blob: d63aac065863a0371186f26364dc295373064f69 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_graphite_PathAtlas_DEFINED
#define skgpu_graphite_PathAtlas_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkStrokeRec.h"
#include "src/base/SkTInternalLList.h"
#include "src/core/SkTHash.h"
#include "src/gpu/AtlasTypes.h"
#include "src/gpu/ResourceKey.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/DrawAtlas.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/geom/CoverageMaskShape.h"
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class Caps;
class DrawContext;
class Recorder;
class Rect;
class Renderer;
class Shape;
class TextureProxy;
class Transform;
* PathAtlas manages one or more atlas textures that store coverage masks for path rendering.
* The contents of a PathAtlas are intended to be transient: atlas regions are considered valid only
* for the scope of the render passes that sample them. Unlike DrawAtlas, PathAtlas does not
* necessarily support partial eviction and reuse of subregions. In most subclasses, once an atlas
* texture is filled up all of its sub-allocations must be invalidated before it can be reused.
* PathAtlas does not prescribe how atlas contents get uploaded to the GPU. The specific task
* mechanism is defined by subclasses.
class PathAtlas {
* The PathAtlas will use textures of the requested size or the system's maximum texture size,
* whichever is smaller.
PathAtlas(Recorder* recorder, uint32_t requestedWidth, uint32_t requestedHeight);
virtual ~PathAtlas();
using MaskAndOrigin = std::pair<CoverageMaskShape, SkIPoint>;
// Subclasses should ensure that the recorded masks have this much padding around each entry.
// PathAtlas passes in un-padded sizes to onAddShape and assumes that padding has been included
// in the outPos value.
static constexpr int kEntryPadding = 1;
* Searches the atlas for a slot that can fit a coverage mask for a clipped shape with the given
* bounds in device coordinates and submits the mask to be drawn into the found atlas region.
* For atlases that cache coverage masks, will first search the cache before adding.
* Returns an empty result if a the shape cannot fit in the atlas. Otherwise, returns the
* CoverageMaskShape (including the texture proxy) for sampling the eventually-rendered coverage
* mask and the device-space origin the mask should be drawn at (e.g. its recorded draw should
* be an integer translation matrix), and the Renderer that should be used to draw that shape.
* The Renderer should have single-channel coverage, require AA bounds outsetting, and have a
* single renderStep.
* The bounds of the atlas entry is laid out with a 1 pixel outset from the given dimensions.
* The returned shape's UV origin accounts for the padding, and its mask size does not include
* the padding. This allows the mask to be sampled safely with linear filtering without worrying
* about HW filtering accessing pixels from other entries.
* `shape` will be drawn after applying the linear components (scale, rotation, skew) of the
* provided `localToDevice` transform. This is done by translating the shape by the inverse of
* the rounded out `transformedShapeBounds` offset. For an unclipped shape this amounts to
* translating it back to its origin while preserving any sub-pixel translation. For a clipped
* shape, this ensures that the visible portions of the mask are centered in the atlas slot
* while invisible portions that would lie outside the atlas slot get clipped out.
* `addShape()` schedules the shape to be drawn but when and how the rendering happens is
* specified by the subclass implementation.
* The stroke-and-fill style is drawn as a single combined coverage mask containing the stroke
* and the fill.
std::pair<const Renderer*, std::optional<MaskAndOrigin>> addShape(
const Rect& transformedShapeBounds,
const Shape& shape,
const Transform& localToDevice,
const SkStrokeRec& style);
* Returns true if a path coverage mask with the given device-space bounds is sufficiently
* small to benefit from atlasing without causing too many atlas renders.
* `transformedShapeBounds` represents the device-space bounds of the coverage mask shape
* unrestricted by clip and viewport bounds.
* `clipBounds` represents the conservative bounding box of the union of the clip stack that
* should apply to the shape.
virtual bool isSuitableForAtlasing(const Rect& transformedShapeBounds,
const Rect& clipBounds) const {
return true;
uint32_t width() const { return fWidth; }
uint32_t height() const { return fHeight; }
// The 'transform' has been adjusted to draw the Shape into a logical image from (0,0) to
// 'maskSize'. The actual rendering into the returned TextureProxy will need to be further
// translated by the value written to 'outPos', which is the responsibility of subclasses.
virtual const TextureProxy* onAddShape(const Shape&,
const Transform& transform,
const SkStrokeRec&,
skvx::half2 maskSize,
skvx::half2* outPos) = 0;
// Wrapper class to manage DrawAtlas and associated caching operations
class DrawAtlasMgr : public AtlasGenerationCounter, public PlotEvictionCallback {
const TextureProxy* findOrCreateEntry(Recorder* recorder,
const Shape& shape,
const Transform& transform,
const SkStrokeRec& strokeRec,
skvx::half2 maskSize,
skvx::half2* outPos);
// Adds to DrawAtlas but not the cache
const TextureProxy* addToAtlas(Recorder* recorder,
const Shape& shape,
const Transform& transform,
const SkStrokeRec& strokeRec,
skvx::half2 maskSize,
skvx::half2* outPos,
AtlasLocator* locator);
bool recordUploads(DrawContext*, Recorder*);
void evict(PlotLocator) override;
void compact(Recorder*, bool forceCompact);
void evictAll();
DrawAtlasMgr(size_t width, size_t height,
size_t plotWidth, size_t plotHeight,
DrawAtlas::UseStorageTextures useStorageTextures,
std::string_view label, const Caps*);
bool virtual onAddToAtlas(const Shape&,
const Transform& transform,
const SkStrokeRec&,
SkIRect shapeBounds,
const AtlasLocator&) = 0;
std::unique_ptr<DrawAtlas> fDrawAtlas;
// Tracks whether a shape is already in the DrawAtlas, and its location in the atlas
struct UniqueKeyHash {
uint32_t operator()(const skgpu::UniqueKey& key) const { return key.hash(); }
using ShapeCache = skia_private::THashMap<skgpu::UniqueKey, AtlasLocator, UniqueKeyHash>;
ShapeCache fShapeCache;
// List of stored keys per Plot, used to invalidate cache entries.
// When a Plot is invalidated via evict(), we'll get its index and Page index from the
// PlotLocator, index into the fKeyLists array to get the ShapeKeyList for that Plot,
// then iterate through the list and remove entries matching those keys from the ShapeCache.
struct ShapeKeyEntry {
skgpu::UniqueKey fKey;
using ShapeKeyList = SkTInternalLList<ShapeKeyEntry>;
SkTDArray<ShapeKeyList> fKeyLists;
// The Recorder that created and owns this Atlas.
Recorder* fRecorder;
uint32_t fWidth = 0;
uint32_t fHeight = 0;
} // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_graphite_PathAtlas_DEFINED