blob: a9f1fde335dfad91bd329de88dce5b8548273271 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ShaderCodeDictionary.h"
#include "include/core/SkSamplingOptions.h"
#include "include/core/SkTileMode.h"
#include "include/effects/SkRuntimeEffect.h"
#include "include/gpu/graphite/Context.h"
#include "src/core/SkColorSpacePriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkColorSpaceXformSteps.h"
#include "src/core/SkRuntimeEffectPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkSLTypeShared.h"
#include "src/gpu/BlendFormula.h"
#include "src/gpu/Swizzle.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Caps.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ContextUtils.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ReadSwizzle.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Renderer.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/RuntimeEffectDictionary.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLString.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLUtil.h"
#include "src/sksl/codegen/SkSLPipelineStageCodeGenerator.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLVarDeclarations.h"
#include <new>
using namespace skia_private;
using namespace SkKnownRuntimeEffects;
namespace skgpu::graphite {
static_assert(static_cast<int>(BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kLast) < kSkiaBuiltInReservedCnt);
namespace {
const char* get_known_rte_name(StableKey key) {
switch (key) {
#define M(type) case StableKey::k##type : return "KnownRuntimeEffect_" #type;
#define M1(type)
#define M2(type, initializer) case StableKey::k##type : return "KnownRuntimeEffect_" #type;
#undef M2
#undef M1
#undef M
std::string get_mangled_name(const std::string& baseName, int manglingSuffix) {
return baseName + "_" + std::to_string(manglingSuffix);
std::string get_mangled_uniform_name(const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo,
const Uniform& uniform,
int manglingSuffix) {
std::string result;
if (uniform.isPaintColor()) {
// Due to deduplication there will only ever be one of these
result =;
} else {
result = + std::string("_") + std::to_string(manglingSuffix);
if (shaderInfo.ssboIndex()) {
result = EmitStorageBufferAccess("fs", shaderInfo.ssboIndex(), result.c_str());
return result;
std::string get_mangled_sampler_name(const TextureAndSampler& tex, int manglingSuffix) {
return + std::string("_") + std::to_string(manglingSuffix);
std::string get_mangled_struct_reference(const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo,
const ShaderNode* node) {
std::string result = "node_" + std::to_string(node->keyIndex()); // Field holding the struct
if (shaderInfo.ssboIndex()) {
result = EmitStorageBufferAccess("fs", shaderInfo.ssboIndex(), result.c_str());
return result;
std::string stitch_csv(SkSpan<const std::string> args) {
std::string code = "";
const char* separator = "";
for (const std::string& arg : args) {
code += separator;
code += arg;
separator = ", ";
return code;
static const ShaderSnippet::Args kDefaultArgs{"inColor", "destColor", "pos"};
// If 'args' is null, the generated list is assumed to be for parameter declarations. If it's non
// null, it is assumed to be the expressions to invoke the default signature.
void append_defaults(TArray<std::string>* list,
const ShaderNode* node,
const ShaderSnippet::Args* args) {
// Use the node's aggregate required flags so that the provided dynamic variables propagate
// to the child nodes that require them.
if (node->requiredFlags() & SnippetRequirementFlags::kPriorStageOutput) {
list->push_back(args ? args->fPriorStageOutput.c_str() : "half4 inColor");
if (node->requiredFlags() & SnippetRequirementFlags::kBlenderDstColor) {
list->push_back(args ? args->fBlenderDstColor.c_str() : "half4 destColor");
if (node->requiredFlags() & SnippetRequirementFlags::kLocalCoords) {
list->push_back(args ? args->fFragCoord.c_str() : "float2 pos");
// Special variables and/or "global" scope variables that have to propagate
// through the node tree.
if (node->requiredFlags() & SnippetRequirementFlags::kPrimitiveColor) {
list->push_back(args ? "primitiveColor" : "half4 primitiveColor");
static const char* kGradientBufferName = "fsGradientBuffer";
void append_uniforms(TArray<std::string>* list,
const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo,
const ShaderNode* node,
SkSpan<const std::string> childOutputs) {
const ShaderSnippet* entry = node->entry();
if (entry->fUniformStructName) {
// The node's uniforms are aggregated in a sub-struct within the global uniforms so we just
// need to append a reference to the node's instance
list->push_back(get_mangled_struct_reference(shaderInfo, node));
} else {
// The uniforms are in the global scope, so just pass in the ones bound to 'node'
for (int i = 0; i < entry->fUniforms.size(); ++i) {
// Append samplers
for (int i = 0; i < entry->fTexturesAndSamplers.size(); ++i) {
list->push_back(get_mangled_sampler_name(entry->fTexturesAndSamplers[i], node->keyIndex()));
// Append gradient buffer.
if (node->requiredFlags() & SnippetRequirementFlags::kGradientBuffer) {
// Append child output names.
if (!childOutputs.empty()) {
// If we have no children, the default expression just calls a built-in snippet with the signature:
// half4 BuiltinFunctionName(/* required variable inputs (e.g. float2 pos) */,
// /* all uniforms as parameters (bound to node's values) */) { ... }
// If we do have children, we will have created a glue function in the preamble and that is called
// instead. Its signature looks like this:
// half4 SnippetName_N(/* required variable inputs (e.g. float2 pos) */) { ... }
std::string invoke_node(const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo,
const ShaderNode* node,
const ShaderSnippet::Args& args) {
std::string fnName;
STArray<3, std::string> params; // 1-2 inputs and a uniform struct or texture
if (node->numChildren() == 0 && node->entry()->fStaticFunctionName) {
// We didn't generate a helper function in the preamble, so add uniforms to the parameter
// list and call the static function directly.
fnName = node->entry()->fStaticFunctionName;
append_defaults(&params, node, &args);
append_uniforms(&params, shaderInfo, node, /*childOutputs=*/{});
} else {
// Invoke the generated helper function added to the preamble, which will handle invoking
// any children and appending their values to the rest of the static fn's arguments.
fnName = get_mangled_name(node->entry()->fName, node->keyIndex());
append_defaults(&params, node, &args);
return SkSL::String::printf("%s(%s)", fnName.c_str(), stitch_csv(params).c_str());
// Emit the glue code needed to invoke a single static helper isolated within its own scope.
// Glue code will assign the resulting color into a variable `half4 outColor%d`, where the %d is
// filled in with 'node->keyIndex()'.
std::string invoke_and_assign_node(const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo,
const ShaderNode* node,
const ShaderSnippet::Args& args,
std::string* funcBody) {
std::string expr = invoke_node(shaderInfo, node, args);
std::string outputVar = get_mangled_name("outColor", node->keyIndex());
"// [%d] %s\n"
"half4 %s = %s;",
return outputVar;
// Emit a declaration for a helper function that represents the ShaderNode (named using the node's
// mangled name). The dynamic parameters are declared to match kDefaultArgs. The returned string
// can either be followed by a "{ body }" to fully define it or a ";" for a forward declaration.
std::string emit_helper_declaration(const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo, const ShaderNode* node) {
const ShaderSnippet* entry = node->entry();
std::string helperFnName = get_mangled_name(entry->fName, node->keyIndex());
STArray<3, std::string> params;
append_defaults(&params, node, /*args=*/nullptr); // null args emits declarations
return SkSL::String::printf("half4 %s(%s)", helperFnName.c_str(), stitch_csv(params).c_str());
// If we have no children, we don't need to add anything into the preamble.
// If we have child entries, we create a function in the preamble with a signature of:
// half4 SnippetName_N(/* required variable inputs (e.g. float2 pos) */) { ... }
// This function invokes each child in sequence, and then calls the built-in function, passing all
// uniforms and child outputs along:
// half4 BuiltinFunctionName(/* required variable inputs (e.g. float2 pos) */,
// /* all uniforms as parameters */,
// /* all child output variable names as parameters */);
std::string generate_default_preamble(const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo,
const ShaderNode* node) {
if (node->numChildren() == 0) {
// We don't need a helper function to wrap the snippet's static function
return "";
std::string code = emit_helper_declaration(shaderInfo, node) + " {";
// Invoke each child with unmodified input values and collect in a list of local variables
STArray<2, std::string> childOutputVarNames;
for (const ShaderNode* child : node->children()) {
// Emit glue code into our helper function body (i.e. lifting the child execution up front
// so their outputs can be passed to the static module function for the node's snippet).
invoke_and_assign_node(shaderInfo, child, kDefaultArgs, &code));
// Finally, invoke the snippet from the helper function, passing uniforms and child outputs.
STArray<3, std::string> params;
append_defaults(&params, node, &kDefaultArgs);
append_uniforms(&params, shaderInfo, node, childOutputVarNames);
"return %s(%s);"
return code;
// Walk the node tree and generate all preambles, accumulating into 'preamble'.
void emit_preambles(const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo,
SkSpan<const ShaderNode*> nodes,
std::string treeLabel,
std::string* preamble) {
for (int i = 0; i < SkTo<int>(nodes.size()); ++i) {
const ShaderNode* node = nodes[i];
std::string nodeLabel = std::to_string(i);
std::string nextLabel = treeLabel.empty() ? nodeLabel
: (treeLabel + "<-" + nodeLabel);
if (node->numChildren() > 0) {
emit_preambles(shaderInfo, node->children(), nextLabel, preamble);
std::string nodePreamble = node->entry()->fPreambleGenerator
? node->entry()->fPreambleGenerator(shaderInfo, node)
: generate_default_preamble(shaderInfo, node);
if (!nodePreamble.empty()) {
"// [%d] %s: %s\n"
node->keyIndex(), nextLabel.c_str(), node->entry()->fName,
constexpr skgpu::BlendInfo make_simple_blendInfo(skgpu::BlendCoeff srcCoeff,
skgpu::BlendCoeff dstCoeff) {
return { skgpu::BlendEquation::kAdd,
skgpu::BlendModifiesDst(skgpu::BlendEquation::kAdd, srcCoeff, dstCoeff) };
static constexpr int kNumCoeffModes = (int)SkBlendMode::kLastCoeffMode + 1;
static constexpr skgpu::BlendInfo gBlendTable[kNumCoeffModes] = {
/* clear */ make_simple_blendInfo(skgpu::BlendCoeff::kZero, skgpu::BlendCoeff::kZero),
/* src */ make_simple_blendInfo(skgpu::BlendCoeff::kOne, skgpu::BlendCoeff::kZero),
/* dst */ make_simple_blendInfo(skgpu::BlendCoeff::kZero, skgpu::BlendCoeff::kOne),
/* src-over */ make_simple_blendInfo(skgpu::BlendCoeff::kOne, skgpu::BlendCoeff::kISA),
/* dst-over */ make_simple_blendInfo(skgpu::BlendCoeff::kIDA, skgpu::BlendCoeff::kOne),
/* src-in */ make_simple_blendInfo(skgpu::BlendCoeff::kDA, skgpu::BlendCoeff::kZero),
/* dst-in */ make_simple_blendInfo(skgpu::BlendCoeff::kZero, skgpu::BlendCoeff::kSA),
/* src-out */ make_simple_blendInfo(skgpu::BlendCoeff::kIDA, skgpu::BlendCoeff::kZero),
/* dst-out */ make_simple_blendInfo(skgpu::BlendCoeff::kZero, skgpu::BlendCoeff::kISA),
/* src-atop */ make_simple_blendInfo(skgpu::BlendCoeff::kDA, skgpu::BlendCoeff::kISA),
/* dst-atop */ make_simple_blendInfo(skgpu::BlendCoeff::kIDA, skgpu::BlendCoeff::kSA),
/* xor */ make_simple_blendInfo(skgpu::BlendCoeff::kIDA, skgpu::BlendCoeff::kISA),
/* plus */ make_simple_blendInfo(skgpu::BlendCoeff::kOne, skgpu::BlendCoeff::kOne),
/* modulate */ make_simple_blendInfo(skgpu::BlendCoeff::kZero, skgpu::BlendCoeff::kSC),
/* screen */ make_simple_blendInfo(skgpu::BlendCoeff::kOne, skgpu::BlendCoeff::kISC)
} // anonymous namespace
// ShaderInfo
ShaderInfo::ShaderInfo(UniquePaintParamsID id,
const ShaderCodeDictionary* dict,
const RuntimeEffectDictionary* rteDict,
const char* ssboIndex)
: fRuntimeEffectDictionary(rteDict)
, fSsboIndex(ssboIndex)
, fSnippetRequirementFlags(SnippetRequirementFlags::kNone) {
PaintParamsKey key = dict->lookup(id);
SkASSERT(key.isValid()); // invalid keys should have been caught by invalid paint ID earlier
fRootNodes = key.getRootNodes(dict, &fShaderNodeAlloc);
// Aggregate snippet requirements across root nodes and look for fixed-function blend IDs in
// the root to initialize the HW blend info.
SkDEBUGCODE(bool fixedFuncBlendFound = false;)
for (const ShaderNode* root : fRootNodes) {
// If a snippet within this node tree requires additional sampler data to be stored, append
// it to fData.
// TODO: This is brittle as it relies on PaintParams::toKey() putting the final fixed
// function blend block at the root level. This can be improved with more structure to the
// key creation.
if (root->codeSnippetId() < kBuiltInCodeSnippetIDCount &&
root->codeSnippetId() >= kFixedBlendIDOffset) {
SkASSERT(root->numChildren() == 0);
// This should occur at most once
SkDEBUGCODE(fixedFuncBlendFound = true;)
fBlendMode = static_cast<SkBlendMode>(root->codeSnippetId() - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
// All SkBlendModes have fixed blend code IDs but Graphite does not yet support mapping
// the advanced blend modes to fixed function blending.
SkASSERT(static_cast<int>(fBlendMode) >= 0 &&
fBlendMode <= SkBlendMode::kLastCoeffMode);
fBlendInfo = gBlendTable[static_cast<int>(fBlendMode)];
} else {
fSnippetRequirementFlags |= root->requiredFlags();
void ShaderInfo::aggregateSnippetData(const ShaderNode* node) {
if (!node) {
// Accumulate data of children first.
for (const ShaderNode* child : node->children()) {
if (node->requiredFlags() & SnippetRequirementFlags::kStoresData && !node->data().empty()) {
fData.push_back_n(node->data().size(), node->data().data());
void append_color_output(std::string* mainBody,
BlendFormula::OutputType outputType,
const char* outColor,
const char* inColor) {
switch (outputType) {
case BlendFormula::kNone_OutputType:
SkSL::String::appendf(mainBody, "%s = half4(0.0);", outColor);
case BlendFormula::kCoverage_OutputType:
SkSL::String::appendf(mainBody, "%s = outputCoverage;", outColor);
case BlendFormula::kModulate_OutputType:
SkSL::String::appendf(mainBody, "%s = %s * outputCoverage;", outColor, inColor);
case BlendFormula::kSAModulate_OutputType:
SkSL::String::appendf(mainBody, "%s = %s.a * outputCoverage;", outColor, inColor);
case BlendFormula::kISAModulate_OutputType:
mainBody, "%s = (1.0 - %s.a) * outputCoverage;", outColor, inColor);
case BlendFormula::kISCModulate_OutputType:
mainBody, "%s = (half4(1.0) - %s) * outputCoverage;", outColor, inColor);
// The current, incomplete, model for shader construction is:
// - Static code snippets (which can have an arbitrary signature) live in the Graphite
// pre-compiled modules, which are located at `src/sksl/sksl_graphite_frag.sksl` and
// `src/sksl/sksl_graphite_frag_es2.sksl`.
// - Glue code is generated in a `main` method which calls these static code snippets.
// The glue code is responsible for:
// 1) gathering the correct (mangled) uniforms
// 2) passing the uniforms and any other parameters to the helper method
// - The result of the final code snippet is then copied into "sk_FragColor".
// Note: each entry's 'fStaticFunctionName' field is expected to match the name of a function
// in the Graphite pre-compiled module, or be null if the preamble and expression generators are
// overridden to not use a static function.
std::string ShaderInfo::toSkSL(const Caps* caps,
const RenderStep* step,
bool useStorageBuffers,
Swizzle writeSwizzle,
int* outNumTexturesAndSamplersUsed,
bool* outHasPaintUniforms,
bool* outHasGradientBuffer,
skia_private::TArray<SamplerDesc>* outDescs) {
// If we're doing analytic coverage, we must also be doing shading.
SkASSERT(step->coverage() == Coverage::kNone || step->performsShading());
const bool hasStepUniforms = step->numUniforms() > 0 && step->coverage() != Coverage::kNone;
const bool useStepStorageBuffer = useStorageBuffers && hasStepUniforms;
const bool useShadingStorageBuffer = useStorageBuffers && step->performsShading();
const bool useGradientStorageBuffer = caps->gradientBufferSupport() &&
& SnippetRequirementFlags::kGradientBuffer);
const bool defineLocalCoordsVarying = this->needsLocalCoords();
std::string preamble = EmitVaryings(step,
// The uniforms are mangled by having their index in 'fEntries' as a suffix (i.e., "_%d")
const ResourceBindingRequirements& bindingReqs = caps->resourceBindingRequirements();
preamble += EmitIntrinsicUniforms(bindingReqs.fIntrinsicBufferBinding,
if (hasStepUniforms) {
if (useStepStorageBuffer) {
preamble += EmitRenderStepStorageBuffer(bindingReqs.fRenderStepBufferBinding,
} else {
preamble += EmitRenderStepUniforms(bindingReqs.fRenderStepBufferBinding,
bool wrotePaintColor = false;
if (useShadingStorageBuffer) {
preamble += EmitPaintParamsStorageBuffer(bindingReqs.fPaintParamsBufferBinding,
SkSL::String::appendf(&preamble, "uint %s;\n", this->ssboIndex());
} else {
preamble += EmitPaintParamsUniforms(bindingReqs.fPaintParamsBufferBinding,
if (useGradientStorageBuffer) {
"layout (binding=%d) readonly buffer FSGradientBuffer {\n"
" float %s[];\n"
*outHasGradientBuffer = true;
int binding = 0;
preamble += EmitTexturesAndSamplers(bindingReqs, fRootNodes, &binding, outDescs);
if (step->hasTextures()) {
preamble += step->texturesAndSamplersSkSL(bindingReqs, &binding);
// Report back to the caller how many textures and samplers are used.
if (outNumTexturesAndSamplersUsed) {
*outNumTexturesAndSamplersUsed = binding;
// Emit preamble declarations and helper functions required for snippets. In the default case
// this adds functions that bind a node's specific mangled uniforms to the snippet's
// implementation in the SkSL modules.
emit_preambles(*this, fRootNodes, /*treeLabel=*/"", &preamble);
std::string mainBody = "void main() {";
if (useShadingStorageBuffer) {
"%s = %s.y;\n",
if (step->emitsPrimitiveColor()) {
mainBody += "half4 primitiveColor;";
mainBody += step->fragmentColorSkSL();
} else {
SkASSERT(!(fRootNodes[0]->requiredFlags() & SnippetRequirementFlags::kPrimitiveColor));
// While looping through root nodes to emit shader code, skip the clip block node if it's found
// and keep it to apply later during coverage calculation.
const ShaderNode* clipBlockNode = nullptr;
// Using kDefaultArgs as the initial value means it will refer to undefined variables, but the
// root nodes should--at most--be depending on the coordinate when "needsLocalCoords" is true.
// If the PaintParamsKey violates that structure, this will produce SkSL compile errors.
ShaderSnippet::Args args = kDefaultArgs;
args.fFragCoord = "localCoordsVar"; // the varying added in EmitVaryings()
// TODO(b/349997190): The paint root node should not depend on any prior stage's output, but
// it can happen with how SkEmptyShader is currently mapped to `sk_passthrough`. In this case
// it requires that prior stage color to be transparent black. When SkEmptyShader can instead
// cause the draw to be skipped, this can go away.
args.fPriorStageOutput = "half4(0)";
// Emit shader main body code, invoking each root node's expression, forwarding the previous
// node's output to the next.
for (const ShaderNode* node : fRootNodes) {
if (node->codeSnippetId() == (int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kClip) {
clipBlockNode = node;
// This exclusion of the final Blend can be removed once we've resolved the final
// blend parenting issue w/in the key
if (node->codeSnippetId() >= kBuiltInCodeSnippetIDCount ||
node->codeSnippetId() < kFixedBlendIDOffset) {
args.fPriorStageOutput = invoke_and_assign_node(*this, node, args, &mainBody);
if (writeSwizzle != Swizzle::RGBA()) {
SkSL::String::appendf(&mainBody, "%s = %s.%s;", args.fPriorStageOutput.c_str(),
const char* outColor = args.fPriorStageOutput.c_str();
const Coverage coverage = step->coverage();
if (coverage != Coverage::kNone || clipBlockNode) {
if (useStepStorageBuffer) {
"uint stepSsboIndex = %s.x;\n",
mainBody += EmitUniformsFromStorageBuffer("step", "stepSsboIndex", step->uniforms());
mainBody += "half4 outputCoverage = half4(1);";
mainBody += step->fragmentCoverageSkSL();
if (clipBlockNode) {
// The clip block node is invoked with device coords, not local coords like the main
// shading root node. However sk_FragCoord includes any replay translation and we
// need to recover the original device coordinate.
mainBody += "float2 devCoord = sk_FragCoord.xy - viewport.xy;";
// TODO: The actual clipBlockNode can go away once we can enforce that a PaintParamsKey
// has only 1-2 roots and the 2nd root is always the clip node.
args.fFragCoord = "devCoord";
std::string clipBlockOutput =
invoke_and_assign_node(*this, clipBlockNode->child(0), args, &mainBody);
SkSL::String::appendf(&mainBody, "outputCoverage *= %s.a;", clipBlockOutput.c_str());
// TODO: Determine whether draw is opaque and pass that to GetBlendFormula.
BlendFormula coverageBlendFormula =
coverage == Coverage::kLCD
? skgpu::GetLCDBlendFormula(fBlendMode)
: skgpu::GetBlendFormula(
/*isOpaque=*/false, /*hasCoverage=*/true, fBlendMode);
if (this->needsSurfaceColor()) {
// If this draw uses a non-coherent dst read, we want to keep the existing dst color (or
// whatever has been previously drawn) when there's no coverage. This helps for batching
// text draws that need to read from a dst copy for blends. However, this only helps the
// case where the outer bounding boxes of each letter overlap and not two actual parts
// of the text.
DstReadRequirement dstReadReq = caps->getDstReadRequirement();
if (dstReadReq == DstReadRequirement::kTextureCopy ||
dstReadReq == DstReadRequirement::kTextureSample) {
// We don't think any shaders actually output negative coverage, but just as a
// safety check for floating point precision errors, we compare with <= here. We
// just check the RGB values of the coverage, since the alpha may not have been set
// when using LCD. If we are using single-channel coverage, alpha will be equal to
// RGB anyway.
mainBody +=
"if (all(lessThanEqual(outputCoverage.rgb, half3(0)))) {"
// Use originally-specified BlendInfo and blend with dst manually.
"sk_FragColor = %s * outputCoverage + surfaceColor * (1.0 - outputCoverage);",
if (coverage == Coverage::kLCD) {
"half3 lerpRGB = mix(,, outputCoverage.rgb);"
"sk_FragColor.a = max(max(lerpRGB.r, lerpRGB.g), lerpRGB.b);",
} else {
fBlendInfo = {coverageBlendFormula.equation(),
if (coverage == Coverage::kLCD) {
mainBody += "outputCoverage.a = max(max(outputCoverage.r, "
"outputCoverage.g), "
&mainBody, coverageBlendFormula.primaryOutput(), "sk_FragColor", outColor);
if (coverageBlendFormula.hasSecondaryOutput()) {
} else {
SkSL::String::appendf(&mainBody, "sk_FragColor = %s;", outColor);
mainBody += "}\n";
return preamble + "\n" + mainBody;
// ShaderCodeDictionary
UniquePaintParamsID ShaderCodeDictionary::findOrCreate(PaintParamsKeyBuilder* builder) {
AutoLockBuilderAsKey keyView{builder};
if (!keyView->isValid()) {
return UniquePaintParamsID::InvalidID();
SkAutoSpinlock lock{fSpinLock};
UniquePaintParamsID* existingEntry = fPaintKeyToID.find(*keyView);
if (existingEntry) {
SkASSERT(fIDToPaintKey[(*existingEntry).asUInt()] == *keyView);
return *existingEntry;
// Detach from the builder and copy into the arena
PaintParamsKey key = keyView->clone(&fArena);
UniquePaintParamsID newID{SkTo<uint32_t>(fIDToPaintKey.size())};
fPaintKeyToID.set(key, newID);
return newID;
PaintParamsKey ShaderCodeDictionary::lookup(UniquePaintParamsID codeID) const {
if (!codeID.isValid()) {
return PaintParamsKey::Invalid();
SkAutoSpinlock lock{fSpinLock};
SkASSERT(codeID.asUInt() < SkTo<uint32_t>(fIDToPaintKey.size()));
return fIDToPaintKey[codeID.asUInt()];
const ShaderSnippet* ShaderCodeDictionary::getEntry(int codeSnippetID) const {
if (codeSnippetID < 0) {
return nullptr;
if (codeSnippetID < kBuiltInCodeSnippetIDCount) {
return &fBuiltInCodeSnippets[codeSnippetID];
SkAutoSpinlock lock{fSpinLock};
if (codeSnippetID >= kSkiaKnownRuntimeEffectsStart &&
codeSnippetID < kSkiaKnownRuntimeEffectsStart + kStableKeyCnt) {
int knownRTECodeSnippetID = codeSnippetID - kSkiaKnownRuntimeEffectsStart;
// TODO(b/238759147): if the snippet hasn't been initialized, get the SkRuntimeEffect and
// initialize it here
return &fKnownRuntimeEffectCodeSnippets[knownRTECodeSnippetID];
// TODO(b/238759147): handle Android and chrome known runtime effects
if (codeSnippetID >= kUnknownRuntimeEffectIDStart) {
int userDefinedCodeSnippetID = codeSnippetID - kUnknownRuntimeEffectIDStart;
if (userDefinedCodeSnippetID < SkTo<int>(fUserDefinedCodeSnippets.size())) {
return &fUserDefinedCodeSnippets[userDefinedCodeSnippetID];
return nullptr;
namespace {
// NOTE: The dst-read snippets have 0 children and could be described by a static module function
// except that for now they need to stash the read surfaceColor in a global variable. Instead of
// generating a mangled preamble helper function, these preambles just add a "static" function
// that can be called with the default expression generator. Since there should only ever be one
// dst-read snippet in a paint, the lack of mangling will detect if that property is violated.
std::string GenerateDstReadSamplePreamble(const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo, const ShaderNode* node) {
return SkSL::String::printf(
"half4 surfaceColor;" // we save off the original dstRead color to combine w/ coverage
"half4 %s(float4 coords, sampler2D dstSampler) {"
"surfaceColor = sample(dstSampler, (sk_FragCoord.xy - coords.xy) *;"
"return surfaceColor;"
std::string GenerateDstReadFetchPreamble(const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo, const ShaderNode* node) {
return SkSL::String::printf(
"half4 surfaceColor;" // we save off the original dstRead color to combine w/ coverage
"half4 %s() {"
"surfaceColor = sk_LastFragColor;"
"return surfaceColor;"
std::string GenerateClipPreamble(const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo, const ShaderNode* node) {
// No preamble is used for clip shaders or analytic clips. The child shader is called
// directly with sk_FragCoord.
return "";
static constexpr int kNumCoordinateManipulateChildren = 1;
// Create a helper function that manipulates the coordinates passed into a child. The specific
// manipulation is pre-determined by the code id (local matrix or clamp). This helper function meets
// the requirements for use with GenerateDefaultExpression, so there's no need to have a separate
// special GenerateLocalMatrixExpression.
// TODO: This is effectively GenerateComposePreamble except that 'node' is counting as the inner.
std::string GenerateCoordManipulationPreamble(const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo,
const ShaderNode* node) {
SkASSERT(node->numChildren() == kNumCoordinateManipulateChildren);
std::string perspectiveStatement;
ShaderSnippet::Args localArgs = kDefaultArgs;
if (node->child(0)->requiredFlags() & SnippetRequirementFlags::kLocalCoords) {
std::string controlUni =
get_mangled_uniform_name(shaderInfo, node->entry()->fUniforms[0], node->keyIndex());
if (node->codeSnippetId() == (int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kLocalMatrixShader) {
localArgs.fFragCoord = SkSL::String::printf("(%s * %s.xy01).xy",
} else if (node->codeSnippetId() == (int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kLocalMatrixShaderPersp) {
perspectiveStatement = SkSL::String::printf("float4 perspCoord = %s * %s.xy01;",
localArgs.fFragCoord = "perspCoord.xy / perspCoord.w";
} else {
SkASSERT(node->codeSnippetId() == (int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kCoordClampShader);
localArgs.fFragCoord = SkSL::String::printf("clamp(%s, %s.LT, %s.RB)",
controlUni.c_str(), controlUni.c_str());
} // else this is a no-op
std::string decl = emit_helper_declaration(shaderInfo, node);
std::string invokeChild = invoke_node(shaderInfo, node->child(0), localArgs);
return SkSL::String::printf("%s { %s return %s; }",
// Compose N-1 children into the Nth child, must have at least two children. The ith child provides
// the value for the ith enabled ShaderSnippet::Arg.
std::string GenerateComposePreamble(const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo, const ShaderNode* node) {
SkASSERT(node->numChildren() >= 2);
const ShaderNode* outer = node->child(node->numChildren() - 1);
#if defined(SK_DEBUG)
const int numOuterParameters =
SkToBool((outer->requiredFlags() & SnippetRequirementFlags::kPriorStageOutput)) +
SkToBool((outer->requiredFlags() & SnippetRequirementFlags::kBlenderDstColor)) +
SkToBool((outer->requiredFlags() & SnippetRequirementFlags::kLocalCoords));
SkASSERT(node->numChildren() == numOuterParameters + 1);
ShaderSnippet::Args outerArgs = kDefaultArgs;
int child = 0;
if (outer->requiredFlags() & SnippetRequirementFlags::kLocalCoords) {
outerArgs.fFragCoord = invoke_node(shaderInfo, node->child(child++), kDefaultArgs);
if (outer->requiredFlags() & SnippetRequirementFlags::kPriorStageOutput) {
outerArgs.fPriorStageOutput = invoke_node(shaderInfo, node->child(child++), kDefaultArgs);
if (outer->requiredFlags() & SnippetRequirementFlags::kBlenderDstColor) {
outerArgs.fBlenderDstColor = invoke_node(shaderInfo, node->child(child++), kDefaultArgs);
std::string decl = emit_helper_declaration(shaderInfo, node);
std::string invokeOuter = invoke_node(shaderInfo, outer, outerArgs);
return SkSL::String::printf("%s { return %s; }", decl.c_str(), invokeOuter.c_str());
class GraphitePipelineCallbacks : public SkSL::PipelineStage::Callbacks {
GraphitePipelineCallbacks(const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo,
const ShaderNode* node,
std::string* preamble,
[[maybe_unused]] const SkRuntimeEffect* effect)
: fShaderInfo(shaderInfo)
, fNode(node)
, fPreamble(preamble) {
SkDEBUGCODE(fEffect = effect;)
std::string declareUniform(const SkSL::VarDeclaration* decl) override {
std::string result = get_mangled_name(std::string(decl->var()->name()), fNode->keyIndex());
if (fShaderInfo.ssboIndex()) {
result = EmitStorageBufferAccess("fs", fShaderInfo.ssboIndex(), result.c_str());
return result;
void defineFunction(const char* decl, const char* body, bool isMain) override {
if (isMain) {
"%s { %s }",
emit_helper_declaration(fShaderInfo, fNode).c_str(),
} else {
SkSL::String::appendf(fPreamble, "%s {%s}\n", decl, body);
void declareFunction(const char* decl) override {
*fPreamble += std::string(decl);
void defineStruct(const char* definition) override {
*fPreamble += std::string(definition);
void declareGlobal(const char* declaration) override {
*fPreamble += std::string(declaration);
std::string sampleShader(int index, std::string coords) override {
ShaderSnippet::Args args = kDefaultArgs;
args.fFragCoord = coords;
return invoke_node(fShaderInfo, fNode->child(index), args);
std::string sampleColorFilter(int index, std::string color) override {
ShaderSnippet::Args args = kDefaultArgs;
args.fPriorStageOutput = color;
return invoke_node(fShaderInfo, fNode->child(index), args);
std::string sampleBlender(int index, std::string src, std::string dst) override {
ShaderSnippet::Args args = kDefaultArgs;
args.fPriorStageOutput = src;
args.fBlenderDstColor = dst;
return invoke_node(fShaderInfo, fNode->child(index), args);
std::string toLinearSrgb(std::string color) override {
// If we use color transforms (e.g. reference [to|from]LinearSrgb(), we dynamically add two
// children to the runtime effect's node after all explicitly declared children. The
// conversion *to* linear srgb is the second-to-last child node, and the conversion *from*
// linear srgb is the last child node.)
const ShaderNode* toLinearSrgbNode = fNode->child(fNode->numChildren() - 2);
SkASSERT(toLinearSrgbNode->codeSnippetId() ==
(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kColorSpaceXformColorFilter);
ShaderSnippet::Args args = kDefaultArgs;
args.fPriorStageOutput = SkSL::String::printf("(%s).rgb1", color.c_str());
std::string xformedColor = invoke_node(fShaderInfo, toLinearSrgbNode, args);
return SkSL::String::printf("(%s).rgb", xformedColor.c_str());
std::string fromLinearSrgb(std::string color) override {
// If we use color transforms (e.g. reference [to|from]LinearSrgb()), we dynamically add two
// children to the runtime effect's node after all explicitly declared children. The
// conversion *to* linear srgb is the second-to-last child node, and the conversion *from*
// linear srgb is the last child node.
const ShaderNode* fromLinearSrgbNode = fNode->child(fNode->numChildren() - 1);
SkASSERT(fromLinearSrgbNode->codeSnippetId() ==
(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kColorSpaceXformColorFilter);
ShaderSnippet::Args args = kDefaultArgs;
args.fPriorStageOutput = SkSL::String::printf("(%s).rgb1", color.c_str());
std::string xformedColor = invoke_node(fShaderInfo, fromLinearSrgbNode, args);
return SkSL::String::printf("(%s).rgb", xformedColor.c_str());
std::string getMangledName(const char* name) override {
return get_mangled_name(name, fNode->keyIndex());
const ShaderInfo& fShaderInfo;
const ShaderNode* fNode;
std::string* fPreamble;
SkDEBUGCODE(const SkRuntimeEffect* fEffect;)
std::string GenerateRuntimeShaderPreamble(const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo,
const ShaderNode* node) {
// Find this runtime effect in the runtime-effect dictionary.
SkASSERT(node->codeSnippetId() >= kBuiltInCodeSnippetIDCount);
const SkRuntimeEffect* effect;
if (node->codeSnippetId() < kSkiaKnownRuntimeEffectsStart + kStableKeyCnt) {
effect = GetKnownRuntimeEffect(static_cast<StableKey>(node->codeSnippetId()));
} else {
SkASSERT(node->codeSnippetId() >= kUnknownRuntimeEffectIDStart);
effect = shaderInfo.runtimeEffectDictionary()->find(node->codeSnippetId());
const SkSL::Program& program = SkRuntimeEffectPriv::Program(*effect);
std::string preamble;
GraphitePipelineCallbacks callbacks{shaderInfo, node, &preamble, effect};
return preamble;
} // anonymous namespace
#if defined(SK_DEBUG)
bool ShaderCodeDictionary::isValidID(int snippetID) const {
if (snippetID < 0) {
return false;
if (snippetID < kBuiltInCodeSnippetIDCount) {
return true;
if (snippetID >= kSkiaKnownRuntimeEffectsStart && snippetID < kSkiaKnownRuntimeEffectsEnd) {
return snippetID < kSkiaKnownRuntimeEffectsStart + kStableKeyCnt;
SkAutoSpinlock lock{fSpinLock};
if (snippetID >= kUnknownRuntimeEffectIDStart) {
int userDefinedCodeSnippetID = snippetID - kUnknownRuntimeEffectIDStart;
return userDefinedCodeSnippetID < SkTo<int>(fUserDefinedCodeSnippets.size());
return false;
void ShaderCodeDictionary::dump(UniquePaintParamsID id) const {
this->lookup(id).dump(this, id);
static SkSLType uniform_type_to_sksl_type(const SkRuntimeEffect::Uniform& u) {
using Type = SkRuntimeEffect::Uniform::Type;
if (u.flags & SkRuntimeEffect::Uniform::kHalfPrecision_Flag) {
switch (u.type) {
case Type::kFloat: return SkSLType::kHalf;
case Type::kFloat2: return SkSLType::kHalf2;
case Type::kFloat3: return SkSLType::kHalf3;
case Type::kFloat4: return SkSLType::kHalf4;
case Type::kFloat2x2: return SkSLType::kHalf2x2;
case Type::kFloat3x3: return SkSLType::kHalf3x3;
case Type::kFloat4x4: return SkSLType::kHalf4x4;
// NOTE: shorts cannot be uniforms, so we shouldn't ever get here.
// Defensively return the full precision integer type.
case Type::kInt: SkDEBUGFAIL("unsupported uniform type"); return SkSLType::kInt;
case Type::kInt2: SkDEBUGFAIL("unsupported uniform type"); return SkSLType::kInt2;
case Type::kInt3: SkDEBUGFAIL("unsupported uniform type"); return SkSLType::kInt3;
case Type::kInt4: SkDEBUGFAIL("unsupported uniform type"); return SkSLType::kInt4;
} else {
switch (u.type) {
case Type::kFloat: return SkSLType::kFloat;
case Type::kFloat2: return SkSLType::kFloat2;
case Type::kFloat3: return SkSLType::kFloat3;
case Type::kFloat4: return SkSLType::kFloat4;
case Type::kFloat2x2: return SkSLType::kFloat2x2;
case Type::kFloat3x3: return SkSLType::kFloat3x3;
case Type::kFloat4x4: return SkSLType::kFloat4x4;
case Type::kInt: return SkSLType::kInt;
case Type::kInt2: return SkSLType::kInt2;
case Type::kInt3: return SkSLType::kInt3;
case Type::kInt4: return SkSLType::kInt4;
const char* ShaderCodeDictionary::addTextToArena(std::string_view text) {
char* textInArena = fArena.makeArrayDefault<char>(text.size() + 1);
memcpy(textInArena,, text.size());
textInArena[text.size()] = '\0';
return textInArena;
SkSpan<const Uniform> ShaderCodeDictionary::convertUniforms(const SkRuntimeEffect* effect) {
using rteUniform = SkRuntimeEffect::Uniform;
SkSpan<const rteUniform> uniforms = effect->uniforms();
const int numUniforms = uniforms.size();
// Convert the SkRuntimeEffect::Uniform array into its Uniform equivalent.
Uniform* uniformArray = fArena.makeInitializedArray<Uniform>(numUniforms, [&](int index) {
const rteUniform* u;
u = &uniforms[index];
// The existing uniform names live in the passed-in SkRuntimeEffect and may eventually
// disappear. Copy them into fArena. (It's safe to do this within makeInitializedArray; the
// entire array is allocated in one big slab before any initialization calls are done.)
const char* name = this->addTextToArena(u->name);
// Add one Uniform to our array.
SkSLType type = uniform_type_to_sksl_type(*u);
return (u->flags & rteUniform::kArray_Flag) ? Uniform(name, type, u->count)
: Uniform(name, type);
return SkSpan<const Uniform>(uniformArray, numUniforms);
ShaderSnippet ShaderCodeDictionary::convertRuntimeEffect(const SkRuntimeEffect* effect,
const char* name) {
SkEnumBitMask<SnippetRequirementFlags> snippetFlags = SnippetRequirementFlags::kNone;
if (effect->allowShader()) {
// SkRuntimeEffect::usesSampleCoords() can't be used to restrict this because it returns
// false when the only use is to pass the coord unmodified to a child. When children can
// refer to interpolated varyings directly in this case, we can refine the flags.
snippetFlags |= SnippetRequirementFlags::kLocalCoords;
} else if (effect->allowColorFilter()) {
snippetFlags |= SnippetRequirementFlags::kPriorStageOutput;
} else if (effect->allowBlender()) {
snippetFlags |= SnippetRequirementFlags::kPriorStageOutput; // src
snippetFlags |= SnippetRequirementFlags::kBlenderDstColor; // dst
// If the runtime effect references toLinearSrgb() or fromLinearSrgb(), we append two
// color space transform children that are invoked when converting those "built-in" expressions.
int numChildrenIncColorTransforms = SkTo<int>(effect->children().size()) +
(SkRuntimeEffectPriv::UsesColorTransform(effect) ? 2 : 0);
// TODO: We can have the custom runtime effect preamble generator define structs for its
// uniforms if it has a lot of uniforms, and then calculate the required alignment here.
return ShaderSnippet(name,
int ShaderCodeDictionary::findOrCreateRuntimeEffectSnippet(const SkRuntimeEffect* effect) {
SkAutoSpinlock lock{fSpinLock};
if (int stableKey = SkRuntimeEffectPriv::StableKey(*effect)) {
SkASSERT(stableKey >= kSkiaKnownRuntimeEffectsStart &&
stableKey < kSkiaKnownRuntimeEffectsStart + kStableKeyCnt);
int index = stableKey - kSkiaKnownRuntimeEffectsStart;
if (!fKnownRuntimeEffectCodeSnippets[index].fPreambleGenerator) {
const char* name = get_known_rte_name(static_cast<StableKey>(stableKey));
fKnownRuntimeEffectCodeSnippets[index] = this->convertRuntimeEffect(effect, name);
return stableKey;
// Use the combination of {SkSL program hash, uniform size} as our key.
// In the unfortunate event of a hash collision, at least we'll have the right amount of
// uniform data available.
RuntimeEffectKey key;
key.fHash = SkRuntimeEffectPriv::Hash(*effect);
key.fUniformSize = effect->uniformSize();
int32_t* existingCodeSnippetID = fRuntimeEffectMap.find(key);
if (existingCodeSnippetID) {
return *existingCodeSnippetID;
// TODO: the memory for user-defined entries could go in the dictionary's arena but that
// would have to be a thread safe allocation since the arena also stores entries for
// 'fHash' and 'fEntryVector'
fUserDefinedCodeSnippets.push_back(this->convertRuntimeEffect(effect, "RuntimeEffect"));
int newCodeSnippetID = kUnknownRuntimeEffectIDStart + fUserDefinedCodeSnippets.size() - 1;
fRuntimeEffectMap.set(key, newCodeSnippetID);
return newCodeSnippetID;
ShaderCodeDictionary::ShaderCodeDictionary(Layout layout)
: fLayout(layout) {
// The 0th index is reserved as invalid
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kError] = {
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kPriorOutput] = {
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kSolidColorShader] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "color", SkSLType::kFloat4 } }
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kRGBPaintColor] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ Uniform::PaintColor() }
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kAlphaOnlyPaintColor] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ Uniform::PaintColor() }
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kLinearGradientShader4] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "colors", SkSLType::kFloat4, 4 },
{ "offsets", SkSLType::kFloat4 },
{ "tilemode", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "colorSpace", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "doUnPremul", SkSLType::kInt } },
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kLinearGradientShader8] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "colors", SkSLType::kFloat4, 8 },
{ "offsets", SkSLType::kFloat4, 2 },
{ "tilemode", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "colorSpace", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "doUnPremul", SkSLType::kInt } }
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kLinearGradientShaderTexture] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "numStops", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "tilemode", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "colorSpace", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "doUnPremul", SkSLType::kInt } },
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kLinearGradientShaderBuffer] = {
SnippetRequirementFlags::kLocalCoords | SnippetRequirementFlags::kGradientBuffer,
/*uniforms=*/{ { "numStops", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "bufferOffset", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "tilemode", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "colorSpace", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "doUnPremul", SkSLType::kInt } }
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kRadialGradientShader4] = {
/*staticFn=*/ "sk_radial_grad_4_shader",
/*uniforms=*/{ { "colors", SkSLType::kFloat4, 4 },
{ "offsets", SkSLType::kFloat4 },
{ "tilemode", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "colorSpace", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "doUnPremul", SkSLType::kInt } }
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kRadialGradientShader8] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "colors", SkSLType::kFloat4, 8 },
{ "offsets", SkSLType::kFloat4, 2 },
{ "tilemode", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "colorSpace", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "doUnPremul", SkSLType::kInt } }
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kRadialGradientShaderTexture] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "numStops", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "tilemode", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "colorSpace", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "doUnPremul", SkSLType::kInt } },
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kRadialGradientShaderBuffer] = {
SnippetRequirementFlags::kLocalCoords | SnippetRequirementFlags::kGradientBuffer,
/*uniforms=*/{ { "numStops", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "bufferOffset", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "tilemode", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "colorSpace", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "doUnPremul", SkSLType::kInt } }
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kSweepGradientShader4] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "colors", SkSLType::kFloat4, 4 },
{ "offsets", SkSLType::kFloat4 },
{ "bias", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "scale", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "tilemode", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "colorSpace", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "doUnPremul", SkSLType::kInt } }
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kSweepGradientShader8] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "colors", SkSLType::kFloat4, 8 },
{ "offsets", SkSLType::kFloat4, 2 },
{ "bias", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "scale", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "tilemode", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "colorSpace", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "doUnPremul", SkSLType::kInt } }
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kSweepGradientShaderTexture] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "bias", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "scale", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "numStops", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "tilemode", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "colorSpace", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "doUnPremul", SkSLType::kInt } },
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kSweepGradientShaderBuffer] = {
SnippetRequirementFlags::kLocalCoords | SnippetRequirementFlags::kGradientBuffer,
/*uniforms=*/{ { "bias", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "scale", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "numStops", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "bufferOffset", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "tilemode", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "colorSpace", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "doUnPremul", SkSLType::kInt } }
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kConicalGradientShader4] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "colors", SkSLType::kFloat4, 4 },
{ "offsets", SkSLType::kFloat4 },
{ "radius0", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "dRadius", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "a", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "invA", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "tilemode", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "colorSpace", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "doUnPremul", SkSLType::kInt } }
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kConicalGradientShader8] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "colors", SkSLType::kFloat4, 8 },
{ "offsets", SkSLType::kFloat4, 2 },
{ "radius0", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "dRadius", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "a", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "invA", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "tilemode", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "colorSpace", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "doUnPremul", SkSLType::kInt } }
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kConicalGradientShaderTexture] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "radius0", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "dRadius", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "a", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "invA", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "numStops", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "tilemode", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "colorSpace", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "doUnPremul", SkSLType::kInt } },
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kConicalGradientShaderBuffer] = {
SnippetRequirementFlags::kLocalCoords | SnippetRequirementFlags::kGradientBuffer,
/*uniforms=*/{ { "radius0", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "dRadius", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "a", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "invA", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "numStops", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "bufferOffset", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "tilemode", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "colorSpace", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "doUnPremul", SkSLType::kInt } }
// This snippet operates on local coords if the child requires local coords (hence why it does
// not mask off the child's local coord requirement), but does nothing if the child does not
// actually use coordinates.
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kLocalMatrixShader] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "localMatrix", SkSLType::kFloat4x4 } },
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kLocalMatrixShaderPersp] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "localMatrix", SkSLType::kFloat4x4 } },
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kImageShader] = {
SnippetRequirementFlags::kLocalCoords | SnippetRequirementFlags::kStoresData,
/*uniforms=*/{ { "invImgSize", SkSLType::kFloat2 },
{ "subset", SkSLType::kFloat4 },
{ "tilemodeX", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "tilemodeY", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "filterMode", SkSLType::kInt } },
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kCubicImageShader] = {
SnippetRequirementFlags::kLocalCoords | SnippetRequirementFlags::kStoresData,
/*uniforms=*/{ { "invImgSize", SkSLType::kFloat2 },
{ "subset", SkSLType::kFloat4 },
{ "tilemodeX", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "tilemodeY", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "cubicCoeffs", SkSLType::kHalf4x4 } },
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kHWImageShader] = {
SnippetRequirementFlags::kLocalCoords | SnippetRequirementFlags::kStoresData,
/*uniforms=*/{ { "invImgSize", SkSLType::kFloat2 } },
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kYUVImageShader] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "invImgSizeY", SkSLType::kFloat2 },
{ "invImgSizeUV", SkSLType::kFloat2 }, // Relative to Y's texels
{ "subset", SkSLType::kFloat4 },
{ "linearFilterUVInset", SkSLType::kFloat2 },
{ "tilemodeX", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "tilemodeY", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "filterModeY", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "filterModeUV", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "channelSelectY", SkSLType::kHalf4 },
{ "channelSelectU", SkSLType::kHalf4 },
{ "channelSelectV", SkSLType::kHalf4 },
{ "channelSelectA", SkSLType::kHalf4 },
{ "yuvToRGBMatrix", SkSLType::kHalf3x3 },
{ "yuvToRGBTranslate", SkSLType::kHalf3 } },
/*texturesAndSamplers=*/ {{ "samplerY" },
{ "samplerU" },
{ "samplerV" },
{ "samplerA" }}
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kCubicYUVImageShader] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "invImgSizeY", SkSLType::kFloat2 },
{ "invImgSizeUV", SkSLType::kFloat2 }, // Relative to Y's texels
{ "subset", SkSLType::kFloat4 },
{ "tilemodeX", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "tilemodeY", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "cubicCoeffs", SkSLType::kHalf4x4 },
{ "channelSelectY", SkSLType::kHalf4 },
{ "channelSelectU", SkSLType::kHalf4 },
{ "channelSelectV", SkSLType::kHalf4 },
{ "channelSelectA", SkSLType::kHalf4 },
{ "yuvToRGBMatrix", SkSLType::kHalf3x3 },
{ "yuvToRGBTranslate", SkSLType::kHalf3 } },
/*texturesAndSamplers=*/ {{ "samplerY" },
{ "samplerU" },
{ "samplerV" },
{ "samplerA" }}
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kHWYUVImageShader] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "invImgSizeY", SkSLType::kFloat2 },
{ "invImgSizeUV", SkSLType::kFloat2 }, // Relative to Y's texels
{ "channelSelectY", SkSLType::kHalf4 },
{ "channelSelectU", SkSLType::kHalf4 },
{ "channelSelectV", SkSLType::kHalf4 },
{ "channelSelectA", SkSLType::kHalf4 },
{ "yuvToRGBMatrix", SkSLType::kHalf3x3 },
{ "yuvToRGBTranslate", SkSLType::kHalf3 } },
/*texturesAndSamplers=*/ {{ "samplerY" },
{ "samplerU" },
{ "samplerV" },
{ "samplerA" }}
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kHWYUVNoSwizzleImageShader] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "invImgSizeY", SkSLType::kFloat2 },
{ "invImgSizeUV", SkSLType::kFloat2 }, // Relative to Y space
{ "yuvToRGBMatrix", SkSLType::kHalf3x3 },
{ "yuvToRGBXlateAlphaParams", SkSLType::kHalf4 } },
/*texturesAndSamplers=*/ {{ "samplerY" },
{ "samplerU" },
{ "samplerV" },
{ "samplerA" }}
// Like the local matrix shader, this is a no-op if the child doesn't need coords
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kCoordClampShader] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "subset", SkSLType::kFloat4 } },
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kDitherShader] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "range", SkSLType::kHalf } },
/*texturesAndSamplers=*/{ { "ditherLUT" } }
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kPerlinNoiseShader] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "baseFrequency", SkSLType::kFloat2 },
{ "stitchData", SkSLType::kFloat2 },
{ "noiseType", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "numOctaves", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "stitching", SkSLType::kInt } },
/*texturesAndSamplers=*/{ { "permutationsSampler" },
{ "noiseSampler" } }
// SkColorFilter snippets
// TODO(b/349572157): investigate the implications of having separate hlsa and rgba matrix
// colorfilters. It may be that having them separate will not contribute to an explosion.
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kMatrixColorFilter] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "matrix", SkSLType::kFloat4x4 },
{ "translate", SkSLType::kFloat4 },
{ "inHSL", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "clampRGB", SkSLType::kInt } }
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kTableColorFilter] = {
/*texturesAndSamplers=*/{ {"table"} }};
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kGaussianColorFilter] = {
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kColorSpaceXformColorFilter] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "flags", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "srcKind", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "gamutTransform", SkSLType::kHalf3x3 },
{ "dstKind", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "csXformCoeffs", SkSLType::kHalf4x4 } }
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kPremulAlphaColorFilter] = {
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kPrimitiveColor] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "csXformFlags", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "csXformSrcKind", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "csXformGamutTransform", SkSLType::kHalf3x3 },
{ "csXformDstKind", SkSLType::kInt },
{ "csXformCoeffs", SkSLType::kHalf4x4 } },
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kDstReadSample] = {
/*staticFn=*/"$dst_read_sample", // "static" function injected by custom preamble
/*uniforms=*/{ {"dstOffsetAndInvWH", SkSLType::kFloat4} },
/*texturesAndSamplers=*/{ {"dstCopy"} },
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kDstReadFetch] = {
/*staticFn=*/"$dst_read_fetch", // "static" function injected by custom preamble
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kClip] = {
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kCircularRRectClip] = {
/*uniforms=*/{ { "rect", SkSLType::kFloat4 },
{ "radiusPlusHalf", SkSLType::kFloat2 },
{ "edgeSelect", SkSLType::kHalf4 } }
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kCompose] = {
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kBlendCompose] = {
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kPorterDuffBlender] = {
SnippetRequirementFlags::kPriorStageOutput | SnippetRequirementFlags::kBlenderDstColor,
/*uniforms=*/{ { "coeffs", SkSLType::kHalf4 } }
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kHSLCBlender] = {
SnippetRequirementFlags::kPriorStageOutput | SnippetRequirementFlags::kBlenderDstColor,
/*uniforms=*/{ { "flipSat", SkSLType::kHalf2 } }
// Fixed-function blend mode snippets are all the same, their functionality is entirely defined
// by their unique code snippet IDs.
for (int i = 0; i <= (int) SkBlendMode::kLastMode; ++i) {
int ffBlendModeID = kFixedBlendIDOffset + i;
fBuiltInCodeSnippets[ffBlendModeID] = {
SnippetRequirementFlags::kPriorStageOutput |
// Complete layout calculations for builtin snippets
for (int i = 0; i < kBuiltInCodeSnippetIDCount; ++i) {
ShaderSnippet& snippet = fBuiltInCodeSnippets[i];
SkASSERT(snippet.fName); // Should not have missed a built-in
if (snippet.fUniformStructName) {
auto offsetCalculator = UniformOffsetCalculator::ForStruct(fLayout);
for (int j = 0; j < snippet.fUniforms.size(); ++j) {
SkASSERT(!snippet.fUniforms[j].isPaintColor()); // paint color shouldn't be embedded
snippet.fRequiredAlignment = offsetCalculator.requiredAlignment();
// clang-format off
// Verify that the built-in code IDs for fixed function blending are consistent with SkBlendMode.
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kClear == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_Clear - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kSrc == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_Src - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kDst == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_Dst - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kSrcOver == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_SrcOver - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kDstOver == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_DstOver - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kSrcIn == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_SrcIn - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kDstIn == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_DstIn - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kSrcOut == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_SrcOut - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kDstOut == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_DstOut - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kSrcATop == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_SrcATop - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kDstATop == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_DstATop - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kXor == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_Xor - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kPlus == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_Plus - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kModulate == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_Modulate - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kScreen == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_Screen - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kOverlay == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_Overlay - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kDarken == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_Darken - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kColorDodge == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_ColorDodge - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kColorBurn == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_ColorBurn - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kHardLight == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_HardLight - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kSoftLight == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_SoftLight - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kDifference == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_Difference - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kExclusion == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_Exclusion - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kMultiply == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_Multiply - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kHue == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_Hue - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kSaturation == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_Saturation - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kColor == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_Color - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
static_assert((int)SkBlendMode::kLuminosity == (int)BuiltInCodeSnippetID::kFixedBlend_Luminosity - kFixedBlendIDOffset);
// Verify enum constants match values expected by static module SkSL functions
static_assert(0 == static_cast<int>(skcms_TFType_Invalid), "ColorSpaceTransform code depends on skcms_TFType");
static_assert(1 == static_cast<int>(skcms_TFType_sRGBish), "ColorSpaceTransform code depends on skcms_TFType");
static_assert(2 == static_cast<int>(skcms_TFType_PQish), "ColorSpaceTransform code depends on skcms_TFType");
static_assert(3 == static_cast<int>(skcms_TFType_HLGish), "ColorSpaceTransform code depends on skcms_TFType");
static_assert(4 == static_cast<int>(skcms_TFType_HLGinvish), "ColorSpaceTransform code depends on skcms_TFType");
// TODO: We can meaningfully check these when we can use C++20 features.
// static_assert(0x1 == SkColorSpaceXformSteps::Flags{.unpremul = true}.mask(), "ColorSpaceTransform code depends on SkColorSpaceXformSteps::Flags");
// static_assert(0x2 == SkColorSpaceXformSteps::Flags{.linearize = true}.mask(), "ColorSpaceTransform code depends on SkColorSpaceXformSteps::Flags");
// static_assert(0x4 == SkColorSpaceXformSteps::Flags{.gamut_transform = true}.mask(), "ColorSpaceTransform code depends on SkColorSpaceXformSteps::Flags");
// static_assert(0x8 == SkColorSpaceXformSteps::Flags{.encode = true}.mask(), "ColorSpaceTransform code depends on SkColorSpaceXformSteps::Flags");
// static_assert(0x10 == SkColorSpaceXformSteps::Flags{.premul = true}.mask(), "ColorSpaceTransform code depends on SkColorSpaceXformSteps::Flags");
static_assert(0 == static_cast<int>(SkTileMode::kClamp), "ImageShader code depends on SkTileMode");
static_assert(1 == static_cast<int>(SkTileMode::kRepeat), "ImageShader code depends on SkTileMode");
static_assert(2 == static_cast<int>(SkTileMode::kMirror), "ImageShader code depends on SkTileMode");
static_assert(3 == static_cast<int>(SkTileMode::kDecal), "ImageShader code depends on SkTileMode");
static_assert(0 == static_cast<int>(SkFilterMode::kNearest), "ImageShader code depends on SkFilterMode");
static_assert(1 == static_cast<int>(SkFilterMode::kLinear), "ImageShader code depends on SkFilterMode");
// clang-format on
} // namespace skgpu::graphite