blob: 53c426e0d67611267f3f3f6d680dd26a94518931 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_graphite_ContextUtils_DEFINED
#define skgpu_graphite_ContextUtils_DEFINED
#include "src/gpu/Blend.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/PaintParamsKey.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/PipelineData.h"
#include <optional>
#include <tuple>
class SkColorInfo;
class SkM44;
class SkPaint;
namespace skgpu {
class Swizzle;
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class ComputeStep;
enum class Coverage;
class DrawParams;
enum class DstReadRequirement;
class Geometry;
class GraphicsPipelineDesc;
class PaintParams;
class PipelineDataGatherer;
class Recorder;
struct RenderPassDesc;
class RenderStep;
class RuntimeEffectDictionary;
class ShaderNode;
class UniformManager;
class UniquePaintParamsID;
struct ResourceBindingRequirements;
struct VertSkSLInfo {
std::string fSkSL;
std::string fLabel;
bool fHasStepUniforms = false;
struct FragSkSLInfo {
std::string fSkSL;
std::string fLabel;
// This represents the HW blending of the final program, and not the logical blending that was
// defined on the SkPaint.
BlendInfo fBlendInfo;
DstReadRequirement fDstReadReq = DstReadRequirement::kNone;
bool fRequiresLocalCoords = false;
int fNumTexturesAndSamplers = 0;
bool fHasPaintUniforms = false;
bool fHasGradientBuffer = false;
// Note that fData is currently only used to store SamplerDesc information for shaders that have
// the option of using immutable samplers. However, other snippets could leverage this field to
// convey other information once data can be tied to snippetIDs (b/347072931).
skia_private::TArray<uint32_t> fData = {};
std::tuple<UniquePaintParamsID, UniformDataBlock, TextureDataBlock> ExtractPaintData(
PipelineDataGatherer* gatherer,
PaintParamsKeyBuilder* builder,
const Layout layout,
const SkM44& local2Dev,
const PaintParams&,
const Geometry& geometry,
sk_sp<TextureProxy> dstTexture,
SkIPoint dstOffset,
const SkColorInfo& targetColorInfo);
std::tuple<UniformDataBlock, TextureDataBlock> ExtractRenderStepData(
UniformDataCache* uniformDataCache,
TextureDataCache* textureDataCache,
PipelineDataGatherer* gatherer,
const Layout layout,
const RenderStep* step,
const DrawParams& params);
// `viewport` should hold the actual viewport set as backend state (defining the NDC -> pixel
// transform). The viewport's dimensions are used to define the SkDevice->NDC transform applied in
// the vertex shader, but this assumes that the (0,0) device coordinate maps to the corner of the
// top-left of the NDC cube. The viewport's origin is used in the fragment shader to reconstruct
// the logical fragment coordinate from the target's current frag coord (which are not relative to
// active viewport).
// It is assumed that `dstCopyBounds` is in the same coordinate space as the `viewport` (e.g.
// final backing target's pixel coords) and that its width and height match the dimensions of the
// texture to be sampled for dst reads.
void CollectIntrinsicUniforms(
const Caps* caps,
SkIRect viewport,
SkIRect dstCopyBounds,
DstReadRequirement GetDstReadRequirement(const Caps*, std::optional<SkBlendMode>, Coverage);
VertSkSLInfo BuildVertexSkSL(const ResourceBindingRequirements&,
const RenderStep* step,
bool defineShadingSsboIndexVarying,
bool defineLocalCoordsVarying);
// Accepts a real or, by default, an invalid/nullptr pointer to a container of SamplerDescs.
// Backend implementations which may utilize static / immutable samplers should pass in a real
// pointer to indicate that shader node data must be analyzed to determine whether
// immutable samplers are used, and if so, ascertain SamplerDescs for them.
// TODO(b/366220690): Actually perform this analysis.
// If provided a valid container ptr, this function will delegate the addition of SamplerDescs for
// each sampler the nodes utilize (dynamic and immutable). This way, a SamplerDesc's index within
// the container can inform its binding order. Each SamplerDesc will be either:
// 1) a default-constructed SamplerDesc, indicating the use of a "regular" dynamic sampler which
// requires no special handling OR
// 2) a real SamplerDesc describing an immutable sampler. Backend pipelines can then use the desc to
// obtain a real immutable sampler pointer (which typically must be included in pipeline layouts)
// TODO(b/347072931): Streamline to return std::unique_ptr<ShaderInfo> instead.
FragSkSLInfo BuildFragmentSkSL(const Caps* caps,
const ShaderCodeDictionary*,
const RuntimeEffectDictionary*,
const RenderStep* renderStep,
UniquePaintParamsID paintID,
bool useStorageBuffers,
skgpu::Swizzle writeSwizzle,
skia_private::TArray<SamplerDesc>* outDescs = nullptr);
std::string GetPipelineLabel(const ShaderCodeDictionary*,
const RenderPassDesc& renderPassDesc,
const RenderStep* renderStep,
UniquePaintParamsID paintID);
std::string BuildComputeSkSL(const Caps*, const ComputeStep*);
std::string EmitIntrinsicUniforms(int bufferID, Layout layout);
std::string EmitPaintParamsUniforms(int bufferID,
const Layout layout,
SkSpan<const ShaderNode*> nodes,
bool* hasUniforms,
bool* wrotePaintColor);
std::string EmitRenderStepUniforms(int bufferID,
const Layout layout,
SkSpan<const Uniform> uniforms);
std::string EmitPaintParamsStorageBuffer(int bufferID,
SkSpan<const ShaderNode*> nodes,
bool* hasUniforms,
bool* wrotePaintColor);
std::string EmitRenderStepStorageBuffer(int bufferID,
SkSpan<const Uniform> uniforms);
std::string EmitUniformsFromStorageBuffer(const char* bufferNamePrefix,
const char* ssboIndex,
SkSpan<const Uniform> uniforms);
std::string EmitStorageBufferAccess(const char* bufferNamePrefix,
const char* ssboIndex,
const char* uniformName);
std::string EmitTexturesAndSamplers(const ResourceBindingRequirements&,
SkSpan<const ShaderNode*> nodes,
int* binding,
skia_private::TArray<SamplerDesc>* outDescs);
std::string EmitSamplerLayout(const ResourceBindingRequirements&, int* binding);
std::string EmitVaryings(const RenderStep* step,
const char* direction,
bool emitSsboIndicesVarying,
bool emitLocalCoordsVarying);
} // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_graphite_ContextUtils_DEFINED