blob: 2a3d3d1861eb0bde744bd36035b4fa980757182e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_graphite_PaintParamsKey_DEFINED
#define skgpu_graphite_PaintParamsKey_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkSpan.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkMacros.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTArray.h"
#include "src/core/SkChecksum.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/BuiltInCodeSnippetID.h"
#include <limits>
#include <cstring> // for memcmp
class SkArenaAlloc;
struct SkSamplingOptions;
enum class SkTileMode;
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class Caps;
class ShaderCodeDictionary;
class ShaderNode;
class TextureProxy;
class UniquePaintParamsID;
// This class is a compact representation of the shader needed to implement a given
// PaintParams. Its structure is a series of nodes where each node consists of:
// 4 bytes: code-snippet ID
// N child nodes, where N is the constant number of children defined by the ShaderCodeDictionary
// for the node's snippet ID.
// All children of a child node are stored in the key before the next child is encoded in the key,
// e.g. iterating the data in a key is a depth-first traversal of the node tree.
class PaintParamsKey {
// PaintParamsKey can only be created by using a PaintParamsKeyBuilder or by cloning the key
// data from a Builder-owned key, but they can be passed around by value after that.
constexpr PaintParamsKey(const PaintParamsKey&) = default;
~PaintParamsKey() = default;
PaintParamsKey& operator=(const PaintParamsKey&) = default;
static constexpr PaintParamsKey Invalid() { return PaintParamsKey(SkSpan<const uint32_t>()); }
bool isValid() const { return !fData.empty(); }
// Return a PaintParamsKey whose data is owned by the provided arena and is not attached to
// a PaintParamsKeyBuilder. The caller must ensure that the SkArenaAlloc remains alive longer
// than the returned key.
PaintParamsKey clone(SkArenaAlloc*) const;
// Converts the key into a forest of ShaderNode trees. If the key is valid this will return at
// least one root node. If the key contains unknown shader snippet IDs, returns an empty span.
// All shader nodes, and the returned span's backing data, are owned by the provided arena.
// TODO: Strengthen PaintParams key generation so we can assume there's only ever one root node
// representing the final blend (either a shader blend (with 2 children: main effect & dst) or
// a fixed function blend (with 1 child being the main effect)).
SkSpan<const ShaderNode*> getRootNodes(const ShaderCodeDictionary*, SkArenaAlloc*) const;
// Converts the key to a structured list of snippet information for debugging or labeling
// purposes.
SkString toString(const ShaderCodeDictionary* dict, bool includeData) const;
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
void dump(const ShaderCodeDictionary*, UniquePaintParamsID) const;
bool operator==(const PaintParamsKey& that) const {
return fData.size() == that.fData.size() &&
!memcmp(,, fData.size());
bool operator!=(const PaintParamsKey& that) const { return !(*this == that); }
struct Hash {
uint32_t operator()(const PaintParamsKey& k) const {
return SkChecksum::Hash32(, k.fData.size_bytes());
friend class PaintParamsKeyBuilder; // for the parented-data ctor
constexpr PaintParamsKey(SkSpan<const uint32_t> span) : fData(span) {}
// Returns null if the node or any of its children have an invalid snippet ID. Recursively
// creates a node and all of its children, incrementing 'currentIndex' by the total number of
// nodes created.
const ShaderNode* createNode(const ShaderCodeDictionary*,
int* currentIndex,
SkArenaAlloc* arena) const;
// The memory referenced in 'fData' is always owned by someone else. It either shares the span
// from the Builder, or clone() puts the span in an arena.
SkSpan<const uint32_t> fData;
// The PaintParamsKeyBuilder and the PaintParamsKeys snapped from it share the same
// underlying block of memory. When an PaintParamsKey is snapped from the builder it 'locks'
// the memory and 'unlocks' it in its destructor. Because of this relationship, the builder
// can only have one extant key and that key must be destroyed before the builder can be reused
// to create another one.
// This arrangement is intended to improve performance in the expected case, where a builder is
// being used in a tight loop to generate keys which can be recycled once they've been used to
// find the dictionary's matching uniqueID. We don't expect the cost of copying the key's memory
// into the dictionary to be prohibitive since that should be infrequent.
class PaintParamsKeyBuilder {
PaintParamsKeyBuilder(const ShaderCodeDictionary* dict) {
SkDEBUGCODE(fDict = dict;)
~PaintParamsKeyBuilder() { SkASSERT(!fLocked); }
void beginBlock(BuiltInCodeSnippetID id) { this->beginBlock(static_cast<int32_t>(id)); }
void beginBlock(int32_t codeSnippetID) {
// TODO: Have endBlock() be handled automatically with RAII, in which case we could have it
// validate the snippet ID being popped off the stack frame.
void endBlock() {
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
// Check that the builder has been reset to its initial state prior to creating a new key.
void checkReset();
// Helper to add blocks that don't have children
void addBlock(BuiltInCodeSnippetID id) {
void addData(SkSpan<const uint32_t> data) {
// First push the data size followed by the actual data.
fData.push_back_n(data.size(), data.begin());
friend class AutoLockBuilderAsKey; // for lockAsKey() and unlock()
// Returns a view of this builder as a PaintParamsKey. The Builder cannot be used until the
// returned Key goes out of scope.
PaintParamsKey lockAsKey() {
SkASSERT(!fLocked); // lockAsKey() is not re-entrant
SkASSERT(fStack.empty()); // All beginBlocks() had a matching endBlock()
SkDEBUGCODE(fLocked = true;)
return PaintParamsKey({, fData.size()});
// Invalidates any PaintParamsKey returned by lockAsKey() unless it has been cloned.
void unlock() {
SkDEBUGCODE(fLocked = false;)
// The data array uses clear() on unlock so that it's underlying storage and repeated use of the
// builder will hit a high-water mark and avoid lots of allocations when recording draws.
skia_private::TArray<uint32_t> fData;
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
void pushStack(int32_t codeSnippetID);
void validateData(size_t dataSize);
void popStack();
// Information about the current block being written
struct StackFrame {
int fCodeSnippetID;
int fNumExpectedChildren;
int fNumActualChildren = 0;
int fDataSize = -1;
const ShaderCodeDictionary* fDict;
skia_private::TArray<StackFrame> fStack;
bool fLocked = false;
class AutoLockBuilderAsKey {
AutoLockBuilderAsKey(PaintParamsKeyBuilder* builder)
: fBuilder(builder)
, fKey(builder->lockAsKey()) {}
~AutoLockBuilderAsKey() {
// Use as a PaintParamsKey
const PaintParamsKey& operator*() const { return fKey; }
const PaintParamsKey* operator->() const { return &fKey; }
PaintParamsKeyBuilder* fBuilder;
PaintParamsKey fKey;
} // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_graphite_PaintParamsKey_DEFINED