blob: a88399622cd5bfdf0dd0bd5c252f1d12b9e39b76 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/graphite/DrawContext.h"
#include "include/core/SkColorSpace.h"
#include "include/core/SkPixmap.h"
#include "include/private/SkColorData.h"
#include "include/gpu/graphite/Context.h"
#include "include/gpu/graphite/Recorder.h"
#include "src/core/SkTraceEvent.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/AtlasProvider.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Buffer.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Caps.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/CommandBuffer.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ComputePathAtlas.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/DrawList.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/DrawPass.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Log.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/RasterPathAtlas.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/RecorderPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/RenderPassDesc.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ResourceTypes.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/SharedContext.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/TextureProxy.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/TextureProxyView.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/compute/DispatchGroup.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/geom/BoundsManager.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/geom/Geometry.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/task/ComputeTask.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/task/CopyTask.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/task/DrawTask.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/task/RenderPassTask.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/task/UploadTask.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/text/TextAtlasManager.h"
namespace skgpu::graphite {
namespace {
// Discarding content on floating point textures can leave nans as the prior color for a pixel,
// in which case hardware blending (when enabled) will fail even if the src, dst coefficients
// and coverage would produce the unmodified src value.
bool discard_op_should_use_clear(SkColorType ct) {
switch(ct) {
case kRGBA_F16Norm_SkColorType:
case kRGBA_F16_SkColorType:
case kRGBA_F32_SkColorType:
case kA16_float_SkColorType:
case kR16G16_float_SkColorType:
return true;
return false;
} // anonymous namespace
sk_sp<DrawContext> DrawContext::Make(const Caps* caps,
sk_sp<TextureProxy> target,
SkISize deviceSize,
const SkColorInfo& colorInfo,
const SkSurfaceProps& props) {
if (!target) {
return nullptr;
// We don't render to unknown or unpremul alphatypes
if (colorInfo.alphaType() == kUnknown_SkAlphaType ||
colorInfo.alphaType() == kUnpremul_SkAlphaType) {
return nullptr;
if (!caps->isRenderable(target->textureInfo())) {
return nullptr;
// Accept an approximate-fit texture, but make sure it's at least as large as the device's
// logical size.
// TODO: validate that the color type and alpha type are compatible with the target's info
SkASSERT(target->isFullyLazy() || (target->dimensions().width() >= deviceSize.width() &&
target->dimensions().height() >= deviceSize.height()));
SkImageInfo imageInfo = SkImageInfo::Make(deviceSize, colorInfo);
return sk_sp<DrawContext>(new DrawContext(caps, std::move(target), imageInfo, props));
DrawContext::DrawContext(const Caps* caps,
sk_sp<TextureProxy> target,
const SkImageInfo& ii,
const SkSurfaceProps& props)
: fTarget(std::move(target))
, fImageInfo(ii)
, fSurfaceProps(props)
, fCurrentDrawTask(sk_make_sp<DrawTask>(fTarget))
, fPendingDraws(std::make_unique<DrawList>())
, fPendingUploads(std::make_unique<UploadList>()) {
if (!caps->isTexturable(fTarget->textureInfo())) {
fReadView = {}; // Presumably this DrawContext is rendering into a swap chain
} else {
Swizzle swizzle = caps->getReadSwizzle(ii.colorType(), fTarget->textureInfo());
fReadView = {fTarget, swizzle};
// TBD - Will probably want DrawLists (and its internal commands) to come from an arena
// that the DC manages.
DrawContext::~DrawContext() = default;
void DrawContext::clear(const SkColor4f& clearColor) {
fPendingLoadOp = LoadOp::kClear;
SkPMColor4f pmColor = clearColor.premul();
fPendingClearColor = pmColor.array();
void DrawContext::discard() {
// Non-loading operations on a fully lazy target can corrupt data beyond the DrawContext's
// region so should be avoided.
// A fullscreen clear or discard will overwrite anything that came before, so clear the DrawList
// NOTE: Eventually the current DrawTask should be reset, once there are no longer implicit
// dependencies on atlas tasks between DrawContexts. When that's resolved, the only tasks in the
// current DrawTask are those that directly impact the target, which becomes irrelevant with the
// clear op overwriting it. For now, preserve the previous tasks that might include atlas
// uploads that are not explicitly shared between DrawContexts.
if (fPendingDraws->renderStepCount() > 0) {
fPendingDraws = std::make_unique<DrawList>();
if (fComputePathAtlas) {
if (discard_op_should_use_clear(fImageInfo.colorType())) {
// In theory the clear color shouldn't matter since a discardable state should be fully
// overwritten by later draws, but if a previous call to clear() had injected bad data,
// the discard should not inherit it.
fPendingClearColor = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
fPendingLoadOp = LoadOp::kClear;
} else {
fPendingLoadOp = LoadOp::kDiscard;
void DrawContext::recordDraw(const Renderer* renderer,
const Transform& localToDevice,
const Geometry& geometry,
const Clip& clip,
DrawOrder ordering,
const PaintParams* paint,
const StrokeStyle* stroke) {
fPendingDraws->recordDraw(renderer, localToDevice, geometry, clip, ordering, paint, stroke);
bool DrawContext::recordUpload(Recorder* recorder,
sk_sp<TextureProxy> targetProxy,
const SkColorInfo& srcColorInfo,
const SkColorInfo& dstColorInfo,
const std::vector<MipLevel>& levels,
const SkIRect& dstRect,
std::unique_ptr<ConditionalUploadContext> condContext) {
// Our caller should have clipped to the bounds of the surface already.
SkASSERT(targetProxy->isFullyLazy() ||
return fPendingUploads->recordUpload(recorder,
void DrawContext::recordDependency(sk_sp<Task> task) {
// Adding `task` to the current DrawTask directly means that it will execute after any previous
// dependent tasks and after any previous calls to flush(), but everything else that's being
// collected on the DrawContext will execute after `task` once the next flush() is performed.
PathAtlas* DrawContext::getComputePathAtlas(Recorder* recorder) {
if (!fComputePathAtlas) {
fComputePathAtlas = recorder->priv().atlasProvider()->createComputePathAtlas(recorder);
return fComputePathAtlas.get();
void DrawContext::flush(Recorder* recorder) {
if (fPendingUploads->size() > 0) {
"# uploads", fPendingUploads->size());
// The UploadTask steals the collected upload instances, automatically resetting this list
SkASSERT(fPendingUploads->size() == 0);
// Generate compute dispatches that render into the atlas texture used by pending draws.
// TODO: Once compute atlas caching is implemented, DrawContext might not hold onto to this
// at which point a recordDispatch() could be added and it stores a pending dispatches list that
// much like how uploads are handled. In that case, Device would be responsible for triggering
// the recording of dispatches, but that may happen naturally in AtlasProvider::recordUploads().
if (fComputePathAtlas) {
ComputeTask::DispatchGroupList dispatches;
if (fComputePathAtlas->recordDispatches(recorder, &dispatches)) {
// For now this check is valid as all coverage mask draws involve dispatches
} // else no pending compute work needed to be recorded
} // else platform doesn't support compute or atlas was never initialized.
if (fPendingDraws->renderStepCount() == 0 && fPendingLoadOp != LoadOp::kClear) {
// Nothing will be rasterized to the target that warrants a RenderPassTask, but we preserve
// any added uploads or compute tasks since those could also affect the target w/o
// rasterizing anything directly.
// Convert the pending draws and load/store ops into a DrawPass that will be executed after
// the collected uploads and compute dispatches. If there's a dst readback copy required it
// inserts a CopyTextureToTexture task before the RenderPassTask.
// TODO: At this point, there's only ever one DrawPass in a RenderPassTask to a target. When
// subpasses are implemented, they will either be collected alongside fPendingDraws or added
// to the RenderPassTask separately.
// TODO(b/280802448): Once dstCopy and dstCopyPixelBounds do not need to be passed to DrawPass,
// this copy task logic can go after the pass has been completed successfully, with the creation
// of the RenderPassTask.
sk_sp<TextureProxy> dstCopy;
SkIRect dstCopyPixelBounds = SkIRect::MakeEmpty();
if (!fPendingDraws->dstCopyBounds().isEmptyNegativeOrNaN()) {
TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0("skia.gpu", "DrawPass requires dst copy", TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_THREAD);
dstCopyPixelBounds = fPendingDraws->dstCopyBounds().makeRoundOut().asSkIRect();
// TODO: Right now this assert is ensuring that the dstCopy will be texturable since it
// uses the same texture info as fTarget. Ideally, if fTarget were not texturable but
// still readable, we would perform a fallback to a compatible texturable info. We also
// should decide whether or not a copy-as-draw fallback is necessary here too. All of
// this is handled inside Image::Copy() except we would need it to expose the task in
// order to link it correctly.
dstCopy = TextureProxy::Make(recorder->priv().caps(),
std::unique_ptr<DrawPass> pass = DrawPass::Make(recorder,
std::make_pair(fPendingLoadOp, fPendingStoreOp),
fPendingDraws = std::make_unique<DrawList>();
// Now that there is content drawn to the target, that content must be loaded on any subsequent
// render pass.
fPendingLoadOp = LoadOp::kLoad;
fPendingStoreOp = StoreOp::kStore;
if (pass) {
SkASSERT(fTarget.get() == pass->target());
if (dstCopy) {
// Add the copy task to initialize dstCopy before the render pass task.
fTarget, dstCopyPixelBounds, dstCopy, /*dstPoint=*/{0, 0}));
const Caps* caps = recorder->priv().caps();
auto [loadOp, storeOp] = pass->ops();
auto writeSwizzle = caps->getWriteSwizzle(this->colorInfo().colorType(),
RenderPassDesc desc = RenderPassDesc::Make(caps, fTarget->textureInfo(), loadOp, storeOp,
RenderPassTask::DrawPassList passes;
fCurrentDrawTask->addTask(RenderPassTask::Make(std::move(passes), desc, fTarget,
std::move(dstCopy), dstCopyPixelBounds));
// else pass creation failed, DrawPass will have logged why. Don't discard the previously
// accumulated tasks, however, since they may represent operations on an atlas that other
// DrawContexts now implicitly depend on.
sk_sp<Task> DrawContext::snapDrawTask(Recorder* recorder) {
// If flush() was explicitly called earlier and no new work was recorded, this call to flush()
// is a no-op and shouldn't hurt performance.
if (!fCurrentDrawTask->hasTasks()) {
return nullptr;
sk_sp<Task> snappedTask = std::move(fCurrentDrawTask);
fCurrentDrawTask = sk_make_sp<DrawTask>(fTarget);
return snappedTask;
} // namespace skgpu::graphite