blob: ddd2bfbbfbf073a5c9edf9c5d54f23e360e855e0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_graphite_Resource_DEFINED
#define skgpu_graphite_Resource_DEFINED
#include "include/gpu/GpuTypes.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkMutex.h"
#include "src/gpu/GpuTypesPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/GraphiteResourceKey.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ResourceTypes.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
class SkMutex;
class SkTraceMemoryDump;
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class ResourceCache;
class SharedContext;
class Texture;
* Base class for objects that can be kept in the ResourceCache.
class Resource {
Resource(const Resource&) = delete;
Resource(Resource&&) = delete;
Resource& operator=(const Resource&) = delete;
Resource& operator=(Resource&&) = delete;
// Adds a usage ref to the resource. Named ref so we can easily manage usage refs with sk_sp.
void ref() const {
// Only the cache should be able to add the first usage ref to a resource.
// No barrier required.
(void)fUsageRefCnt.fetch_add(+1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Removes a usage ref from the resource
void unref() const {
bool shouldFree = false;
SkAutoMutexExclusive locked(fUnrefMutex);
// A release here acts in place of all releases we "should" have been doing in ref().
if (1 == fUsageRefCnt.fetch_add(-1, std::memory_order_acq_rel)) {
shouldFree = this->notifyARefIsZero(LastRemovedRef::kUsage);
if (shouldFree) {
Resource* mutableThis = const_cast<Resource*>(this);
// Adds a command buffer ref to the resource
void refCommandBuffer() const {
if (fCommandBufferRefsAsUsageRefs) {
return this->ref();
// No barrier required.
(void)fCommandBufferRefCnt.fetch_add(+1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Removes a command buffer ref from the resource
void unrefCommandBuffer() const {
if (fCommandBufferRefsAsUsageRefs) {
return this->unref();
bool shouldFree = false;
SkAutoMutexExclusive locked(fUnrefMutex);
// A release here acts in place of all releases we "should" have been doing in ref().
if (1 == fCommandBufferRefCnt.fetch_add(-1, std::memory_order_acq_rel)) {
shouldFree = this->notifyARefIsZero(LastRemovedRef::kCommandBuffer);
if (shouldFree) {
Resource* mutableThis = const_cast<Resource*>(this);
Ownership ownership() const { return fOwnership; }
skgpu::Budgeted budgeted() const { return fBudgeted; }
// Retrieves the amount of GPU memory used by this resource in bytes. It is approximate since we
// aren't aware of additional padding or copies made by the driver.
size_t gpuMemorySize() const { return fGpuMemorySize; }
class UniqueID {
UniqueID() = default;
explicit UniqueID(uint32_t id) : fID(id) {}
uint32_t asUInt() const { return fID; }
bool operator==(const UniqueID& other) const { return fID == other.fID; }
bool operator!=(const UniqueID& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
uint32_t fID = SK_InvalidUniqueID;
// Gets an id that is unique for this Resource object. It is static in that it does not change
// when the content of the Resource object changes. This will never return 0.
UniqueID uniqueID() const { return fUniqueID; }
// Describes the type of gpu resource that is represented by the implementing
// class (e.g. texture, buffer, etc). This data is used for diagnostic
// purposes by dumpMemoryStatistics().
// The value returned is expected to be long lived and will not be copied by the caller.
virtual const char* getResourceType() const = 0;
std::string getLabel() const { return fLabel; }
// We allow the label on a Resource to change when used for a different function. For example
// when reusing a scratch Texture we can change the label to match callers current use.
void setLabel(std::string_view label) {
fLabel = label;
if (!fLabel.empty()) {
const std::string fullLabel = "Skia_" + fLabel;
// Tests whether a object has been abandoned or released. All objects will be in this state
// after their creating Context is destroyed or abandoned.
// @return true if the object has been released or abandoned,
// false otherwise.
// TODO: As of now this function isn't really needed because in freeGpuData we are always
// deleting this object. However, I want to implement all the purging logic first to make sure
// we don't have a use case for calling internalDispose but not wanting to delete the actual
// object yet.
bool wasDestroyed() const { return fSharedContext == nullptr; }
const GraphiteResourceKey& key() const { return fKey; }
// This should only ever be called by the ResourceProvider
void setKey(const GraphiteResourceKey& key) {
SkASSERT(key.shareable() == Shareable::kNo || this->budgeted() == skgpu::Budgeted::kYes);
fKey = key;
// Dumps memory usage information for this Resource to traceMemoryDump.
void dumpMemoryStatistics(SkTraceMemoryDump* traceMemoryDump) const;
* If the resource has a non-shareable key then this gives the resource subclass an opportunity
* to prepare itself to re-enter the cache. The ResourceCache extends its privilege to take the
* first UsageRef to this function via takeRef. If takeRef is called this resource will not
* immediately enter the cache but will be re-reprocessed with the Usage Ref count again reaches
* zero.
virtual void prepareForReturnToCache(const std::function<void()>& takeRef) {}
virtual const Texture* asTexture() const { return nullptr; }
#if defined(GPU_TEST_UTILS)
bool testingShouldDeleteASAP() const { return fDeleteASAP == DeleteASAP::kYes; }
Resource(const SharedContext*,
size_t gpuMemorySize,
bool commandBufferRefsAsUsageRefs = false);
virtual ~Resource();
const SharedContext* sharedContext() const { return fSharedContext; }
// Overridden to add extra information to the memory dump.
virtual void onDumpMemoryStatistics(SkTraceMemoryDump* traceMemoryDump,
const char* dumpName) const {}
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
bool debugHasCommandBufferRef() const {
return hasCommandBufferRef();
// Needed to be protected for DawnBuffer emscripten prepareForReturnToCache
void setDeleteASAP() { fDeleteASAP = DeleteASAP::kYes; }
friend class ProxyCache; // for setDeleteASAP and updateAccessTime
// Overridden to free GPU resources in the backend API.
virtual void freeGpuData() = 0;
// Overridden to call any release callbacks, if necessary
virtual void invokeReleaseProc() {}
enum class DeleteASAP : bool {
kNo = false,
kYes = true,
DeleteASAP shouldDeleteASAP() const { return fDeleteASAP; }
// In the ResourceCache this is called whenever a Resource is moved into the purgeableQueue. It
// may also be called by the ProxyCache to track the time on Resources it is holding on to.
void updateAccessTime() {
fLastAccess = skgpu::StdSteadyClock::now();
skgpu::StdSteadyClock::time_point lastAccessTime() const {
return fLastAccess;
virtual void setBackendLabel(char const* label) {}
// The following set of functions are only meant to be called by the ResourceCache. We don't
// want them public general users of a Resource, but they also aren't purely internal calls.
friend ResourceCache;
void makeBudgeted() { fBudgeted = skgpu::Budgeted::kYes; }
void makeUnbudgeted() { fBudgeted = skgpu::Budgeted::kNo; }
// This version of ref allows adding a ref when the usage count is 0. This should only be called
// from the ResourceCache.
void initialUsageRef() const {
// Only the cache should be able to add the first usage ref to a resource.
SkASSERT(fUsageRefCnt >= 0);
// No barrier required.
(void)fUsageRefCnt.fetch_add(+1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
bool isPurgeable() const;
int* accessReturnIndex() const { return &fReturnIndex; }
int* accessCacheIndex() const { return &fCacheArrayIndex; }
uint32_t timestamp() const { return fTimestamp; }
void setTimestamp(uint32_t ts) { fTimestamp = ts; }
void registerWithCache(sk_sp<ResourceCache>);
// Adds a cache ref to the resource. This is only called by ResourceCache. A Resource will only
// ever add a ref when the Resource is part of the cache (i.e. when insertResource is called)
// and while the Resource is in the ResourceCache::ReturnQueue.
void refCache() const {
// No barrier required.
(void)fCacheRefCnt.fetch_add(+1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Removes a cache ref from the resource. The unref here should only ever be called from the
// ResourceCache and only in the Recorder thread the ResourceCache is part of.
void unrefCache() const {
bool shouldFree = false;
SkAutoMutexExclusive locked(fUnrefMutex);
// A release here acts in place of all releases we "should" have been doing in ref().
if (1 == fCacheRefCnt.fetch_add(-1, std::memory_order_acq_rel)) {
shouldFree = this->notifyARefIsZero(LastRemovedRef::kCache);
if (shouldFree) {
Resource* mutableThis = const_cast<Resource*>(this);
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
bool isUsableAsScratch() const {
return fKey.shareable() == Shareable::kNo && !this->hasUsageRef() && fNonShareableInCache;
// The remaining calls are meant to be truely private
bool hasUsageRef() const {
if (0 == fUsageRefCnt.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
// The acquire barrier is only really needed if we return true. It
// prevents code conditioned on the result of hasUsageRef() from running until previous
// owners are all totally done calling unref().
return false;
return true;
bool hasCommandBufferRef() const {
// Note that we don't check here for fCommandBufferRefsAsUsageRefs. This should always
// report zero if that value is true.
if (0 == fCommandBufferRefCnt.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
// The acquire barrier is only really needed if we return true. It
// prevents code conditioned on the result of hasCommandBufferRef() from running
// until previous owners are all totally done calling unrefCommandBuffer().
return false;
return true;
bool hasCacheRef() const {
if (0 == fCacheRefCnt.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
// The acquire barrier is only really needed if we return true. It
// prevents code conditioned on the result of hasUsageRef() from running until previous
// owners are all totally done calling unref().
return false;
return true;
bool hasAnyRefs() const {
return this->hasUsageRef() || this->hasCommandBufferRef() || this->hasCacheRef();
bool notifyARefIsZero(LastRemovedRef removedRef) const;
// Frees the object in the underlying 3D API.
void internalDispose();
// We need to guard calling unref on the usage and command buffer refs since they each could be
// unreffed on different threads. This can lead to calling notifyARefIsZero twice with each
// instance thinking there are no more refs left and both trying to delete the object.
mutable SkMutex fUnrefMutex;
SkDEBUGCODE(mutable bool fCalledRemovedFromCache = false;)
// This is not ref'ed but internalDispose() will be called before the Gpu object is destroyed.
// That call will set this to nullptr.
const SharedContext* fSharedContext;
mutable std::atomic<int32_t> fUsageRefCnt;
mutable std::atomic<int32_t> fCommandBufferRefCnt;
mutable std::atomic<int32_t> fCacheRefCnt;
// Indicates that CommandBufferRefs should be rerouted to UsageRefs.
const bool fCommandBufferRefsAsUsageRefs = false;
GraphiteResourceKey fKey;
sk_sp<ResourceCache> fReturnCache;
// An index into the return cache so we know whether or not the resource is already waiting to
// be returned or not.
mutable int fReturnIndex = -1;
Ownership fOwnership;
static const size_t kInvalidGpuMemorySize = ~static_cast<size_t>(0);
mutable size_t fGpuMemorySize = kInvalidGpuMemorySize;
// All resource created internally by Graphite and held in the ResourceCache as a shared
// resource or available scratch resource are considered budgeted. Resources that back client
// owned objects (e.g. SkSurface or SkImage) are not budgeted and do not count against cache
// limits.
skgpu::Budgeted fBudgeted;
// This is only used by ProxyCache::purgeProxiesNotUsedSince which is called from
// ResourceCache::purgeResourcesNotUsedSince. When kYes, this signals that the Resource
// should've been purged based on its timestamp at some point regardless of what its
// current timestamp may indicate (since the timestamp will be updated when the Resource
// is returned to the ResourceCache).
DeleteASAP fDeleteASAP = DeleteASAP::kNo;
// An index into a heap when this resource is purgeable or an array when not. This is maintained
// by the cache.
mutable int fCacheArrayIndex = -1;
// This value reflects how recently this resource was accessed in the cache. This is maintained
// by the cache.
uint32_t fTimestamp;
skgpu::StdSteadyClock::time_point fLastAccess;
const UniqueID fUniqueID;
// String used to describe the current use of this Resource.
std::string fLabel;
// This is only used during validation checking. Lots of the validation code depends on a
// resource being purgeable or not. However, purgeable itself just means having no refs. The
// refs can be removed before a Resource is returned to the cache (or even added to the
// ReturnQueue).
SkDEBUGCODE(mutable bool fNonShareableInCache = false;)
} // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_graphite_Resource_DEFINED