blob: 3716ed7d6d00c11f512d81cd9c80fcc2b04dc505 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_graphite_ResourceTypes_DEFINED
#define skgpu_graphite_ResourceTypes_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkSamplingOptions.h"
#include "include/core/SkSpan.h"
#include "include/core/SkTileMode.h"
#include "include/gpu/graphite/GraphiteTypes.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTo.h"
#include "src/base/SkEnumBitMask.h"
#include "src/base/SkMathPriv.h"
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class Buffer;
// This declaration of the DepthStencilFlags' SkEnumBitMask ops is here bc, internally, we use
// DepthStencilFlags as bit fields but, externally (i.e., from the GraphiteTypes view), we want
// it to appear as just an enum class.
* This enum is used to specify the load operation to be used when a RenderPass begins execution
enum class LoadOp : uint8_t {
kLast = kDiscard
inline static constexpr int kLoadOpCount = (int)(LoadOp::kLast) + 1;
* This enum is used to specify the store operation to be used when a RenderPass ends execution.
enum class StoreOp : uint8_t {
kLast = kDiscard
inline static constexpr int kStoreOpCount = (int)(StoreOp::kLast) + 1;
* What a GPU buffer will be used for
enum class BufferType : int {
// GPU-only buffer types
kLast = kIndexStorage,
static const int kBufferTypeCount = static_cast<int>(BufferType::kLast) + 1;
* Data layout requirements on host-shareable buffer contents.
enum class Layout {
kInvalid = 0,
static constexpr const char* LayoutString(Layout layout) {
switch(layout) {
case Layout::kStd140: return "std140";
case Layout::kStd430: return "std430";
case Layout::kMetal: return "metal";
case Layout::kInvalid: return "invalid";
* Indicates the intended access pattern over resource memory. This is used to select the most
* efficient memory type during resource creation based on the capabilities of the platform.
* This is only a hint and the actual memory type will be determined based on the resource type and
* backend capabilities.
enum class AccessPattern : int {
// GPU-only memory does not need to support reads/writes from the CPU. GPU-private memory will
// be preferred if the backend supports an efficient private memory type.
// The resource needs to be CPU visible, e.g. for read-back or as a copy/upload source.
* Determines whether the contents of a GPU buffer sub-allocation gets cleared to 0 before being
* used in a GPU command submission.
enum class ClearBuffer : bool {
kNo = false,
kYes = true,
* Must the contents of the Resource be preserved af a render pass or can a more efficient
* representation be chosen when supported by hardware.
enum class Discardable : bool {
kNo = false,
kYes = true
enum class Ownership {
/** Uniquely identifies the type of resource that is cached with a GraphiteResourceKey. */
using ResourceType = uint32_t;
* Can the resource be held by multiple users at the same time?
* For example, stencil buffers, pipelines, etc.
enum class Shareable : bool {
kNo = false,
kYes = true,
* This enum is used to notify the ResourceCache which type of ref just dropped to zero on a
* Resource.
enum class LastRemovedRef {
* Struct that can be passed into bind buffer calls on the CommandBuffer. The ownership of the
* buffer and its usage in command submission must be tracked by the caller (e.g. as with
* buffers created by DrawBufferManager).
struct BindBufferInfo {
const Buffer* fBuffer = nullptr;
uint32_t fOffset = 0;
uint32_t fSize = 0;
operator bool() const { return SkToBool(fBuffer); }
bool operator==(const BindBufferInfo& o) const {
return fBuffer == o.fBuffer && (!fBuffer || (fOffset == o.fOffset && fSize == o.fSize));
bool operator!=(const BindBufferInfo& o) const { return !(*this == o); }
struct ImmutableSamplerInfo {
// If the sampler requires YCbCr conversion, backends can place that information here.
// In order to fit within SamplerDesc's uint32 desc field, backends can only utilize up to
// kMaxNumConversionInfoBits bits.
uint32_t fNonFormatYcbcrConversionInfo = 0;
// fFormat represents known OR external format numerical representation.
uint64_t fFormat = 0;
* Struct used to describe how a Texture/TextureProxy/TextureProxyView is sampled.
struct SamplerDesc {
static_assert(kSkTileModeCount <= 4 && kSkFilterModeCount <= 2 && kSkMipmapModeCount <= 4);
constexpr SamplerDesc(const SkSamplingOptions& samplingOptions, SkTileMode tileMode)
: SamplerDesc(samplingOptions, {tileMode, tileMode}) {}
constexpr SamplerDesc(const SkSamplingOptions& samplingOptions,
const std::pair<SkTileMode, SkTileMode> tileModes,
const ImmutableSamplerInfo info = {})
: fDesc((static_cast<int>(tileModes.first) << kTileModeXShift ) |
(static_cast<int>(tileModes.second) << kTileModeYShift ) |
(static_cast<int>(samplingOptions.filter) << kFilterModeShift ) |
(static_cast<int>(samplingOptions.mipmap) << kMipmapModeShift ) |
(info.fNonFormatYcbcrConversionInfo << kImmutableSamplerInfoShift) )
, fFormat(info.fFormat)
, fExternalFormatMostSignificantBits(info.fFormat >> 32) {
// Cubic sampling is handled in a shader, with the actual texture sampled by with NN,
// but that is what a cubic SkSamplingOptions is set to if you ignore 'cubic', which let's
// us simplify how we construct SamplerDec's from the options passed to high-level draws.
SkASSERT(!samplingOptions.useCubic || (samplingOptions.filter == SkFilterMode::kNearest &&
samplingOptions.mipmap == SkMipmapMode::kNone));
// TODO: Add aniso value when used.
// Assert that fYcbcrConversionInfo does not exceed kMaxNumConversionInfoBits such that
// the conversion information can fit within an uint32.
SkASSERT(info.fNonFormatYcbcrConversionInfo >> kMaxNumConversionInfoBits == 0);
constexpr SamplerDesc() = default;
constexpr SamplerDesc(const SamplerDesc&) = default;
bool operator==(const SamplerDesc& o) const {
return o.fDesc == fDesc && o.fFormat == fFormat &&
o.fExternalFormatMostSignificantBits == fExternalFormatMostSignificantBits;
bool operator!=(const SamplerDesc& o) const { return !(*this == o); }
SkTileMode tileModeX() const { return static_cast<SkTileMode>((fDesc >> 0) & 0b11); }
SkTileMode tileModeY() const { return static_cast<SkTileMode>((fDesc >> 2) & 0b11); }
uint32_t desc() const { return fDesc; }
uint32_t format() const { return fFormat; }
uint32_t externalFormatMSBs() const { return fExternalFormatMostSignificantBits; }
bool isImmutable() const { return (fDesc >> kImmutableSamplerInfoShift) != 0; }
bool usesExternalFormat() const { return (fDesc >> kImmutableSamplerInfoShift) & 0b1; }
// NOTE: returns the HW sampling options to use, so a bicubic SkSamplingOptions will become
// nearest-neighbor sampling in HW.
SkSamplingOptions samplingOptions() const {
// TODO: Add support for anisotropic filtering
SkFilterMode filter = static_cast<SkFilterMode>((fDesc >> 4) & 0b01);
SkMipmapMode mipmap = static_cast<SkMipmapMode>((fDesc >> 5) & 0b11);
return SkSamplingOptions(filter, mipmap);
SkSpan<const uint32_t> asSpan() const {
// Span length depends upon whether the sampler is immutable and if it uses a known format
return {&fDesc, 1 + this->isImmutable() + this->usesExternalFormat()};
// These are public such that backends can bitshift data in order to determine whatever
// sampler qualities they need from fDesc.
static constexpr int kNumTileModeBits = SkNextLog2_portable(int(SkTileMode::kLastTileMode)+1);
static constexpr int kNumFilterModeBits = SkNextLog2_portable(int(SkFilterMode::kLast)+1);
static constexpr int kNumMipmapModeBits = SkNextLog2_portable(int(SkMipmapMode::kLast)+1);
static constexpr int kMaxNumConversionInfoBits =
32 - kNumFilterModeBits - kNumMipmapModeBits - kNumTileModeBits;
static constexpr int kTileModeXShift = 0;
static constexpr int kTileModeYShift = kTileModeXShift + kNumTileModeBits;
static constexpr int kFilterModeShift = kTileModeYShift + kNumTileModeBits;
static constexpr int kMipmapModeShift = kFilterModeShift + kNumFilterModeBits;
static constexpr int kImmutableSamplerInfoShift = kMipmapModeShift + kNumMipmapModeBits;
// Only relevant when using immutable samplers. Otherwise, can be ignored. The number of uint32s
// required to represent all relevant sampler desc information depends upon whether we are using
// a known or external format.
static constexpr int kInt32sNeededKnownFormat = 2;
static constexpr int kInt32sNeededExternalFormat = 3;
// Note: The order of these member attributes matters to keep unique object representation
// such that SkGoodHash can be used to hash SamplerDesc objects.
uint32_t fDesc = 0;
// Data fields populated by backend Caps which store texture format information (needed for
// YCbCr sampling). Only relevant when using immutable samplers. Otherwise, can be ignored.
// Known formats only require a uint32, but external formats can be up to a uint64. We store
// this as two separate uint32s such that has_unique_object_representation can be true, allowing
// this structure to be easily hashed using SkGoodHash. So, external formats can be represented
// with (fExternalFormatMostSignificantBits << 32) | fFormat.
uint32_t fFormat = 0;
uint32_t fExternalFormatMostSignificantBits = 0;
}; // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_graphite_ResourceTypes_DEFINED