blob: 91e73187be78bd8e585882bebda15db82ab3d462 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2024 Google Inc.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# PartitionAlloc is still depending on a couple of "common" `is_xxx` variables
# shared by Chromium / Dawn / Pdfium / etc... Only Skia is really independent.
# While waiting for partition_alloc to do the same, they need to be set:
is_asan = sanitize == "address"
is_cast_android = false
is_castos = false
is_cronet_build = false
is_nacl = false
is_posix = !is_win && !is_fuchsia
# Skia standalone isn't built as part of chromium.
build_with_chromium = false
# Skia still need to supports C++17 for quite some time.
assert_cpp20_default = false
# Contrary to Skia, Chrome/PartitionAlloc do not enforce strict aliasing rules.
# Contrary to Clang, GCC is aggressively relying on the strict aliasing rule for
# optimization and this breaks PartitionAlloc.
# See for more details.
partition_alloc_remove_configs = [ "//gn/skia:strict_aliasing" ]
partition_alloc_add_configs = [ "//gn/skia:no_strict_aliasing" ]
# partition_alloc is performance critical and it should generally be optimized
# for speed, even in debug mode.
if (is_debug) {
partition_alloc_add_configs += [
# MSVC's cl.exe compiler is not supported.
_supported_compiler = is_clang || !is_win
# Windows: debug CRT is not yet compatible with the allocator shim.
_supported_build_type = !is_win || (!is_component_build && !is_debug)
# TODO(351867706): Resolve compile assertions issues on Mac, and add `is_mac`
# here.
_supported_platform =
is_android || is_chromeos || is_fuchsia || is_linux || is_win
# Sanitizers replace the allocator, don't replace it ourselves with
# partition_alloc.
_is_using_sanitizers = sanitize != ""
_supported = _supported_compiler && _supported_build_type &&
_supported_platform && !_is_using_sanitizers
use_partition_alloc_as_malloc_default = _supported
use_allocator_shim_default = _supported
enable_backup_ref_ptr_support_default = _supported
put_ref_count_in_previous_slot_default = true
enable_backup_ref_ptr_slow_checks_default = false
enable_dangling_raw_ptr_checks_default = _supported
# This is the default build configuration for pointers/raw_ptr*.
raw_ptr_zero_on_construct_default = true
raw_ptr_zero_on_move_default = true
raw_ptr_zero_on_destruct_default = false
# For now, don't check for additional costly memory safety errors in Skia.
# Some will be enforced in the future.
can_unwind_with_frame_pointers = false
dcheck_always_on = false
dcheck_is_configurable = false
enable_expensive_dchecks = false