blob: 5e94b46708fda70899674d36540aeac359c3b021 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/sksl/SkSLBuiltinTypes.h"
#include <memory>
namespace SkSL {
class Compiler;
struct Module;
class Type;
using BuiltinTypePtr = const std::unique_ptr<Type> BuiltinTypes::*;
* Documentation for modules in SkSL: http://go/modules-in-sksl
class ModuleLoader {
struct Impl;
Impl& fModuleLoader;
// Acquires a mutex-locked reference to the singleton ModuleLoader. When the ModuleLoader is
// allowed to fall out of scope, the mutex will be released.
static ModuleLoader Get();
// The built-in types and root module are universal, immutable, and shared by every Compiler.
// They are created when the ModuleLoader is instantiated and never change.
const BuiltinTypes& builtinTypes();
const Module* rootModule();
// These modules are loaded on demand; once loaded, they are kept for the lifetime of the
// process.
const Module* loadSharedModule(SkSL::Compiler* compiler);
const Module* loadGPUModule(SkSL::Compiler* compiler);
const Module* loadVertexModule(SkSL::Compiler* compiler);
const Module* loadFragmentModule(SkSL::Compiler* compiler);
const Module* loadComputeModule(SkSL::Compiler* compiler);
const Module* loadGraphiteVertexModule(SkSL::Compiler* compiler);
const Module* loadGraphiteFragmentModule(SkSL::Compiler* compiler);
const Module* loadGraphiteVertexES2Module(SkSL::Compiler* compiler);
const Module* loadGraphiteFragmentES2Module(SkSL::Compiler* compiler);
const Module* loadPublicModule(SkSL::Compiler* compiler);
const Module* loadPrivateRTShaderModule(SkSL::Compiler* compiler);
// This updates an existing Module's symbol table to match Runtime Effect rules. GLSL types like
// `vec4` are added; SkSL private types like `sampler2D` are replaced with an invalid type.
void addPublicTypeAliases(const SkSL::Module* module);
// This unloads every module. It's useful primarily for benchmarking purposes.
void unloadModules();
} // namespace SkSL