blob: 892f20e36d037b8c052d43f20f4d5141536e0a88 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_graphite_ShaderCodeDictionary_DEFINED
#define skgpu_graphite_ShaderCodeDictionary_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkBlendMode.h"
#include "include/core/SkSpan.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkMacros.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTArray.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkThreadAnnotations.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTo.h"
#include "src/base/SkArenaAlloc.h"
#include "src/base/SkEnumBitMask.h"
#include "src/base/SkSpinlock.h"
#include "src/core/SkKnownRuntimeEffects.h"
#include "src/core/SkTHash.h"
#include "src/gpu/Blend.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/BuiltInCodeSnippetID.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/PaintParamsKey.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ResourceTypes.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Uniform.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/UniquePaintParamsID.h"
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
class SkRuntimeEffect;
namespace skgpu {
class Swizzle;
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class Caps;
class RenderStep;
class RuntimeEffectDictionary;
// TODO: How to represent the type (e.g., 2D) of texture being sampled?
class TextureAndSampler {
constexpr TextureAndSampler(const char* name) : fName(name) {}
const char* name() const { return fName; }
const char* fName;
enum class SnippetRequirementFlags : uint32_t {
kNone = 0x0,
// Signature of the ShaderNode
kLocalCoords = 0x1,
kPriorStageOutput = 0x2, // AKA the "input" color, or the "src" argument for a blender
kBlenderDstColor = 0x4, // The "dst" argument for a blender
// Special values and/or behaviors required for the snippet
kSurfaceColor = 0x8,
kPrimitiveColor = 0x10,
kGradientBuffer = 0x20,
kStoresData = 0x40, // Indicates that the node stores numerical data
class ShaderInfo;
class ShaderNode;
// ShaderSnippets define the "ABI" of a SkSL module function and its required uniform data, as
// well as functions for generating the invoking SkSL. Snippets are composed into an effect tree
// using ShaderNodes.
struct ShaderSnippet {
using GeneratePreambleForSnippetFn = std::string (*)(const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo,
const ShaderNode*);
struct Args {
std::string fPriorStageOutput;
std::string fBlenderDstColor;
std::string fFragCoord;
ShaderSnippet() = default;
ShaderSnippet(const char* name,
const char* staticFn,
SkEnumBitMask<SnippetRequirementFlags> snippetRequirementFlags,
SkSpan<const Uniform> uniforms,
SkSpan<const TextureAndSampler> texturesAndSamplers = {},
GeneratePreambleForSnippetFn preambleGenerator = nullptr,
int numChildren = 0)
: fName(name)
, fStaticFunctionName(staticFn)
, fSnippetRequirementFlags(snippetRequirementFlags)
, fUniforms(uniforms)
, fTexturesAndSamplers(texturesAndSamplers)
, fNumChildren(numChildren)
, fPreambleGenerator(preambleGenerator) {
// Must always provide a name; static function is not optional if using the default (null)
// generation logic.
SkASSERT(staticFn || preambleGenerator);
bool needsLocalCoords() const {
return SkToBool(fSnippetRequirementFlags & SnippetRequirementFlags::kLocalCoords);
bool needsPriorStageOutput() const {
return SkToBool(fSnippetRequirementFlags & SnippetRequirementFlags::kPriorStageOutput);
bool needsBlenderDstColor() const {
return SkToBool(fSnippetRequirementFlags & SnippetRequirementFlags::kBlenderDstColor);
bool storesData() const {
return SkToBool(fSnippetRequirementFlags & SnippetRequirementFlags::kStoresData);
const char* fName = nullptr;
const char* fStaticFunctionName = nullptr;
// The features and args that this shader snippet requires in order to be invoked
SkEnumBitMask<SnippetRequirementFlags> fSnippetRequirementFlags{SnippetRequirementFlags::kNone};
// If not null, the list of uniforms in `fUniforms` describes an existing struct type declared
// in the Graphite modules with the given name. Instead of inlining the each uniform in the
// top-level interface block or aggregate struct, there will be a single member of this struct's
// type.
const char* fUniformStructName = nullptr;
// If the uniforms are being embedded as a sub-struct, this is the required starting alignment.
int fRequiredAlignment = -1;
skia_private::TArray<Uniform> fUniforms;
skia_private::TArray<TextureAndSampler> fTexturesAndSamplers;
int fNumChildren = 0;
GeneratePreambleForSnippetFn fPreambleGenerator = nullptr;
// ShaderNodes organize snippets into an effect tree, and provide random access to the dynamically
// bound child snippets. Each node has a fixed number of children defined by its code ID
// (either a BuiltInCodeSnippetID or a runtime effect's assigned ID). All children are non-null.
// A ShaderNode tree represents a decompressed PaintParamsKey.
class ShaderNode {
// ShaderNodes should be created in conjunction with an SkArenaAlloc that owns all nodes.
ShaderNode(const ShaderSnippet* snippet,
SkSpan<const ShaderNode*> children,
int codeID,
int keyIndex,
SkSpan<const uint32_t> data)
: fEntry(snippet)
, fChildren(children)
, fCodeID(codeID)
, fKeyIndex(keyIndex)
, fRequiredFlags(snippet->fSnippetRequirementFlags)
, fData(data) {
SkASSERT(children.size() == (size_t) fEntry->fNumChildren);
const bool isCompose = codeID == (int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kCompose ||
codeID == (int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kBlendCompose;
for (const ShaderNode* child : children) {
// Runtime effects invoke children with explicit parameters so those requirements never
// need to propagate to the root. Similarly, compose only needs to propagate the
// variable parameters for the inner children.
SkEnumBitMask<SnippetRequirementFlags> mask = SnippetRequirementFlags::kNone;
if (codeID >= kBuiltInCodeSnippetIDCount || (isCompose && child == children.back())) {
// Only mask off the variable arguments; any special behaviors always propagate.
mask = SnippetRequirementFlags::kLocalCoords |
SnippetRequirementFlags::kPriorStageOutput |
fRequiredFlags |= (child->requiredFlags() & ~mask);
// Data should only be provided if the snippet has the kStoresData flag.
SkASSERT(fData.empty() || snippet->storesData());
int32_t codeSnippetId() const { return fCodeID; }
int32_t keyIndex() const { return fKeyIndex; }
const ShaderSnippet* entry() const { return fEntry; }
SkEnumBitMask<SnippetRequirementFlags> requiredFlags() const { return fRequiredFlags; }
int numChildren() const { return fEntry->fNumChildren; }
SkSpan<const ShaderNode*> children() const { return fChildren; }
const ShaderNode* child(int childIndex) const { return fChildren[childIndex]; }
SkSpan<const uint32_t> data() const { return fData; }
const ShaderSnippet* fEntry; // Owned by the ShaderCodeDictionary
SkSpan<const ShaderNode*> fChildren; // Owned by the ShaderInfo's arena
int32_t fCodeID;
int32_t fKeyIndex; // index back to PaintParamsKey, unique across nodes within a ShaderInfo
SkEnumBitMask<SnippetRequirementFlags> fRequiredFlags;
SkSpan<const uint32_t> fData; // Subspan of PaintParamsKey's fData; shares same owner
// ShaderInfo holds all root ShaderNodes defined for a PaintParams as well as the extracted fixed
// function blending parameters and other aggregate requirements for the effect trees that have
// been linked into a single fragment program (sans any RenderStep fragment work and fixed SkSL
// logic required for all rendering in Graphite).
class ShaderInfo {
ShaderInfo(UniquePaintParamsID id,
const ShaderCodeDictionary* dict,
const RuntimeEffectDictionary* rteDict,
const char* ssboIndex);
bool needsLocalCoords() const {
return SkToBool(fSnippetRequirementFlags & SnippetRequirementFlags::kLocalCoords);
bool needsSurfaceColor() const {
return SkToBool(fSnippetRequirementFlags & SnippetRequirementFlags::kSurfaceColor);
const RuntimeEffectDictionary* runtimeEffectDictionary() const {
return fRuntimeEffectDictionary;
const char* ssboIndex() const { return fSsboIndex; }
const skgpu::BlendInfo& blendInfo() const { return fBlendInfo; }
const skia_private::TArray<uint32_t>& data() const { return fData; }
// Determines numTexturesAndSamplersUsed, hasPaintUniforms, hasGradientBuffer, and if a valid
// SamplerDesc ptr is passed in, any immutable sampler SamplerDescs.
std::string toSkSL(const Caps* caps,
const RenderStep* step,
bool useStorageBuffers,
Swizzle writeSwizzle,
int* outNumTexturesAndSamplersUsed,
bool* outHasPaintUniforms,
bool* outHasGradientBuffer,
skia_private::TArray<SamplerDesc>* outDescs = nullptr);
// Recursive method which traverses ShaderNodes in a depth-first manner to aggregate all
// ShaderNode data (not owned by ShaderNode) into ShaderInfo's owned fData.
// TODO(b/347072931): Ideally, this method could go away and each snippet's data could remain
// tied to its ID instead of accumulating it all here.
void aggregateSnippetData(const ShaderNode*);
// All shader nodes and arrays of children pointers are held in this arena
SkArenaAlloc fShaderNodeAlloc{256};
const RuntimeEffectDictionary* fRuntimeEffectDictionary;
const char* fSsboIndex;
// De-compressed shader tree from a PaintParamsKey with accumulated blend info and requirements.
// The blendInfo doesn't contribute to the program's SkSL but contains the fixed-function state
// required to function correctly, which the program's caller is responsible for configuring.
// TODO: There should really only be one root node representing the final blend, which has a
// child defining how the src color is calculated.
SkSpan<const ShaderNode*> fRootNodes;
SkBlendMode fBlendMode = SkBlendMode::kClear;
skgpu::BlendInfo fBlendInfo;
SkEnumBitMask<SnippetRequirementFlags> fSnippetRequirementFlags;
skia_private::TArray<uint32_t> fData;
// ShaderCodeDictionary is a thread-safe dictionary of ShaderSnippets to code IDs for use with
// creating PaintParamKeys, as well as assigning unique IDs to each encountered PaintParamKey.
// It defines ShaderSnippets for every BuiltInCodeSnippetID and maintains records for IDs per
// SkRuntimeEffect, including de-duplicating equivalent SkRuntimeEffect objects.
class ShaderCodeDictionary {
ShaderCodeDictionary(Layout layout);
UniquePaintParamsID findOrCreate(PaintParamsKeyBuilder*) SK_EXCLUDES(fSpinLock);
PaintParamsKey lookup(UniquePaintParamsID) const SK_EXCLUDES(fSpinLock);
SkString idToString(UniquePaintParamsID id) const {
return this->lookup(id).toString(this, /*includeData=*/false);
#if defined(SK_DEBUG)
bool isValidID(int snippetID) const SK_EXCLUDES(fSpinLock);
void dump(UniquePaintParamsID) const;
// This method can return nullptr
const ShaderSnippet* getEntry(int codeSnippetID) const SK_EXCLUDES(fSpinLock);
const ShaderSnippet* getEntry(BuiltInCodeSnippetID codeSnippetID) const {
// Built-in code snippets are initialized once so there is no need to take a lock
return &fBuiltInCodeSnippets[SkTo<int>(codeSnippetID)];
int findOrCreateRuntimeEffectSnippet(const SkRuntimeEffect* effect);
const char* addTextToArena(std::string_view text);
SkSpan<const Uniform> convertUniforms(const SkRuntimeEffect* effect);
ShaderSnippet convertRuntimeEffect(const SkRuntimeEffect* effect, const char* name);
const Layout fLayout;
std::array<ShaderSnippet, kBuiltInCodeSnippetIDCount> fBuiltInCodeSnippets;
using KnownRuntimeEffectArray = std::array<ShaderSnippet, SkKnownRuntimeEffects::kStableKeyCnt>;
KnownRuntimeEffectArray fKnownRuntimeEffectCodeSnippets SK_GUARDED_BY(fSpinLock);
// The value returned from 'getEntry' must be stable so, hold the user-defined code snippet
// entries as pointers.
using RuntimeEffectArray = skia_private::TArray<ShaderSnippet>;
RuntimeEffectArray fUserDefinedCodeSnippets SK_GUARDED_BY(fSpinLock);
// TODO: can we do something better given this should have write-seldom/read-often behavior?
mutable SkSpinlock fSpinLock;
using PaintIDMap = skia_private::THashMap<PaintParamsKey,
PaintIDMap fPaintKeyToID SK_GUARDED_BY(fSpinLock);
skia_private::TArray<PaintParamsKey> fIDToPaintKey SK_GUARDED_BY(fSpinLock);
struct RuntimeEffectKey {
uint32_t fHash;
uint32_t fUniformSize;
bool operator==(RuntimeEffectKey rhs) const {
return fHash == rhs.fHash && fUniformSize == rhs.fUniformSize;
// A map from RuntimeEffectKeys (hash plus uniforms) to code-snippet IDs. RuntimeEffectKeys
// don't track the lifetime of a runtime effect at all; they live forever, and a newly-
// instantiated runtime effect with the same program as a previously-discarded effect will reuse
// an existing ID. Entries in the runtime-effect map are never removed; they only disappear when
// the context is discarded, which takes the ShaderCodeDictionary along with it. However, they
// are extremely small (< 20 bytes) so the memory footprint should be unnoticeable.
using RuntimeEffectMap = skia_private::THashMap<RuntimeEffectKey, int32_t>;
RuntimeEffectMap fRuntimeEffectMap SK_GUARDED_BY(fSpinLock);
// This arena holds:
// - the backing data for PaintParamsKeys in `fPaintKeyToID` and `fIDToPaintKey`
// - Uniform data created by `findOrCreateRuntimeEffectSnippet`
// and in all cases is guarded by `fSpinLock`
SkArenaAlloc fArena{256};
} // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_graphite_ShaderCodeDictionary_DEFINED