blob: 67163e8cb23ea2d44b961316721c7e4fe82843b2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/graphite/PaintParams.h"
#include "include/core/SkColorSpace.h"
#include "include/core/SkShader.h"
#include "src/core/SkBlendModeBlender.h"
#include "src/core/SkBlenderBase.h"
#include "src/core/SkColorSpacePriv.h"
#include "src/effects/colorfilters/SkColorFilterBase.h"
#include "src/gpu/Blend.h"
#include "src/gpu/DitherUtils.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/KeyContext.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/KeyHelpers.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Log.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/PaintParamsKey.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/PipelineData.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/RecorderPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Uniform.h"
#include "src/shaders/SkShaderBase.h"
namespace skgpu::graphite {
namespace {
// This should be kept in sync w/ SkPaintPriv::ShouldDither and PaintOption::shouldDither
bool should_dither(const PaintParams& p, SkColorType dstCT) {
// The paint dither flag can veto.
if (!p.dither()) {
return false;
if (dstCT == kUnknown_SkColorType) {
return false;
// We always dither 565 or 4444 when requested.
if (dstCT == kRGB_565_SkColorType || dstCT == kARGB_4444_SkColorType) {
return true;
// Otherwise, dither is only needed for non-const paints.
return p.shader() && !as_SB(p.shader())->isConstant();
} // anonymous namespace
PaintParams::PaintParams(const SkPaint& paint,
sk_sp<SkBlender> primitiveBlender,
const CircularRRectClip& analyticClip,
sk_sp<SkShader> clipShader,
DstReadRequirement dstReadReq,
bool skipColorXform)
: fColor(paint.getColor4f())
, fFinalBlender(paint.refBlender())
, fShader(paint.refShader())
, fColorFilter(paint.refColorFilter())
, fPrimitiveBlender(std::move(primitiveBlender))
, fAnalyticClip(analyticClip)
, fClipShader(std::move(clipShader))
, fDstReadReq(dstReadReq)
, fSkipColorXform(skipColorXform)
, fDither(paint.isDither()) {}
PaintParams::PaintParams(const PaintParams& other) = default;
PaintParams::~PaintParams() = default;
PaintParams& PaintParams::operator=(const PaintParams& other) = default;
std::optional<SkBlendMode> PaintParams::asFinalBlendMode() const {
return fFinalBlender ? as_BB(fFinalBlender)->asBlendMode()
: SkBlendMode::kSrcOver;
sk_sp<SkBlender> PaintParams::refFinalBlender() const { return fFinalBlender; }
sk_sp<SkShader> PaintParams::refShader() const { return fShader; }
sk_sp<SkColorFilter> PaintParams::refColorFilter() const { return fColorFilter; }
sk_sp<SkBlender> PaintParams::refPrimitiveBlender() const { return fPrimitiveBlender; }
SkColor4f PaintParams::Color4fPrepForDst(SkColor4f srcColor, const SkColorInfo& dstColorInfo) {
// xform from sRGB to the destination colorspace
SkColorSpaceXformSteps steps(sk_srgb_singleton(), kUnpremul_SkAlphaType,
dstColorInfo.colorSpace(), kUnpremul_SkAlphaType);
SkColor4f result = srcColor;
return result;
void Blend(const KeyContext& keyContext,
PaintParamsKeyBuilder* keyBuilder,
PipelineDataGatherer* gatherer,
AddToKeyFn addBlendToKey,
AddToKeyFn addSrcToKey,
AddToKeyFn addDstToKey) {
BlendComposeBlock::BeginBlock(keyContext, keyBuilder, gatherer);
keyBuilder->endBlock(); // BlendComposeBlock
void Compose(const KeyContext& keyContext,
PaintParamsKeyBuilder* keyBuilder,
PipelineDataGatherer* gatherer,
AddToKeyFn addInnerToKey,
AddToKeyFn addOuterToKey) {
ComposeBlock::BeginBlock(keyContext, keyBuilder, gatherer);
keyBuilder->endBlock(); // ComposeBlock
void AddFixedBlendMode(const KeyContext& keyContext,
PaintParamsKeyBuilder* builder,
PipelineDataGatherer* gatherer,
SkBlendMode bm) {
SkASSERT(bm <= SkBlendMode::kLastMode);
BuiltInCodeSnippetID id = static_cast<BuiltInCodeSnippetID>(kFixedBlendIDOffset +
void AddBlendMode(const KeyContext& keyContext,
PaintParamsKeyBuilder* builder,
PipelineDataGatherer* gatherer,
SkBlendMode bm) {
// For non-fixed blends, coefficient blend modes are combined into the same shader snippet.
// The same goes for the HSLC advanced blends. The remaining advanced blends are fairly unique
// in their implementations. To avoid having to compile all of their SkSL, they are treated as
// fixed blend modes.
SkSpan<const float> coeffs = skgpu::GetPorterDuffBlendConstants(bm);
if (!coeffs.empty()) {
PorterDuffBlenderBlock::AddBlock(keyContext, builder, gatherer, coeffs);
} else if (bm >= SkBlendMode::kHue) {
ReducedBlendModeInfo blendInfo = GetReducedBlendModeInfo(bm);
HSLCBlenderBlock::AddBlock(keyContext, builder, gatherer, blendInfo.fUniformData);
} else {
AddFixedBlendMode(keyContext, builder, gatherer, bm);
void AddDstReadBlock(const KeyContext& keyContext,
PaintParamsKeyBuilder* builder,
PipelineDataGatherer* gatherer,
DstReadRequirement dstReadReq) {
switch(dstReadReq) {
case DstReadRequirement::kNone:
SkASSERT(false); // This should never be reached
case DstReadRequirement::kTextureCopy:
case DstReadRequirement::kTextureSample:
DstReadSampleBlock::AddBlock(keyContext, builder, gatherer, keyContext.dstTexture(),
case DstReadRequirement::kFramebufferFetch:
void AddDitherBlock(const KeyContext& keyContext,
PaintParamsKeyBuilder* builder,
PipelineDataGatherer* gatherer,
SkColorType ct) {
static const SkBitmap gLUT = skgpu::MakeDitherLUT();
sk_sp<TextureProxy> proxy = RecorderPriv::CreateCachedProxy(keyContext.recorder(), gLUT,
if (keyContext.recorder() && !proxy) {
SKGPU_LOG_W("Couldn't create dither shader's LUT");
DitherShaderBlock::DitherData data(skgpu::DitherRangeForConfig(ct), std::move(proxy));
DitherShaderBlock::AddBlock(keyContext, builder, gatherer, data);
void PaintParams::addPaintColorToKey(const KeyContext& keyContext,
PaintParamsKeyBuilder* keyBuilder,
PipelineDataGatherer* gatherer) const {
if (fShader) {
AddToKey(keyContext, keyBuilder, gatherer, fShader.get());
} else {
RGBPaintColorBlock::AddBlock(keyContext, keyBuilder, gatherer);
* Primitive blend blocks are used to blend either the paint color or the output of another shader
* with a primitive color emitted by certain draw geometry calls (drawVertices, drawAtlas, etc.).
* Dst: primitiveColor Src: Paint color/shader output
void PaintParams::handlePrimitiveColor(const KeyContext& keyContext,
PaintParamsKeyBuilder* keyBuilder,
PipelineDataGatherer* gatherer) const {
if (fPrimitiveBlender) {
Blend(keyContext, keyBuilder, gatherer,
/* addBlendToKey= */ [&] () -> void {
AddToKey(keyContext, keyBuilder, gatherer, fPrimitiveBlender.get());
/* addSrcToKey= */ [&]() -> void {
this->addPaintColorToKey(keyContext, keyBuilder, gatherer);
/* addDstToKey= */ [&]() -> void {
PrimitiveColorBlock::AddBlock(keyContext, keyBuilder, gatherer);
} else {
this->addPaintColorToKey(keyContext, keyBuilder, gatherer);
// Apply the paint's alpha value.
void PaintParams::handlePaintAlpha(const KeyContext& keyContext,
PaintParamsKeyBuilder* keyBuilder,
PipelineDataGatherer* gatherer) const {
if (!fShader && !fPrimitiveBlender) {
// If there is no shader and no primitive blending the input to the colorFilter stage
// is just the premultiplied paint color.
SkPMColor4f paintColor = PaintParams::Color4fPrepForDst(fColor,
SolidColorShaderBlock::AddBlock(keyContext, keyBuilder, gatherer, paintColor);
if (fColor.fA != 1.0f) {
Blend(keyContext, keyBuilder, gatherer,
/* addBlendToKey= */ [&] () -> void {
AddFixedBlendMode(keyContext, keyBuilder, gatherer, SkBlendMode::kSrcIn);
/* addSrcToKey= */ [&]() -> void {
this->handlePrimitiveColor(keyContext, keyBuilder, gatherer);
/* addDstToKey= */ [&]() -> void {
AlphaOnlyPaintColorBlock::AddBlock(keyContext, keyBuilder, gatherer);
} else {
this->handlePrimitiveColor(keyContext, keyBuilder, gatherer);
void PaintParams::handleColorFilter(const KeyContext& keyContext,
PaintParamsKeyBuilder* builder,
PipelineDataGatherer* gatherer) const {
if (fColorFilter) {
Compose(keyContext, builder, gatherer,
/* addInnerToKey= */ [&]() -> void {
this->handlePaintAlpha(keyContext, builder, gatherer);
/* addOuterToKey= */ [&]() -> void {
AddToKey(keyContext, builder, gatherer, fColorFilter.get());
} else {
this->handlePaintAlpha(keyContext, builder, gatherer);
void PaintParams::handleDithering(const KeyContext& keyContext,
PaintParamsKeyBuilder* builder,
PipelineDataGatherer* gatherer) const {
SkColorType ct = keyContext.dstColorInfo().colorType();
if (should_dither(*this, ct)) {
Compose(keyContext, builder, gatherer,
/* addInnerToKey= */ [&]() -> void {
this->handleColorFilter(keyContext, builder, gatherer);
/* addOuterToKey= */ [&]() -> void {
AddDitherBlock(keyContext, builder, gatherer, ct);
} else
this->handleColorFilter(keyContext, builder, gatherer);
void PaintParams::handleDstRead(const KeyContext& keyContext,
PaintParamsKeyBuilder* builder,
PipelineDataGatherer* gatherer) const {
if (fDstReadReq != DstReadRequirement::kNone) {
Blend(keyContext, builder, gatherer,
/* addBlendToKey= */ [&] () -> void {
if (fFinalBlender) {
AddToKey(keyContext, builder, gatherer, fFinalBlender.get());
} else {
AddFixedBlendMode(keyContext, builder, gatherer, SkBlendMode::kSrcOver);
/* addSrcToKey= */ [&]() -> void {
this->handleDithering(keyContext, builder, gatherer);
/* addDstToKey= */ [&]() -> void {
AddDstReadBlock(keyContext, builder, gatherer, fDstReadReq);
} else {
this->handleDithering(keyContext, builder, gatherer);
void PaintParams::handleClipping(const KeyContext& keyContext,
PaintParamsKeyBuilder* builder,
PipelineDataGatherer* gatherer) const {
ClipBlock::BeginBlock(keyContext, builder, gatherer);
if (!fAnalyticClip.isEmpty()) {
float radius = fAnalyticClip.fRadius + 0.5f;
// N.B.: Because the clip data is normally used with depth-based clipping,
// the shape is inverted from its usual state. We re-invert here to
// match what the shader snippet expects.
SkPoint radiusPair = {(fAnalyticClip.fInverted) ? radius : -radius, 1.0f/radius};
CircularRRectClipBlock::CircularRRectClipData data(
if (fClipShader) {
Blend(keyContext, builder, gatherer,
/* addBlendToKey= */ [&]() -> void {
AddFixedBlendMode(keyContext, builder, gatherer, SkBlendMode::kModulate);
/* addSrcToKey= */ [&]() -> void {
CircularRRectClipBlock::AddBlock(keyContext, builder, gatherer, data);
/* addDstToKey= */ [&]() -> void {
AddToKey(keyContext, builder, gatherer, fClipShader.get());
} else {
CircularRRectClipBlock::AddBlock(keyContext, builder, gatherer, data);
} else {
AddToKey(keyContext, builder, gatherer, fClipShader.get());
void PaintParams::toKey(const KeyContext& keyContext,
PaintParamsKeyBuilder* builder,
PipelineDataGatherer* gatherer) const {
this->handleDstRead(keyContext, builder, gatherer);
std::optional<SkBlendMode> finalBlendMode = this->asFinalBlendMode();
if (fDstReadReq != DstReadRequirement::kNone) {
// In this case the blend will have been handled by shader-based blending with the dstRead.
finalBlendMode = SkBlendMode::kSrc;
if (!fAnalyticClip.isEmpty() || fClipShader) {
this->handleClipping(keyContext, builder, gatherer);
// Set the hardware blend mode.
AddFixedBlendMode(keyContext, builder, gatherer, *finalBlendMode);
// TODO(b/330864257): Can be deleted once keys are determined by the Device draw.
void PaintParams::notifyImagesInUse(Recorder* recorder,
DrawContext* drawContext) const {
if (fShader) {
NotifyImagesInUse(recorder, drawContext, fShader.get());
if (fPrimitiveBlender) {
NotifyImagesInUse(recorder, drawContext, fPrimitiveBlender.get());
if (fColorFilter) {
NotifyImagesInUse(recorder, drawContext, fColorFilter.get());
if (fFinalBlender) {
NotifyImagesInUse(recorder, drawContext, fFinalBlender.get());
if (fClipShader) {
NotifyImagesInUse(recorder, drawContext, fClipShader.get());
} // namespace skgpu::graphite