blob: 48bb030cc277182e0f00f24bdd434133811a22c6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/core/SkAlphaType.h"
#include "include/core/SkBlendMode.h"
#include "include/core/SkBlender.h"
#include "include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "include/core/SkColorSpace.h"
#include "include/core/SkColorType.h"
#include "include/core/SkImageInfo.h"
#include "include/core/SkMatrix.h"
#include "include/core/SkPaint.h"
#include "include/core/SkPixmap.h"
#include "include/core/SkPoint.h"
#include "include/core/SkPoint3.h"
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/core/SkScalar.h"
#include "include/core/SkShader.h"
#include "include/core/SkSurfaceProps.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/core/SkVertices.h"
#include "include/private/SkColorData.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkFloatingPoint.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTo.h"
#include "src/base/SkArenaAlloc.h"
#include "src/core/SkBlenderBase.h"
#include "src/core/SkConvertPixels.h"
#include "src/core/SkCoreBlitters.h"
#include "src/core/SkDraw.h"
#include "src/core/SkRasterClip.h"
#include "src/core/SkScan.h"
#include "src/core/SkSurfacePriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkVertState.h"
#include "src/core/SkVerticesPriv.h"
#include "src/shaders/SkShaderBase.h"
#include "src/shaders/SkTransformShader.h"
#include "src/shaders/SkTriColorShader.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
class SkBlitter;
[[nodiscard]] static bool texture_to_matrix(const VertState& state, const SkPoint verts[],
const SkPoint texs[], SkMatrix* matrix) {
SkPoint src[3], dst[3];
src[0] = verts[state.f0];
src[1] = verts[state.f1];
src[2] = verts[state.f2];
dst[0] = texs[state.f0];
dst[1] = texs[state.f1];
dst[2] = texs[state.f2];
return matrix->setPolyToPoly(src, dst, 3);
// Convert the SkColors into float colors. The conversion depends on some conditions:
// - If the pixmap has a dst colorspace, we have to be "color-correct".
// Do we map into dst-colorspace before or after we interpolate?
// - We have to decide when to apply per-color alpha (before or after we interpolate)
// For now, we will take a simple approach, but recognize this is just a start:
// - convert colors into dst colorspace before interpolation (matches gradients)
// - apply per-color alpha before interpolation (matches old version of vertices)
static SkPMColor4f* convert_colors(const SkColor src[],
int count,
SkColorSpace* deviceCS,
SkArenaAlloc* alloc,
bool skipColorXform) {
SkPMColor4f* dst = alloc->makeArray<SkPMColor4f>(count);
// Passing `nullptr` for the destination CS effectively disables color conversion.
auto dstCS = skipColorXform ? nullptr : sk_ref_sp(deviceCS);
SkImageInfo srcInfo = SkImageInfo::Make(
count, 1, kBGRA_8888_SkColorType, kUnpremul_SkAlphaType, SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB());
SkImageInfo dstInfo =
SkImageInfo::Make(count, 1, kRGBA_F32_SkColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType, dstCS);
SkAssertResult(SkConvertPixels(dstInfo, dst, 0, srcInfo, src, 0));
return dst;
static bool compute_is_opaque(const SkColor colors[], int count) {
uint32_t c = ~0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
c &= colors[i];
return SkColorGetA(c) == 0xFF;
static void fill_triangle_2(const VertState& state, SkBlitter* blitter, const SkRasterClip& rc,
const SkPoint dev2[]) {
SkPoint tmp[] = {
dev2[state.f0], dev2[state.f1], dev2[state.f2]
SkScan::FillTriangle(tmp, rc, blitter);
static constexpr int kMaxClippedTrianglePointCount = 4;
static void fill_triangle_3(const VertState& state, SkBlitter* blitter, const SkRasterClip& rc,
const SkPoint3 dev3[]) {
// Compute the crossing point (across zero) for the two values, expressed as a
// normalized 0...1 value. If curr is 0, returns 0. If next is 0, returns 1.
auto computeT = [](float curr, float next) {
// Check that 0 is between next and curr.
SkASSERT((next <= 0 && 0 < curr) || (curr <= 0 && 0 < next));
float t = curr / (curr - next);
SkASSERT(0 <= t && t <= 1);
return t;
auto lerp = [](SkPoint3 curr, SkPoint3 next, float t) {
return curr + t * (next - curr);
constexpr float tol = 0.05f;
// tol is the nudge away from zero, to keep the numerics nice.
// Think of it as our near-clipping-plane (or w-plane).
auto clip = [&](SkPoint3 curr, SkPoint3 next) {
// Return the point between curr and next where the fZ value crosses tol.
// To be (really) perspective correct, we should be computing based on 1/Z, not Z.
// For now, this is close enough (and faster).
return lerp(curr, next, computeT(curr.fZ - tol, next.fZ - tol));
// Clip a triangle (based on its homogeneous W values), and return the projected polygon.
// Since we only clip against one "edge"/plane, the max number of points in the clipped
// polygon is 4.
auto clipTriangle = [&](SkPoint dst[], const int idx[3], const SkPoint3 pts[]) -> int {
SkPoint3 outPoints[kMaxClippedTrianglePointCount];
SkPoint3* outP = outPoints;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
int curr = idx[i];
int next = idx[(i + 1) % 3];
if (pts[curr].fZ > tol) {
*outP++ = pts[curr];
if (pts[next].fZ <= tol) { // curr is IN, next is OUT
*outP++ = clip(pts[curr], pts[next]);
} else {
if (pts[next].fZ > tol) { // curr is OUT, next is IN
*outP++ = clip(pts[curr], pts[next]);
const int count = SkTo<int>(outP - outPoints);
SkASSERT(count == 0 || count == 3 || count == 4);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
float scale = sk_ieee_float_divide(1.0f, outPoints[i].fZ);
dst[i].set(outPoints[i].fX * scale, outPoints[i].fY * scale);
return count;
SkPoint tmp[kMaxClippedTrianglePointCount];
int idx[] = { state.f0, state.f1, state.f2 };
if (int n = clipTriangle(tmp, idx, dev3)) {
// TODO: SkScan::FillConvexPoly(tmp, n, ...);
SkASSERT(n == 3 || n == 4);
SkScan::FillTriangle(tmp, rc, blitter);
if (n == 4) {
tmp[1] = tmp[2];
tmp[2] = tmp[3];
SkScan::FillTriangle(tmp, rc, blitter);
static void fill_triangle(const VertState& state, SkBlitter* blitter, const SkRasterClip& rc,
const SkPoint dev2[], const SkPoint3 dev3[]) {
if (dev3) {
fill_triangle_3(state, blitter, rc, dev3);
} else {
fill_triangle_2(state, blitter, rc, dev2);
void SkDraw::drawFixedVertices(const SkVertices* vertices,
sk_sp<SkBlender> blender,
const SkPaint& paint,
const SkMatrix& ctmInverse,
const SkPoint* dev2,
const SkPoint3* dev3,
SkArenaAlloc* outerAlloc,
bool skipColorXform) const {
SkVerticesPriv info(vertices->priv());
const int vertexCount = info.vertexCount();
const int indexCount = info.indexCount();
const SkPoint* positions = info.positions();
const SkPoint* texCoords = info.texCoords();
const uint16_t* indices = info.indices();
const SkColor* colors = info.colors();
SkShader* paintShader = paint.getShader();
if (paintShader) {
if (!texCoords) {
texCoords = positions;
} else {
texCoords = nullptr;
bool blenderIsDst = false;
// We can simplify things for certain blend modes. This is for speed, and SkShader_Blend
// itself insists we don't pass kSrc or kDst to it.
if (std::optional<SkBlendMode> bm = as_BB(blender)->asBlendMode(); bm.has_value() && colors) {
switch (*bm) {
case SkBlendMode::kSrc:
colors = nullptr;
case SkBlendMode::kDst:
blenderIsDst = true;
texCoords = nullptr;
paintShader = nullptr;
default: break;
// There is a paintShader iff there is texCoords.
SkASSERT((texCoords != nullptr) == (paintShader != nullptr));
// Explicit texture coords can't contain perspective - only the CTM can.
const bool usePerspective = fCTM->hasPerspective();
SkTriColorShader* triColorShader = nullptr;
SkPMColor4f* dstColors = nullptr;
if (colors) {
dstColors =
convert_colors(colors, vertexCount, fDst.colorSpace(), outerAlloc, skipColorXform);
triColorShader = outerAlloc->make<SkTriColorShader>(compute_is_opaque(colors, vertexCount),
// Combines per-vertex colors with 'shader' using 'blender'.
auto applyShaderColorBlend = [&](SkShader* shader) -> sk_sp<SkShader> {
if (!colors) {
return sk_ref_sp(shader);
if (blenderIsDst) {
return sk_ref_sp(triColorShader);
sk_sp<SkShader> shaderWithWhichToBlend;
if (!shader) {
// When there is no shader then the blender applies to the vertex colors and opaque
// paint color.
shaderWithWhichToBlend = SkShaders::Color(paint.getColor4f().makeOpaque(), nullptr);
} else {
shaderWithWhichToBlend = sk_ref_sp(shader);
return SkShaders::Blend(blender,
// If there are separate texture coords then we need to insert a transform shader to update
// a matrix derived from each triangle's coords. In that case we will fold the CTM into
// each update and use an identity matrix.
SkTransformShader* transformShader = nullptr;
const SkMatrix* ctm = fCTM;
if (texCoords && texCoords != positions) {
paintShader = transformShader = outerAlloc->make<SkTransformShader>(*as_SB(paintShader),
ctm = &SkMatrix::I();
sk_sp<SkShader> blenderShader = applyShaderColorBlend(paintShader);
SkPaint finalPaint{paint};
VertState state(vertexCount, indices, indexCount);
VertState::Proc vertProc = state.chooseProc(info.mode());
SkSurfaceProps props = SkSurfacePropsCopyOrDefault(fProps);
auto blitter = SkCreateRasterPipelineBlitter(fDst,
if (!blitter) {
while (vertProc(&state)) {
if (triColorShader && !triColorShader->update(ctmInverse, positions, dstColors,
state.f0, state.f1, state.f2)) {
SkMatrix localM;
if (!transformShader || (texture_to_matrix(state, positions, texCoords, &localM) &&
transformShader->update(SkMatrix::Concat(localM, ctmInverse)))) {
fill_triangle(state, blitter, *fRC, dev2, dev3);
void SkDraw::drawVertices(const SkVertices* vertices,
sk_sp<SkBlender> blender,
const SkPaint& paint,
bool skipColorXform) const {
SkVerticesPriv info(vertices->priv());
const int vertexCount = info.vertexCount();
const int indexCount = info.indexCount();
// abort early if there is nothing to draw
if (vertexCount < 3 || (indexCount > 0 && indexCount < 3) || fRC->isEmpty()) {
SkMatrix ctmInv;
if (!fCTM->invert(&ctmInv)) {
constexpr size_t kDefVertexCount = 16;
constexpr size_t kOuterSize = sizeof(SkTriColorShader) +
(2 * sizeof(SkPoint) + sizeof(SkColor4f)) * kDefVertexCount;
SkSTArenaAlloc<kOuterSize> outerAlloc;
SkPoint* dev2 = nullptr;
SkPoint3* dev3 = nullptr;
if (fCTM->hasPerspective()) {
dev3 = outerAlloc.makeArray<SkPoint3>(vertexCount);
fCTM->mapHomogeneousPoints(dev3, info.positions(), vertexCount);
// similar to the bounds check for 2d points (below)
if (!SkScalarsAreFinite((const SkScalar*)dev3, vertexCount * 3)) {
} else {
dev2 = outerAlloc.makeArray<SkPoint>(vertexCount);
fCTM->mapPoints(dev2, info.positions(), vertexCount);
SkRect bounds;
// this also sets bounds to empty if we see a non-finite value
bounds.setBounds(dev2, vertexCount);
if (bounds.isEmpty()) {
vertices, std::move(blender), paint, ctmInv, dev2, dev3, &outerAlloc, skipColorXform);