| /* |
| * Copyright 2022 Google LLC |
| * |
| * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| * found in the LICENSE file. |
| */ |
| |
| #include "src/gpu/graphite/vk/VulkanCommandBuffer.h" |
| |
| #include "include/gpu/MutableTextureState.h" |
| #include "include/gpu/graphite/BackendSemaphore.h" |
| #include "include/gpu/graphite/vk/VulkanGraphiteTypes.h" |
| #include "include/gpu/vk/VulkanMutableTextureState.h" |
| #include "include/private/base/SkTArray.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/DataUtils.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/graphite/ContextUtils.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/graphite/DescriptorData.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/graphite/Log.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/graphite/RenderPassDesc.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/graphite/Surface_Graphite.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/graphite/TextureProxy.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/graphite/UniformManager.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/graphite/vk/VulkanBuffer.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/graphite/vk/VulkanDescriptorSet.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/graphite/vk/VulkanFramebuffer.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/graphite/vk/VulkanGraphiteUtilsPriv.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/graphite/vk/VulkanRenderPass.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/graphite/vk/VulkanSampler.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/graphite/vk/VulkanSharedContext.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/graphite/vk/VulkanTexture.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/vk/VulkanUtilsPriv.h" |
| |
| using namespace skia_private; |
| |
| namespace skgpu::graphite { |
| |
| class VulkanDescriptorSet; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<VulkanCommandBuffer> VulkanCommandBuffer::Make( |
| const VulkanSharedContext* sharedContext, |
| VulkanResourceProvider* resourceProvider) { |
| // Create VkCommandPool |
| VkCommandPoolCreateFlags cmdPoolCreateFlags = VK_COMMAND_POOL_CREATE_TRANSIENT_BIT; |
| if (sharedContext->isProtected() == Protected::kYes) { |
| } |
| |
| const VkCommandPoolCreateInfo cmdPoolInfo = { |
| nullptr, // pNext |
| cmdPoolCreateFlags, // CmdPoolCreateFlags |
| sharedContext->queueIndex(), // queueFamilyIndex |
| }; |
| VkResult result; |
| VkCommandPool pool; |
| VULKAN_CALL_RESULT(sharedContext, |
| result, |
| CreateCommandPool(sharedContext->device(), &cmdPoolInfo, nullptr, &pool)); |
| if (result != VK_SUCCESS) { |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| const VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo cmdInfo = { |
| nullptr, // pNext |
| pool, // commandPool |
| 1 // bufferCount |
| }; |
| |
| VkCommandBuffer primaryCmdBuffer; |
| sharedContext, |
| result, |
| AllocateCommandBuffers(sharedContext->device(), &cmdInfo, &primaryCmdBuffer)); |
| if (result != VK_SUCCESS) { |
| VULKAN_CALL(sharedContext->interface(), |
| DestroyCommandPool(sharedContext->device(), pool, nullptr)); |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| return std::unique_ptr<VulkanCommandBuffer>(new VulkanCommandBuffer(pool, |
| primaryCmdBuffer, |
| sharedContext, |
| resourceProvider)); |
| } |
| |
| VulkanCommandBuffer::VulkanCommandBuffer(VkCommandPool pool, |
| VkCommandBuffer primaryCommandBuffer, |
| const VulkanSharedContext* sharedContext, |
| VulkanResourceProvider* resourceProvider) |
| : fPool(pool) |
| , fPrimaryCommandBuffer(primaryCommandBuffer) |
| , fSharedContext(sharedContext) |
| , fResourceProvider(resourceProvider) { |
| // When making a new command buffer, we automatically begin the command buffer |
| this->begin(); |
| } |
| |
| VulkanCommandBuffer::~VulkanCommandBuffer() { |
| if (fActive) { |
| // Need to end command buffer before deleting it |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), EndCommandBuffer(fPrimaryCommandBuffer)); |
| fActive = false; |
| } |
| |
| if (VK_NULL_HANDLE != fSubmitFence) { |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| DestroyFence(fSharedContext->device(), fSubmitFence, nullptr)); |
| } |
| // This should delete any command buffers as well. |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| DestroyCommandPool(fSharedContext->device(), fPool, nullptr)); |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::onResetCommandBuffer() { |
| SkASSERT(!fActive); |
| VULKAN_CALL_ERRCHECK(fSharedContext, ResetCommandPool(fSharedContext->device(), fPool, 0)); |
| fActiveGraphicsPipeline = nullptr; |
| fBindUniformBuffers = true; |
| fBoundIndexBuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE; |
| fBoundIndexBufferOffset = 0; |
| fBoundIndirectBuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE; |
| fBoundIndirectBufferOffset = 0; |
| fTextureSamplerDescSetToBind = VK_NULL_HANDLE; |
| fNumTextureSamplers = 0; |
| fUniformBuffersToBind.fill({}); |
| for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { |
| fCachedBlendConstant[i] = -1.0; |
| } |
| for (auto& boundInputBuffer : fBoundInputBuffers) { |
| boundInputBuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE; |
| } |
| for (auto& boundInputOffset : fBoundInputBufferOffsets) { |
| boundInputOffset = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool VulkanCommandBuffer::setNewCommandBufferResources() { |
| this->begin(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::begin() { |
| SkASSERT(!fActive); |
| VkCommandBufferBeginInfo cmdBufferBeginInfo; |
| memset(&cmdBufferBeginInfo, 0, sizeof(VkCommandBufferBeginInfo)); |
| cmdBufferBeginInfo.pNext = nullptr; |
| cmdBufferBeginInfo.pInheritanceInfo = nullptr; |
| |
| VULKAN_CALL_ERRCHECK(fSharedContext, |
| BeginCommandBuffer(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, &cmdBufferBeginInfo)); |
| fActive = true; |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::end() { |
| SkASSERT(fActive); |
| SkASSERT(!fActiveRenderPass); |
| |
| this->submitPipelineBarriers(); |
| |
| VULKAN_CALL_ERRCHECK(fSharedContext, EndCommandBuffer(fPrimaryCommandBuffer)); |
| |
| fActive = false; |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::addWaitSemaphores(size_t numWaitSemaphores, |
| const BackendSemaphore* waitSemaphores) { |
| if (!waitSemaphores) { |
| SkASSERT(numWaitSemaphores == 0); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < numWaitSemaphores; ++i) { |
| auto& semaphore = waitSemaphores[i]; |
| if (semaphore.isValid() && semaphore.backend() == BackendApi::kVulkan) { |
| fWaitSemaphores.push_back(BackendSemaphores::GetVkSemaphore(semaphore)); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::addSignalSemaphores(size_t numSignalSemaphores, |
| const BackendSemaphore* signalSemaphores) { |
| if (!signalSemaphores) { |
| SkASSERT(numSignalSemaphores == 0); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < numSignalSemaphores; ++i) { |
| auto& semaphore = signalSemaphores[i]; |
| if (semaphore.isValid() && semaphore.backend() == BackendApi::kVulkan) { |
| fSignalSemaphores.push_back(BackendSemaphores::GetVkSemaphore(semaphore)); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::prepareSurfaceForStateUpdate(SkSurface* targetSurface, |
| const MutableTextureState* newState) { |
| TextureProxy* textureProxy = static_cast<Surface*>(targetSurface)->backingTextureProxy(); |
| VulkanTexture* texture = static_cast<VulkanTexture*>(textureProxy->texture()); |
| |
| // Even though internally we use this helper for getting src access flags and stages they |
| // can also be used for general dst flags since we don't know exactly what the client |
| // plans on using the image for. |
| VkImageLayout newLayout = skgpu::MutableTextureStates::GetVkImageLayout(newState); |
| if (newLayout == VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED) { |
| newLayout = texture->currentLayout(); |
| } |
| VkPipelineStageFlags dstStage = VulkanTexture::LayoutToPipelineSrcStageFlags(newLayout); |
| VkAccessFlags dstAccess = VulkanTexture::LayoutToSrcAccessMask(newLayout); |
| |
| uint32_t currentQueueFamilyIndex = texture->currentQueueFamilyIndex(); |
| uint32_t newQueueFamilyIndex = skgpu::MutableTextureStates::GetVkQueueFamilyIndex(newState); |
| auto isSpecialQueue = [](uint32_t queueFamilyIndex) { |
| return queueFamilyIndex == VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_EXTERNAL || |
| queueFamilyIndex == VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_FOREIGN_EXT; |
| }; |
| if (isSpecialQueue(currentQueueFamilyIndex) && isSpecialQueue(newQueueFamilyIndex)) { |
| // It is illegal to have both the new and old queue be special queue families (i.e. external |
| // or foreign). |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| texture->setImageLayoutAndQueueIndex(this, |
| newLayout, |
| dstAccess, |
| dstStage, |
| false, |
| newQueueFamilyIndex); |
| } |
| |
| static VkResult submit_to_queue(const VulkanSharedContext* sharedContext, |
| VkQueue queue, |
| VkFence fence, |
| uint32_t waitCount, |
| const VkSemaphore* waitSemaphores, |
| const VkPipelineStageFlags* waitStages, |
| uint32_t commandBufferCount, |
| const VkCommandBuffer* commandBuffers, |
| uint32_t signalCount, |
| const VkSemaphore* signalSemaphores, |
| Protected protectedContext) { |
| VkProtectedSubmitInfo protectedSubmitInfo; |
| if (protectedContext == Protected::kYes) { |
| memset(&protectedSubmitInfo, 0, sizeof(VkProtectedSubmitInfo)); |
| protectedSubmitInfo.pNext = nullptr; |
| protectedSubmitInfo.protectedSubmit = VK_TRUE; |
| } |
| |
| VkSubmitInfo submitInfo; |
| memset(&submitInfo, 0, sizeof(VkSubmitInfo)); |
| submitInfo.pNext = protectedContext == Protected::kYes ? &protectedSubmitInfo : nullptr; |
| submitInfo.waitSemaphoreCount = waitCount; |
| submitInfo.pWaitSemaphores = waitSemaphores; |
| submitInfo.pWaitDstStageMask = waitStages; |
| submitInfo.commandBufferCount = commandBufferCount; |
| submitInfo.pCommandBuffers = commandBuffers; |
| submitInfo.signalSemaphoreCount = signalCount; |
| submitInfo.pSignalSemaphores = signalSemaphores; |
| VkResult result; |
| VULKAN_CALL_RESULT(sharedContext, result, QueueSubmit(queue, 1, &submitInfo, fence)); |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| bool VulkanCommandBuffer::submit(VkQueue queue) { |
| this->end(); |
| |
| auto device = fSharedContext->device(); |
| VkResult err; |
| |
| if (fSubmitFence == VK_NULL_HANDLE) { |
| VkFenceCreateInfo fenceInfo; |
| memset(&fenceInfo, 0, sizeof(VkFenceCreateInfo)); |
| fSharedContext, err, CreateFence(device, &fenceInfo, nullptr, &fSubmitFence)); |
| if (err) { |
| fSubmitFence = VK_NULL_HANDLE; |
| return false; |
| } |
| } else { |
| // This cannot return DEVICE_LOST so we assert we succeeded. |
| VULKAN_CALL_RESULT(fSharedContext, err, ResetFences(device, 1, &fSubmitFence)); |
| SkASSERT(err == VK_SUCCESS); |
| } |
| |
| SkASSERT(fSubmitFence != VK_NULL_HANDLE); |
| int waitCount = fWaitSemaphores.size(); |
| TArray<VkPipelineStageFlags> vkWaitStages(waitCount); |
| for (int i = 0; i < waitCount; ++i) { |
| } |
| |
| VkResult submitResult = submit_to_queue(fSharedContext, |
| queue, |
| fSubmitFence, |
| waitCount, |
| fWaitSemaphores.data(), |
| vkWaitStages.data(), |
| /*commandBufferCount*/ 1, |
| &fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| fSignalSemaphores.size(), |
| fSignalSemaphores.data(), |
| fSharedContext->isProtected()); |
| fWaitSemaphores.clear(); |
| fSignalSemaphores.clear(); |
| if (submitResult != VK_SUCCESS) { |
| // If we failed to submit because of a device lost, we still need to wait for the fence to |
| // signal before deleting. However, there is an ARM bug (b/359822580) where the driver early |
| // outs on the fence wait if in a device lost state and thus we can't wait on it. Instead, |
| // we just wait on the queue to finish. We're already in a state that's going to cause us to |
| // restart the whole device, so waiting on the queue shouldn't have any performance impact. |
| if (submitResult == VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST) { |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), QueueWaitIdle(queue)); |
| } else { |
| submitResult == VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY); |
| } |
| |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), DestroyFence(device, fSubmitFence, nullptr)); |
| fSubmitFence = VK_NULL_HANDLE; |
| return false; |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| bool VulkanCommandBuffer::isFinished() { |
| SkASSERT(!fActive); |
| if (VK_NULL_HANDLE == fSubmitFence) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| VkResult err; |
| VULKAN_CALL_RESULT_NOCHECK(fSharedContext->interface(), err, |
| GetFenceStatus(fSharedContext->device(), fSubmitFence)); |
| switch (err) { |
| case VK_SUCCESS: |
| return true; |
| |
| case VK_NOT_READY: |
| return false; |
| |
| default: |
| SKGPU_LOG_F("Error calling vkGetFenceStatus. Error: %d", err); |
| SK_ABORT("Got an invalid fence status"); |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::waitUntilFinished() { |
| if (fSubmitFence == VK_NULL_HANDLE) { |
| return; |
| } |
| VULKAN_CALL_ERRCHECK(fSharedContext, |
| WaitForFences(fSharedContext->device(), |
| 1, |
| &fSubmitFence, |
| /*waitAll=*/true, |
| /*timeout=*/UINT64_MAX)); |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::updateIntrinsicUniforms(SkIRect viewport) { |
| SkASSERT(fActive && !fActiveRenderPass); |
| |
| // The SkSL has declared these as a top-level interface block, which will use std140 in Vulkan. |
| // If we switch to supporting push constants here, it would be std430 instead. |
| UniformManager intrinsicValues{Layout::kStd140}; |
| CollectIntrinsicUniforms(fSharedContext->caps(), viewport, fDstCopyBounds, &intrinsicValues); |
| SkSpan<const char> bytes = intrinsicValues.finish(); |
| SkASSERT(bytes.size_bytes() == VulkanResourceProvider::kIntrinsicConstantSize); |
| |
| sk_sp<Buffer> intrinsicUniformBuffer = fResourceProvider->refIntrinsicConstantBuffer(); |
| const VulkanBuffer* intrinsicVulkanBuffer = |
| static_cast<VulkanBuffer*>(intrinsicUniformBuffer.get()); |
| SkASSERT(intrinsicVulkanBuffer && intrinsicVulkanBuffer->size() >= bytes.size_bytes()); |
| |
| fUniformBuffersToBind[VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kIntrinsicUniformBufferIndex] = { |
| intrinsicUniformBuffer.get(), |
| /*offset=*/0, |
| SkTo<uint32_t>(bytes.size_bytes()) |
| }; |
| |
| this->updateBuffer(intrinsicVulkanBuffer, bytes.data(), bytes.size_bytes()); |
| |
| // Ensure the buffer update is completed and made visible before reading |
| intrinsicVulkanBuffer->setBufferAccess(this, VK_ACCESS_UNIFORM_READ_BIT, |
| this->trackResource(std::move(intrinsicUniformBuffer)); |
| } |
| |
| bool VulkanCommandBuffer::onAddRenderPass(const RenderPassDesc& renderPassDesc, |
| SkIRect renderPassBounds, |
| const Texture* colorTexture, |
| const Texture* resolveTexture, |
| const Texture* depthStencilTexture, |
| SkIRect viewport, |
| const DrawPassList& drawPasses) { |
| for (const auto& drawPass : drawPasses) { |
| // Our current implementation of setting texture image layouts does not allow layout changes |
| // once we have already begun a render pass, so prior to any other commands, set the layout |
| // of all sampled textures from the drawpass so they can be sampled from the shader. |
| const skia_private::TArray<sk_sp<TextureProxy>>& sampledTextureProxies = |
| drawPass->sampledTextures(); |
| for (const sk_sp<TextureProxy>& textureProxy : sampledTextureProxies) { |
| VulkanTexture* vulkanTexture = const_cast<VulkanTexture*>( |
| static_cast<const VulkanTexture*>( |
| textureProxy->texture())); |
| vulkanTexture->setImageLayout(this, |
| false); |
| this->submitPipelineBarriers(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| this->updateIntrinsicUniforms(viewport); |
| this->setViewport(viewport); |
| |
| if (!this->beginRenderPass(renderPassDesc, |
| renderPassBounds, |
| colorTexture, |
| resolveTexture, |
| depthStencilTexture)) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| for (const auto& drawPass : drawPasses) { |
| this->addDrawPass(drawPass.get()); |
| } |
| |
| this->endRenderPass(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| bool VulkanCommandBuffer::updateLoadMSAAVertexBuffer() { |
| const Buffer* vertexBuffer = fResourceProvider->loadMSAAVertexBuffer(); |
| if (!vertexBuffer) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| const VulkanBuffer* vulkanVertexBuffer = static_cast<const VulkanBuffer*>(vertexBuffer); |
| SkASSERT(vulkanVertexBuffer->bufferUsageFlags() & VK_BUFFER_USAGE_VERTEX_BUFFER_BIT); |
| |
| // Determine vertices in NDC. TODO: When only wanting to draw a portion of the resolve |
| // texture, these values will need to be dynamically determined. For now, simply span the |
| // range of NDC since we want to reference the entire resolve texture. |
| static constexpr float kVertices[8] = { 1.f, 1.f, |
| 1.f, -1.f, |
| -1.f, 1.f, |
| -1.f, -1.f }; |
| this->updateBuffer(vulkanVertexBuffer, |
| &kVertices, |
| VulkanResourceProvider::kLoadMSAAVertexBufferSize); |
| |
| // Ensure the buffer update is completed and made visible before reading |
| vulkanVertexBuffer->setBufferAccess(this, VK_ACCESS_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_READ_BIT, |
| |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| bool VulkanCommandBuffer::updateAndBindLoadMSAAInputAttachment(const VulkanTexture& resolveTexture) |
| { |
| // Fetch a descriptor set that contains one input attachment |
| STArray<1, DescriptorData> inputDescriptors = |
| {VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kInputAttachmentDescriptor}; |
| sk_sp<VulkanDescriptorSet> set = fResourceProvider->findOrCreateDescriptorSet( |
| SkSpan<DescriptorData>{&inputDescriptors.front(), inputDescriptors.size()}); |
| if (!set) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| VkDescriptorImageInfo textureInfo; |
| memset(&textureInfo, 0, sizeof(VkDescriptorImageInfo)); |
| textureInfo.sampler = VK_NULL_HANDLE; |
| textureInfo.imageView = |
| resolveTexture.getImageView(VulkanImageView::Usage::kAttachment)->imageView(); |
| textureInfo.imageLayout = resolveTexture.currentLayout(); |
| |
| VkWriteDescriptorSet writeInfo; |
| memset(&writeInfo, 0, sizeof(VkWriteDescriptorSet)); |
| writeInfo.pNext = nullptr; |
| writeInfo.dstSet = *set->descriptorSet(); |
| writeInfo.dstBinding = VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kInputAttachmentBindingIndex; |
| writeInfo.dstArrayElement = 0; |
| writeInfo.descriptorCount = 1; |
| writeInfo.descriptorType = DsTypeEnumToVkDs(DescriptorType::kInputAttachment); |
| writeInfo.pImageInfo = &textureInfo; |
| writeInfo.pBufferInfo = nullptr; |
| writeInfo.pTexelBufferView = nullptr; |
| |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| UpdateDescriptorSets(fSharedContext->device(), |
| /*descriptorWriteCount=*/1, |
| &writeInfo, |
| /*descriptorCopyCount=*/0, |
| /*pDescriptorCopies=*/nullptr)); |
| |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdBindDescriptorSets(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| fActiveGraphicsPipeline->layout(), |
| VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kInputAttachmentDescSetIndex, |
| /*setCount=*/1, |
| set->descriptorSet(), |
| /*dynamicOffsetCount=*/0, |
| /*dynamicOffsets=*/nullptr)); |
| |
| this->trackResource(std::move(set)); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| bool VulkanCommandBuffer::loadMSAAFromResolve(const RenderPassDesc& renderPassDesc, |
| VulkanTexture& resolveTexture, |
| SkISize dstDimensions) { |
| sk_sp<VulkanGraphicsPipeline> loadPipeline = |
| fResourceProvider->findOrCreateLoadMSAAPipeline(renderPassDesc); |
| if (!loadPipeline) { |
| SKGPU_LOG_E("Unable to create pipeline to load resolve texture into MSAA attachment"); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| this->bindGraphicsPipeline(loadPipeline.get()); |
| // Make sure we do not attempt to bind uniform or texture/sampler descriptors because we do |
| // not use them for loading MSAA from resolve. |
| fBindUniformBuffers = false; |
| fBindTextureSamplers = false; |
| |
| this->setScissor(/*left=*/0, /*top=*/0, dstDimensions.width(), dstDimensions.height()); |
| |
| if (!this->updateAndBindLoadMSAAInputAttachment(resolveTexture)) { |
| SKGPU_LOG_E("Unable to update and bind an input attachment descriptor for loading MSAA " |
| "from resolve"); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| SkASSERT(fResourceProvider->loadMSAAVertexBuffer()); |
| this->bindVertexBuffers(fResourceProvider->loadMSAAVertexBuffer(), |
| /*vertexOffset=*/0, |
| /*instanceBuffer=*/nullptr, |
| /*instanceOffset=*/0); |
| |
| this->draw(PrimitiveType::kTriangleStrip, /*baseVertex=*/0, /*vertexCount=*/4); |
| this->nextSubpass(); |
| |
| // If we loaded the resolve attachment, then we would have set the image layout to be |
| // VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL so that it could be used at the start as an |
| // input attachment. However, when we switched to the main subpass it will transition the |
| // layout internally to VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL. Thus we need to update our |
| // tracking of the layout to match the new layout. |
| resolveTexture.updateImageLayout(VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL); |
| |
| // After using a distinct descriptor set layout for loading MSAA from resolve, we will need to |
| // (re-)bind any descriptor sets. |
| fBindUniformBuffers = true; |
| fBindTextureSamplers = true; |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| namespace { |
| void setup_texture_layouts(VulkanCommandBuffer* cmdBuf, |
| VulkanTexture* colorTexture, |
| VulkanTexture* resolveTexture, |
| VulkanTexture* depthStencilTexture, |
| bool loadMSAAFromResolve) { |
| if (colorTexture) { |
| colorTexture->setImageLayout(cmdBuf, |
| /*byRegion=*/false); |
| if (resolveTexture) { |
| if (loadMSAAFromResolve) { |
| // When loading MSAA from resolve, the texture is used in the first subpass as an |
| // input attachment. Subsequent subpass(es) need the resolve texture to provide read |
| // access to the color attachment (for use cases such as blending), so add access |
| // and pipeline stage flags for both usages. |
| resolveTexture->setImageLayout(cmdBuf, |
| /*byRegion=*/false); |
| } else { |
| resolveTexture->setImageLayout(cmdBuf, |
| /*byRegion=*/false); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (depthStencilTexture) { |
| depthStencilTexture->setImageLayout(cmdBuf, |
| /*byRegion=*/false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void track_attachments(VulkanCommandBuffer* cmdBuf, |
| VulkanTexture* colorTexture, |
| VulkanTexture* resolveTexture, |
| VulkanTexture* depthStencilTexture) { |
| if (colorTexture) { |
| cmdBuf->trackResource(sk_ref_sp(colorTexture)); |
| } |
| if (resolveTexture){ |
| cmdBuf->trackResource(sk_ref_sp(resolveTexture)); |
| } |
| if (depthStencilTexture) { |
| cmdBuf->trackResource(sk_ref_sp(depthStencilTexture)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void gather_attachment_views(skia_private::TArray<VkImageView>& attachmentViews, |
| VulkanTexture* colorTexture, |
| VulkanTexture* resolveTexture, |
| VulkanTexture* depthStencilTexture) { |
| if (colorTexture) { |
| VkImageView& colorAttachmentView = attachmentViews.push_back(); |
| colorAttachmentView = |
| colorTexture->getImageView(VulkanImageView::Usage::kAttachment)->imageView(); |
| |
| if (resolveTexture) { |
| VkImageView& resolveView = attachmentViews.push_back(); |
| resolveView = |
| resolveTexture->getImageView(VulkanImageView::Usage::kAttachment)->imageView(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (depthStencilTexture) { |
| VkImageView& stencilView = attachmentViews.push_back(); |
| stencilView = |
| depthStencilTexture->getImageView(VulkanImageView::Usage::kAttachment)->imageView(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void gather_clear_values( |
| STArray<VulkanRenderPass::kMaxExpectedAttachmentCount, VkClearValue>& clearValues, |
| const RenderPassDesc& renderPassDesc, |
| VulkanTexture* colorTexture, |
| VulkanTexture* depthStencilTexture, |
| int depthStencilAttachmentIdx) { |
| clearValues.push_back_n(VulkanRenderPass::kMaxExpectedAttachmentCount); |
| if (colorTexture) { |
| VkClearValue& colorAttachmentClear = |
| clearValues.at(VulkanRenderPass::kColorAttachmentIdx); |
| memset(&colorAttachmentClear, 0, sizeof(VkClearValue)); |
| colorAttachmentClear.color = {{renderPassDesc.fClearColor[0], |
| renderPassDesc.fClearColor[1], |
| renderPassDesc.fClearColor[2], |
| renderPassDesc.fClearColor[3]}}; |
| } |
| // Resolve texture does not have a clear value |
| if (depthStencilTexture) { |
| VkClearValue& depthStencilAttachmentClear = clearValues.at(depthStencilAttachmentIdx); |
| memset(&depthStencilAttachmentClear, 0, sizeof(VkClearValue)); |
| depthStencilAttachmentClear.depthStencil = {renderPassDesc.fClearDepth, |
| renderPassDesc.fClearStencil}; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // The RenderArea bounds we pass into BeginRenderPass must have a start x value that is a multiple |
| // of the granularity. The width must also be a multiple of the granularity or equal to the width |
| // of the entire attachment. Similar requirements apply to the y and height components. |
| VkRect2D get_render_area(const SkIRect& srcBounds, |
| const VkExtent2D& granularity, |
| int maxWidth, |
| int maxHeight) { |
| SkIRect dstBounds; |
| // Adjust Width |
| if (granularity.width == 0 || granularity.width == 1) { |
| dstBounds.fLeft = srcBounds.fLeft; |
| dstBounds.fRight = srcBounds.fRight; |
| } else { |
| // Start with the right side of rect so we know if we end up going past the maxWidth. |
| int rightAdj = srcBounds.fRight % granularity.width; |
| if (rightAdj != 0) { |
| rightAdj = granularity.width - rightAdj; |
| } |
| dstBounds.fRight = srcBounds.fRight + rightAdj; |
| if (dstBounds.fRight > maxWidth) { |
| dstBounds.fRight = maxWidth; |
| dstBounds.fLeft = 0; |
| } else { |
| dstBounds.fLeft = srcBounds.fLeft - srcBounds.fLeft % granularity.width; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (granularity.height == 0 || granularity.height == 1) { |
| dstBounds.fTop = srcBounds.fTop; |
| dstBounds.fBottom = srcBounds.fBottom; |
| } else { |
| // Start with the bottom side of rect so we know if we end up going past the maxHeight. |
| int bottomAdj = srcBounds.fBottom % granularity.height; |
| if (bottomAdj != 0) { |
| bottomAdj = granularity.height - bottomAdj; |
| } |
| dstBounds.fBottom = srcBounds.fBottom + bottomAdj; |
| if (dstBounds.fBottom > maxHeight) { |
| dstBounds.fBottom = maxHeight; |
| dstBounds.fTop = 0; |
| } else { |
| dstBounds.fTop = srcBounds.fTop - srcBounds.fTop % granularity.height; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| VkRect2D renderArea; |
| renderArea.offset = { dstBounds.fLeft , dstBounds.fTop }; |
| renderArea.extent = { (uint32_t)dstBounds.width(), (uint32_t)dstBounds.height() }; |
| return renderArea; |
| } |
| |
| } // anonymous namespace |
| |
| bool VulkanCommandBuffer::beginRenderPass(const RenderPassDesc& renderPassDesc, |
| SkIRect renderPassBounds, |
| const Texture* colorTexture, |
| const Texture* resolveTexture, |
| const Texture* depthStencilTexture) { |
| // TODO: Check that Textures match RenderPassDesc |
| VulkanTexture* vulkanColorTexture = |
| const_cast<VulkanTexture*>(static_cast<const VulkanTexture*>(colorTexture)); |
| VulkanTexture* vulkanResolveTexture = |
| const_cast<VulkanTexture*>(static_cast<const VulkanTexture*>(resolveTexture)); |
| VulkanTexture* vulkanDepthStencilTexture = |
| const_cast<VulkanTexture*>(static_cast<const VulkanTexture*>(depthStencilTexture)); |
| |
| SkASSERT(resolveTexture ? renderPassDesc.fColorResolveAttachment.fStoreOp == StoreOp::kStore |
| : true); |
| |
| // Determine if we need to load MSAA from resolve, and if so, make certain that key conditions |
| // are met before proceeding. |
| bool loadMSAAFromResolve = renderPassDesc.fColorResolveAttachment.fTextureInfo.isValid() && |
| renderPassDesc.fColorResolveAttachment.fLoadOp == LoadOp::kLoad; |
| if (loadMSAAFromResolve && (!vulkanResolveTexture || !vulkanColorTexture || |
| !vulkanResolveTexture->supportsInputAttachmentUsage())) { |
| SKGPU_LOG_E("Cannot begin render pass. In order to load MSAA from resolve, the color " |
| "attachment must have input attachment usage and both the color and resolve " |
| "attachments must be valid."); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| track_attachments(this, vulkanColorTexture, vulkanResolveTexture, vulkanDepthStencilTexture); |
| |
| // Before beginning a renderpass, set all textures to the appropriate image layout. |
| setup_texture_layouts(this, |
| vulkanColorTexture, |
| vulkanResolveTexture, |
| vulkanDepthStencilTexture, |
| loadMSAAFromResolve); |
| |
| static constexpr int kMaxNumAttachments = 3; |
| // Gather attachment views neeeded for frame buffer creation. |
| skia_private::TArray<VkImageView> attachmentViews; |
| gather_attachment_views( |
| attachmentViews, vulkanColorTexture, vulkanResolveTexture, vulkanDepthStencilTexture); |
| |
| // Gather clear values needed for RenderPassBeginInfo. Indexed by attachment number. |
| STArray<kMaxNumAttachments, VkClearValue> clearValues; |
| // The depth/stencil attachment can be at attachment index 1 or 2 depending on whether there is |
| // a resolve texture attachment for this renderpass. |
| int depthStencilAttachmentIndex = resolveTexture ? 2 : 1; |
| gather_clear_values(clearValues, |
| renderPassDesc, |
| vulkanColorTexture, |
| vulkanDepthStencilTexture, |
| depthStencilAttachmentIndex); |
| |
| sk_sp<VulkanRenderPass> vulkanRenderPass = |
| fResourceProvider->findOrCreateRenderPass(renderPassDesc, /*compatibleOnly=*/false); |
| if (!vulkanRenderPass) { |
| SKGPU_LOG_W("Could not create Vulkan RenderPass"); |
| return false; |
| } |
| this->submitPipelineBarriers(); |
| this->trackResource(vulkanRenderPass); |
| |
| int frameBufferWidth = 0; |
| int frameBufferHeight = 0; |
| if (colorTexture) { |
| frameBufferWidth = colorTexture->dimensions().width(); |
| frameBufferHeight = colorTexture->dimensions().height(); |
| } else if (depthStencilTexture) { |
| frameBufferWidth = depthStencilTexture->dimensions().width(); |
| frameBufferHeight = depthStencilTexture->dimensions().height(); |
| } |
| sk_sp<VulkanFramebuffer> framebuffer = fResourceProvider->createFramebuffer(fSharedContext, |
| attachmentViews, |
| *vulkanRenderPass, |
| frameBufferWidth, |
| frameBufferHeight); |
| if (!framebuffer) { |
| SKGPU_LOG_W("Could not create Vulkan Framebuffer"); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| VkExtent2D granularity; |
| // Get granularity for this render pass |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| GetRenderAreaGranularity(fSharedContext->device(), |
| vulkanRenderPass->renderPass(), |
| &granularity)); |
| VkRect2D renderArea = get_render_area(renderPassBounds, |
| granularity, |
| frameBufferWidth, |
| frameBufferHeight); |
| |
| VkRenderPassBeginInfo beginInfo; |
| memset(&beginInfo, 0, sizeof(VkRenderPassBeginInfo)); |
| beginInfo.pNext = nullptr; |
| beginInfo.renderPass = vulkanRenderPass->renderPass(); |
| beginInfo.framebuffer = framebuffer->framebuffer(); |
| beginInfo.renderArea = renderArea; |
| beginInfo.clearValueCount = clearValues.size(); |
| beginInfo.pClearValues = clearValues.begin(); |
| |
| // If loading MSAA from resolve, we need to update and bind a vertex buffer w/ NDC. This entails |
| // take care of some necessary preparations that must be performed while there is not an active |
| // renderpass. |
| if (loadMSAAFromResolve) { |
| // We manually load the contents of the resolve texture into the MSAA attachment as a draw, |
| // so the MSAA attachment's load op should be LoadOp::kDiscard. |
| SkASSERT(renderPassDesc.fColorAttachment.fLoadOp == LoadOp::kDiscard); |
| SkASSERT(!fActiveRenderPass); |
| SkASSERT(resolveTexture); |
| |
| if (!this->updateLoadMSAAVertexBuffer()) { |
| SKGPU_LOG_E("Failed to update vertex buffer for loading MSAA from resolve"); |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Submit pipeline barriers to ensure any image layout transitions are recorded prior to |
| // beginning the render pass. |
| this->submitPipelineBarriers(); |
| // TODO: If we add support for secondary command buffers, dynamically determine subpass contents |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdBeginRenderPass(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| &beginInfo, |
| fActiveRenderPass = true; |
| |
| if (loadMSAAFromResolve && !this->loadMSAAFromResolve(renderPassDesc, |
| *vulkanResolveTexture, |
| vulkanColorTexture->dimensions())) { |
| SKGPU_LOG_E("Failed to load MSAA from resolve"); |
| this->endRenderPass(); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| // Once we have an active render pass, the command buffer should hold on to a frame buffer ref. |
| this->trackResource(std::move(framebuffer)); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::endRenderPass() { |
| SkASSERT(fActive); |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), CmdEndRenderPass(fPrimaryCommandBuffer)); |
| fActiveRenderPass = false; |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::addDrawPass(const DrawPass* drawPass) { |
| drawPass->addResourceRefs(this); |
| for (auto [type, cmdPtr] : drawPass->commands()) { |
| switch (type) { |
| case DrawPassCommands::Type::kBindGraphicsPipeline: { |
| auto bgp = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::BindGraphicsPipeline*>(cmdPtr); |
| this->bindGraphicsPipeline(drawPass->getPipeline(bgp->fPipelineIndex)); |
| break; |
| } |
| case DrawPassCommands::Type::kSetBlendConstants: { |
| auto sbc = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::SetBlendConstants*>(cmdPtr); |
| this->setBlendConstants(sbc->fBlendConstants); |
| break; |
| } |
| case DrawPassCommands::Type::kBindUniformBuffer: { |
| auto bub = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::BindUniformBuffer*>(cmdPtr); |
| this->recordBufferBindingInfo(bub->fInfo, bub->fSlot); |
| break; |
| } |
| case DrawPassCommands::Type::kBindDrawBuffers: { |
| auto bdb = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::BindDrawBuffers*>(cmdPtr); |
| this->bindDrawBuffers( |
| bdb->fVertices, bdb->fInstances, bdb->fIndices, bdb->fIndirect); |
| break; |
| } |
| case DrawPassCommands::Type::kBindTexturesAndSamplers: { |
| auto bts = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::BindTexturesAndSamplers*>(cmdPtr); |
| this->recordTextureAndSamplerDescSet(drawPass, bts); |
| break; |
| } |
| case DrawPassCommands::Type::kSetScissor: { |
| auto ss = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::SetScissor*>(cmdPtr); |
| const SkIRect& rect = ss->fScissor; |
| this->setScissor(rect.fLeft, rect.fTop, rect.width(), rect.height()); |
| break; |
| } |
| case DrawPassCommands::Type::kDraw: { |
| auto draw = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::Draw*>(cmdPtr); |
| this->draw(draw->fType, draw->fBaseVertex, draw->fVertexCount); |
| break; |
| } |
| case DrawPassCommands::Type::kDrawIndexed: { |
| auto draw = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::DrawIndexed*>(cmdPtr); |
| this->drawIndexed( |
| draw->fType, draw->fBaseIndex, draw->fIndexCount, draw->fBaseVertex); |
| break; |
| } |
| case DrawPassCommands::Type::kDrawInstanced: { |
| auto draw = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::DrawInstanced*>(cmdPtr); |
| this->drawInstanced(draw->fType, |
| draw->fBaseVertex, |
| draw->fVertexCount, |
| draw->fBaseInstance, |
| draw->fInstanceCount); |
| break; |
| } |
| case DrawPassCommands::Type::kDrawIndexedInstanced: { |
| auto draw = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::DrawIndexedInstanced*>(cmdPtr); |
| this->drawIndexedInstanced(draw->fType, |
| draw->fBaseIndex, |
| draw->fIndexCount, |
| draw->fBaseVertex, |
| draw->fBaseInstance, |
| draw->fInstanceCount); |
| break; |
| } |
| case DrawPassCommands::Type::kDrawIndirect: { |
| auto draw = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::DrawIndirect*>(cmdPtr); |
| this->drawIndirect(draw->fType); |
| break; |
| } |
| case DrawPassCommands::Type::kDrawIndexedIndirect: { |
| auto draw = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::DrawIndexedIndirect*>(cmdPtr); |
| this->drawIndexedIndirect(draw->fType); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::bindGraphicsPipeline(const GraphicsPipeline* graphicsPipeline) { |
| SkASSERT(fActiveRenderPass); |
| fActiveGraphicsPipeline = static_cast<const VulkanGraphicsPipeline*>(graphicsPipeline); |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), CmdBindPipeline(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| fActiveGraphicsPipeline->pipeline())); |
| // TODO(b/293924877): Compare pipeline layouts. If 2 pipelines have the same pipeline layout, |
| // then descriptor sets do not need to be re-bound. For now, simply force a re-binding of |
| // descriptor sets with any new bindGraphicsPipeline DrawPassCommand. |
| fBindUniformBuffers = true; |
| |
| if (graphicsPipeline->dstReadRequirement() == DstReadRequirement::kTextureCopy && |
| graphicsPipeline->numFragTexturesAndSamplers() == 1) { |
| // The only texture-sampler that the pipeline declares must be the dstCopy, which means |
| // there are no other textures that will trigger BindTextureAndSampler commands in a |
| // DrawPass (e.g. solid-color + dst-read-requiring blend). Configure the texture binding |
| // up front in this case. |
| this->recordTextureAndSamplerDescSet(/*drawPass=*/nullptr, /*command=*/nullptr); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::setBlendConstants(float* blendConstants) { |
| SkASSERT(fActive); |
| if (0 != memcmp(blendConstants, fCachedBlendConstant, 4 * sizeof(float))) { |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdSetBlendConstants(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, blendConstants)); |
| memcpy(fCachedBlendConstant, blendConstants, 4 * sizeof(float)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::recordBufferBindingInfo(const BindBufferInfo& info, UniformSlot slot) { |
| unsigned int bufferIndex = 0; |
| switch (slot) { |
| case UniformSlot::kRenderStep: |
| bufferIndex = VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kRenderStepUniformBufferIndex; |
| break; |
| case UniformSlot::kPaint: |
| bufferIndex = VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kPaintUniformBufferIndex; |
| break; |
| case UniformSlot::kGradient: |
| bufferIndex = VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kGradientBufferIndex; |
| break; |
| default: |
| SkASSERT(false); |
| } |
| |
| fUniformBuffersToBind[bufferIndex] = info; |
| fBindUniformBuffers = true; |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::syncDescriptorSets() { |
| if (fBindUniformBuffers) { |
| this->bindUniformBuffers(); |
| // Changes to descriptor sets in lower slot numbers disrupt later set bindings. Currently, |
| // the descriptor set which houses uniform buffers is at a lower slot than the texture / |
| // sampler set, so rebinding uniform buffers necessitates re-binding any texture/samplers. |
| fBindTextureSamplers = true; |
| } |
| if (fBindTextureSamplers) { |
| this->bindTextureSamplers(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::bindUniformBuffers() { |
| fBindUniformBuffers = false; |
| |
| // We always bind at least one uniform buffer descriptor for intrinsic uniforms, but can bind |
| // up to three (one for render step uniforms, one for paint uniforms). |
| STArray<VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kNumUniformBuffers, DescriptorData> descriptors; |
| descriptors.push_back(VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kIntrinsicUniformBufferDescriptor); |
| |
| DescriptorType uniformBufferType = fSharedContext->caps()->storageBufferSupport() |
| ? DescriptorType::kStorageBuffer |
| : DescriptorType::kUniformBuffer; |
| if (fActiveGraphicsPipeline->hasStepUniforms() && |
| fUniformBuffersToBind[VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kRenderStepUniformBufferIndex].fBuffer) { |
| descriptors.push_back({ |
| uniformBufferType, |
| /*count=*/1, |
| VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kRenderStepUniformBufferIndex, |
| PipelineStageFlags::kVertexShader | PipelineStageFlags::kFragmentShader}); |
| } |
| if (fActiveGraphicsPipeline->hasPaintUniforms() && |
| fUniformBuffersToBind[VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kPaintUniformBufferIndex].fBuffer) { |
| descriptors.push_back({ |
| uniformBufferType, |
| /*count=*/1, |
| VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kPaintUniformBufferIndex, |
| PipelineStageFlags::kFragmentShader}); |
| } |
| if (fActiveGraphicsPipeline->hasGradientBuffer() && |
| fUniformBuffersToBind[VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kGradientBufferIndex].fBuffer) { |
| SkASSERT(fSharedContext->caps()->gradientBufferSupport() && |
| fSharedContext->caps()->storageBufferSupport()); |
| descriptors.push_back({ |
| DescriptorType::kStorageBuffer, |
| /*count=*/1, |
| VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kGradientBufferIndex, |
| PipelineStageFlags::kFragmentShader}); |
| } |
| |
| sk_sp<VulkanDescriptorSet> descSet = fResourceProvider->findOrCreateUniformBuffersDescriptorSet( |
| descriptors, fUniformBuffersToBind); |
| if (!descSet) { |
| SKGPU_LOG_E("Unable to find or create uniform descriptor set"); |
| return; |
| } |
| skia_private::AutoSTMalloc<VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kNumUniformBuffers, uint32_t> |
| dynamicOffsets(descriptors.size()); |
| for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.size(); i++) { |
| int descriptorBindingIndex = descriptors[i].fBindingIndex; |
| SkASSERT(static_cast<unsigned long>(descriptorBindingIndex) < fUniformBuffersToBind.size()); |
| const auto& bindInfo = fUniformBuffersToBind[descriptorBindingIndex]; |
| dynamicOffsets[i] = bindInfo.fOffset; |
| } |
| |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdBindDescriptorSets(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| fActiveGraphicsPipeline->layout(), |
| VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kUniformBufferDescSetIndex, |
| /*setCount=*/1, |
| descSet->descriptorSet(), |
| descriptors.size(), |
| dynamicOffsets.get())); |
| this->trackResource(std::move(descSet)); |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::bindDrawBuffers(const BindBufferInfo& vertices, |
| const BindBufferInfo& instances, |
| const BindBufferInfo& indices, |
| const BindBufferInfo& indirect) { |
| this->bindVertexBuffers(vertices.fBuffer, |
| vertices.fOffset, |
| instances.fBuffer, |
| instances.fOffset); |
| this->bindIndexBuffer(indices.fBuffer, indices.fOffset); |
| this->bindIndirectBuffer(indirect.fBuffer, indirect.fOffset); |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::bindVertexBuffers(const Buffer* vertexBuffer, |
| size_t vertexOffset, |
| const Buffer* instanceBuffer, |
| size_t instanceOffset) { |
| this->bindInputBuffer(vertexBuffer, vertexOffset, |
| VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kVertexBufferIndex); |
| this->bindInputBuffer(instanceBuffer, instanceOffset, |
| VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kInstanceBufferIndex); |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::bindInputBuffer(const Buffer* buffer, VkDeviceSize offset, |
| uint32_t binding) { |
| if (buffer) { |
| VkBuffer vkBuffer = static_cast<const VulkanBuffer*>(buffer)->vkBuffer(); |
| SkASSERT(vkBuffer != VK_NULL_HANDLE); |
| if (vkBuffer != fBoundInputBuffers[binding] || |
| offset != fBoundInputBufferOffsets[binding]) { |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdBindVertexBuffers(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| binding, |
| /*bindingCount=*/1, |
| &vkBuffer, |
| &offset)); |
| fBoundInputBuffers[binding] = vkBuffer; |
| fBoundInputBufferOffsets[binding] = offset; |
| this->trackResource(sk_ref_sp(buffer)); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::bindIndexBuffer(const Buffer* indexBuffer, size_t offset) { |
| if (indexBuffer) { |
| VkBuffer vkBuffer = static_cast<const VulkanBuffer*>(indexBuffer)->vkBuffer(); |
| SkASSERT(vkBuffer != VK_NULL_HANDLE); |
| if (vkBuffer != fBoundIndexBuffer || offset != fBoundIndexBufferOffset) { |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), CmdBindIndexBuffer(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| vkBuffer, |
| offset, |
| fBoundIndexBuffer = vkBuffer; |
| fBoundIndexBufferOffset = offset; |
| this->trackResource(sk_ref_sp(indexBuffer)); |
| } |
| } else { |
| fBoundIndexBuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE; |
| fBoundIndexBufferOffset = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::bindIndirectBuffer(const Buffer* indirectBuffer, size_t offset) { |
| // Indirect buffers are not bound via the command buffer, but specified in the draw cmd. |
| if (indirectBuffer) { |
| fBoundIndirectBuffer = static_cast<const VulkanBuffer*>(indirectBuffer)->vkBuffer(); |
| fBoundIndirectBufferOffset = offset; |
| this->trackResource(sk_ref_sp(indirectBuffer)); |
| } else { |
| fBoundIndirectBuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE; |
| fBoundIndirectBufferOffset = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::recordTextureAndSamplerDescSet( |
| const DrawPass* drawPass, const DrawPassCommands::BindTexturesAndSamplers* command) { |
| SkASSERT(SkToBool(drawPass) == SkToBool(command)); |
| SkASSERT(fActiveGraphicsPipeline); |
| // Add one extra texture for dst copies, which is not included in the command itself. |
| int numTexSamplers = command ? command->fNumTexSamplers : 0; |
| if (fActiveGraphicsPipeline->dstReadRequirement() == DstReadRequirement::kTextureCopy) { |
| numTexSamplers++; |
| } |
| |
| if (numTexSamplers == 0) { |
| fNumTextureSamplers = 0; |
| fTextureSamplerDescSetToBind = VK_NULL_HANDLE; |
| fBindTextureSamplers = false; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Query resource provider to obtain a descriptor set for the texture/samplers |
| TArray<DescriptorData> descriptors(numTexSamplers); |
| if (command) { |
| for (int i = 0; i < command->fNumTexSamplers; i++) { |
| auto sampler = static_cast<const VulkanSampler*>( |
| drawPass->getSampler(command->fSamplerIndices[i])); |
| |
| const Sampler* immutableSampler = (sampler && sampler->ycbcrConversion()) ? sampler |
| : nullptr; |
| descriptors.push_back({DescriptorType::kCombinedTextureSampler, |
| /*count=*/1, |
| /*bindingIdx=*/i, |
| PipelineStageFlags::kFragmentShader, |
| immutableSampler}); |
| } |
| } |
| // If required the dst copy texture+sampler is the last one in the descriptor set |
| if (fActiveGraphicsPipeline->dstReadRequirement() == DstReadRequirement::kTextureCopy) { |
| descriptors.push_back({DescriptorType::kCombinedTextureSampler, |
| /*count=*/1, |
| /*bindingIdx=*/numTexSamplers-1, |
| PipelineStageFlags::kFragmentShader, |
| /*immutableSampler=*/nullptr}); |
| } |
| SkASSERT(descriptors.size() == numTexSamplers); |
| sk_sp<VulkanDescriptorSet> set = fResourceProvider->findOrCreateDescriptorSet( |
| SkSpan<DescriptorData>{&descriptors.front(), descriptors.size()}); |
| |
| if (!set) { |
| SKGPU_LOG_E("Unable to find or create descriptor set"); |
| fNumTextureSamplers = 0; |
| fTextureSamplerDescSetToBind = VK_NULL_HANDLE; |
| fBindTextureSamplers = false; |
| return; |
| } |
| // Populate the descriptor set with texture/sampler descriptors |
| TArray<VkWriteDescriptorSet> writeDescriptorSets(numTexSamplers); |
| TArray<VkDescriptorImageInfo> descriptorImageInfos(numTexSamplers); |
| auto appendTextureSampler = [&](const VulkanTexture* texture, const VulkanSampler* sampler) { |
| if (!texture || !sampler) { |
| // TODO(b/294198324): Investigate the root cause for null texture or samplers on |
| // Ubuntu QuadP400 GPU |
| SKGPU_LOG_E("Texture and sampler must not be null"); |
| fNumTextureSamplers = 0; |
| fTextureSamplerDescSetToBind = VK_NULL_HANDLE; |
| fBindTextureSamplers = false; |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| VkDescriptorImageInfo& textureInfo = descriptorImageInfos.push_back(); |
| memset(&textureInfo, 0, sizeof(VkDescriptorImageInfo)); |
| textureInfo.sampler = sampler->ycbcrConversion() ? VK_NULL_HANDLE : sampler->vkSampler(); |
| textureInfo.imageView = |
| texture->getImageView(VulkanImageView::Usage::kShaderInput)->imageView(); |
| |
| VkWriteDescriptorSet& writeInfo = writeDescriptorSets.push_back(); |
| memset(&writeInfo, 0, sizeof(VkWriteDescriptorSet)); |
| writeInfo.pNext = nullptr; |
| writeInfo.dstSet = *set->descriptorSet(); |
| writeInfo.dstBinding = writeDescriptorSets.size() - 1; |
| writeInfo.dstArrayElement = 0; |
| writeInfo.descriptorCount = 1; |
| writeInfo.pImageInfo = &textureInfo; |
| writeInfo.pBufferInfo = nullptr; |
| writeInfo.pTexelBufferView = nullptr; |
| |
| return true; |
| }; |
| |
| if (command) { |
| for (int i = 0; i < command->fNumTexSamplers; ++i) { |
| auto texture = static_cast<const VulkanTexture*>( |
| drawPass->getTexture(command->fTextureIndices[i])); |
| auto sampler = static_cast<const VulkanSampler*>( |
| drawPass->getSampler(command->fSamplerIndices[i])); |
| if (!appendTextureSampler(texture, sampler)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (fActiveGraphicsPipeline->dstReadRequirement() == DstReadRequirement::kTextureCopy) { |
| auto texture = static_cast<const VulkanTexture*>(fDstCopy.first); |
| auto sampler = static_cast<const VulkanSampler*>(fDstCopy.second); |
| if (!appendTextureSampler(texture, sampler)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| SkASSERT(writeDescriptorSets.size() == numTexSamplers && |
| descriptorImageInfos.size() == numTexSamplers); |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), UpdateDescriptorSets(fSharedContext->device(), |
| numTexSamplers, |
| &writeDescriptorSets[0], |
| /*descriptorCopyCount=*/0, |
| /*pDescriptorCopies=*/nullptr)); |
| |
| // Store the updated descriptor set to be actually bound later on. This avoids binding and |
| // potentially having to re-bind in cases where earlier descriptor sets change while going |
| // through drawpass commands. |
| fTextureSamplerDescSetToBind = *set->descriptorSet(); |
| fBindTextureSamplers = true; |
| fNumTextureSamplers = numTexSamplers; |
| this->trackResource(std::move(set)); |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::bindTextureSamplers() { |
| fBindTextureSamplers = false; |
| if (fTextureSamplerDescSetToBind != VK_NULL_HANDLE && |
| fActiveGraphicsPipeline->numFragTexturesAndSamplers() == fNumTextureSamplers) { |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdBindDescriptorSets(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| fActiveGraphicsPipeline->layout(), |
| VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kTextureBindDescSetIndex, |
| /*setCount=*/1, |
| &fTextureSamplerDescSetToBind, |
| /*dynamicOffsetCount=*/0, |
| /*dynamicOffsets=*/nullptr)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::setScissor(unsigned int left, unsigned int top, unsigned int width, |
| unsigned int height) { |
| VkRect2D scissor = { |
| {(int32_t)left, (int32_t)top}, |
| {width, height} |
| }; |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdSetScissor(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| /*firstScissor=*/0, |
| /*scissorCount=*/1, |
| &scissor)); |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::draw(PrimitiveType, |
| unsigned int baseVertex, |
| unsigned int vertexCount) { |
| SkASSERT(fActiveRenderPass); |
| this->syncDescriptorSets(); |
| // TODO: set primitive type via dynamic state if available |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdDraw(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| vertexCount, |
| /*instanceCount=*/1, |
| baseVertex, |
| /*firstInstance=*/0)); |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::drawIndexed(PrimitiveType, |
| unsigned int baseIndex, |
| unsigned int indexCount, |
| unsigned int baseVertex) { |
| SkASSERT(fActiveRenderPass); |
| this->syncDescriptorSets(); |
| // TODO: set primitive type via dynamic state if available |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdDrawIndexed(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| indexCount, |
| /*instanceCount=*/1, |
| baseIndex, |
| baseVertex, |
| /*firstInstance=*/0)); |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::drawInstanced(PrimitiveType, |
| unsigned int baseVertex, |
| unsigned int vertexCount, |
| unsigned int baseInstance, |
| unsigned int instanceCount) { |
| SkASSERT(fActiveRenderPass); |
| this->syncDescriptorSets(); |
| // TODO: set primitive type via dynamic state if available |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdDraw(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| vertexCount, |
| instanceCount, |
| baseVertex, |
| baseInstance)); |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::drawIndexedInstanced(PrimitiveType, |
| unsigned int baseIndex, |
| unsigned int indexCount, |
| unsigned int baseVertex, |
| unsigned int baseInstance, |
| unsigned int instanceCount) { |
| SkASSERT(fActiveRenderPass); |
| this->syncDescriptorSets(); |
| // TODO: set primitive type via dynamic state if available |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdDrawIndexed(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| indexCount, |
| instanceCount, |
| baseIndex, |
| baseVertex, |
| baseInstance)); |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::drawIndirect(PrimitiveType) { |
| SkASSERT(fActiveRenderPass); |
| this->syncDescriptorSets(); |
| // TODO: set primitive type via dynamic state if available |
| // Currently we can only support doing one indirect draw operation at a time, |
| // so stride is irrelevant. |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdDrawIndirect(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| fBoundIndirectBuffer, |
| fBoundIndirectBufferOffset, |
| /*drawCount=*/1, |
| /*stride=*/0)); |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::drawIndexedIndirect(PrimitiveType) { |
| SkASSERT(fActiveRenderPass); |
| this->syncDescriptorSets(); |
| // TODO: set primitive type via dynamic state if available |
| // Currently we can only support doing one indirect draw operation at a time, |
| // so stride is irrelevant. |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdDrawIndexedIndirect(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| fBoundIndirectBuffer, |
| fBoundIndirectBufferOffset, |
| /*drawCount=*/1, |
| /*stride=*/0)); |
| } |
| |
| bool VulkanCommandBuffer::onAddComputePass(DispatchGroupSpan) { return false; } |
| |
| bool VulkanCommandBuffer::onCopyBufferToBuffer(const Buffer* srcBuffer, |
| size_t srcOffset, |
| const Buffer* dstBuffer, |
| size_t dstOffset, |
| size_t size) { |
| auto vkSrcBuffer = static_cast<const VulkanBuffer*>(srcBuffer); |
| auto vkDstBuffer = static_cast<const VulkanBuffer*>(dstBuffer); |
| |
| SkASSERT(vkSrcBuffer->bufferUsageFlags() & VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT); |
| SkASSERT(vkDstBuffer->bufferUsageFlags() & VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT); |
| |
| VkBufferCopy region; |
| memset(®ion, 0, sizeof(VkBufferCopy)); |
| region.srcOffset = srcOffset; |
| region.dstOffset = dstOffset; |
| region.size = size; |
| |
| this->submitPipelineBarriers(); |
| |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdCopyBuffer(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| vkSrcBuffer->vkBuffer(), |
| vkDstBuffer->vkBuffer(), |
| /*regionCount=*/1, |
| ®ion)); |
| |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| bool VulkanCommandBuffer::onCopyTextureToBuffer(const Texture* texture, |
| SkIRect srcRect, |
| const Buffer* buffer, |
| size_t bufferOffset, |
| size_t bufferRowBytes) { |
| const VulkanTexture* srcTexture = static_cast<const VulkanTexture*>(texture); |
| auto dstBuffer = static_cast<const VulkanBuffer*>(buffer); |
| SkASSERT(dstBuffer->bufferUsageFlags() & VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT); |
| |
| // Obtain the VkFormat of the source texture so we can determine bytes per block. |
| VulkanTextureInfo srcTextureInfo; |
| SkAssertResult(TextureInfos::GetVulkanTextureInfo(texture->textureInfo(), &srcTextureInfo)); |
| size_t bytesPerBlock = VkFormatBytesPerBlock(srcTextureInfo.fFormat); |
| |
| // Set up copy region |
| VkBufferImageCopy region; |
| memset(®ion, 0, sizeof(VkBufferImageCopy)); |
| region.bufferOffset = bufferOffset; |
| // Vulkan expects bufferRowLength in texels, not bytes. |
| region.bufferRowLength = (uint32_t)(bufferRowBytes/bytesPerBlock); |
| region.bufferImageHeight = 0; // Tightly packed |
| region.imageSubresource = { VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, /*mipLevel=*/0, 0, 1 }; |
| region.imageOffset = { srcRect.left(), srcRect.top(), /*z=*/0 }; |
| region.imageExtent = { (uint32_t)srcRect.width(), (uint32_t)srcRect.height(), /*depth=*/1 }; |
| |
| // Enable editing of the source texture so we can change its layout so it can be copied from. |
| const_cast<VulkanTexture*>(srcTexture)->setImageLayout(this, |
| false); |
| // Set current access mask for buffer |
| const_cast<VulkanBuffer*>(dstBuffer)->setBufferAccess(this, |
| |
| this->submitPipelineBarriers(); |
| |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdCopyImageToBuffer(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| srcTexture->vkImage(), |
| dstBuffer->vkBuffer(), |
| /*regionCount=*/1, |
| ®ion)); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| bool VulkanCommandBuffer::onCopyBufferToTexture(const Buffer* buffer, |
| const Texture* texture, |
| const BufferTextureCopyData* copyData, |
| int count) { |
| auto srcBuffer = static_cast<const VulkanBuffer*>(buffer); |
| SkASSERT(srcBuffer->bufferUsageFlags() & VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT); |
| const VulkanTexture* dstTexture = static_cast<const VulkanTexture*>(texture); |
| |
| // Obtain the VkFormat of the destination texture so we can determine bytes per block. |
| VulkanTextureInfo dstTextureInfo; |
| SkAssertResult(TextureInfos::GetVulkanTextureInfo(dstTexture->textureInfo(), &dstTextureInfo)); |
| size_t bytesPerBlock = VkFormatBytesPerBlock(dstTextureInfo.fFormat); |
| SkISize oneBlockDims = CompressedDimensions(dstTexture->textureInfo().compressionType(), |
| {1, 1}); |
| |
| // Set up copy regions. |
| TArray<VkBufferImageCopy> regions(count); |
| for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { |
| VkBufferImageCopy& region = regions.push_back(); |
| memset(®ion, 0, sizeof(VkBufferImageCopy)); |
| region.bufferOffset = copyData[i].fBufferOffset; |
| // copyData provides row length in bytes, but Vulkan expects bufferRowLength in texels. |
| // For compressed this is the number of logical pixels not the number of blocks. |
| region.bufferRowLength = |
| (uint32_t)((copyData[i].fBufferRowBytes/bytesPerBlock) * oneBlockDims.fWidth); |
| region.bufferImageHeight = 0; // Tightly packed |
| region.imageSubresource = { VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, copyData[i].fMipLevel, 0, 1 }; |
| region.imageOffset = { copyData[i].fRect.left(), |
| copyData[i].fRect.top(), |
| /*z=*/0 }; |
| region.imageExtent = { (uint32_t)copyData[i].fRect.width(), |
| (uint32_t)copyData[i].fRect.height(), |
| /*depth=*/1 }; |
| } |
| |
| // Enable editing of the destination texture so we can change its layout so it can be copied to. |
| const_cast<VulkanTexture*>(dstTexture)->setImageLayout(this, |
| false); |
| |
| this->submitPipelineBarriers(); |
| |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdCopyBufferToImage(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| srcBuffer->vkBuffer(), |
| dstTexture->vkImage(), |
| regions.size(), |
| regions.begin())); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| bool VulkanCommandBuffer::onCopyTextureToTexture(const Texture* src, |
| SkIRect srcRect, |
| const Texture* dst, |
| SkIPoint dstPoint, |
| int mipLevel) { |
| const VulkanTexture* srcTexture = static_cast<const VulkanTexture*>(src); |
| const VulkanTexture* dstTexture = static_cast<const VulkanTexture*>(dst); |
| |
| VkImageCopy copyRegion; |
| memset(©Region, 0, sizeof(VkImageCopy)); |
| copyRegion.srcSubresource = { VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, 0, 0, 1 }; |
| copyRegion.srcOffset = { srcRect.fLeft, srcRect.fTop, 0 }; |
| copyRegion.dstSubresource = { VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, (uint32_t)mipLevel, 0, 1 }; |
| copyRegion.dstOffset = { dstPoint.fX, dstPoint.fY, 0 }; |
| copyRegion.extent = { (uint32_t)srcRect.width(), (uint32_t)srcRect.height(), 1 }; |
| |
| // Enable editing of the src texture so we can change its layout so it can be copied from. |
| const_cast<VulkanTexture*>(srcTexture)->setImageLayout(this, |
| false); |
| // Enable editing of the destination texture so we can change its layout so it can be copied to. |
| const_cast<VulkanTexture*>(dstTexture)->setImageLayout(this, |
| false); |
| |
| this->submitPipelineBarriers(); |
| |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdCopyImage(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| srcTexture->vkImage(), |
| dstTexture->vkImage(), |
| /*regionCount=*/1, |
| ©Region)); |
| |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| bool VulkanCommandBuffer::onSynchronizeBufferToCpu(const Buffer* buffer, bool* outDidResultInWork) { |
| static_cast<const VulkanBuffer*>(buffer)->setBufferAccess(this, |
| |
| *outDidResultInWork = true; |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| bool VulkanCommandBuffer::onClearBuffer(const Buffer*, size_t offset, size_t size) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::addBufferMemoryBarrier(const Resource* resource, |
| VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask, |
| VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask, |
| VkBufferMemoryBarrier* barrier) { |
| SkASSERT(resource); |
| this->pipelineBarrier(resource, |
| srcStageMask, |
| dstStageMask, |
| /*byRegion=*/false, |
| kBufferMemory_BarrierType, |
| barrier); |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::addBufferMemoryBarrier(VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask, |
| VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask, |
| VkBufferMemoryBarrier* barrier) { |
| // We don't pass in a resource here to the command buffer. The command buffer only is using it |
| // to hold a ref, but every place where we add a buffer memory barrier we are doing some other |
| // command with the buffer on the command buffer. Thus those other commands will already cause |
| // the command buffer to be holding a ref to the buffer. |
| this->pipelineBarrier(/*resource=*/nullptr, |
| srcStageMask, |
| dstStageMask, |
| /*byRegion=*/false, |
| kBufferMemory_BarrierType, |
| barrier); |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::addImageMemoryBarrier(const Resource* resource, |
| VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask, |
| VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask, |
| bool byRegion, |
| VkImageMemoryBarrier* barrier) { |
| SkASSERT(resource); |
| this->pipelineBarrier(resource, |
| srcStageMask, |
| dstStageMask, |
| byRegion, |
| kImageMemory_BarrierType, |
| barrier); |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::pipelineBarrier(const Resource* resource, |
| VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask, |
| VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask, |
| bool byRegion, |
| BarrierType barrierType, |
| void* barrier) { |
| // TODO: Do we need to handle wrapped command buffers? |
| // SkASSERT(!this->isWrapped()); |
| SkASSERT(fActive); |
| #ifdef SK_DEBUG |
| // For images we can have barriers inside of render passes but they require us to add more |
| // support in subpasses which need self dependencies to have barriers inside them. Also, we can |
| // never have buffer barriers inside of a render pass. For now we will just assert that we are |
| // not in a render pass. |
| bool isValidSubpassBarrier = false; |
| if (barrierType == kImageMemory_BarrierType) { |
| VkImageMemoryBarrier* imgBarrier = static_cast<VkImageMemoryBarrier*>(barrier); |
| isValidSubpassBarrier = (imgBarrier->newLayout == imgBarrier->oldLayout) && |
| (imgBarrier->srcQueueFamilyIndex == VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED) && |
| (imgBarrier->dstQueueFamilyIndex == VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED) && |
| byRegion; |
| } |
| SkASSERT(!fActiveRenderPass || isValidSubpassBarrier); |
| #endif |
| |
| if (barrierType == kBufferMemory_BarrierType) { |
| const VkBufferMemoryBarrier* barrierPtr = static_cast<VkBufferMemoryBarrier*>(barrier); |
| fBufferBarriers.push_back(*barrierPtr); |
| } else { |
| SkASSERT(barrierType == kImageMemory_BarrierType); |
| const VkImageMemoryBarrier* barrierPtr = static_cast<VkImageMemoryBarrier*>(barrier); |
| // We need to check if we are adding a pipeline barrier that covers part of the same |
| // subresource range as a barrier that is already in current batch. If it does, then we must |
| // submit the first batch because the vulkan spec does not define a specific ordering for |
| // barriers submitted in the same batch. |
| // TODO: Look if we can gain anything by merging barriers together instead of submitting |
| // the old ones. |
| for (int i = 0; i < fImageBarriers.size(); ++i) { |
| VkImageMemoryBarrier& currentBarrier = fImageBarriers[i]; |
| if (barrierPtr->image == currentBarrier.image) { |
| const VkImageSubresourceRange newRange = barrierPtr->subresourceRange; |
| const VkImageSubresourceRange oldRange = currentBarrier.subresourceRange; |
| SkASSERT(newRange.aspectMask == oldRange.aspectMask); |
| SkASSERT(newRange.baseArrayLayer == oldRange.baseArrayLayer); |
| SkASSERT(newRange.layerCount == oldRange.layerCount); |
| uint32_t newStart = newRange.baseMipLevel; |
| uint32_t newEnd = newRange.baseMipLevel + newRange.levelCount - 1; |
| uint32_t oldStart = oldRange.baseMipLevel; |
| uint32_t oldEnd = oldRange.baseMipLevel + oldRange.levelCount - 1; |
| if (std::max(newStart, oldStart) <= std::min(newEnd, oldEnd)) { |
| this->submitPipelineBarriers(); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| fImageBarriers.push_back(*barrierPtr); |
| } |
| fBarriersByRegion |= byRegion; |
| fSrcStageMask = fSrcStageMask | srcStageMask; |
| fDstStageMask = fDstStageMask | dstStageMask; |
| |
| if (resource) { |
| this->trackResource(sk_ref_sp(resource)); |
| } |
| if (fActiveRenderPass) { |
| this->submitPipelineBarriers(true); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::submitPipelineBarriers(bool forSelfDependency) { |
| SkASSERT(fActive); |
| |
| // TODO: Do we need to handle SecondaryCommandBuffers as well? |
| |
| // Currently we never submit a pipeline barrier without at least one buffer or image barrier. |
| if (!fBufferBarriers.empty() || !fImageBarriers.empty()) { |
| // For images we can have barriers inside of render passes but they require us to add more |
| // support in subpasses which need self dependencies to have barriers inside them. Also, we |
| // can never have buffer barriers inside of a render pass. For now we will just assert that |
| // we are not in a render pass. |
| SkASSERT(!fActiveRenderPass || forSelfDependency); |
| // TODO: Do we need to handle wrapped CommandBuffers? |
| // SkASSERT(!this->isWrapped()); |
| SkASSERT(fSrcStageMask && fDstStageMask); |
| |
| VkDependencyFlags dependencyFlags = fBarriersByRegion ? VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT : 0; |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdPipelineBarrier(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, fSrcStageMask, fDstStageMask, |
| dependencyFlags, |
| /*memoryBarrierCount=*/0, /*pMemoryBarrier=*/nullptr, |
| fBufferBarriers.size(), fBufferBarriers.begin(), |
| fImageBarriers.size(), fImageBarriers.begin())); |
| fBufferBarriers.clear(); |
| fImageBarriers.clear(); |
| fBarriersByRegion = false; |
| fSrcStageMask = 0; |
| fDstStageMask = 0; |
| } |
| SkASSERT(fBufferBarriers.empty()); |
| SkASSERT(fImageBarriers.empty()); |
| SkASSERT(!fBarriersByRegion); |
| SkASSERT(!fSrcStageMask); |
| SkASSERT(!fDstStageMask); |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::updateBuffer(const VulkanBuffer* buffer, |
| const void* data, |
| size_t dataSize, |
| size_t dstOffset) { |
| // vkCmdUpdateBuffer can only be called outside of a render pass. |
| SkASSERT(fActive && !fActiveRenderPass); |
| if (!buffer || buffer->vkBuffer() == VK_NULL_HANDLE) { |
| SKGPU_LOG_W("VulkanCommandBuffer::updateBuffer requires a valid VulkanBuffer pointer backed" |
| "by a valid VkBuffer handle"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Per the spec, vkCmdUpdateBuffer is treated as a “transfer" operation for the purposes of |
| // synchronization barriers. Ensure this write operation occurs after any previous read |
| // operations and without clobbering any other write operations on the same memory in the cache. |
| this->submitPipelineBarriers(); |
| |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), CmdUpdateBuffer(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| buffer->vkBuffer(), |
| dstOffset, |
| dataSize, |
| data)); |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::nextSubpass() { |
| // TODO: Use VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_SECONDARY_COMMAND_BUFFERS if we add secondary cmd buffers |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdNextSubpass(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_INLINE)); |
| } |
| |
| void VulkanCommandBuffer::setViewport(SkIRect viewport) { |
| VkViewport vkViewport = { |
| (float) viewport.fLeft, |
| (float) viewport.fTop, |
| (float) viewport.width(), |
| (float) viewport.height(), |
| 0.0f, // minDepth |
| 1.0f, // maxDepth |
| }; |
| VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), |
| CmdSetViewport(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, |
| /*firstViewport=*/0, |
| /*viewportCount=*/1, |
| &vkViewport)); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace skgpu::graphite |