blob: a47866302566203aecc8316c186036e69b1c192b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/AtlasTypes.h"
#include "include/core/SkAlphaType.h"
#include "include/core/SkImageInfo.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkMalloc.h"
#include "src/core/SkAutoPixmapStorage.h"
#include "src/core/SkSwizzlePriv.h"
namespace skgpu {
Plot::Plot(int pageIndex, int plotIndex, AtlasGenerationCounter* generationCounter,
int offX, int offY, int width, int height, SkColorType colorType, size_t bpp)
: fLastUpload(AtlasToken::InvalidToken())
, fLastUse(AtlasToken::InvalidToken())
, fFlushesSinceLastUse(0)
, fPageIndex(pageIndex)
, fPlotIndex(plotIndex)
, fGenerationCounter(generationCounter)
, fGenID(fGenerationCounter->next())
, fPlotLocator(fPageIndex, fPlotIndex, fGenID)
, fData(nullptr)
, fWidth(width)
, fHeight(height)
, fX(offX)
, fY(offY)
, fRectanizer(width, height)
, fOffset(SkIPoint16::Make(fX * fWidth, fY * fHeight))
, fColorType(colorType)
, fBytesPerPixel(bpp)
, fIsFull(false)
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
, fDirty(false)
// We expect the allocated dimensions to be a multiple of 4 bytes
SkASSERT(((width*fBytesPerPixel) & 0x3) == 0);
// The padding for faster uploads only works for 1, 2 and 4 byte texels
SkASSERT(fBytesPerPixel != 3 && fBytesPerPixel <= 4);
Plot::~Plot() {
bool Plot::addRect(int width, int height, AtlasLocator* atlasLocator) {
SkASSERT(width <= fWidth && height <= fHeight);
SkIPoint16 loc;
if (!fRectanizer.addRect(width, height, &loc)) {
return false;
auto rect = skgpu::IRect16::MakeXYWH(loc.fX, loc.fY, width, height);
fDirtyRect.join({rect.fLeft, rect.fTop, rect.fRight, rect.fBottom});
rect.offset(fOffset.fX, fOffset.fY);
SkDEBUGCODE(fDirty = true;)
return true;
void* Plot::dataAt(const AtlasLocator& atlasLocator) {
if (!fData) {
fData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(
sk_calloc_throw(fBytesPerPixel * fWidth * fHeight));
// point ourselves at the right starting spot
unsigned char* dataPtr = fData;
SkIPoint topLeft = atlasLocator.topLeft();
// Assert if we're not accessing the correct Plot
SkASSERT(topLeft.fX >= fOffset.fX && topLeft.fX < fOffset.fX + fWidth &&
topLeft.fY >= fOffset.fY && topLeft.fY < fOffset.fY + fHeight);
topLeft -= SkIPoint::Make(fOffset.fX, fOffset.fY);
dataPtr += fBytesPerPixel * fWidth * topLeft.fY;
dataPtr += fBytesPerPixel * topLeft.fX;
return dataPtr;
SkIPoint Plot::prepForRender(const AtlasLocator& al, SkAutoPixmapStorage* pixmap) {
if (!fData) {
fData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(
sk_calloc_throw(fBytesPerPixel * fWidth * fHeight));
pixmap->reset(SkImageInfo::Make(fWidth, fHeight, fColorType, kOpaque_SkAlphaType),
fData, fBytesPerPixel * fWidth);
return al.topLeft() - SkIPoint::Make(fOffset.fX, fOffset.fY);
void Plot::copySubImage(const AtlasLocator& al, const void* image) {
const unsigned char* imagePtr = (const unsigned char*)image;
unsigned char* dataPtr = (unsigned char*)this->dataAt(al);
int width = al.width();
int height = al.height();
size_t rowBytes = width * fBytesPerPixel;
// copy into the data buffer, swizzling as we go if this is ARGB data
constexpr bool kBGRAIsNative = kN32_SkColorType == kBGRA_8888_SkColorType;
if (4 == fBytesPerPixel && kBGRAIsNative) {
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
SkOpts::RGBA_to_BGRA((uint32_t*)dataPtr, (const uint32_t*)imagePtr, width);
dataPtr += fBytesPerPixel * fWidth;
imagePtr += rowBytes;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
memcpy(dataPtr, imagePtr, rowBytes);
dataPtr += fBytesPerPixel * fWidth;
imagePtr += rowBytes;
bool Plot::addSubImage(int width, int height, const void* image, AtlasLocator* atlasLocator) {
if (fIsFull || !this->addRect(width, height, atlasLocator)) {
return false;
this->copySubImage(*atlasLocator, image);
return true;
std::pair<const void*, SkIRect> Plot::prepareForUpload() {
// We should only be issuing uploads if we are dirty
if (!fData) {
return {nullptr, {}};
size_t rowBytes = fBytesPerPixel * fWidth;
const unsigned char* dataPtr;
SkIRect offsetRect;
// Clamp to 4-byte aligned boundaries
unsigned int clearBits = 0x3 / fBytesPerPixel;
fDirtyRect.fLeft &= ~clearBits;
fDirtyRect.fRight += clearBits;
fDirtyRect.fRight &= ~clearBits;
SkASSERT(fDirtyRect.fRight <= fWidth);
// Set up dataPtr
dataPtr = fData;
dataPtr += rowBytes * fDirtyRect.fTop;
dataPtr += fBytesPerPixel * fDirtyRect.fLeft;
offsetRect = fDirtyRect.makeOffset(fOffset.fX, fOffset.fY);
fIsFull = false;
SkDEBUGCODE(fDirty = false);
return { dataPtr, offsetRect };
void Plot::resetRects() {
fGenID = fGenerationCounter->next();
fPlotLocator = PlotLocator(fPageIndex, fPlotIndex, fGenID);
fLastUpload = AtlasToken::InvalidToken();
fLastUse = AtlasToken::InvalidToken();
// zero out the plot
if (fData) {
sk_bzero(fData, fBytesPerPixel * fWidth * fHeight);
fIsFull = false;
SkDEBUGCODE(fDirty = false;)
} // namespace skgpu