blob: 22677d82572fc1b69fd279678613a6532a9e51b5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Builds both skia-release:prod and a new fiddler using Google Container
# Builder:
# To test locally, first uncomment the last 8 lines of this comment block,
# update the /refs/changes/... value to reflect the CL you are testing and
# then run:
# gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml --no-source --substitutions=COMMIT_SHA=b2acf0a93927a57cc1fa9323839e788379ae3366
# Where COMMIT_SHA is updated to the last commit into Skia.
#- name: ''
# args: ['clone', '', '.']
#- name: ''
# args: ['fetch', '','refs/changes/56/248556/18']
#- name: ''
# args: ['checkout', 'FETCH_HEAD']
- name: 'debian:testing-slim'
args: ['mkdir', '-p', '--mode=0777', './__doxygen_staging']
- name: 'debian:testing-slim'
args: ['ls', '-al', '/']
- name: ''
dir: './tools/doxygen'
args: ['doxygen', 'ProdDoxyfile']
timeout: 600s
- name: ''
args: ['build', '-t', '$PROJECT_ID/skia-release:prod', './docker/skia-release']
timeout: 7200s
- name: ''
args: ['build', '-t', '$PROJECT_ID/skia-wasm-release:prod', './docker/skia-wasm-release']
timeout: 7200s
- name: ''
dir: '/home/skia/golib/src/'
- 'ROOT=/workspace/__fiddler_staging'
args: ['./build_fiddler_release']
timeout: 600s
- name: ''
dir: '/home/skia/golib/src/'
- 'ROOT=/workspace/__debugger_staging'
args: ['make', 'release_ci']
timeout: 600s
- name: ''
dir: '/home/skia/golib/src/'
- 'ROOT=/workspace/__debugger_assets_staging'
args: ['make', 'release_ci']
timeout: 600s
- name: ''
dir: '/home/skia/golib/src/'
- 'ROOT=/workspace/__api_staging'
args: ['make', 'release_ci']
timeout: 600s
# We can't (easily) run docker inside of docker, which is how we get
# the build artifacts out of skia-wasm-release when running locally.
- name: ''
args: ['run', '--volume', '/workspace/wasm-products:/OUT',
'sh', '-c', 'cp -r /tmp/* /OUT']
dir: 'wasm-products'
- name: ''
args: ['run', '--volume', '/workspace/wasm-products:/OUT',
'--volume', '/workspace/__jsfiddle_staging:/workspace/__jsfiddle_staging',
'--env', 'ROOT=/workspace/__jsfiddle_staging',
'--env', 'SKIP_BUILD=1',
'--workdir', '/home/skia/golib/src/',
'make', 'release_ci']
dir: 'wasm-products'
timeout: 600s
- name: ''
args: ['run', '--volume', '/workspace/wasm-products:/OUT',
'--volume', '/workspace/__skottie_staging:/workspace/__skottie_staging',
'--env', 'ROOT=/workspace/__skottie_staging',
'--env', 'SKIP_BUILD=1',
'--workdir', '/home/skia/golib/src/',
'make', 'release_ci']
dir: 'wasm-products'
timeout: 600s
- name: ''
args: ['run', '--volume', '/workspace/wasm-products:/OUT',
'--volume', '/workspace/__particles_staging:/workspace/__particles_staging',
'--env', 'ROOT=/workspace/__particles_staging',
'--env', 'SKIP_BUILD=1',
'--workdir', '/home/skia/golib/src/',
'make', 'release_ci']
dir: 'wasm-products'
timeout: 600s
- name: ''
args: ['build', '-t', '$PROJECT_ID/fiddler:$COMMIT_SHA', '/workspace/__fiddler_staging']
timeout: 600s
- name: ''
args: ['build', '-t', '$PROJECT_ID/skottie:$COMMIT_SHA', '/workspace/__skottie_staging']
timeout: 600s
- name: ''
args: ['build', '-t', '$PROJECT_ID/particles:$COMMIT_SHA', '/workspace/__particles_staging']
timeout: 600s
- name: ''
args: ['build', '-t', '$PROJECT_ID/debugger:$COMMIT_SHA', '/workspace/__debugger_staging']
timeout: 600s
- name: ''
args: ['build', '-t', '$PROJECT_ID/debugger-assets:$COMMIT_SHA', '/workspace/__debugger_assets_staging']
timeout: 600s
- name: ''
args: ['build', '-t', '$PROJECT_ID/jsfiddle:$COMMIT_SHA', '/workspace/__jsfiddle_staging']
timeout: 600s
- name: ''
args: ['build', '-t', '$PROJECT_ID/api:$COMMIT_SHA', '/workspace/__api_staging']
timeout: 600s
- '$PROJECT_ID/particles:$COMMIT_SHA'
- '$PROJECT_ID/debugger:$COMMIT_SHA'
- '$PROJECT_ID/debugger-assets:$COMMIT_SHA'
- '$PROJECT_ID/jsfiddle:$COMMIT_SHA'
- '$PROJECT_ID/skia-release:prod'
- '$PROJECT_ID/skia-wasm-release:prod'
timeout: 7200s
machineType: 'N1_HIGHCPU_32'