. * `SkPngRustCodec` differences - see