blob: adb19e1f24695baab6d60a1c02c4028a9a583039 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_graphite_BufferManager_DEFINED
#define skgpu_graphite_BufferManager_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTArray.h"
#include "src/gpu/BufferWriter.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Buffer.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/DrawTypes.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ResourceTypes.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/UploadBufferManager.h"
#include <array>
#include <tuple>
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class Caps;
class Context;
class DrawBufferManager;
class GlobalCache;
class QueueManager;
class Recording;
class ResourceProvider;
* ScratchBuffer represents a GPU buffer object that is allowed to be reused across strictly
* sequential tasks within a Recording. It can be used to sub-allocate multiple bindings.
* When a ScratchBuffer gets deallocated, the underlying GPU buffer gets returned to the
* originating DrawBufferManager for reuse.
class ScratchBuffer final {
// The default constructor creates an invalid ScratchBuffer that cannot be used for
// suballocations.
ScratchBuffer() = default;
// The destructor returns the underlying buffer back to the reuse pool, if the ScratchBuffer is
// valid.
// Disallow copy
ScratchBuffer(const ScratchBuffer&) = delete;
ScratchBuffer& operator=(const ScratchBuffer&) = delete;
// Allow move
ScratchBuffer(ScratchBuffer&&) = default;
ScratchBuffer& operator=(ScratchBuffer&&) = default;
// Returns false if the underlying buffer has been returned to the reuse pool.
bool isValid() const { return static_cast<bool>(fBuffer); }
// Convenience wrapper for checking the validity of a buffer.
explicit operator bool() { return this->isValid(); }
// Logical size of the initially requested allocation.
// NOTE: This number may be different from the size of the underlying GPU buffer but it is
// guaranteed to be less than or equal to it.
uint32_t size() const { return fSize; }
// Sub-allocate a slice within the scratch buffer object. Fails and returns a NULL pointer if
// the buffer doesn't have enough space remaining for `requiredBytes`.
// TODO(b/330743233): Currently the suballocations use the alignment for the BufferInfo that was
// assigned by the DrawBufferManager based on the ScratchBuffer's buffer type. One way to
// generalize this across different buffer usages/types is to have this function accept an
// additional alignment parameter. That should happen after we loosen the coupling between
// DrawBufferManager's BufferInfos and ScratchBuffer reuse pools.
BindBufferInfo suballocate(size_t requiredBytes);
// Returns the underlying buffer object back to the pool and invalidates this ScratchBuffer.
void returnToPool();
friend class DrawBufferManager;
ScratchBuffer(uint32_t size, uint32_t alignment, sk_sp<Buffer>, DrawBufferManager*);
uint32_t fSize;
uint32_t fAlignment;
sk_sp<Buffer> fBuffer;
uint32_t fOffset = 0;
DrawBufferManager* fOwner = nullptr;
* DrawBufferManager controls writing to buffer data ranges within larger, cacheable Buffers and
* automatically handles either mapping or copying via transfer buffer depending on what the GPU
* hardware supports for the requested buffer type and use case. It is intended for repeatedly
* uploading dynamic data to the GPU.
class DrawBufferManager {
DrawBufferManager(ResourceProvider*, const Caps*, UploadBufferManager*);
// Let possible users check if the manager is already in a bad mapping state and skip any extra
// work that will be wasted because the next Recording snap will fail.
bool hasMappingFailed() const { return fMappingFailed; }
// These writers automatically calculate the required bytes based on count and stride. If a
// valid writer is returned, the byte count will fit in a uint32_t.
std::pair<VertexWriter, BindBufferInfo> getVertexWriter(size_t count, size_t stride);
std::pair<IndexWriter, BindBufferInfo> getIndexWriter(size_t count, size_t stride);
std::pair<UniformWriter, BindBufferInfo> getUniformWriter(size_t count, size_t stride);
std::pair<UniformWriter, BindBufferInfo> getSsboWriter(size_t count, size_t stride);
// The remaining writers and buffer allocator functions assume that byte counts are safely
// calculated by the caller (e.g. Vello or ).
// Return a pointer to a mapped storage buffer suballocation without a specific data writer.
std::pair<void* /* mappedPtr */, BindBufferInfo> getUniformPointer(size_t requiredBytes);
std::pair<void* /* mappedPtr */, BindBufferInfo> getStoragePointer(size_t requiredBytes);
// Utilities that return an unmapped buffer suballocation for a particular usage. These buffers
// are intended to be only accessed by the GPU and are not intended for CPU data uploads.
BindBufferInfo getStorage(size_t requiredBytes, ClearBuffer cleared = ClearBuffer::kNo);
BindBufferInfo getVertexStorage(size_t requiredBytes);
BindBufferInfo getIndexStorage(size_t requiredBytes);
BindBufferInfo getIndirectStorage(size_t requiredBytes, ClearBuffer cleared = ClearBuffer::kNo);
// Returns an entire storage buffer object that is large enough to fit `requiredBytes`. The
// returned ScratchBuffer can be used to sub-allocate one or more storage buffer bindings that
// reference the same buffer object.
// When the ScratchBuffer goes out of scope, the buffer object gets added to an internal pool
// and is available for immediate reuse. getScratchStorage() returns buffers from this pool if
// possible. A ScratchBuffer can be explicitly returned to the pool by calling `returnToPool()`.
// Returning a ScratchBuffer back to the buffer too early can result in validation failures
// and/or data races. It is the callers responsibility to manage reuse within a Recording and
// guarantee synchronized access to buffer bindings.
// This type of usage is currently limited to GPU-only storage buffers.
// TODO(b/330743233): Generalize the underlying pool to other buffer types, including mapped
// ones.
ScratchBuffer getScratchStorage(size_t requiredBytes);
// Returns the last 'unusedBytes' from the last call to getVertexWriter(). Assumes that
// 'unusedBytes' is less than the 'count*stride' to the original allocation.
void returnVertexBytes(size_t unusedBytes);
size_t alignUniformBlockSize(size_t dataSize) {
return SkAlignTo(dataSize, fCurrentBuffers[kUniformBufferIndex].fStartAlignment);
// Finalizes all buffers and transfers ownership of them to a Recording. Returns true on success
// and false if a mapping had previously failed.
// Regardless of success or failure, the DrawBufferManager is reset to a valid initial state
// for recording buffer data for the next Recording.
[[nodiscard]] bool transferToRecording(Recording*);
friend class ScratchBuffer;
struct BufferInfo {
BufferInfo(BufferType type, uint32_t minBlockSize, uint32_t maxBlockSize, const Caps* caps);
const BufferType fType;
const uint32_t fStartAlignment;
const uint32_t fMinBlockSize;
const uint32_t fMaxBlockSize;
sk_sp<Buffer> fBuffer;
// The fTransferBuffer can be null, if draw buffer cannot be mapped,
// see Caps::drawBufferCanBeMapped() for detail.
BindBufferInfo fTransferBuffer{};
void* fTransferMapPtr = nullptr;
uint32_t fOffset = 0;
// Block size to use when creating new buffers; between fMinBlockSize and fMaxBlockSize.
uint32_t fCurBlockSize = 0;
// How many bytes have been used for for this buffer type since the last Recording snap.
uint32_t fUsedSize = 0;
std::pair<void* /*mappedPtr*/, BindBufferInfo> prepareMappedBindBuffer(BufferInfo* info,
uint32_t requiredBytes,
std::string_view label);
BindBufferInfo prepareBindBuffer(BufferInfo* info,
uint32_t requiredBytes,
std::string_view label,
bool supportCpuUpload = false,
ClearBuffer cleared = ClearBuffer::kNo);
sk_sp<Buffer> findReusableSbo(size_t bufferSize);
// Marks manager in a failed state, unmaps any previously collected buffers.
void onFailedBuffer();
ResourceProvider* const fResourceProvider;
const Caps* const fCaps;
UploadBufferManager* fUploadManager;
static constexpr size_t kVertexBufferIndex = 0;
static constexpr size_t kIndexBufferIndex = 1;
static constexpr size_t kUniformBufferIndex = 2;
static constexpr size_t kStorageBufferIndex = 3;
static constexpr size_t kGpuOnlyStorageBufferIndex = 4;
static constexpr size_t kVertexStorageBufferIndex = 5;
static constexpr size_t kIndexStorageBufferIndex = 6;
static constexpr size_t kIndirectStorageBufferIndex = 7;
std::array<BufferInfo, 8> fCurrentBuffers;
// Vector of buffer and transfer buffer pairs.
skia_private::TArray<std::pair<sk_sp<Buffer>, BindBufferInfo>> fUsedBuffers;
// List of buffer regions that were requested to be cleared at the time of allocation.
skia_private::TArray<BindBufferInfo> fClearList;
// TODO(b/330744081): These should probably be maintained in a sorted data structure that
// supports fast insertion and lookup doesn't waste buffers (e.g. by vending out large buffers
// for small buffer sizes).
// TODO(b/330743233): We may want this pool to contain buffers with mixed usages (such as
// VERTEX|INDEX|UNIFORM|STORAGE) to reduce buffer usage on platforms like Dawn where
// host-written data always go through a copy via transfer buffer.
skia_private::TArray<sk_sp<Buffer>> fReusableScratchStorageBuffers;
// If mapping failed on Buffers created/managed by this DrawBufferManager or by the mapped
// transfer buffers from the UploadManager, remember so that the next Recording will fail.
bool fMappingFailed = false;
* The StaticBufferManager is the one-time-only analog to DrawBufferManager and provides "static"
* Buffers to RenderSteps and other Context-lifetime-tied objects, where the Buffers' contents will
* not change and can benefit from prioritizing GPU reads. The assumed use case is that they remain
* read-only on the GPU as well, so a single static buffer can be shared by all Recorders.
* Unlike DrawBufferManager's getXWriter() functions that return both a Writer and a BindBufferInfo,
* StaticBufferManager returns only a Writer and accepts a BindBufferInfo* as an argument. This will
* be re-written with the final binding info for the GPU-private data once that can be determined
* after *all* static buffers have been requested.
class StaticBufferManager {
StaticBufferManager(ResourceProvider*, const Caps*);
// The passed in BindBufferInfos are updated when finalize() is later called, to point to the
// packed, GPU-private buffer at the appropriate offset. The data written to the returned Writer
// is copied to the private buffer at that offset. 'binding' must live until finalize() returns.
VertexWriter getVertexWriter(size_t size, BindBufferInfo* binding);
// TODO: Update the tessellation index buffer generation functions to use an IndexWriter so this
// can return an IndexWriter vs. a VertexWriter that happens to just write uint16s...
VertexWriter getIndexWriter(size_t size, BindBufferInfo* binding);
enum class FinishResult : int {
kFailure, // Unable to create or copy static buffers
kSuccess, // Successfully created static buffers and added GPU tasks to the queue
kNoWork // No static buffers required, no GPU tasks add to the queue
// Finalizes all buffers and records a copy task to compact and privatize static data. The
// final static buffers will become owned by the Context's GlobalCache.
FinishResult finalize(Context*, QueueManager*, GlobalCache*);
struct CopyRange {
BindBufferInfo fSource; // The CPU-to-GPU buffer and offset for the source of the copy
BindBufferInfo* fTarget; // The late-assigned destination of the copy
struct BufferInfo {
BufferInfo(BufferType type, const Caps* caps);
bool createAndUpdateBindings(ResourceProvider*,
std::string_view label) const;
void reset() {
fTotalRequiredBytes = 0;
const BufferType fBufferType;
const uint32_t fAlignment;
skia_private::TArray<CopyRange> fData;
uint32_t fTotalRequiredBytes;
void* prepareStaticData(BufferInfo* info, size_t requiredBytes, BindBufferInfo* target);
ResourceProvider* const fResourceProvider;
UploadBufferManager fUploadManager;
const uint32_t fRequiredTransferAlignment;
// The source data that's copied into a final GPU-private buffer
BufferInfo fVertexBufferInfo;
BufferInfo fIndexBufferInfo;
// If mapping failed on Buffers created/managed by this StaticBufferManager or by the mapped
// transfer buffers from the UploadManager, remember so that finalize() will fail.
bool fMappingFailed = false;
} // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_graphite_BufferManager_DEFINED