blob: 2c576dd6e3db160432bd852412657d90d43337c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_graphite_CommandBuffer_DEFINED
#define skgpu_graphite_CommandBuffer_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTArray.h"
#include "src/gpu/GpuRefCnt.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/CommandTypes.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/DrawTypes.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/DrawWriter.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Resource.h"
namespace skgpu {
class RefCntedCallback;
class MutableTextureState;
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class Buffer;
class DispatchGroup;
class DrawPass;
class SharedContext;
class GraphicsPipeline;
struct RenderPassDesc;
class ResourceProvider;
class Sampler;
class Texture;
class TextureProxy;
class CommandBuffer {
using DrawPassList = skia_private::TArray<std::unique_ptr<DrawPass>>;
using DispatchGroupSpan = SkSpan<const std::unique_ptr<DispatchGroup>>;
virtual ~CommandBuffer();
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
bool hasWork() { return fHasWork; }
// Takes a Usage ref on the Resource that will be released when the command buffer has finished
// execution.
void trackResource(sk_sp<Resource> resource);
// Takes a CommandBuffer ref on the Resource that will be released when the command buffer has
// finished execution. This allows a Resource to be returned to ResourceCache for reuse while
// the CommandBuffer is still executing on the GPU. This is most commonly used for Textures or
// Buffers which are only accessed via commands on a command buffer.
void trackCommandBufferResource(sk_sp<Resource> resource);
// Release all tracked Resources
void resetCommandBuffer();
// If any work is needed to create new resources for a fresh command buffer do that here.
virtual bool setNewCommandBufferResources() = 0;
void addFinishedProc(sk_sp<RefCntedCallback> finishedProc);
void callFinishedProcs(bool success);
virtual void addWaitSemaphores(size_t numWaitSemaphores,
const BackendSemaphore* waitSemaphores) {}
virtual void addSignalSemaphores(size_t numWaitSemaphores,
const BackendSemaphore* signalSemaphores) {}
virtual void prepareSurfaceForStateUpdate(SkSurface* targetSurface,
const MutableTextureState* newState) {}
void addBuffersToAsyncMapOnSubmit(SkSpan<const sk_sp<Buffer>>);
SkSpan<const sk_sp<Buffer>> buffersToAsyncMapOnSubmit() const;
// If any recorded draw requires a dst texture copy for blending, that texture must be provided
// in `dstCopy`; otherwise it should be null. The `dstCopyBounds` are in the same coordinate
// space of the logical viewport *before* any replay translation is applied.
// The logical viewport is always (0,0,viewportDims) and matches the "device" coordinate space
// of the higher-level SkDevices that recorded the rendering operations. The actual viewport
// is automatically adjusted by the replay translation.
bool addRenderPass(const RenderPassDesc&,
sk_sp<Texture> colorTexture,
sk_sp<Texture> resolveTexture,
sk_sp<Texture> depthStencilTexture,
const Texture* dstCopy,
SkIRect dstCopyBounds,
SkISize viewportDims,
const DrawPassList& drawPasses);
bool addComputePass(DispatchGroupSpan dispatchGroups);
// Can only be used outside renderpasses
bool copyBufferToBuffer(const Buffer* srcBuffer,
size_t srcOffset,
sk_sp<Buffer> dstBuffer,
size_t dstOffset,
size_t size);
bool copyTextureToBuffer(sk_sp<Texture>,
SkIRect srcRect,
size_t bufferOffset,
size_t bufferRowBytes);
bool copyBufferToTexture(const Buffer*,
const BufferTextureCopyData*,
int count);
bool copyTextureToTexture(sk_sp<Texture> src,
SkIRect srcRect,
sk_sp<Texture> dst,
SkIPoint dstPoint,
int mipLevel);
bool synchronizeBufferToCpu(sk_sp<Buffer>);
bool clearBuffer(const Buffer* buffer, size_t offset, size_t size);
// This sets a translation to be applied to any subsequently added command, assuming these
// commands are part of a translated replay of a Graphite recording.
void setReplayTranslation(SkIVector translation) { fReplayTranslation = translation; }
void clearReplayTranslation() { fReplayTranslation = {0, 0}; }
SkISize fColorAttachmentSize;
// This is also the origin of the logical viewport relative to the target texture's (0,0) pixel
SkIVector fReplayTranslation;
// The texture to use for implementing DstReadRequirement::kTextureCopy for the current render
// pass. This is a bare pointer since the CopyTask that initializes the texture's contents
// will have tracked the resource on the CommandBuffer already.
std::pair<const Texture*, const Sampler*> fDstCopy;
// Already includes replay translation and respects final color attachment bounds, but with
// dimensions that equal fDstCopy's width and height.
SkIRect fDstCopyBounds;
// Release all tracked Resources
void releaseResources();
// Subclasses will hold their backend-specific ResourceProvider directly to avoid virtual calls
// and access backend-specific behavior, but they can reflect it back to the base CommandBuffer
// if it needs to make generic resources.
virtual ResourceProvider* resourceProvider() const = 0;
virtual void onResetCommandBuffer() = 0;
// Renderpass, viewport bounds have already been adjusted by the replay translation. The render
// pass bounds has been intersected with the color attachment bounds.
virtual bool onAddRenderPass(const RenderPassDesc&,
SkIRect renderPassBounds,
const Texture* colorTexture,
const Texture* resolveTexture,
const Texture* depthStencilTexture,
SkIRect viewport,
const DrawPassList& drawPasses) = 0;
virtual bool onAddComputePass(DispatchGroupSpan dispatchGroups) = 0;
virtual bool onCopyBufferToBuffer(const Buffer* srcBuffer,
size_t srcOffset,
const Buffer* dstBuffer,
size_t dstOffset,
size_t size) = 0;
virtual bool onCopyTextureToBuffer(const Texture*,
SkIRect srcRect,
const Buffer*,
size_t bufferOffset,
size_t bufferRowBytes) = 0;
virtual bool onCopyBufferToTexture(const Buffer*,
const Texture*,
const BufferTextureCopyData*,
int count) = 0;
virtual bool onCopyTextureToTexture(const Texture* src,
SkIRect srcRect,
const Texture* dst,
SkIPoint dstPoint,
int mipLevel) = 0;
virtual bool onSynchronizeBufferToCpu(const Buffer*, bool* outDidResultInWork) = 0;
virtual bool onClearBuffer(const Buffer*, size_t offset, size_t size) = 0;
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
bool fHasWork = false;
inline static constexpr int kInitialTrackedResourcesCount = 32;
template <typename T>
using TrackedResourceArray = skia_private::STArray<kInitialTrackedResourcesCount, T>;
TrackedResourceArray<sk_sp<Resource>> fTrackedUsageResources;
TrackedResourceArray<gr_cb<Resource>> fCommandBufferResources;
skia_private::TArray<sk_sp<RefCntedCallback>> fFinishedProcs;
skia_private::TArray<sk_sp<Buffer>> fBuffersToAsyncMap;
} // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_graphite_CommandBuffer_DEFINED