blob: e1d2dd8380bde4b0cecc43b30cd1a94b84f62942 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_tessellate_Tessellation_DEFINED
#define skgpu_tessellate_Tessellation_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkPaint.h"
#include "include/core/SkPoint.h"
#include "include/core/SkStrokeRec.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkAssert.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkMacros.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
class SkMatrix;
class SkPath;
struct SkRect;
namespace skgpu::tess {
// Don't allow linearized segments to be off by more than 1/4th of a pixel from the true curve.
constexpr static float kPrecision = 4;
// This is the maximum number of subdivisions of a Bezier curve that can be represented in the fixed
// count vertex and index buffers. If rendering a curve that requires more subdivisions, it must be
// chopped.
constexpr static int kMaxResolveLevel = 5;
// This is the maximum number of parametric segments (linear sections) that a curve can be split
// into. This is the same for path filling and stroking, although fixed-count stroking also uses
// additional vertices to handle radial segments, joins, and caps. Additionally the fixed-count
// path filling algorithms snap their dynamic vertex counts to powers-of-two, whereas the stroking
// algorithm does not.
constexpr static int kMaxParametricSegments = 1 << kMaxResolveLevel;
constexpr static int kMaxParametricSegments_p2 = kMaxParametricSegments * kMaxParametricSegments;
constexpr static int kMaxParametricSegments_p4 = kMaxParametricSegments_p2 *
// Don't tessellate paths that might have an individual curve that requires more than 1024 segments.
// (See wangs_formula::worst_case_cubic). If this is the case, call "PreChopPathCurves" first.
// Standard chopping, when Wang's formula is between kMaxParametricSegments and
// kMaxTessellationSegmentsPerCurve is handled automatically by PatchWriter. It differs from
// PreChopPathCurves in that it does no culling of offscreen chopped paths.
constexpr static float kMaxSegmentsPerCurve = 1024;
constexpr static float kMaxSegmentsPerCurve_p2 = kMaxSegmentsPerCurve * kMaxSegmentsPerCurve;
constexpr static float kMaxSegmentsPerCurve_p4 = kMaxSegmentsPerCurve_p2 * kMaxSegmentsPerCurve_p2;
// Returns a new path, equivalent to 'path' within the given viewport, whose verbs can all be drawn
// with 'maxSegments' tessellation segments or fewer, while staying within '1/tessellationPrecision'
// pixels of the true curve. Curves and chops that fall completely outside the viewport are
// flattened into lines.
SkPath PreChopPathCurves(float tessellationPrecision,
const SkPath&,
const SkMatrix&,
const SkRect& viewport);
// How many triangles are in a curve with 2^resolveLevel line segments?
// Resolve level defines the tessellation factor for filled paths drawn using curves or wedges.
constexpr static int NumCurveTrianglesAtResolveLevel(int resolveLevel) {
// resolveLevel=0 -> 0 line segments -> 0 triangles
// resolveLevel=1 -> 2 line segments -> 1 triangle
// resolveLevel=2 -> 4 line segments -> 3 triangles
// resolveLevel=3 -> 8 line segments -> 7 triangles
// ...
return (1 << resolveLevel) - 1;
// Optional attribs that are included in tessellation patches, following the control points and in
// the same order as they appear here.
enum class PatchAttribs {
// Attribs.
kNone = 0,
kJoinControlPoint = 1 << 0, // [float2] Used by strokes. This defines tangent direction.
kFanPoint = 1 << 1, // [float2] Used by wedges. This is the center point the wedges fan around.
kStrokeParams = 1 << 2, // [float2] Used when strokes have different widths or join types.
kColor = 1 << 3, // [ubyte4 or float4] Used when patches have different colors.
kPaintDepth = 1 << 4, // [float] Used in Graphite to specify depth attachment value for draw.
kExplicitCurveType = 1 << 5, // [float] Used when GPU can't infer curve type based on infinity.
kSsboIndex = 1 << 7, // [int] Used to index into a shared storage buffer for this patch's
// uniform values.
// Extra flags.
kWideColorIfEnabled = 1 << 6, // If kColor is set, specifies it to be float4 wide color.
// When PatchAttribs::kExplicitCurveType is set, these are the values that tell the GPU what type of
// curve is being drawn.
constexpr static float kCubicCurveType [[maybe_unused]] = 0;
constexpr static float kConicCurveType [[maybe_unused]] = 1;
constexpr static float kTriangularConicCurveType [[maybe_unused]] = 2; // Conic curve with w=Inf.
// Returns the packed size in bytes of the attribs portion of tessellation patches (or instances) in
// GPU buffers.
constexpr size_t PatchAttribsStride(PatchAttribs attribs) {
return (attribs & PatchAttribs::kJoinControlPoint ? sizeof(float) * 2 : 0) +
(attribs & PatchAttribs::kFanPoint ? sizeof(float) * 2 : 0) +
(attribs & PatchAttribs::kStrokeParams ? sizeof(float) * 2 : 0) +
(attribs & PatchAttribs::kColor
? (attribs & PatchAttribs::kWideColorIfEnabled ? sizeof(float)
: sizeof(uint8_t)) * 4 : 0) +
(attribs & PatchAttribs::kPaintDepth ? sizeof(float) : 0) +
(attribs & PatchAttribs::kExplicitCurveType ? sizeof(float) : 0) +
(attribs & PatchAttribs::kSsboIndex ? (sizeof(int)) : 0);
constexpr size_t PatchStride(PatchAttribs attribs) {
return 4*sizeof(SkPoint) + PatchAttribsStride(attribs);
// Finds 0, 1, or 2 T values at which to chop the given curve in order to guarantee the resulting
// cubics are convex and rotate no more than 180 degrees.
// - If the cubic is "serpentine", then the T values are any inflection points in [0 < T < 1].
// - If the cubic is linear, then the T values are any 180-degree cusp points in [0 < T < 1].
// - Otherwise the T value is the point at which rotation reaches 180 degrees, iff in [0 < T < 1].
// 'areCusps' is set to true if the chop point occurred at a cusp (within tolerance), or if the chop
// point(s) occurred at 180-degree turnaround points on a degenerate flat line.
int FindCubicConvex180Chops(const SkPoint[], float T[2], bool* areCusps);
// Returns true if the given conic (or quadratic) has a cusp point. The w value is not necessary in
// determining this. If there is a cusp, it can be found at the midtangent.
inline bool ConicHasCusp(const SkPoint p[3]) {
SkVector a = p[1] - p[0];
SkVector b = p[2] - p[1];
// A conic of any class can only have a cusp if it is a degenerate flat line with a 180 degree
// turnarund. To detect this, the beginning and ending tangents must be parallel
// (a.cross(b) == 0) and pointing in opposite directions ( < 0).
return a.cross(b) == 0 && < 0;
// We encode all of a join's information in a single float value:
// Negative => Round Join
// Zero => Bevel Join
// Positive => Miter join, and the value is also the miter limit
inline float GetJoinType(const SkStrokeRec& stroke) {
switch (stroke.getJoin()) {
case SkPaint::kRound_Join: return -1;
case SkPaint::kBevel_Join: return 0;
case SkPaint::kMiter_Join: SkASSERT(stroke.getMiter() >= 0); return stroke.getMiter();
// This float2 gets written out with each patch/instance if PatchAttribs::kStrokeParams is enabled.
struct StrokeParams {
StrokeParams() = default;
StrokeParams(float radius, float joinType) : fRadius(radius), fJoinType(joinType) {}
StrokeParams(const SkStrokeRec& stroke) {
void set(const SkStrokeRec& stroke) {
fRadius = stroke.getWidth() * .5f;
fJoinType = GetJoinType(stroke);
float fRadius;
float fJoinType; // See GetJoinType().
inline bool StrokesHaveEqualParams(const SkStrokeRec& a, const SkStrokeRec& b) {
return a.getWidth() == b.getWidth() && a.getJoin() == b.getJoin() &&
(a.getJoin() != SkPaint::kMiter_Join || a.getMiter() == b.getMiter());
// Returns the fixed number of edges that are always emitted with the given join type. If the
// join is round, the caller needs to account for the additional radial edges on their own.
// Specifically, each join always emits:
// * Two colocated edges at the beginning (a full-width edge to seam with the preceding stroke
// and a half-width edge to begin the join).
// * An extra edge in the middle for miter joins, or else a variable number of radial edges
// for round joins (the caller is responsible for counting radial edges from round joins).
// * A half-width edge at the end of the join that will be colocated with the first
// (full-width) edge of the stroke.
constexpr int NumFixedEdgesInJoin(SkPaint::Join joinType) {
switch (joinType) {
case SkPaint::kMiter_Join:
return 4;
case SkPaint::kRound_Join:
// The caller is responsible for counting the variable number of middle, radial
// segments on round joins.
case SkPaint::kBevel_Join:
return 3;
constexpr int NumFixedEdgesInJoin(const StrokeParams& strokeParams) {
// The caller is responsible for counting the variable number of segments for round joins.
return strokeParams.fJoinType > 0.f ? /* miter */ 4 : /* round or bevel */ 3;
// Decides the number of radial segments the tessellator adds for each curve. (Uniform steps
// in tangent angle.) The tessellator will add this number of radial segments for each
// radian of rotation in local path space.
inline float CalcNumRadialSegmentsPerRadian(float approxDevStrokeRadius) {
float cosTheta = 1.f - (1.f / kPrecision) / approxDevStrokeRadius;
return .5f / acosf(std::max(cosTheta, -1.f));
} // namespace skgpu::tess
#endif // skgpu_tessellate_Tessellation_DEFINED