blob: 2e2460228fcbcb2e74355a6283d8baedd0b5f98b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkSurface_DEFINED
#define SkSurface_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkImage.h"
#include "include/core/SkImageInfo.h"
#include "include/core/SkPixmap.h"
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/core/SkSamplingOptions.h"
#include "include/core/SkScalar.h"
#include "include/core/SkSurfaceProps.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
class GrBackendSemaphore;
class GrBackendTexture;
class GrRecordingContext;
class GrSurfaceCharacterization;
enum GrSurfaceOrigin : int;
class SkBitmap;
class SkCanvas;
class SkCapabilities;
class SkColorSpace;
class SkPaint;
class SkSurface;
struct SkIRect;
struct SkISize;
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class Recorder;
namespace SkSurfaces {
enum class BackendSurfaceAccess {
kNoAccess, //!< back-end surface will not be used by client
kPresent, //!< back-end surface will be used for presenting to screen
/** Returns SkSurface without backing pixels. Drawing to SkCanvas returned from SkSurface
has no effect. Calling makeImageSnapshot() on returned SkSurface returns nullptr.
@param width one or greater
@param height one or greater
@return SkSurface if width and height are positive; otherwise, nullptr
SK_API sk_sp<SkSurface> Null(int width, int height);
/** Allocates raster SkSurface. SkCanvas returned by SkSurface draws directly into those allocated
pixels, which are zeroed before use. Pixel memory size is imageInfo.height() times
imageInfo.minRowBytes() or rowBytes, if provided and non-zero.
Pixel memory is deleted when SkSurface is deleted.
Validity constraints include:
- info dimensions are greater than zero;
- info contains SkColorType and SkAlphaType supported by raster surface.
@param imageInfo width, height, SkColorType, SkAlphaType, SkColorSpace,
of raster surface; width and height must be greater than zero
@param rowBytes interval from one SkSurface row to the next.
@param props LCD striping orientation and setting for device independent fonts;
may be nullptr
@return SkSurface if parameters are valid and memory was allocated, else nullptr.
SK_API sk_sp<SkSurface> Raster(const SkImageInfo& imageInfo,
size_t rowBytes,
const SkSurfaceProps* surfaceProps);
inline sk_sp<SkSurface> Raster(const SkImageInfo& imageInfo,
const SkSurfaceProps* props = nullptr) {
return Raster(imageInfo, 0, props);
/** Allocates raster SkSurface. SkCanvas returned by SkSurface draws directly into the
provided pixels.
SkSurface is returned if all parameters are valid.
Valid parameters include:
info dimensions are greater than zero;
info contains SkColorType and SkAlphaType supported by raster surface;
pixels is not nullptr;
rowBytes is large enough to contain info width pixels of SkColorType.
Pixel buffer size should be info height times computed rowBytes.
Pixels are not initialized.
To access pixels after drawing, peekPixels() or readPixels().
@param imageInfo width, height, SkColorType, SkAlphaType, SkColorSpace,
of raster surface; width and height must be greater than zero
@param pixels pointer to destination pixels buffer
@param rowBytes interval from one SkSurface row to the next
@param surfaceProps LCD striping orientation and setting for device independent fonts;
may be nullptr
@return SkSurface if all parameters are valid; otherwise, nullptr
SK_API sk_sp<SkSurface> WrapPixels(const SkImageInfo& imageInfo,
void* pixels,
size_t rowBytes,
const SkSurfaceProps* surfaceProps = nullptr);
inline sk_sp<SkSurface> WrapPixels(const SkPixmap& pm, const SkSurfaceProps* props = nullptr) {
return WrapPixels(, pm.writable_addr(), pm.rowBytes(), props);
using PixelsReleaseProc = void(void* pixels, void* context);
/** Allocates raster SkSurface. SkCanvas returned by SkSurface draws directly into the provided
pixels. releaseProc is called with pixels and context when SkSurface is deleted.
SkSurface is returned if all parameters are valid.
Valid parameters include:
info dimensions are greater than zero;
info contains SkColorType and SkAlphaType supported by raster surface;
pixels is not nullptr;
rowBytes is large enough to contain info width pixels of SkColorType.
Pixel buffer size should be info height times computed rowBytes.
Pixels are not initialized.
To access pixels after drawing, call flush() or peekPixels().
@param imageInfo width, height, SkColorType, SkAlphaType, SkColorSpace,
of raster surface; width and height must be greater than zero
@param pixels pointer to destination pixels buffer
@param rowBytes interval from one SkSurface row to the next
@param releaseProc called when SkSurface is deleted; may be nullptr
@param context passed to releaseProc; may be nullptr
@param surfaceProps LCD striping orientation and setting for device independent fonts;
may be nullptr
@return SkSurface if all parameters are valid; otherwise, nullptr
SK_API sk_sp<SkSurface> WrapPixels(const SkImageInfo& imageInfo,
void* pixels,
size_t rowBytes,
void* context,
const SkSurfaceProps* surfaceProps = nullptr);
} // namespace SkSurfaces
/** \class SkSurface
SkSurface is responsible for managing the pixels that a canvas draws into. The pixels can be
allocated either in CPU memory (a raster surface) or on the GPU (a GrRenderTarget surface).
SkSurface takes care of allocating a SkCanvas that will draw into the surface. Call
surface->getCanvas() to use that canvas (but don't delete it, it is owned by the surface).
SkSurface always has non-zero dimensions. If there is a request for a new surface, and either
of the requested dimensions are zero, then nullptr will be returned.
Clients should *not* subclass SkSurface as there is a lot of internal machinery that is
not publicly accessible.
class SK_API SkSurface : public SkRefCnt {
/** Is this surface compatible with the provided characterization?
This method can be used to determine if an existing SkSurface is a viable destination
for an GrDeferredDisplayList.
@param characterization The characterization for which a compatibility check is desired
@return true if this surface is compatible with the characterization;
false otherwise
bool isCompatible(const GrSurfaceCharacterization& characterization) const;
/** Returns pixel count in each row; may be zero or greater.
@return number of pixel columns
int width() const { return fWidth; }
/** Returns pixel row count; may be zero or greater.
@return number of pixel rows
int height() const { return fHeight; }
/** Returns an ImageInfo describing the surface.
virtual SkImageInfo imageInfo() const { return SkImageInfo::MakeUnknown(fWidth, fHeight); }
/** Returns unique value identifying the content of SkSurface. Returned value changes
each time the content changes. Content is changed by drawing, or by calling
@return unique content identifier
uint32_t generationID();
/** \enum SkSurface::ContentChangeMode
ContentChangeMode members are parameters to notifyContentWillChange().
enum ContentChangeMode {
kDiscard_ContentChangeMode, //!< discards surface on change
kRetain_ContentChangeMode, //!< preserves surface on change
/** Notifies that SkSurface contents will be changed by code outside of Skia.
Subsequent calls to generationID() return a different value.
TODO: Can kRetain_ContentChangeMode be deprecated?
void notifyContentWillChange(ContentChangeMode mode);
/** Returns the recording context being used by the SkSurface.
@return the recording context, if available; nullptr otherwise
GrRecordingContext* recordingContext() const;
/** Returns the recorder being used by the SkSurface.
@return the recorder, if available; nullptr otherwise
skgpu::graphite::Recorder* recorder() const;
enum class BackendHandleAccess {
kFlushRead, //!< back-end object is readable
kFlushWrite, //!< back-end object is writable
kDiscardWrite, //!< back-end object must be overwritten
// Legacy names, remove when clients are migrated
kFlushRead_BackendHandleAccess = kFlushRead,
kFlushWrite_BackendHandleAccess = kFlushWrite,
kDiscardWrite_BackendHandleAccess = kDiscardWrite,
// Legacy names, remove when clients are migrated
static constexpr BackendHandleAccess kFlushRead_BackendHandleAccess =
static constexpr BackendHandleAccess kFlushWrite_BackendHandleAccess =
static constexpr BackendHandleAccess kDiscardWrite_BackendHandleAccess =
/** Caller data passed to TextureReleaseProc; may be nullptr. */
using ReleaseContext = void*;
/** User function called when supplied texture may be deleted. */
using TextureReleaseProc = void (*)(ReleaseContext);
/** If the surface was made via MakeFromBackendTexture then it's backing texture may be
substituted with a different texture. The contents of the previous backing texture are
copied into the new texture. SkCanvas state is preserved. The original sample count is
used. The GrBackendFormat and dimensions of replacement texture must match that of
the original.
Upon success textureReleaseProc is called when it is safe to delete the texture in the
backend API (accounting only for use of the texture by this surface). If SkSurface creation
fails textureReleaseProc is called before this function returns.
@param backendTexture the new backing texture for the surface
@param mode Retain or discard current Content
@param TextureReleaseProc function called when texture can be released
@param ReleaseContext state passed to textureReleaseProc
virtual bool replaceBackendTexture(const GrBackendTexture& backendTexture,
GrSurfaceOrigin origin,
ContentChangeMode mode = kRetain_ContentChangeMode,
TextureReleaseProc = nullptr,
ReleaseContext = nullptr) = 0;
/** Returns SkCanvas that draws into SkSurface. Subsequent calls return the same SkCanvas.
SkCanvas returned is managed and owned by SkSurface, and is deleted when SkSurface
is deleted.
@return drawing SkCanvas for SkSurface
SkCanvas* getCanvas();
/** Returns SkCapabilities that describes the capabilities of the SkSurface's device.
@return SkCapabilities of SkSurface's device.
sk_sp<const SkCapabilities> capabilities();
/** Returns a compatible SkSurface, or nullptr. Returned SkSurface contains
the same raster, GPU, or null properties as the original. Returned SkSurface
does not share the same pixels.
Returns nullptr if imageInfo width or height are zero, or if imageInfo
is incompatible with SkSurface.
@param imageInfo width, height, SkColorType, SkAlphaType, SkColorSpace,
of SkSurface; width and height must be greater than zero
@return compatible SkSurface or nullptr
sk_sp<SkSurface> makeSurface(const SkImageInfo& imageInfo);
/** Calls makeSurface(ImageInfo) with the same ImageInfo as this surface, but with the
* specified width and height.
sk_sp<SkSurface> makeSurface(int width, int height);
/** Returns SkImage capturing SkSurface contents. Subsequent drawing to SkSurface contents
are not captured. SkImage allocation is accounted for if SkSurface was created with
@return SkImage initialized with SkSurface contents
sk_sp<SkImage> makeImageSnapshot();
* Like the no-parameter version, this returns an image of the current surface contents.
* This variant takes a rectangle specifying the subset of the surface that is of interest.
* These bounds will be sanitized before being used.
* - If bounds extends beyond the surface, it will be trimmed to just the intersection of
* it and the surface.
* - If bounds does not intersect the surface, then this returns nullptr.
* - If bounds == the surface, then this is the same as calling the no-parameter variant.
sk_sp<SkImage> makeImageSnapshot(const SkIRect& bounds);
/** Draws SkSurface contents to canvas, with its top-left corner at (x, y).
If SkPaint paint is not nullptr, apply SkColorFilter, alpha, SkImageFilter, and SkBlendMode.
@param canvas SkCanvas drawn into
@param x horizontal offset in SkCanvas
@param y vertical offset in SkCanvas
@param sampling what technique to use when sampling the surface pixels
@param paint SkPaint containing SkBlendMode, SkColorFilter, SkImageFilter,
and so on; or nullptr
void draw(SkCanvas* canvas, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkSamplingOptions& sampling,
const SkPaint* paint);
void draw(SkCanvas* canvas, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint* paint = nullptr) {
this->draw(canvas, x, y, SkSamplingOptions(), paint);
/** Copies SkSurface pixel address, row bytes, and SkImageInfo to SkPixmap, if address
is available, and returns true. If pixel address is not available, return
false and leave SkPixmap unchanged.
pixmap contents become invalid on any future change to SkSurface.
@param pixmap storage for pixel state if pixels are readable; otherwise, ignored
@return true if SkSurface has direct access to pixels
bool peekPixels(SkPixmap* pixmap);
/** Copies SkRect of pixels to dst.
Source SkRect corners are (srcX, srcY) and SkSurface (width(), height()).
Destination SkRect corners are (0, 0) and (dst.width(), dst.height()).
Copies each readable pixel intersecting both rectangles, without scaling,
converting to dst.colorType() and dst.alphaType() if required.
Pixels are readable when SkSurface is raster, or backed by a Ganesh GPU backend. Graphite
has deprecated this API in favor of the equivalent asynchronous API on
skgpu::graphite::Context (with an optional explicit synchonization).
The destination pixel storage must be allocated by the caller.
Pixel values are converted only if SkColorType and SkAlphaType
do not match. Only pixels within both source and destination rectangles
are copied. dst contents outside SkRect intersection are unchanged.
Pass negative values for srcX or srcY to offset pixels across or down destination.
Does not copy, and returns false if:
- Source and destination rectangles do not intersect.
- SkPixmap pixels could not be allocated.
- dst.rowBytes() is too small to contain one row of pixels.
@param dst storage for pixels copied from SkSurface
@param srcX offset into readable pixels on x-axis; may be negative
@param srcY offset into readable pixels on y-axis; may be negative
@return true if pixels were copied
bool readPixels(const SkPixmap& dst, int srcX, int srcY);
/** Copies SkRect of pixels from SkCanvas into dstPixels.
Source SkRect corners are (srcX, srcY) and SkSurface (width(), height()).
Destination SkRect corners are (0, 0) and (dstInfo.width(), dstInfo.height()).
Copies each readable pixel intersecting both rectangles, without scaling,
converting to dstInfo.colorType() and dstInfo.alphaType() if required.
Pixels are readable when SkSurface is raster, or backed by a Ganesh GPU backend. Graphite
has deprecated this API in favor of the equivalent asynchronous API on
skgpu::graphite::Context (with an optional explicit synchonization).
The destination pixel storage must be allocated by the caller.
Pixel values are converted only if SkColorType and SkAlphaType
do not match. Only pixels within both source and destination rectangles
are copied. dstPixels contents outside SkRect intersection are unchanged.
Pass negative values for srcX or srcY to offset pixels across or down destination.
Does not copy, and returns false if:
- Source and destination rectangles do not intersect.
- SkSurface pixels could not be converted to dstInfo.colorType() or dstInfo.alphaType().
- dstRowBytes is too small to contain one row of pixels.
@param dstInfo width, height, SkColorType, and SkAlphaType of dstPixels
@param dstPixels storage for pixels; dstInfo.height() times dstRowBytes, or larger
@param dstRowBytes size of one destination row; dstInfo.width() times pixel size, or larger
@param srcX offset into readable pixels on x-axis; may be negative
@param srcY offset into readable pixels on y-axis; may be negative
@return true if pixels were copied
bool readPixels(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, void* dstPixels, size_t dstRowBytes,
int srcX, int srcY);
/** Copies SkRect of pixels from SkSurface into bitmap.
Source SkRect corners are (srcX, srcY) and SkSurface (width(), height()).
Destination SkRect corners are (0, 0) and (bitmap.width(), bitmap.height()).
Copies each readable pixel intersecting both rectangles, without scaling,
converting to bitmap.colorType() and bitmap.alphaType() if required.
Pixels are readable when SkSurface is raster, or backed by a Ganesh GPU backend. Graphite
has deprecated this API in favor of the equivalent asynchronous API on
skgpu::graphite::Context (with an optional explicit synchonization).
The destination pixel storage must be allocated by the caller.
Pixel values are converted only if SkColorType and SkAlphaType
do not match. Only pixels within both source and destination rectangles
are copied. dst contents outside SkRect intersection are unchanged.
Pass negative values for srcX or srcY to offset pixels across or down destination.
Does not copy, and returns false if:
- Source and destination rectangles do not intersect.
- SkSurface pixels could not be converted to dst.colorType() or dst.alphaType().
- dst pixels could not be allocated.
- dst.rowBytes() is too small to contain one row of pixels.
@param dst storage for pixels copied from SkSurface
@param srcX offset into readable pixels on x-axis; may be negative
@param srcY offset into readable pixels on y-axis; may be negative
@return true if pixels were copied
bool readPixels(const SkBitmap& dst, int srcX, int srcY);
using AsyncReadResult = SkImage::AsyncReadResult;
/** Client-provided context that is passed to client-provided ReadPixelsContext. */
using ReadPixelsContext = void*;
/** Client-provided callback to asyncRescaleAndReadPixels() or
asyncRescaleAndReadPixelsYUV420() that is called when read result is ready or on failure.
using ReadPixelsCallback = void(ReadPixelsContext, std::unique_ptr<const AsyncReadResult>);
/** Controls the gamma that rescaling occurs in for asyncRescaleAndReadPixels() and
using RescaleGamma = SkImage::RescaleGamma;
using RescaleMode = SkImage::RescaleMode;
/** Makes surface pixel data available to caller, possibly asynchronously. It can also rescale
the surface pixels.
Currently asynchronous reads are only supported in the Ganesh GPU backend and only when the
underlying 3D API supports transfer buffers and CPU/GPU synchronization primitives. In all
other cases this operates synchronously.
For the Graphite backend this API has been deprecated in favor of the equivalent API
on skgpu::graphite::Context.
Data is read from the source sub-rectangle, is optionally converted to a linear gamma, is
rescaled to the size indicated by 'info', is then converted to the color space, color type,
and alpha type of 'info'. A 'srcRect' that is not contained by the bounds of the surface
causes failure.
When the pixel data is ready the caller's ReadPixelsCallback is called with a
AsyncReadResult containing pixel data in the requested color type, alpha type, and color
space. The AsyncReadResult will have count() == 1. Upon failure the callback is called
with nullptr for AsyncReadResult. For a GPU surface this flushes work but a submit must
occur to guarantee a finite time before the callback is called.
The data is valid for the lifetime of AsyncReadResult with the exception that if the
SkSurface is GPU-backed the data is immediately invalidated if the context is abandoned
or destroyed.
@param info info of the requested pixels
@param srcRect subrectangle of surface to read
@param rescaleGamma controls whether rescaling is done in the surface's gamma or whether
the source data is transformed to a linear gamma before rescaling.
@param rescaleMode controls the technique of the rescaling
@param callback function to call with result of the read
@param context passed to callback
void asyncRescaleAndReadPixels(const SkImageInfo& info,
const SkIRect& srcRect,
RescaleGamma rescaleGamma,
RescaleMode rescaleMode,
ReadPixelsCallback callback,
ReadPixelsContext context);
Similar to asyncRescaleAndReadPixels but performs an additional conversion to YUV. The
RGB->YUV conversion is controlled by 'yuvColorSpace'. The YUV data is returned as three
planes ordered y, u, v. The u and v planes are half the width and height of the resized
rectangle. The y, u, and v values are single bytes. Currently this fails if 'dstSize'
width and height are not even. A 'srcRect' that is not contained by the bounds of the
surface causes failure.
When the pixel data is ready the caller's ReadPixelsCallback is called with a
AsyncReadResult containing the planar data. The AsyncReadResult will have count() == 3.
Upon failure the callback is called with nullptr for AsyncReadResult. For a GPU surface this
flushes work but a submit must occur to guarantee a finite time before the callback is
The data is valid for the lifetime of AsyncReadResult with the exception that if the
SkSurface is GPU-backed the data is immediately invalidated if the context is abandoned
or destroyed.
@param yuvColorSpace The transformation from RGB to YUV. Applied to the resized image
after it is converted to dstColorSpace.
@param dstColorSpace The color space to convert the resized image to, after rescaling.
@param srcRect The portion of the surface to rescale and convert to YUV planes.
@param dstSize The size to rescale srcRect to
@param rescaleGamma controls whether rescaling is done in the surface's gamma or whether
the source data is transformed to a linear gamma before rescaling.
@param rescaleMode controls the sampling technique of the rescaling
@param callback function to call with the planar read result
@param context passed to callback
void asyncRescaleAndReadPixelsYUV420(SkYUVColorSpace yuvColorSpace,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> dstColorSpace,
const SkIRect& srcRect,
const SkISize& dstSize,
RescaleGamma rescaleGamma,
RescaleMode rescaleMode,
ReadPixelsCallback callback,
ReadPixelsContext context);
* Identical to asyncRescaleAndReadPixelsYUV420 but a fourth plane is returned in the
* AsyncReadResult passed to 'callback'. The fourth plane contains the alpha chanel at the
* same full resolution as the Y plane.
void asyncRescaleAndReadPixelsYUVA420(SkYUVColorSpace yuvColorSpace,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> dstColorSpace,
const SkIRect& srcRect,
const SkISize& dstSize,
RescaleGamma rescaleGamma,
RescaleMode rescaleMode,
ReadPixelsCallback callback,
ReadPixelsContext context);
/** Copies SkRect of pixels from the src SkPixmap to the SkSurface.
Source SkRect corners are (0, 0) and (src.width(), src.height()).
Destination SkRect corners are (dstX, dstY) and
(dstX + Surface width(), dstY + Surface height()).
Copies each readable pixel intersecting both rectangles, without scaling,
converting to SkSurface colorType() and SkSurface alphaType() if required.
@param src storage for pixels to copy to SkSurface
@param dstX x-axis position relative to SkSurface to begin copy; may be negative
@param dstY y-axis position relative to SkSurface to begin copy; may be negative
void writePixels(const SkPixmap& src, int dstX, int dstY);
/** Copies SkRect of pixels from the src SkBitmap to the SkSurface.
Source SkRect corners are (0, 0) and (src.width(), src.height()).
Destination SkRect corners are (dstX, dstY) and
(dstX + Surface width(), dstY + Surface height()).
Copies each readable pixel intersecting both rectangles, without scaling,
converting to SkSurface colorType() and SkSurface alphaType() if required.
@param src storage for pixels to copy to SkSurface
@param dstX x-axis position relative to SkSurface to begin copy; may be negative
@param dstY y-axis position relative to SkSurface to begin copy; may be negative
void writePixels(const SkBitmap& src, int dstX, int dstY);
/** Returns SkSurfaceProps for surface.
@return LCD striping orientation and setting for device independent fonts
const SkSurfaceProps& props() const { return fProps; }
/** Inserts a list of GPU semaphores that the current GPU-backed API must wait on before
executing any more commands on the GPU for this surface. We only guarantee blocking
transfer and fragment shader work, but may block earlier stages as well depending on the
If this call returns false, then the GPU back-end will not wait on any passed in
semaphores, and the client will still own the semaphores, regardless of the value of
If deleteSemaphoresAfterWait is false then Skia will not delete the semaphores. In this case
it is the client's responsibility to not destroy or attempt to reuse the semaphores until it
knows that Skia has finished waiting on them. This can be done by using finishedProcs
on flush calls.
@param numSemaphores size of waitSemaphores array
@param waitSemaphores array of semaphore containers
@paramm deleteSemaphoresAfterWait who owns and should delete the semaphores
@return true if GPU is waiting on semaphores
bool wait(int numSemaphores, const GrBackendSemaphore* waitSemaphores,
bool deleteSemaphoresAfterWait = true);
/** Initializes GrSurfaceCharacterization that can be used to perform GPU back-end
processing in a separate thread. Typically this is used to divide drawing
into multiple tiles. GrDeferredDisplayListRecorder records the drawing commands
for each tile.
Return true if SkSurface supports characterization. raster surface returns false.
@param characterization properties for parallel drawing
@return true if supported
bool characterize(GrSurfaceCharacterization* characterization) const;
SkSurface(int width, int height, const SkSurfaceProps* surfaceProps);
SkSurface(const SkImageInfo& imageInfo, const SkSurfaceProps* surfaceProps);
// called by subclass if their contents have changed
void dirtyGenerationID() {
fGenerationID = 0;
const SkSurfaceProps fProps;
const int fWidth;
const int fHeight;
uint32_t fGenerationID;
using INHERITED = SkRefCnt;