blob: 71859a56a195c77f332f270113956748b04d08ea [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/private/SkSLString.h"
namespace SkSL {
* Represents a layout block appearing before a variable declaration, as in:
* layout (location = 0) int x;
struct Layout {
enum Flag {
kOriginUpperLeft_Flag = 1 << 0,
kPushConstant_Flag = 1 << 1,
kBlendSupportAllEquations_Flag = 1 << 2,
kSRGBUnpremul_Flag = 1 << 3,
kKey_Flag = 1 << 4,
// These flags indicate if the qualifier appeared, regardless of the accompanying value.
kLocation_Flag = 1 << 5,
kOffset_Flag = 1 << 6,
kBinding_Flag = 1 << 7,
kIndex_Flag = 1 << 8,
kSet_Flag = 1 << 9,
kBuiltin_Flag = 1 << 10,
kInputAttachmentIndex_Flag = 1 << 11,
kPrimitive_Flag = 1 << 12,
kMaxVertices_Flag = 1 << 13,
kInvocations_Flag = 1 << 14,
kWhen_Flag = 1 << 15,
kCType_Flag = 1 << 16,
enum Primitive {
kUnspecified_Primitive = -1,
enum class CType {
kDefault, // Default for:
kFloat, // float, half
kInt32, // int, short
kSkRect, // float4, half4
kSkIRect, // int4, short4
kSkPoint, // float2, half2
kSkIPoint, // int2, short2
kSkMatrix, // float3x3, half3x3
kSkM44, // float4x4, half4x4
kGrFragmentProcessor, // fragmentProcessor
static const char* CTypeToStr(CType ctype) {
switch (ctype) {
case CType::kDefault:
return nullptr;
case CType::kFloat:
return "float";
case CType::kInt32:
return "int32_t";
case CType::kSkRect:
return "SkRect";
case CType::kSkIRect:
return "SkIRect";
case CType::kSkPMColor4f:
return "SkPMColor4f";
case CType::kSkV4:
return "SkV4";
case CType::kSkPoint:
return "SkPoint";
case CType::kSkIPoint:
return "SkIPoint";
case CType::kSkMatrix:
return "SkMatrix";
case CType::kSkM44:
return "SkM44";
case CType::kGrFragmentProcessor:
return "std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor>";
return nullptr;
Layout(int flags, int location, int offset, int binding, int index, int set, int builtin,
int inputAttachmentIndex, Primitive primitive, int maxVertices, int invocations,
StringFragment when, CType ctype)
: fFlags(flags)
, fLocation(location)
, fOffset(offset)
, fBinding(binding)
, fIndex(index)
, fSet(set)
, fBuiltin(builtin)
, fInputAttachmentIndex(inputAttachmentIndex)
, fPrimitive(primitive)
, fMaxVertices(maxVertices)
, fInvocations(invocations)
, fWhen(when)
, fCType(ctype) {}
: fFlags(0)
, fLocation(-1)
, fOffset(-1)
, fBinding(-1)
, fIndex(-1)
, fSet(-1)
, fBuiltin(-1)
, fInputAttachmentIndex(-1)
, fPrimitive(kUnspecified_Primitive)
, fMaxVertices(-1)
, fInvocations(-1)
, fCType(CType::kDefault) {}
static Layout builtin(int builtin) {
Layout result;
result.fBuiltin = builtin;
return result;
String description() const {
String result;
auto separator = [firstSeparator = true]() mutable -> String {
if (firstSeparator) {
firstSeparator = false;
return "";
} else {
return ", ";
if (fLocation >= 0) {
result += separator() + "location = " + to_string(fLocation);
if (fOffset >= 0) {
result += separator() + "offset = " + to_string(fOffset);
if (fBinding >= 0) {
result += separator() + "binding = " + to_string(fBinding);
if (fIndex >= 0) {
result += separator() + "index = " + to_string(fIndex);
if (fSet >= 0) {
result += separator() + "set = " + to_string(fSet);
if (fBuiltin >= 0) {
result += separator() + "builtin = " + to_string(fBuiltin);
if (fInputAttachmentIndex >= 0) {
result += separator() + "input_attachment_index = " + to_string(fInputAttachmentIndex);
if (fFlags & kOriginUpperLeft_Flag) {
result += separator() + "origin_upper_left";
if (fFlags & kBlendSupportAllEquations_Flag) {
result += separator() + "blend_support_all_equations";
if (fFlags & kPushConstant_Flag) {
result += separator() + "push_constant";
if (fFlags & kSRGBUnpremul_Flag) {
result += separator() + "srgb_unpremul";
switch (fPrimitive) {
case kPoints_Primitive:
result += separator() + "points";
case kLines_Primitive:
result += separator() + "lines";
case kLineStrip_Primitive:
result += separator() + "line_strip";
case kLinesAdjacency_Primitive:
result += separator() + "lines_adjacency";
case kTriangles_Primitive:
result += separator() + "triangles";
case kTriangleStrip_Primitive:
result += separator() + "triangle_strip";
case kTrianglesAdjacency_Primitive:
result += separator() + "triangles_adjacency";
case kUnspecified_Primitive:
if (fMaxVertices >= 0) {
result += separator() + "max_vertices = " + to_string(fMaxVertices);
if (fInvocations >= 0) {
result += separator() + "invocations = " + to_string(fInvocations);
if (fWhen.length()) {
result += separator() + "when = " + fWhen;
if (result.size() > 0) {
result = "layout (" + result + ")";
if (fFlags & kKey_Flag) {
result += "/* key */ const";
return result;
bool operator==(const Layout& other) const {
return fFlags == other.fFlags &&
fLocation == other.fLocation &&
fOffset == other.fOffset &&
fBinding == other.fBinding &&
fIndex == other.fIndex &&
fSet == other.fSet &&
fBuiltin == other.fBuiltin &&
fInputAttachmentIndex == other.fInputAttachmentIndex &&
fPrimitive == other.fPrimitive &&
fMaxVertices == other.fMaxVertices &&
fInvocations == other.fInvocations &&
fWhen == other.fWhen &&
fCType == other.fCType;
bool operator!=(const Layout& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
int fFlags;
int fLocation;
int fOffset;
int fBinding;
int fIndex;
int fSet;
// builtin comes from SPIR-V and identifies which particular builtin value this object
// represents.
int fBuiltin;
// input_attachment_index comes from Vulkan/SPIR-V to connect a shader variable to the a
// corresponding attachment on the subpass in which the shader is being used.
int fInputAttachmentIndex;
Primitive fPrimitive;
int fMaxVertices;
int fInvocations;
StringFragment fWhen;
CType fCType;
} // namespace SkSL