blob: 55f629b29296306b6b718c0f327add496f606fa2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/graphite/vk/VulkanDescriptorPool.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTArray.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/vk/VulkanSharedContext.h"
namespace skgpu::graphite {
sk_sp<VulkanDescriptorPool> VulkanDescriptorPool::Make(const VulkanSharedContext* context,
SkSpan<DescriptorData> requestedDescCounts,
VkDescriptorSetLayout layout) {
if (requestedDescCounts.empty()) {
return nullptr;
// For each requested descriptor type and count, create a VkDescriptorPoolSize struct which
// specifies the descriptor type and quantity for pool creation. Multiple pool size structures
// may contain the same descriptor type - the pool will be created with enough storage for the
// total number of descriptors of each type. Source:
// Note: The kMaxNumDescriptors limit could be evaded since we do not currently track and check
// the cumulative quantities of each type of descriptor, but this is an internal call and it is
// highly unexpected for us to exceed this limit in practice.
skia_private::STArray<kDescriptorTypeCount, VkDescriptorPoolSize> poolSizes;
for (size_t i = 0; i < requestedDescCounts.size(); i++) {
SkASSERT(requestedDescCounts[i].fCount > 0);
if (requestedDescCounts[i].fCount > kMaxNumDescriptors) {
SkDebugf("The number of descriptors requested, %u, exceeds the maximum allowed (%d).\n",
return nullptr;
VkDescriptorPoolSize& poolSize = poolSizes.push_back();
memset(&poolSize, 0, sizeof(VkDescriptorPoolSize));
// Map each DescriptorSetType to the appropriate backend VkDescriptorType
poolSize.type = DsTypeEnumToVkDs(requestedDescCounts[i].fType);
// Create a pool large enough to accommodate the maximum possible number of descriptor sets
poolSize.descriptorCount = requestedDescCounts[i].fCount * kMaxNumSets;
VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo createInfo;
memset(&createInfo, 0, sizeof(VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo));
createInfo.pNext = nullptr;
createInfo.flags = 0;
createInfo.maxSets = kMaxNumSets;
createInfo.poolSizeCount = requestedDescCounts.size();
createInfo.pPoolSizes = &poolSizes.front();
VkDescriptorPool pool;
VkResult result;
/*const VkAllocationCallbacks*=*/nullptr,
if (result != VK_SUCCESS) {
DestroyDescriptorSetLayout(context->device(), layout, nullptr));
return nullptr;
return sk_sp<VulkanDescriptorPool>(new VulkanDescriptorPool(context, pool, layout));
VulkanDescriptorPool::VulkanDescriptorPool(const VulkanSharedContext* context,
VkDescriptorPool pool,
VkDescriptorSetLayout layout)
: fSharedContext(context)
, fDescPool(pool)
, fDescSetLayout(layout) {}
VulkanDescriptorPool::~VulkanDescriptorPool() {
// Destroying the VkDescriptorPool will automatically free and delete any VkDescriptorSets
// allocated from the pool.
DestroyDescriptorPool(fSharedContext->device(), fDescPool, nullptr));
if (fDescSetLayout != VK_NULL_HANDLE) {
DestroyDescriptorSetLayout(fSharedContext->device(), fDescSetLayout, nullptr));
fDescSetLayout = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
} // namespace skgpu::graphite