| // Graphite-specific vertex shader code |
| |
| const float $PI = 3.141592653589793238; |
| |
| /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Support functions for tessellating path renderers |
| |
| const float $kCubicCurveType = 0; // skgpu::tess::kCubicCurveType |
| const float $kConicCurveType = 1; // skgpu::tess::kConicCurveType |
| const float $kTriangularConicCurveType = 2; // skgpu::tess::kTriangularConicCurveType |
| |
| // This function can be used on GPUs with infinity support to infer the curve type from the specific |
| // path control-point encoding used by tessellating path renderers. Calling this function on a |
| // platform that lacks infinity support may result in a shader compilation error. |
| $pure float curve_type_using_inf_support(float4 p23) { |
| return isinf(p23.z) ? $kTriangularConicCurveType : |
| isinf(p23.w) ? $kConicCurveType : |
| $kCubicCurveType; |
| } |
| |
| $pure bool $is_conic_curve(float curveType) { |
| return curveType != $kCubicCurveType; |
| } |
| |
| $pure bool $is_triangular_conic_curve(float curveType) { |
| return curveType == $kTriangularConicCurveType; |
| } |
| |
| // Wang's formula gives the minimum number of evenly spaced (in the parametric sense) line segments |
| // that a bezier curve must be chopped into in order to guarantee all lines stay within a distance |
| // of "1/precision" pixels from the true curve. Its definition for a bezier curve of degree "n" is |
| // as follows: |
| // |
| // maxLength = max([length(p[i+2] - 2p[i+1] + p[i]) for (0 <= i <= n-2)]) |
| // numParametricSegments = sqrt(maxLength * precision * n*(n - 1)/8) |
| // |
| // (Goldman, Ron. (2003). 5.6.3 Wang's Formula. "Pyramid Algorithms: A Dynamic Programming Approach |
| // to Curves and Surfaces for Geometric Modeling". Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.) |
| |
| const float $kDegree = 3; |
| const float $kPrecision = 4; // Must match skgpu::tess::kPrecision |
| const float $kLengthTerm = ($kDegree * ($kDegree - 1) / 8.0) * $kPrecision; |
| const float $kLengthTermPow2 = (($kDegree * $kDegree) * (($kDegree - 1) * ($kDegree - 1)) / 64.0) * |
| ($kPrecision * $kPrecision); |
| |
| // Returns the length squared of the largest forward difference from Wang's cubic formula. |
| $pure float $wangs_formula_max_fdiff_p2(float2 p0, float2 p1, float2 p2, float2 p3, |
| float2x2 matrix) { |
| float2 d0 = matrix * (fma(float2(-2), p1, p2) + p0); |
| float2 d1 = matrix * (fma(float2(-2), p2, p3) + p1); |
| return max(dot(d0,d0), dot(d1,d1)); |
| } |
| |
| $pure float $wangs_formula_cubic(float2 p0, float2 p1, float2 p2, float2 p3, |
| float2x2 matrix) { |
| float m = $wangs_formula_max_fdiff_p2(p0, p1, p2, p3, matrix); |
| return max(ceil(sqrt($kLengthTerm * sqrt(m))), 1.0); |
| } |
| |
| $pure float $wangs_formula_cubic_log2(float2 p0, float2 p1, float2 p2, float2 p3, |
| float2x2 matrix) { |
| float m = $wangs_formula_max_fdiff_p2(p0, p1, p2, p3, matrix); |
| return ceil(log2(max($kLengthTermPow2 * m, 1.0)) * .25); |
| } |
| |
| $pure float $wangs_formula_conic_p2(float2 p0, float2 p1, float2 p2, float w) { |
| // Translate the bounding box center to the origin. |
| float2 C = (min(min(p0, p1), p2) + max(max(p0, p1), p2)) * 0.5; |
| p0 -= C; |
| p1 -= C; |
| p2 -= C; |
| |
| // Compute max length. |
| float m = sqrt(max(max(dot(p0,p0), dot(p1,p1)), dot(p2,p2))); |
| |
| // Compute forward differences. |
| float2 dp = fma(float2(-2.0 * w), p1, p0) + p2; |
| float dw = abs(fma(-2.0, w, 2.0)); |
| |
| // Compute numerator and denominator for parametric step size of linearization. Here, the |
| // epsilon referenced from the cited paper is 1/precision. |
| float rp_minus_1 = max(0.0, fma(m, $kPrecision, -1.0)); |
| float numer = length(dp) * $kPrecision + rp_minus_1 * dw; |
| float denom = 4 * min(w, 1.0); |
| |
| return numer/denom; |
| } |
| |
| $pure float $wangs_formula_conic(float2 p0, float2 p1, float2 p2, float w) { |
| float n2 = $wangs_formula_conic_p2(p0, p1, p2, w); |
| return max(ceil(sqrt(n2)), 1.0); |
| } |
| |
| $pure float $wangs_formula_conic_log2(float2 p0, float2 p1, float2 p2, float w) { |
| float n2 = $wangs_formula_conic_p2(p0, p1, p2, w); |
| return ceil(log2(max(n2, 1.0)) * .5); |
| } |
| |
| // Returns the normalized difference between a and b, i.e. normalize(a - b), with care taken for |
| // if 'a' and/or 'b' have large coordinates. |
| $pure float2 $robust_normalize_diff(float2 a, float2 b) { |
| float2 diff = a - b; |
| if (diff == float2(0.0)) { |
| return float2(0.0); |
| } else { |
| float invMag = 1.0 / max(abs(diff.x), abs(diff.y)); |
| return normalize(invMag * diff); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Returns the cosine of the angle between a and b, assuming a and b are unit vectors already. |
| // Guaranteed to be between [-1, 1]. |
| $pure float $cosine_between_unit_vectors(float2 a, float2 b) { |
| // Since a and b are assumed to be normalized, the cosine is equal to the dot product, although |
| // we clamp that to ensure it falls within the expected range of [-1, 1]. |
| return clamp(dot(a, b), -1.0, 1.0); |
| } |
| |
| // Extends the middle radius to either the miter point, or the bevel edge if we surpassed the |
| // miter limit and need to revert to a bevel join. |
| $pure float $miter_extent(float cosTheta, float miterLimit) { |
| float x = fma(cosTheta, .5, .5); |
| return (x * miterLimit * miterLimit >= 1.0) ? inversesqrt(x) : sqrt(x); |
| } |
| |
| // Returns the number of radial segments required for each radian of rotation, in order for the |
| // curve to appear "smooth" as defined by the approximate device-space stroke radius. |
| $pure float $num_radial_segments_per_radian(float approxDevStrokeRadius) { |
| return .5 / acos(max(1.0 - (1.0 / $kPrecision) / approxDevStrokeRadius, -1.0)); |
| } |
| |
| // Unlike mix(), this does not return b when t==1. But it otherwise seems to get better |
| // precision than "a*(1 - t) + b*t" for things like chopping cubics on exact cusp points. |
| // We override this result anyway when t==1 so it shouldn't be a problem. |
| $pure float $unchecked_mix(float a, float b, float T) { |
| return fma(b - a, T, a); |
| } |
| $pure float2 $unchecked_mix(float2 a, float2 b, float T) { |
| return fma(b - a, float2(T), a); |
| } |
| $pure float4 $unchecked_mix(float4 a, float4 b, float4 T) { |
| return fma(b - a, T, a); |
| } |
| |
| // Compute a vertex position for the curve described by p01 and p23 packed control points, |
| // tessellated to the given resolve level, and assuming it will be drawn as a filled curve. |
| $pure float2 tessellate_filled_curve(float2x2 vectorXform, |
| float resolveLevel, float idxInResolveLevel, |
| float4 p01, float4 p23, |
| float curveType) { |
| float2 localcoord; |
| if ($is_triangular_conic_curve(curveType)) { |
| // This patch is an exact triangle. |
| localcoord = (resolveLevel != 0) ? p01.zw |
| : (idxInResolveLevel != 0) ? p23.xy |
| : p01.xy; |
| } else { |
| float2 p0=p01.xy, p1=p01.zw, p2=p23.xy, p3=p23.zw; |
| float w = -1; // w < 0 tells us to treat the instance as an integral cubic. |
| float maxResolveLevel; |
| if ($is_conic_curve(curveType)) { |
| // Conics are 3 points, with the weight in p3. |
| w = p3.x; |
| maxResolveLevel = $wangs_formula_conic_log2(vectorXform*p0, |
| vectorXform*p1, |
| vectorXform*p2, w); |
| p1 *= w; // Unproject p1. |
| p3 = p2; // Duplicate the endpoint for shared code that also runs on cubics. |
| } else { |
| // The patch is an integral cubic. |
| maxResolveLevel = $wangs_formula_cubic_log2(p0, p1, p2, p3, vectorXform); |
| } |
| if (resolveLevel > maxResolveLevel) { |
| // This vertex is at a higher resolve level than we need. Demote to a lower |
| // resolveLevel, which will produce a degenerate triangle. |
| idxInResolveLevel = floor(ldexp(idxInResolveLevel, |
| int(maxResolveLevel - resolveLevel))); |
| resolveLevel = maxResolveLevel; |
| } |
| // Promote our location to a discrete position in the maximum fixed resolve level. |
| // This is extra paranoia to ensure we get the exact same fp32 coordinates for |
| // colocated points from different resolve levels (e.g., the vertices T=3/4 and |
| // T=6/8 should be exactly colocated). |
| float fixedVertexID = floor(.5 + ldexp(idxInResolveLevel, int(5 - resolveLevel))); |
| if (0 < fixedVertexID && fixedVertexID < 32) { |
| float T = fixedVertexID * (1 / 32.0); |
| |
| // Evaluate at T. Use De Casteljau's for its accuracy and stability. |
| float2 ab = mix(p0, p1, T); |
| float2 bc = mix(p1, p2, T); |
| float2 cd = mix(p2, p3, T); |
| float2 abc = mix(ab, bc, T); |
| float2 bcd = mix(bc, cd, T); |
| float2 abcd = mix(abc, bcd, T); |
| |
| // Evaluate the conic weight at T. |
| float u = mix(1.0, w, T); |
| float v = w + 1 - u; // == mix(w, 1, T) |
| float uv = mix(u, v, T); |
| |
| localcoord = (w < 0) ? /*cubic*/ abcd : /*conic*/ abc/uv; |
| } else { |
| localcoord = (fixedVertexID == 0) ? p0.xy : p3.xy; |
| } |
| } |
| return localcoord; |
| } |
| |
| // Device coords are in xy, local coords are in zw, since for now perspective isn't supported. |
| $pure float4 tessellate_stroked_curve(float edgeID, float maxEdges, |
| float2x2 affineMatrix, |
| float2 translate, |
| float maxScale /* derived from affineMatrix */, |
| float4 p01, float4 p23, |
| float2 lastControlPoint, |
| float2 strokeParams, |
| float curveType) { |
| float2 p0=p01.xy, p1=p01.zw, p2=p23.xy, p3=p23.zw; |
| float w = -1; // w<0 means the curve is an integral cubic. |
| if ($is_conic_curve(curveType)) { |
| // Conics are 3 points, with the weight in p3. |
| w = p3.x; |
| p3 = p2; // Setting p3 equal to p2 works for the remaining rotational logic. |
| } |
| |
| // Call Wang's formula to determine parametric segments before transform points for hairlines |
| // so that it is consistent with how the CPU tested the control points for chopping. |
| float numParametricSegments; |
| if (w < 0) { |
| if (p0 == p1 && p2 == p3) { |
| numParametricSegments = 1; // a line |
| } else { |
| numParametricSegments = $wangs_formula_cubic(p0, p1, p2, p3, affineMatrix); |
| } |
| } else { |
| numParametricSegments = $wangs_formula_conic(affineMatrix * p0, |
| affineMatrix * p1, |
| affineMatrix * p2, w); |
| } |
| |
| // Matches skgpu::tess::StrokeParams |
| float strokeRadius = strokeParams.x; |
| float joinType = strokeParams.y; // <0 = round join, ==0 = bevel join, >0 encodes miter limit |
| bool isHairline = strokeParams.x == 0.0; |
| float numRadialSegmentsPerRadian; |
| if (isHairline) { |
| numRadialSegmentsPerRadian = $num_radial_segments_per_radian(1.0); |
| strokeRadius = 0.5; |
| } else { |
| numRadialSegmentsPerRadian = $num_radial_segments_per_radian(maxScale * strokeParams.x); |
| } |
| |
| if (isHairline) { |
| // Hairline case. Transform the points before tessellation. We can still hold off on the |
| // translate until the end; we just need to perform the scale and skew right now. |
| p0 = affineMatrix * p0; |
| p1 = affineMatrix * p1; |
| p2 = affineMatrix * p2; |
| p3 = affineMatrix * p3; |
| lastControlPoint = affineMatrix * lastControlPoint; |
| } |
| |
| // Find the starting and ending tangents. |
| float2 tan0 = $robust_normalize_diff((p0 == p1) ? ((p1 == p2) ? p3 : p2) : p1, p0); |
| float2 tan1 = $robust_normalize_diff(p3, (p3 == p2) ? ((p2 == p1) ? p0 : p1) : p2); |
| if (tan0 == float2(0)) { |
| // The stroke is a point. This special case tells us to draw a stroke-width circle as a |
| // 180 degree point stroke instead. |
| tan0 = float2(1,0); |
| tan1 = float2(-1,0); |
| } |
| |
| // Determine how many edges to give to the join. We emit the first and final edges |
| // of the join twice: once full width and once restricted to half width. This guarantees |
| // perfect seaming by matching the vertices from the join as well as from the strokes on |
| // either side. |
| float numEdgesInJoin; |
| if (joinType >= 0 /*Is the join not a round type?*/) { |
| // Bevel(0) and miter(+) joins get 1 and 2 segments respectively. |
| // +2 because we emit the beginning and ending edges twice (see above comments). |
| numEdgesInJoin = sign(joinType) + (1 + 2); |
| } else { |
| float2 prevTan = $robust_normalize_diff(p0, lastControlPoint); |
| float joinRads = acos($cosine_between_unit_vectors(prevTan, tan0)); |
| float numRadialSegmentsInJoin = max(ceil(joinRads * numRadialSegmentsPerRadian), 1); |
| // +2 because we emit the beginning and ending edges twice (see above comment). |
| numEdgesInJoin = numRadialSegmentsInJoin + 2; |
| // The stroke section needs at least two edges. Don't assign more to the join than |
| // "maxEdges - 2". (This is only relevant when the ideal max edge count calculated |
| // on the CPU had to be limited to maxEdges in the draw call). |
| numEdgesInJoin = min(numEdgesInJoin, maxEdges - 2); |
| } |
| |
| // Find which direction the curve turns. |
| // NOTE: Since the curve is not allowed to inflect, we can just check F'(.5) x F''(.5). |
| // NOTE: F'(.5) x F''(.5) has the same sign as (P2 - P0) x (P3 - P1) |
| float turn = cross_length_2d(p2 - p0, p3 - p1); |
| float combinedEdgeID = abs(edgeID) - numEdgesInJoin; |
| if (combinedEdgeID < 0) { |
| tan1 = tan0; |
| // Don't let tan0 become zero. The code as-is isn't built to handle that case. tan0=0 |
| // means the join is disabled, and to disable it with the existing code we can leave |
| // tan0 equal to tan1. |
| if (lastControlPoint != p0) { |
| tan0 = $robust_normalize_diff(p0, lastControlPoint); |
| } |
| turn = cross_length_2d(tan0, tan1); |
| } |
| |
| // Calculate the curve's starting angle and rotation. |
| float cosTheta = $cosine_between_unit_vectors(tan0, tan1); |
| float rotation = acos(cosTheta); |
| if (turn < 0) { |
| // Adjust sign of rotation to match the direction the curve turns. |
| rotation = -rotation; |
| } |
| |
| float numRadialSegments; |
| float strokeOutset = sign(edgeID); |
| if (combinedEdgeID < 0) { |
| // We belong to the preceding join. The first and final edges get duplicated, so we only |
| // have "numEdgesInJoin - 2" segments. |
| numRadialSegments = numEdgesInJoin - 2; |
| numParametricSegments = 1; // Joins don't have parametric segments. |
| p3 = p2 = p1 = p0; // Colocate all points on the junction point. |
| // Shift combinedEdgeID to the range [-1, numRadialSegments]. This duplicates the first |
| // edge and lands one edge at the very end of the join. (The duplicated final edge will |
| // actually come from the section of our strip that belongs to the stroke.) |
| combinedEdgeID += numRadialSegments + 1; |
| if (combinedEdgeID < 0) { |
| combinedEdgeID = 0; |
| } else { |
| // We normally restrict the join on one side of the junction, but if the tangents are |
| // nearly equivalent this could theoretically result in bad seaming and/or cracks on the |
| // side we don't put it on. If the tangents are nearly equivalent then we leave the join |
| // double-sided. |
| const float sinEpsilon = 1e-2; // ~= sin(180deg / 3000) |
| bool tangentsNearlyParallel = |
| (abs(turn) * inversesqrt(dot(tan0, tan0) * dot(tan1, tan1))) < sinEpsilon; |
| if (!tangentsNearlyParallel || dot(tan0, tan1) < 0) { |
| // There are two edges colocated at the beginning. Leave the first one double sided |
| // for seaming with the previous stroke. (The double sided edge at the end will |
| // actually come from the section of our strip that belongs to the stroke.) |
| strokeOutset = (turn < 0) ? min(strokeOutset, 0) : max(strokeOutset, 0); |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| // We belong to the stroke. Unless numRadialSegmentsPerRadian is incredibly high, |
| // clamping to maxCombinedSegments will be a no-op because the draw call was invoked with |
| // sufficient vertices to cover the worst case scenario of 180 degree rotation. |
| float maxCombinedSegments = maxEdges - numEdgesInJoin - 1; |
| numRadialSegments = max(ceil(abs(rotation) * numRadialSegmentsPerRadian), 1); |
| numRadialSegments = min(numRadialSegments, maxCombinedSegments); |
| numParametricSegments = min(numParametricSegments, |
| maxCombinedSegments - numRadialSegments + 1); |
| } |
| |
| // Additional parameters for final tessellation evaluation. |
| float radsPerSegment = rotation / numRadialSegments; |
| float numCombinedSegments = numParametricSegments + numRadialSegments - 1; |
| bool isFinalEdge = (combinedEdgeID >= numCombinedSegments); |
| if (combinedEdgeID > numCombinedSegments) { |
| strokeOutset = 0; // The strip has more edges than we need. Drop this one. |
| } |
| // Edge #2 extends to the miter point. |
| if (abs(edgeID) == 2 && joinType > 0/*Is the join a miter type?*/) { |
| strokeOutset *= $miter_extent(cosTheta, joinType/*miterLimit*/); |
| } |
| |
| float2 tangent, strokeCoord; |
| if (combinedEdgeID != 0 && !isFinalEdge) { |
| // Compute the location and tangent direction of the stroke edge with the integral id |
| // "combinedEdgeID", where combinedEdgeID is the sorted-order index of parametric and radial |
| // edges. Start by finding the tangent function's power basis coefficients. These define a |
| // tangent direction (scaled by some uniform value) as: |
| // |T^2| |
| // Tangent_Direction(T) = dx,dy = |A 2B C| * |T | |
| // |. . .| |1 | |
| float2 A, B, C = p1 - p0; |
| float2 D = p3 - p0; |
| if (w >= 0.0) { |
| // P0..P2 represent a conic and P3==P2. The derivative of a conic has a cumbersome |
| // order-4 denominator. However, this isn't necessary if we are only interested in a |
| // vector in the same *direction* as a given tangent line. Since the denominator scales |
| // dx and dy uniformly, we can throw it out completely after evaluating the derivative |
| // with the standard quotient rule. This leaves us with a simpler quadratic function |
| // that we use to find a tangent. |
| C *= w; |
| B = .5*D - C; |
| A = (w - 1.0) * D; |
| p1 *= w; |
| } else { |
| float2 E = p2 - p1; |
| B = E - C; |
| A = fma(float2(-3), E, D); |
| } |
| // FIXME(crbug.com/800804,skbug.com/11268): Consider normalizing the exponents in A,B,C at |
| // this point in order to prevent fp32 overflow. |
| |
| // Now find the coefficients that give a tangent direction from a parametric edge ID: |
| // |
| // |parametricEdgeID^2| |
| // Tangent_Direction(parametricEdgeID) = dx,dy = |A B_ C_| * |parametricEdgeID | |
| // |. . .| |1 | |
| // |
| float2 B_ = B * (numParametricSegments * 2.0); |
| float2 C_ = C * (numParametricSegments * numParametricSegments); |
| |
| // Run a binary search to determine the highest parametric edge that is located on or before |
| // the combinedEdgeID. A combined ID is determined by the sum of complete parametric and |
| // radial segments behind it. i.e., find the highest parametric edge where: |
| // |
| // parametricEdgeID + floor(numRadialSegmentsAtParametricT) <= combinedEdgeID |
| // |
| float lastParametricEdgeID = 0.0; |
| float maxParametricEdgeID = min(numParametricSegments - 1.0, combinedEdgeID); |
| float negAbsRadsPerSegment = -abs(radsPerSegment); |
| float maxRotation0 = (1.0 + combinedEdgeID) * abs(radsPerSegment); |
| for (float exp = 32.0; exp >= 1.0; exp *= 0.5) { |
| // Test the parametric edge at lastParametricEdgeID + (32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1). |
| float testParametricID = lastParametricEdgeID + exp; |
| if (testParametricID <= maxParametricEdgeID) { |
| float2 testTan = fma(float2(testParametricID), A, B_); |
| testTan = fma(float2(testParametricID), testTan, C_); |
| float cosRotation = dot(normalize(testTan), tan0); |
| float maxRotation = fma(testParametricID, negAbsRadsPerSegment, maxRotation0); |
| maxRotation = min(maxRotation, $PI); |
| // Is rotation <= maxRotation? (i.e., is the number of complete radial segments |
| // behind testT, + testParametricID <= combinedEdgeID?) |
| if (cosRotation >= cos(maxRotation)) { |
| // testParametricID is on or before the combinedEdgeID. Keep it! |
| lastParametricEdgeID = testParametricID; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Find the T value of the parametric edge at lastParametricEdgeID. |
| float parametricT = lastParametricEdgeID / numParametricSegments; |
| |
| // Now that we've identified the highest parametric edge on or before the |
| // combinedEdgeID, the highest radial edge is easy: |
| float lastRadialEdgeID = combinedEdgeID - lastParametricEdgeID; |
| |
| // Find the angle of tan0, i.e. the angle between tan0 and the positive x axis. |
| float angle0 = acos(clamp(tan0.x, -1.0, 1.0)); |
| angle0 = tan0.y >= 0.0 ? angle0 : -angle0; |
| |
| // Find the tangent vector on the edge at lastRadialEdgeID. By construction it is already |
| // normalized. |
| float radialAngle = fma(lastRadialEdgeID, radsPerSegment, angle0); |
| tangent = float2(cos(radialAngle), sin(radialAngle)); |
| float2 norm = float2(-tangent.y, tangent.x); |
| |
| // Find the T value where the tangent is orthogonal to norm. This is a quadratic: |
| // |
| // dot(norm, Tangent_Direction(T)) == 0 |
| // |
| // |T^2| |
| // norm * |A 2B C| * |T | == 0 |
| // |. . .| |1 | |
| // |
| float a=dot(norm,A), b_over_2=dot(norm,B), c=dot(norm,C); |
| float discr_over_4 = max(b_over_2*b_over_2 - a*c, 0.0); |
| float q = sqrt(discr_over_4); |
| if (b_over_2 > 0.0) { |
| q = -q; |
| } |
| q -= b_over_2; |
| |
| // Roots are q/a and c/q. Since each curve section does not inflect or rotate more than 180 |
| // degrees, there can only be one tangent orthogonal to "norm" inside 0..1. Pick the root |
| // nearest .5. |
| float _5qa = -.5*q*a; |
| float2 root = (abs(fma(q,q,_5qa)) < abs(fma(a,c,_5qa))) ? float2(q,a) : float2(c,q); |
| |
| // The root finder above can become unstable when lastRadialEdgeID == 0 (e.g., if there are |
| // roots at exatly 0 and 1 both). radialT should always equal 0 in this case. |
| float radialT = (lastRadialEdgeID != 0.0 && root.t != 0.0) |
| ? saturate(root.s / root.t) |
| : 0.0; |
| |
| // Now that we've identified the T values of the last parametric and radial edges, our final |
| // T value for combinedEdgeID is whichever is larger. |
| float T = max(parametricT, radialT); |
| |
| // Evaluate the cubic at T. Use De Casteljau's for its accuracy and stability. |
| float2 ab = $unchecked_mix(p0, p1, T); |
| float2 bc = $unchecked_mix(p1, p2, T); |
| float2 cd = $unchecked_mix(p2, p3, T); |
| float2 abc = $unchecked_mix(ab, bc, T); |
| float2 bcd = $unchecked_mix(bc, cd, T); |
| float2 abcd = $unchecked_mix(abc, bcd, T); |
| |
| // Evaluate the conic weight at T. |
| float u = $unchecked_mix(1.0, w, T); |
| float v = w + 1 - u; // == mix(w, 1, T) |
| float uv = $unchecked_mix(u, v, T); |
| |
| // If we went with T=parametricT, then update the tangent. Otherwise leave it at the radial |
| // tangent found previously. (In the event that parametricT == radialT, we keep the radial |
| // tangent.) |
| if (T != radialT) { |
| // We must re-normalize here because the tangent is determined by the curve coefficients |
| tangent = w >= 0.0 ? $robust_normalize_diff(bc*u, ab*v) |
| : $robust_normalize_diff(bcd, abc); |
| } |
| |
| strokeCoord = (w >= 0.0) ? abc/uv : abcd; |
| } else { |
| // Edges at the beginning and end of the strip use exact endpoints and tangents. This |
| // ensures crack-free seaming between instances. |
| tangent = (combinedEdgeID == 0) ? tan0 : tan1; |
| strokeCoord = (combinedEdgeID == 0) ? p0 : p3; |
| } |
| |
| // At this point 'tangent' is normalized, so the orthogonal vector is also normalized. |
| float2 ortho = float2(tangent.y, -tangent.x); |
| strokeCoord += ortho * (strokeRadius * strokeOutset); |
| |
| if (isHairline) { |
| // Hairline case. The scale and skew already happened before tessellation. |
| // TODO: There's probably a more efficient way to tessellate the hairline that lets us |
| // avoid inverting the affine matrix to get back to local coords, but it's just a 2x2 so |
| // this works for now. |
| return float4(strokeCoord + translate, inverse(affineMatrix) * strokeCoord); |
| } else { |
| // Normal case. Do the transform after tessellation. |
| return float4(affineMatrix * strokeCoord + translate, strokeCoord); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| float4 analytic_rrect_vertex_fn(// Vertex Attributes |
| float2 position, |
| float2 normal, |
| float normalScale, |
| float centerWeight, |
| // Instance Attributes |
| float4 xRadiiOrFlags, |
| float4 radiiOrQuadXs, |
| float4 ltrbOrQuadYs, |
| float4 center, |
| float depth, |
| float3x3 localToDevice, |
| // Varyings |
| out float4 jacobian, |
| out float4 edgeDistances, |
| out float4 xRadii, |
| out float4 yRadii, |
| out float2 strokeParams, |
| out float2 perPixelControl, |
| // Render Step |
| out float2 stepLocalCoords) { |
| const int kCornerVertexCount = 9; // KEEP IN SYNC WITH C++'s |
| // AnalyticRRectRenderStep::kCornerVertexCount |
| const float kMiterScale = 1.0; |
| const float kBevelScale = 0.0; |
| const float kRoundScale = 0.41421356237; // sqrt(2)-1 |
| |
| const float kEpsilon = 0.00024; // SK_ScalarNearlyZero |
| |
| // Default to miter'ed vertex positioning. Corners with sufficiently large corner radii, or |
| // bevel'ed strokes will adjust vertex placement on a per corner basis. This will not affect |
| // the final coverage calculations in the fragment shader. |
| float joinScale = kMiterScale; |
| |
| // Unpack instance-level state that determines the vertex placement and style of shape. |
| bool bidirectionalCoverage = center.z <= 0.0; |
| bool deviceSpaceDistances = false; |
| float4 xs, ys; // ordered TL, TR, BR, BL |
| float4 edgeAA = float4(1.0); // ordered L,T,R,B. 1 = AA, 0 = no AA |
| bool strokedLine = false; |
| if (xRadiiOrFlags.x < -1.0) { |
| // Stroked [round] rect or line |
| // If y > 0, unpack the line end points, otherwise unpack the rect edges |
| strokedLine = xRadiiOrFlags.y > 0.0; |
| xs = strokedLine ? ltrbOrQuadYs.LLRR : ltrbOrQuadYs.LRRL; |
| ys = ltrbOrQuadYs.TTBB; |
| |
| if (xRadiiOrFlags.y < 0.0) { |
| // A hairline [r]rect so the X radii are encoded as negative values in this field, |
| // and Y radii are stored directly in the subsequent float4. |
| xRadii = -xRadiiOrFlags - 2.0; |
| yRadii = radiiOrQuadXs; |
| |
| // All hairlines use miter joins (join style > 0) |
| strokeParams = float2(0.0, 1.0); |
| } else { |
| xRadii = radiiOrQuadXs; |
| yRadii = xRadii; // regular strokes are circular |
| strokeParams = xRadiiOrFlags.zw; |
| |
| // `sign(strokeParams.y)` evaluates to kMiterScale (1.0) when the |
| // input is positive, and kBevelScale (0.0) when it is zero. |
| // kRoundScale uses the stroke radius to round rectangular corners. |
| joinScale = (strokeParams.y < 0.0) ? kRoundScale |
| : sign(strokeParams.y); |
| } |
| } else if (any(greaterThan(xRadiiOrFlags, float4(0.0)))) { |
| // Filled round rect |
| xs = ltrbOrQuadYs.LRRL; |
| ys = ltrbOrQuadYs.TTBB; |
| |
| xRadii = xRadiiOrFlags; |
| yRadii = radiiOrQuadXs; |
| |
| strokeParams = float2(0.0, -1.0); // A negative join style is "round" |
| } else { |
| // Per-edge quadrilateral, so we have to calculate the corner's basis from the |
| // quad's edges. |
| xs = radiiOrQuadXs; |
| ys = ltrbOrQuadYs; |
| edgeAA = -xRadiiOrFlags; // AA flags needed to be < 0 on upload, so flip the sign. |
| |
| xRadii = float4(0.0); |
| yRadii = float4(0.0); |
| |
| strokeParams = float2(0.0, 1.0); // Will be ignored, but set to a "miter" |
| deviceSpaceDistances = true; |
| } |
| |
| // Adjust state on a per-corner basis |
| int cornerID = sk_VertexID / kCornerVertexCount; |
| float2 cornerRadii = float2(xRadii[cornerID], yRadii[cornerID]); |
| if (cornerID % 2 != 0) { |
| // Corner radii are uploaded in the local coordinate frame, but vertex placement happens |
| // in a consistent winding before transforming to final local coords, so swap the |
| // radii for odd corners. |
| cornerRadii = cornerRadii.yx; |
| } |
| |
| float2 cornerAspectRatio = float2(1.0); |
| if (all(greaterThan(cornerRadii, float2(0.0)))) { |
| // Position vertices for an elliptical corner; overriding any previous join style since |
| // that only applies when radii are 0. |
| joinScale = kRoundScale; |
| cornerAspectRatio = cornerRadii.yx; |
| } |
| |
| // Calculate the local edge vectors, ordered L, T, R, B starting from the bottom left point. |
| // For quadrilaterals these are not necessarily axis-aligned, but in all cases they orient |
| // the +X/+Y normalized vertex template for each corner. |
| float4 dx = xs - xs.wxyz; |
| float4 dy = ys - ys.wxyz; |
| float4 edgeSquaredLen = dx*dx + dy*dy; |
| |
| float4 edgeMask = sign(edgeSquaredLen); // 0 for zero-length edge, 1 for non-zero edge. |
| float4 edgeBias = float4(0.0); // adjustment to edge distance for butt cap correction |
| float2 strokeRadius = float2(strokeParams.x); |
| if (any(equal(edgeMask, float4(0.0)))) { |
| // Must clean up (dx,dy) depending on the empty edge configuration |
| if (all(equal(edgeMask, float4(0.0)))) { |
| // A point so use the canonical basis |
| dx = float4( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0); |
| dy = float4(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); |
| edgeSquaredLen = float4(1.0); |
| } else { |
| // Triangles (3 non-zero edges) copy the adjacent edge. Otherwise it's a line so |
| // replace empty edges with the left-hand normal vector of the adjacent edge. |
| bool triangle = (edgeMask[0] + edgeMask[1] + edgeMask[2] + edgeMask[3]) > 2.5; |
| float4 edgeX = triangle ? dx.yzwx : dy.yzwx; |
| float4 edgeY = triangle ? dy.yzwx : -dx.yzwx; |
| |
| dx = mix(edgeX, dx, edgeMask); |
| dy = mix(edgeY, dy, edgeMask); |
| edgeSquaredLen = mix(edgeSquaredLen.yzwx, edgeSquaredLen, edgeMask); |
| edgeAA = mix(edgeAA.yzwx, edgeAA, edgeMask); |
| |
| if (!triangle && joinScale == kBevelScale) { |
| // Don't outset by stroke radius for butt caps on the zero-length edge, but |
| // adjust edgeBias and strokeParams to calculate an AA miter'ed shape with the |
| // non-uniform stroke outset. |
| strokeRadius *= float2(edgeMask[cornerID], edgeMask.yzwx[cornerID]); |
| edgeBias = (edgeMask - 1.0) * strokeParams.x; |
| strokeParams.y = 1.0; |
| joinScale = kMiterScale; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| float4 inverseEdgeLen = inversesqrt(edgeSquaredLen); |
| dx *= inverseEdgeLen; |
| dy *= inverseEdgeLen; |
| |
| // Calculate local coordinate for the vertex (relative to xAxis and yAxis at first). |
| float2 xAxis = -float2(dx.yzwx[cornerID], dy.yzwx[cornerID]); |
| float2 yAxis = float2(dx.xyzw[cornerID], dy.xyzw[cornerID]); |
| float2 localPos; |
| bool snapToCenter = false; |
| if (normalScale < 0.0) { |
| // Vertex is inset from the base shape, so we scale by (cornerRadii - strokeRadius) |
| // and have to check for the possibility of an inner miter. It is always inset by an |
| // additional conservative AA amount. |
| if (center.w < 0.0 || centerWeight * center.z != 0.0) { |
| snapToCenter = true; |
| } else { |
| float localAARadius = center.w; |
| float2 insetRadii = |
| cornerRadii + (bidirectionalCoverage ? -strokeRadius : strokeRadius); |
| if (joinScale == kMiterScale || |
| any(lessThanEqual(insetRadii, float2(localAARadius)))) { |
| // Miter the inset position |
| localPos = (insetRadii - localAARadius); |
| } else { |
| localPos = insetRadii*position - localAARadius*normal; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| // Vertex is outset from the base shape (and possibly with an additional AA outset later |
| // in device space). |
| localPos = (cornerRadii + strokeRadius) * (position + joinScale*position.yx); |
| } |
| |
| if (snapToCenter) { |
| // Center is already relative to true local coords, not the corner basis. |
| localPos = center.xy; |
| } else { |
| // Transform from corner basis to true local coords. |
| localPos -= cornerRadii; |
| localPos = float2(xs[cornerID], ys[cornerID]) + xAxis*localPos.x + yAxis*localPos.y; |
| } |
| |
| // Calculate edge distances and device space coordinate for the vertex |
| edgeDistances = dy*(xs - localPos.x) - dx*(ys - localPos.y) + edgeBias; |
| |
| // NOTE: This 3x3 inverse is different than just taking the 1st two columns of the 4x4 |
| // inverse of the original SkM44 local-to-device matrix. We could calculate the 3x3 inverse |
| // and upload it, but it does not seem to be a bottleneck and saves on bandwidth to |
| // calculate it here instead. |
| float3x3 deviceToLocal = inverse(localToDevice); |
| float3 devPos = localToDevice * localPos.xy1; |
| jacobian = float4(deviceToLocal[0].xy - deviceToLocal[0].z*localPos, |
| deviceToLocal[1].xy - deviceToLocal[1].z*localPos); |
| |
| if (deviceSpaceDistances) { |
| // Apply the Jacobian in the vertex shader so any quadrilateral normals do not have to |
| // be passed to the fragment shader. However, it's important to use the Jacobian at a |
| // vertex on the edge, not the current vertex's Jacobian. |
| float4 gx = -dy*(deviceToLocal[0].x - deviceToLocal[0].z*xs) + |
| dx*(deviceToLocal[0].y - deviceToLocal[0].z*ys); |
| float4 gy = -dy*(deviceToLocal[1].x - deviceToLocal[1].z*xs) + |
| dx*(deviceToLocal[1].y - deviceToLocal[1].z*ys); |
| // NOTE: The gradient is missing a W term so edgeDistances must still be multiplied by |
| // 1/w in the fragment shader. The same goes for the encoded coverage scale. |
| edgeDistances *= inversesqrt(gx*gx + gy*gy); |
| |
| // Bias non-AA edge distances by device W so its coverage contribution is >= 1.0 |
| edgeDistances += (1 - edgeAA)*abs(devPos.z); |
| |
| // Mixed edge AA shapes do not use subpixel scale+bias for coverage, since they tile |
| // to a large shape of unknown--but likely not subpixel--size. Triangles and quads do |
| // not use subpixel coverage since the scale+bias is not constant over the shape, but |
| // we can't evaluate per-fragment since we aren't passing down their arbitrary normals. |
| bool subpixelCoverage = edgeAA == float4(1.0) && |
| dot(abs(dx*dx.yzwx + dy*dy.yzwx), float4(1.0)) < kEpsilon; |
| if (subpixelCoverage) { |
| // Reconstructs the actual device-space width and height for all rectangle vertices. |
| float2 dim = edgeDistances.xy + edgeDistances.zw; |
| perPixelControl.y = 1.0 + min(min(dim.x, dim.y), abs(devPos.z)); |
| } else { |
| perPixelControl.y = 1.0 + abs(devPos.z); // standard 1px width pre W division. |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Only outset for a vertex that is in front of the w=0 plane to avoid dealing with outset |
| // triangles rasterizing differently from the main triangles as w crosses 0. |
| if (normalScale > 0.0 && devPos.z > 0.0) { |
| // Note that when there's no perspective, the jacobian is equivalent to the normal |
| // matrix (inverse transpose), but produces correct results when there's perspective |
| // because it accounts for the position's influence on a line's projected direction. |
| float2x2 J = float2x2(jacobian); |
| |
| float2 edgeAANormal = float2(edgeAA[cornerID], edgeAA.yzwx[cornerID]) * normal; |
| float2 nx = cornerAspectRatio.x * edgeAANormal.x * perp(-yAxis) * J; |
| float2 ny = cornerAspectRatio.y * edgeAANormal.y * perp( xAxis) * J; |
| |
| bool isMidVertex = all(notEqual(edgeAANormal, float2(0))); |
| if (joinScale == kMiterScale && isMidVertex) { |
| // Produce a bisecting vector in device space. |
| nx = normalize(nx); |
| ny = normalize(ny); |
| if (dot(nx, ny) < -0.8) { |
| // Normals are in nearly opposite directions, so adjust to avoid float error. |
| float s = sign(cross_length_2d(nx, ny)); |
| nx = s*perp(nx); |
| ny = -s*perp(ny); |
| } |
| } |
| // Adding the normal components together directly results in what we'd have |
| // calculated if we'd just transformed 'normal' in one go, assuming they weren't |
| // normalized in the if-block above. If they were normalized, the sum equals the |
| // bisector between the original nx and ny. |
| // |
| // We multiply by W so that after perspective division the new point is offset by the |
| // now-unit normal. |
| // NOTE: (nx + ny) can become the zero vector if the device outset is for an edge |
| // marked as non-AA. In this case normalize() could produce the zero vector or NaN. |
| // Until a counter-example is found, GPUs seem to discard triangles with NaN vertices, |
| // which has the same effect as outsetting by the zero vector with this mesh, so we |
| // don't bother guarding the normalize() (yet). |
| devPos.xy += devPos.z * normalize(nx + ny); |
| |
| // By construction these points are 1px away from the outer edge in device space. |
| if (deviceSpaceDistances) { |
| // Apply directly to edgeDistances to save work per pixel later on. |
| edgeDistances -= devPos.z; |
| } else { |
| // Otherwise store separately so edgeDistances can be used to reconstruct corner pos |
| perPixelControl.y = -devPos.z; |
| } |
| } else if (!deviceSpaceDistances) { |
| // Triangles are within the original shape so there's no additional outsetting to |
| // take into account for coverage calculations. |
| perPixelControl.y = 0.0; |
| } |
| |
| perPixelControl.x = (centerWeight != 0.0) |
| // A positive value signals that a pixel is trivially full coverage. |
| ? 1.0 |
| // A negative value signals bidirectional coverage, and a zero value signals a solid |
| // interior with per-pixel coverage. |
| : bidirectionalCoverage ? -1.0 : 0.0; |
| |
| // The fragment shader operates in a canonical basis (x-axis = (1,0), y-axis = (0,1)). For |
| // stroked lines, incorporate their local orientation into the Jacobian to preserve this. |
| if (strokedLine) { |
| // The updated Jacobian is J' = B^-1 * J, where B is float2x2(xAxis, yAxis) for the |
| // top-left corner (so that B^-1 is constant over the whole shape). Since it's a line |
| // the basis was constructed to be orthonormal, det(B) = 1 and B^-1 is trivial. |
| // NOTE: float2x2 is column-major. |
| jacobian = float4(float2x2(dy[0], -dy[1], -dx[0], dx[1]) * float2x2(jacobian)); |
| } |
| |
| // Write out final results |
| stepLocalCoords = localPos; |
| return float4(devPos.xy, devPos.z*depth, devPos.z); |
| } |
| |
| float4 per_edge_aa_quad_vertex_fn(// Vertex Attributes |
| float2 normal, |
| // Instance Attributes |
| float4 edgeAA, |
| float4 xs, // ordered TL, TR, BR, BL |
| float4 ys, |
| float depth, |
| float3x3 localToDevice, |
| // Varyings |
| out float4 edgeDistances, |
| // Render Step |
| out float2 stepLocalCoords) { |
| const int kCornerVertexCount = 4; // KEEP IN SYNC WITH C++'s |
| // PerEdgeAAQuadRenderStep::kCornerVertexCount |
| |
| const float kEpsilon = 0.00024; // SK_ScalarNearlyZero |
| |
| // Calculate the local edge vectors, ordered L, T, R, B starting from the bottom left point. |
| // For quadrilaterals these are not necessarily axis-aligned, but in all cases they orient |
| // the +X/+Y normalized vertex template for each corner. |
| float4 dx = xs - xs.wxyz; |
| float4 dy = ys - ys.wxyz; |
| float4 edgeSquaredLen = dx*dx + dy*dy; |
| |
| float4 edgeMask = sign(edgeSquaredLen); // 0 for zero-length edge, 1 for non-zero edge. |
| if (any(equal(edgeMask, float4(0.0)))) { |
| // Must clean up (dx,dy) depending on the empty edge configuration |
| if (all(equal(edgeMask, float4(0.0)))) { |
| // A point so use the canonical basis |
| dx = float4( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0); |
| dy = float4(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); |
| edgeSquaredLen = float4(1.0); |
| } else { |
| // Triangles (3 non-zero edges) copy the adjacent edge. Otherwise it's a line so |
| // replace empty edges with the left-hand normal vector of the adjacent edge. |
| bool triangle = (edgeMask[0] + edgeMask[1] + edgeMask[2] + edgeMask[3]) > 2.5; |
| float4 edgeX = triangle ? dx.yzwx : dy.yzwx; |
| float4 edgeY = triangle ? dy.yzwx : -dx.yzwx; |
| |
| dx = mix(edgeX, dx, edgeMask); |
| dy = mix(edgeY, dy, edgeMask); |
| edgeSquaredLen = mix(edgeSquaredLen.yzwx, edgeSquaredLen, edgeMask); |
| edgeAA = mix(edgeAA.yzwx, edgeAA, edgeMask); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| float4 inverseEdgeLen = inversesqrt(edgeSquaredLen); |
| dx *= inverseEdgeLen; |
| dy *= inverseEdgeLen; |
| |
| // Calculate local coordinate for the vertex (relative to xAxis and yAxis at first). |
| int cornerID = sk_VertexID / kCornerVertexCount; |
| float2 xAxis = -float2(dx.yzwx[cornerID], dy.yzwx[cornerID]); |
| float2 yAxis = float2(dx.xyzw[cornerID], dy.xyzw[cornerID]); |
| |
| // Vertex is outset from the base shape (and possibly with an additional AA outset later |
| // in device space). |
| float2 localPos = float2(xs[cornerID], ys[cornerID]); |
| |
| // Calculate edge distances and device space coordinate for the vertex |
| edgeDistances = dy*(xs - localPos.x) - dx*(ys - localPos.y); |
| |
| // NOTE: This 3x3 inverse is different than just taking the 1st two columns of the 4x4 |
| // inverse of the original SkM44 local-to-device matrix. We could calculate the 3x3 inverse |
| // and upload it, but it does not seem to be a bottleneck and saves on bandwidth to |
| // calculate it here instead. |
| float3x3 deviceToLocal = inverse(localToDevice); |
| float3 devPos = localToDevice * localPos.xy1; |
| |
| // Apply the Jacobian in the vertex shader so any quadrilateral normals do not have to |
| // be passed to the fragment shader. However, it's important to use the Jacobian at a |
| // vertex on the edge, not the current vertex's Jacobian. |
| float4 gx = -dy*(deviceToLocal[0].x - deviceToLocal[0].z*xs) + |
| dx*(deviceToLocal[0].y - deviceToLocal[0].z*ys); |
| float4 gy = -dy*(deviceToLocal[1].x - deviceToLocal[1].z*xs) + |
| dx*(deviceToLocal[1].y - deviceToLocal[1].z*ys); |
| // NOTE: The gradient is missing a W term so edgeDistances must still be multiplied by |
| // 1/w in the fragment shader. The same goes for the encoded coverage scale. |
| edgeDistances *= inversesqrt(gx*gx + gy*gy); |
| |
| // Bias non-AA edge distances by device W so its coverage contribution is >= 1.0 |
| // Add additional 1/2 bias here so we don't have to do so in the fragment shader. |
| edgeDistances += (1.5 - edgeAA)*abs(devPos.z); |
| |
| // Only outset for a vertex that is in front of the w=0 plane to avoid dealing with outset |
| // triangles rasterizing differently from the main triangles as w crosses 0. |
| if (any(notEqual(normal, float2(0.0))) && devPos.z > 0.0) { |
| // Note that when there's no perspective, the jacobian is equivalent to the normal |
| // matrix (inverse transpose), but produces correct results when there's perspective |
| // because it accounts for the position's influence on a line's projected direction. |
| float2x2 J = float2x2(deviceToLocal[0].xy - deviceToLocal[0].z*localPos, |
| deviceToLocal[1].xy - deviceToLocal[1].z*localPos); |
| |
| float2 edgeAANormal = float2(edgeAA[cornerID], edgeAA.yzwx[cornerID]) * normal; |
| float2 nx = edgeAANormal.x * perp(-yAxis) * J; |
| float2 ny = edgeAANormal.y * perp( xAxis) * J; |
| |
| bool isMidVertex = all(notEqual(edgeAANormal, float2(0))); |
| if (isMidVertex) { |
| // Produce a bisecting vector in device space. |
| nx = normalize(nx); |
| ny = normalize(ny); |
| if (dot(nx, ny) < -0.8) { |
| // Normals are in nearly opposite directions, so adjust to avoid float error. |
| float s = sign(cross_length_2d(nx, ny)); |
| nx = s*perp(nx); |
| ny = -s*perp(ny); |
| } |
| } |
| // Adding the normal components together directly results in what we'd have |
| // calculated if we'd just transformed 'normal' in one go, assuming they weren't |
| // normalized in the if-block above. If they were normalized, the sum equals the |
| // bisector between the original nx and ny. |
| // |
| // We multiply by W so that after perspective division the new point is offset by the |
| // now-unit normal. |
| // NOTE: (nx + ny) can become the zero vector if the device outset is for an edge |
| // marked as non-AA. In this case normalize() could produce the zero vector or NaN. |
| // Until a counter-example is found, GPUs seem to discard triangles with NaN vertices, |
| // which has the same effect as outsetting by the zero vector with this mesh, so we |
| // don't bother guarding the normalize() (yet). |
| devPos.xy += devPos.z * normalize(nx + ny); |
| |
| // By construction these points are 1px away from the outer edge in device space. |
| // Apply directly to edgeDistances to save work per pixel later on. |
| edgeDistances -= devPos.z; |
| } |
| |
| // Write out final results |
| stepLocalCoords = localPos; |
| return float4(devPos.xy, devPos.z*depth, devPos.z); |
| } |
| |
| float4 text_vertex_fn(float2 baseCoords, |
| // Uniforms |
| float4x4 subRunDeviceMatrix, |
| float4x4 deviceToLocal, |
| float2 atlasSizeInv, |
| // Instance Attributes |
| float2 size, |
| float2 uvPos, |
| float2 xyPos, |
| float strikeToSourceScale, |
| float depth, |
| // Varyings |
| out float2 textureCoords, |
| out float2 unormTexCoords, // used as varying in SDFText |
| // Render Step |
| out float2 stepLocalCoords) { |
| baseCoords.xy *= float2(size); |
| |
| // Sub runs have a decomposed transform and are sometimes already transformed into device |
| // space, in which `subRunCoords` represents the bounds projected to device space without |
| // the local-to-device translation and `subRunDeviceMatrix` contains the translation. |
| float2 subRunCoords = strikeToSourceScale * baseCoords + xyPos; |
| float4 position = subRunDeviceMatrix * subRunCoords.xy01; |
| |
| // Calculate the local coords used for shading. |
| // TODO(b/246963258): This is incorrect if the transform has perspective, which would |
| // require a division + a valid z coordinate (which is currently set to 0). |
| stepLocalCoords = (deviceToLocal * position).xy; |
| |
| unormTexCoords = baseCoords + uvPos; |
| textureCoords = unormTexCoords * atlasSizeInv; |
| |
| return float4(position.xy, depth*position.w, position.w); |
| } |
| |
| float4 coverage_mask_vertex_fn(float2 quadCoords, |
| // Uniforms |
| float3x3 maskToDeviceRemainder, |
| // Instance Attributes |
| float4 drawBounds, |
| float4 maskBoundsIn, |
| float2 deviceOrigin, |
| float depth, |
| float3x3 deviceToLocal, |
| // Varyings |
| out float4 maskBounds, |
| out float2 textureCoords, |
| out half invert, |
| // Render Step |
| out float2 stepLocalCoords) { |
| // An atlas shape is an axis-aligned rectangle tessellated as a triangle strip. |
| // |
| // The bounds coordinates are in an intermediate space, pixel-aligned with the mask texture |
| // that's sampled in the fragment shader. The coords must be transformed by both |
| // maskToDeviceRemainder and translated by deviceOrigin to get device coords. |
| textureCoords = mix(drawBounds.xy, drawBounds.zw, quadCoords); |
| float3 drawCoords = maskToDeviceRemainder*((textureCoords + deviceOrigin).xy1); |
| |
| // Local coordinates used for shading are derived from the final device coords and the inverse |
| // of the original local-to-device matrix. |
| float3 localCoords = deviceToLocal * drawCoords; |
| // TODO: Support float3 local coordinates if the matrix has perspective so that W is |
| // interpolated correctly to the fragment shader. |
| stepLocalCoords = localCoords.xy / localCoords.z; |
| |
| // For an inverse fill, `textureCoords` will get clamped to `maskBounds` and the edge pixels |
| // will always land on a 0-coverage border pixel assuming the atlas was prepared with 1px |
| // padding around each mask entry. This includes inverse fills where the mask was fully clipped |
| // out, since then maskBounds.RBLT == (0,0,-1,-1) and we sample the top-left-most pixel of the |
| // atlas, which is guaranteed to be transparent. |
| if (all(lessThanEqual(maskBoundsIn.LT, maskBoundsIn.RB))) { |
| // Regular fill |
| maskBounds = maskBoundsIn; |
| invert = 0; |
| } else { |
| // Re-arrange the mask bounds to sorted order for texture clamping in the fragment shader |
| maskBounds = maskBoundsIn.RBLT; |
| invert = 1; |
| } |
| |
| return float4(drawCoords.xy, depth*drawCoords.z, drawCoords.z); |
| } |
| |
| float4 cover_bounds_vertex_fn(float2 corner, |
| float4 bounds, |
| float depth, |
| float3x3 matrix, |
| out float2 stepLocalCoords) { |
| if (all(lessThanEqual(bounds.LT, bounds.RB))) { |
| // A regular fill |
| corner = mix(bounds.LT, bounds.RB, corner); |
| float3 devCorner = matrix * corner.xy1; |
| stepLocalCoords = corner; |
| return float4(devCorner.xy, depth*devCorner.z, devCorner.z); |
| } else { |
| // An inverse fill |
| corner = mix(bounds.RB, bounds.LT, corner); |
| // TODO(b/351923375): Get the 3x3 inverse of the local-to-device transform from the CPU |
| // if it can be computed fast enough on the CPU from the cached 4x4 inverse. |
| float3 localCoords = inverse(matrix) * corner.xy1; |
| // Dividing the inverse mapped local coords by its homogenous coordinate reconstructs the |
| // original local coords. |
| float invW = 1.0 / localCoords.z; |
| stepLocalCoords = localCoords.xy * invW; |
| |
| // 1/W also happens to be equal to (matrix*stepLocalCoords.xy1).z, which is the device-space |
| // homogenous coordinate we want perspective interpolation to respect. We multiply the |
| // output position by 1/W and set the output position's homogenous coord to that same 1/W |
| // which ensures the projected vertices are still the device-space corners, but |
| // stepLocalCoords will be correctly perspective interpolated by HW. |
| return float4(corner*invW, depth*invW, invW); |
| } |
| } |