blob: cc07e2a0fdc3d4270e617d2800a74b5b61531e73 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/pdf/SkPDFFormXObject.h"
#include "src/pdf/SkPDFUtils.h"
SkPDFIndirectReference SkPDFMakeFormXObject(SkPDFDocument* doc,
std::unique_ptr<SkStreamAsset> content,
std::unique_ptr<SkPDFArray> mediaBox,
std::unique_ptr<SkPDFDict> resourceDict,
const SkMatrix& inverseTransform,
const char* colorSpace) {
std::unique_ptr<SkPDFDict> dict = SkPDFMakeDict();
dict->insertName("Type", "XObject");
dict->insertName("Subtype", "Form");
if (!inverseTransform.isIdentity()) {
dict->insertObject("Matrix", SkPDFUtils::MatrixToArray(inverseTransform));
dict->insertObject("Resources", std::move(resourceDict));
dict->insertObject("BBox", std::move(mediaBox));
// Right now FormXObject is only used for saveLayer, which implies
// isolated blending. Do this conditionally if that changes.
// TODO(halcanary): Is this comment obsolete, since we use it for
// alpha masks?
auto group = SkPDFMakeDict("Group");
group->insertName("S", "Transparency");
if (colorSpace != nullptr) {
group->insertName("CS", colorSpace);
group->insertBool("I", true); // Isolated.
dict->insertObject("Group", std::move(group));
return SkPDFStreamOut(std::move(dict), std::move(content), doc);