blob: 6372c6a5968166095f5d926093820857aea4ef83 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkCanvas_DEFINED
#define SkCanvas_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkArc.h"
#include "include/core/SkBlendMode.h"
#include "include/core/SkClipOp.h"
#include "include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "include/core/SkFontTypes.h"
#include "include/core/SkImageFilter.h"
#include "include/core/SkImageInfo.h"
#include "include/core/SkM44.h"
#include "include/core/SkMatrix.h"
#include "include/core/SkPaint.h"
#include "include/core/SkPoint.h"
#include "include/core/SkRasterHandleAllocator.h"
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/core/SkSamplingOptions.h"
#include "include/core/SkScalar.h"
#include "include/core/SkSize.h"
#include "include/core/SkSpan.h"
#include "include/core/SkString.h"
#include "include/core/SkSurfaceProps.h"
#include "include/core/SkTileMode.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkCPUTypes.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkDeque.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTArray.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
namespace sktext {
class GlyphRunBuilder;
class GlyphRunList;
class AutoLayerForImageFilter;
class GrRecordingContext;
class SkBitmap;
class SkBlender;
class SkColorSpace;
class SkData;
class SkDevice;
class SkDrawable;
class SkFont;
class SkImage;
class SkMesh;
class SkPaintFilterCanvas;
class SkPath;
class SkPicture;
class SkPixmap;
class SkRRect;
class SkRegion;
class SkShader;
class SkSpecialImage;
class SkSurface;
class SkSurface_Base;
class SkTextBlob;
class SkVertices;
struct SkDrawShadowRec;
struct SkRSXform;
template<typename E>
class SkEnumBitMask;
namespace skgpu::graphite { class Recorder; }
namespace sktext::gpu { class Slug; }
namespace SkRecords { class Draw; }
namespace skiatest {
template <typename Key>
class TestCanvas;// IWYU pragma: keep
/** \class SkCanvas
SkCanvas provides an interface for drawing, and how the drawing is clipped and transformed.
SkCanvas contains a stack of SkMatrix and clip values.
SkCanvas and SkPaint together provide the state to draw into SkSurface or SkDevice.
Each SkCanvas draw call transforms the geometry of the object by the concatenation of all
SkMatrix values in the stack. The transformed geometry is clipped by the intersection
of all of clip values in the stack. The SkCanvas draw calls use SkPaint to supply drawing
state such as color, SkTypeface, text size, stroke width, SkShader and so on.
To draw to a pixel-based destination, create raster surface or GPU surface.
Request SkCanvas from SkSurface to obtain the interface to draw.
SkCanvas generated by raster surface draws to memory visible to the CPU.
SkCanvas generated by GPU surface uses Vulkan or OpenGL to draw to the GPU.
To draw to a document, obtain SkCanvas from SVG canvas, document PDF, or SkPictureRecorder.
SkDocument based SkCanvas and other SkCanvas subclasses reference SkDevice describing the
SkCanvas can be constructed to draw to SkBitmap without first creating raster surface.
This approach may be deprecated in the future.
class SK_API SkCanvas {
/** Allocates raster SkCanvas that will draw directly into pixels.
SkCanvas is returned if all parameters are valid.
Valid parameters include:
info dimensions are zero or positive;
info contains SkColorType and SkAlphaType supported by raster surface;
pixels is not nullptr;
rowBytes is zero or large enough to contain info width pixels of SkColorType.
Pass zero for rowBytes to compute rowBytes from info width and size of pixel.
If rowBytes is greater than zero, it must be equal to or greater than
info width times bytes required for SkColorType.
Pixel buffer size should be info height times computed rowBytes.
Pixels are not initialized.
To access pixels after drawing, call flush() or peekPixels().
@param info width, height, SkColorType, SkAlphaType, SkColorSpace, of raster surface;
width, or height, or both, may be zero
@param pixels pointer to destination pixels buffer
@param rowBytes interval from one SkSurface row to the next, or zero
@param props LCD striping orientation and setting for device independent fonts;
may be nullptr
@return SkCanvas if all parameters are valid; otherwise, nullptr
static std::unique_ptr<SkCanvas> MakeRasterDirect(const SkImageInfo& info, void* pixels,
size_t rowBytes,
const SkSurfaceProps* props = nullptr);
/** Allocates raster SkCanvas specified by inline image specification. Subsequent SkCanvas
calls draw into pixels.
SkColorType is set to kN32_SkColorType.
SkAlphaType is set to kPremul_SkAlphaType.
To access pixels after drawing, call flush() or peekPixels().
SkCanvas is returned if all parameters are valid.
Valid parameters include:
width and height are zero or positive;
pixels is not nullptr;
rowBytes is zero or large enough to contain width pixels of kN32_SkColorType.
Pass zero for rowBytes to compute rowBytes from width and size of pixel.
If rowBytes is greater than zero, it must be equal to or greater than
width times bytes required for SkColorType.
Pixel buffer size should be height times rowBytes.
@param width pixel column count on raster surface created; must be zero or greater
@param height pixel row count on raster surface created; must be zero or greater
@param pixels pointer to destination pixels buffer; buffer size should be height
times rowBytes
@param rowBytes interval from one SkSurface row to the next, or zero
@return SkCanvas if all parameters are valid; otherwise, nullptr
static std::unique_ptr<SkCanvas> MakeRasterDirectN32(int width, int height, SkPMColor* pixels,
size_t rowBytes) {
return MakeRasterDirect(SkImageInfo::MakeN32Premul(width, height), pixels, rowBytes);
/** Creates an empty SkCanvas with no backing device or pixels, with
a width and height of zero.
@return empty SkCanvas
/** Creates SkCanvas of the specified dimensions without a SkSurface.
Used by subclasses with custom implementations for draw member functions.
If props equals nullptr, SkSurfaceProps are created with
SkSurfaceProps::InitType settings, which choose the pixel striping
direction and order. Since a platform may dynamically change its direction when
the device is rotated, and since a platform may have multiple monitors with
different characteristics, it is best not to rely on this legacy behavior.
@param width zero or greater
@param height zero or greater
@param props LCD striping orientation and setting for device independent fonts;
may be nullptr
@return SkCanvas placeholder with dimensions
SkCanvas(int width, int height, const SkSurfaceProps* props = nullptr);
/** Private. For internal use only.
explicit SkCanvas(sk_sp<SkDevice> device);
/** Constructs a canvas that draws into bitmap.
Sets kUnknown_SkPixelGeometry in constructed SkSurface.
SkBitmap is copied so that subsequently editing bitmap will not affect
constructed SkCanvas.
May be deprecated in the future.
@param bitmap width, height, SkColorType, SkAlphaType, and pixel
storage of raster surface
@return SkCanvas that can be used to draw into bitmap
explicit SkCanvas(const SkBitmap& bitmap);
/** Private.
enum class ColorBehavior {
kLegacy, //!< placeholder
/** Private. For use by Android framework only.
@param bitmap specifies a bitmap for the canvas to draw into
@param behavior specializes this constructor; value is unused
@return SkCanvas that can be used to draw into bitmap
SkCanvas(const SkBitmap& bitmap, ColorBehavior behavior);
/** Constructs a canvas that draws into bitmap.
Use props to match the device characteristics, like LCD striping.
bitmap is copied so that subsequently editing bitmap will not affect
constructed SkCanvas.
@param bitmap width, height, SkColorType, SkAlphaType,
and pixel storage of raster surface
@param props order and orientation of RGB striping; and whether to use
device independent fonts
@return SkCanvas that can be used to draw into bitmap
SkCanvas(const SkBitmap& bitmap, const SkSurfaceProps& props);
/** Draws saved layers, if any.
Frees up resources used by SkCanvas.
virtual ~SkCanvas();
/** Returns SkImageInfo for SkCanvas. If SkCanvas is not associated with raster surface or
GPU surface, returned SkColorType is set to kUnknown_SkColorType.
@return dimensions and SkColorType of SkCanvas
SkImageInfo imageInfo() const;
/** Copies SkSurfaceProps, if SkCanvas is associated with raster surface or
GPU surface, and returns true. Otherwise, returns false and leave props unchanged.
@param props storage for writable SkSurfaceProps
@return true if SkSurfaceProps was copied
DEPRECATED: Replace usage with getBaseProps() or getTopProps()
bool getProps(SkSurfaceProps* props) const;
/** Returns the SkSurfaceProps associated with the canvas (i.e., at the base of the layer
@return base SkSurfaceProps
SkSurfaceProps getBaseProps() const;
/** Returns the SkSurfaceProps associated with the canvas that are currently active (i.e., at
the top of the layer stack). This can differ from getBaseProps depending on the flags
passed to saveLayer (see SaveLayerFlagsSet).
@return SkSurfaceProps active in the current/top layer
SkSurfaceProps getTopProps() const;
/** Gets the size of the base or root layer in global canvas coordinates. The
origin of the base layer is always (0,0). The area available for drawing may be
smaller (due to clipping or saveLayer).
@return integral width and height of base layer
virtual SkISize getBaseLayerSize() const;
/** Creates SkSurface matching info and props, and associates it with SkCanvas.
Returns nullptr if no match found.
If props is nullptr, matches SkSurfaceProps in SkCanvas. If props is nullptr and SkCanvas
does not have SkSurfaceProps, creates SkSurface with default SkSurfaceProps.
@param info width, height, SkColorType, SkAlphaType, and SkColorSpace
@param props SkSurfaceProps to match; may be nullptr to match SkCanvas
@return SkSurface matching info and props, or nullptr if no match is available
sk_sp<SkSurface> makeSurface(const SkImageInfo& info, const SkSurfaceProps* props = nullptr);
/** Returns Ganesh context of the GPU surface associated with SkCanvas.
@return GPU context, if available; nullptr otherwise
virtual GrRecordingContext* recordingContext() const;
/** Returns Recorder for the GPU surface associated with SkCanvas.
@return Recorder, if available; nullptr otherwise
virtual skgpu::graphite::Recorder* recorder() const;
/** Sometimes a canvas is owned by a surface. If it is, getSurface() will return a bare
* pointer to that surface, else this will return nullptr.
SkSurface* getSurface() const;
/** Returns the pixel base address, SkImageInfo, rowBytes, and origin if the pixels
can be read directly. The returned address is only valid
while SkCanvas is in scope and unchanged. Any SkCanvas call or SkSurface call
may invalidate the returned address and other returned values.
If pixels are inaccessible, info, rowBytes, and origin are unchanged.
@param info storage for writable pixels' SkImageInfo; may be nullptr
@param rowBytes storage for writable pixels' row bytes; may be nullptr
@param origin storage for SkCanvas top layer origin, its top-left corner;
may be nullptr
@return address of pixels, or nullptr if inaccessible
void* accessTopLayerPixels(SkImageInfo* info, size_t* rowBytes, SkIPoint* origin = nullptr);
/** Returns custom context that tracks the SkMatrix and clip.
Use SkRasterHandleAllocator to blend Skia drawing with custom drawing, typically performed
by the host platform user interface. The custom context returned is generated by
SkRasterHandleAllocator::MakeCanvas, which creates a custom canvas with raster storage for
the drawing destination.
@return context of custom allocation
SkRasterHandleAllocator::Handle accessTopRasterHandle() const;
/** Returns true if SkCanvas has direct access to its pixels.
Pixels are readable when SkDevice is raster. Pixels are not readable when SkCanvas
is returned from GPU surface, returned by SkDocument::beginPage, returned by
SkPictureRecorder::beginRecording, or SkCanvas is the base of a utility class
like DebugCanvas.
pixmap is valid only while SkCanvas is in scope and unchanged. Any
SkCanvas or SkSurface call may invalidate the pixmap values.
@param pixmap storage for pixel state if pixels are readable; otherwise, ignored
@return true if SkCanvas has direct access to pixels
bool peekPixels(SkPixmap* pixmap);
/** Copies SkRect of pixels from SkCanvas into dstPixels. SkMatrix and clip are
Source SkRect corners are (srcX, srcY) and (imageInfo().width(), imageInfo().height()).
Destination SkRect corners are (0, 0) and (dstInfo.width(), dstInfo.height()).
Copies each readable pixel intersecting both rectangles, without scaling,
converting to dstInfo.colorType() and dstInfo.alphaType() if required.
Pixels are readable when SkDevice is raster, or backed by a GPU.
Pixels are not readable when SkCanvas is returned by SkDocument::beginPage,
returned by SkPictureRecorder::beginRecording, or SkCanvas is the base of a utility
class like DebugCanvas.
The destination pixel storage must be allocated by the caller.
Pixel values are converted only if SkColorType and SkAlphaType
do not match. Only pixels within both source and destination rectangles
are copied. dstPixels contents outside SkRect intersection are unchanged.
Pass negative values for srcX or srcY to offset pixels across or down destination.
Does not copy, and returns false if:
- Source and destination rectangles do not intersect.
- SkCanvas pixels could not be converted to dstInfo.colorType() or dstInfo.alphaType().
- SkCanvas pixels are not readable; for instance, SkCanvas is document-based.
- dstRowBytes is too small to contain one row of pixels.
@param dstInfo width, height, SkColorType, and SkAlphaType of dstPixels
@param dstPixels storage for pixels; dstInfo.height() times dstRowBytes, or larger
@param dstRowBytes size of one destination row; dstInfo.width() times pixel size, or larger
@param srcX offset into readable pixels on x-axis; may be negative
@param srcY offset into readable pixels on y-axis; may be negative
@return true if pixels were copied
bool readPixels(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, void* dstPixels, size_t dstRowBytes,
int srcX, int srcY);
/** Copies SkRect of pixels from SkCanvas into pixmap. SkMatrix and clip are
Source SkRect corners are (srcX, srcY) and (imageInfo().width(), imageInfo().height()).
Destination SkRect corners are (0, 0) and (pixmap.width(), pixmap.height()).
Copies each readable pixel intersecting both rectangles, without scaling,
converting to pixmap.colorType() and pixmap.alphaType() if required.
Pixels are readable when SkDevice is raster, or backed by a GPU.
Pixels are not readable when SkCanvas is returned by SkDocument::beginPage,
returned by SkPictureRecorder::beginRecording, or SkCanvas is the base of a utility
class like DebugCanvas.
Caller must allocate pixel storage in pixmap if needed.
Pixel values are converted only if SkColorType and SkAlphaType
do not match. Only pixels within both source and destination SkRect
are copied. pixmap pixels contents outside SkRect intersection are unchanged.
Pass negative values for srcX or srcY to offset pixels across or down pixmap.
Does not copy, and returns false if:
- Source and destination rectangles do not intersect.
- SkCanvas pixels could not be converted to pixmap.colorType() or pixmap.alphaType().
- SkCanvas pixels are not readable; for instance, SkCanvas is document-based.
- SkPixmap pixels could not be allocated.
- pixmap.rowBytes() is too small to contain one row of pixels.
@param pixmap storage for pixels copied from SkCanvas
@param srcX offset into readable pixels on x-axis; may be negative
@param srcY offset into readable pixels on y-axis; may be negative
@return true if pixels were copied
bool readPixels(const SkPixmap& pixmap, int srcX, int srcY);
/** Copies SkRect of pixels from SkCanvas into bitmap. SkMatrix and clip are
Source SkRect corners are (srcX, srcY) and (imageInfo().width(), imageInfo().height()).
Destination SkRect corners are (0, 0) and (bitmap.width(), bitmap.height()).
Copies each readable pixel intersecting both rectangles, without scaling,
converting to bitmap.colorType() and bitmap.alphaType() if required.
Pixels are readable when SkDevice is raster, or backed by a GPU.
Pixels are not readable when SkCanvas is returned by SkDocument::beginPage,
returned by SkPictureRecorder::beginRecording, or SkCanvas is the base of a utility
class like DebugCanvas.
Caller must allocate pixel storage in bitmap if needed.
SkBitmap values are converted only if SkColorType and SkAlphaType
do not match. Only pixels within both source and destination rectangles
are copied. SkBitmap pixels outside SkRect intersection are unchanged.
Pass negative values for srcX or srcY to offset pixels across or down bitmap.
Does not copy, and returns false if:
- Source and destination rectangles do not intersect.
- SkCanvas pixels could not be converted to bitmap.colorType() or bitmap.alphaType().
- SkCanvas pixels are not readable; for instance, SkCanvas is document-based.
- bitmap pixels could not be allocated.
- bitmap.rowBytes() is too small to contain one row of pixels.
@param bitmap storage for pixels copied from SkCanvas
@param srcX offset into readable pixels on x-axis; may be negative
@param srcY offset into readable pixels on y-axis; may be negative
@return true if pixels were copied
bool readPixels(const SkBitmap& bitmap, int srcX, int srcY);
/** Copies SkRect from pixels to SkCanvas. SkMatrix and clip are ignored.
Source SkRect corners are (0, 0) and (info.width(), info.height()).
Destination SkRect corners are (x, y) and
(imageInfo().width(), imageInfo().height()).
Copies each readable pixel intersecting both rectangles, without scaling,
converting to imageInfo().colorType() and imageInfo().alphaType() if required.
Pixels are writable when SkDevice is raster, or backed by a GPU.
Pixels are not writable when SkCanvas is returned by SkDocument::beginPage,
returned by SkPictureRecorder::beginRecording, or SkCanvas is the base of a utility
class like DebugCanvas.
Pixel values are converted only if SkColorType and SkAlphaType
do not match. Only pixels within both source and destination rectangles
are copied. SkCanvas pixels outside SkRect intersection are unchanged.
Pass negative values for x or y to offset pixels to the left or
above SkCanvas pixels.
Does not copy, and returns false if:
- Source and destination rectangles do not intersect.
- pixels could not be converted to SkCanvas imageInfo().colorType() or
- SkCanvas pixels are not writable; for instance, SkCanvas is document-based.
- rowBytes is too small to contain one row of pixels.
@param info width, height, SkColorType, and SkAlphaType of pixels
@param pixels pixels to copy, of size info.height() times rowBytes, or larger
@param rowBytes size of one row of pixels; info.width() times pixel size, or larger
@param x offset into SkCanvas writable pixels on x-axis; may be negative
@param y offset into SkCanvas writable pixels on y-axis; may be negative
@return true if pixels were written to SkCanvas
bool writePixels(const SkImageInfo& info, const void* pixels, size_t rowBytes, int x, int y);
/** Copies SkRect from pixels to SkCanvas. SkMatrix and clip are ignored.
Source SkRect corners are (0, 0) and (bitmap.width(), bitmap.height()).
Destination SkRect corners are (x, y) and
(imageInfo().width(), imageInfo().height()).
Copies each readable pixel intersecting both rectangles, without scaling,
converting to imageInfo().colorType() and imageInfo().alphaType() if required.
Pixels are writable when SkDevice is raster, or backed by a GPU.
Pixels are not writable when SkCanvas is returned by SkDocument::beginPage,
returned by SkPictureRecorder::beginRecording, or SkCanvas is the base of a utility
class like DebugCanvas.
Pixel values are converted only if SkColorType and SkAlphaType
do not match. Only pixels within both source and destination rectangles
are copied. SkCanvas pixels outside SkRect intersection are unchanged.
Pass negative values for x or y to offset pixels to the left or
above SkCanvas pixels.
Does not copy, and returns false if:
- Source and destination rectangles do not intersect.
- bitmap does not have allocated pixels.
- bitmap pixels could not be converted to SkCanvas imageInfo().colorType() or
- SkCanvas pixels are not writable; for instance, SkCanvas is document based.
- bitmap pixels are inaccessible; for instance, bitmap wraps a texture.
@param bitmap contains pixels copied to SkCanvas
@param x offset into SkCanvas writable pixels on x-axis; may be negative
@param y offset into SkCanvas writable pixels on y-axis; may be negative
@return true if pixels were written to SkCanvas
bool writePixels(const SkBitmap& bitmap, int x, int y);
/** Saves SkMatrix and clip.
Calling restore() discards changes to SkMatrix and clip,
restoring the SkMatrix and clip to their state when save() was called.
SkMatrix may be changed by translate(), scale(), rotate(), skew(), concat(), setMatrix(),
and resetMatrix(). Clip may be changed by clipRect(), clipRRect(), clipPath(), clipRegion().
Saved SkCanvas state is put on a stack; multiple calls to save() should be balance
by an equal number of calls to restore().
Call restoreToCount() with result to restore this and subsequent saves.
@return depth of saved stack
int save();
/** Saves SkMatrix and clip, and allocates a SkSurface for subsequent drawing.
Calling restore() discards changes to SkMatrix and clip, and draws the SkSurface.
SkMatrix may be changed by translate(), scale(), rotate(), skew(), concat(),
setMatrix(), and resetMatrix(). Clip may be changed by clipRect(), clipRRect(),
clipPath(), clipRegion().
SkRect bounds suggests but does not define the SkSurface size. To clip drawing to
a specific rectangle, use clipRect().
Optional SkPaint paint applies alpha, SkColorFilter, SkImageFilter, and
SkBlendMode when restore() is called.
Call restoreToCount() with returned value to restore this and subsequent saves.
@param bounds hint to limit the size of the layer; may be nullptr
@param paint graphics state for layer; may be nullptr
@return depth of saved stack
int saveLayer(const SkRect* bounds, const SkPaint* paint);
/** Saves SkMatrix and clip, and allocates a SkSurface for subsequent drawing.
Calling restore() discards changes to SkMatrix and clip, and draws the SkSurface.
SkMatrix may be changed by translate(), scale(), rotate(), skew(), concat(),
setMatrix(), and resetMatrix(). Clip may be changed by clipRect(), clipRRect(),
clipPath(), clipRegion().
SkRect bounds suggests but does not define the layer size. To clip drawing to
a specific rectangle, use clipRect().
Optional SkPaint paint applies alpha, SkColorFilter, SkImageFilter, and
SkBlendMode when restore() is called.
Call restoreToCount() with returned value to restore this and subsequent saves.
@param bounds hint to limit the size of layer; may be nullptr
@param paint graphics state for layer; may be nullptr
@return depth of saved stack
int saveLayer(const SkRect& bounds, const SkPaint* paint) {
return this->saveLayer(&bounds, paint);
/** Saves SkMatrix and clip, and allocates SkSurface for subsequent drawing.
Calling restore() discards changes to SkMatrix and clip,
and blends layer with alpha opacity onto prior layer.
SkMatrix may be changed by translate(), scale(), rotate(), skew(), concat(),
setMatrix(), and resetMatrix(). Clip may be changed by clipRect(), clipRRect(),
clipPath(), clipRegion().
SkRect bounds suggests but does not define layer size. To clip drawing to
a specific rectangle, use clipRect().
alpha of zero is fully transparent, 1.0f is fully opaque.
Call restoreToCount() with returned value to restore this and subsequent saves.
@param bounds hint to limit the size of layer; may be nullptr
@param alpha opacity of layer
@return depth of saved stack
int saveLayerAlphaf(const SkRect* bounds, float alpha);
// Helper that accepts an int between 0 and 255, and divides it by 255.0
int saveLayerAlpha(const SkRect* bounds, U8CPU alpha) {
return this->saveLayerAlphaf(bounds, alpha * (1.0f / 255));
/** \enum SkCanvas::SaveLayerFlagsSet
SaveLayerFlags provides options that may be used in any combination in SaveLayerRec,
defining how layer allocated by saveLayer() operates. It may be set to zero,
kPreserveLCDText_SaveLayerFlag, kInitWithPrevious_SaveLayerFlag, or both flags.
enum SaveLayerFlagsSet {
kPreserveLCDText_SaveLayerFlag = 1 << 1,
kInitWithPrevious_SaveLayerFlag = 1 << 2, //!< initializes with previous contents
// instead of matching previous layer's colortype, use F16
kF16ColorType = 1 << 4,
using SaveLayerFlags = uint32_t;
using FilterSpan = SkSpan<sk_sp<SkImageFilter>>;
static constexpr int kMaxFiltersPerLayer = 16;
/** \struct SkCanvas::SaveLayerRec
SaveLayerRec contains the state used to create the layer.
struct SaveLayerRec {
/** Sets fBounds, fPaint, and fBackdrop to nullptr. Clears fSaveLayerFlags.
@return empty SaveLayerRec
SaveLayerRec() {}
/** Sets fBounds, fPaint, and fSaveLayerFlags; sets fBackdrop to nullptr.
@param bounds layer dimensions; may be nullptr
@param paint applied to layer when overlaying prior layer; may be nullptr
@param saveLayerFlags SaveLayerRec options to modify layer
@return SaveLayerRec with empty fBackdrop
SaveLayerRec(const SkRect* bounds, const SkPaint* paint, SaveLayerFlags saveLayerFlags = 0)
: SaveLayerRec(bounds, paint, nullptr, nullptr, 1.f, SkTileMode::kClamp,
saveLayerFlags, /*filters=*/{}) {}
/** Sets fBounds, fPaint, fBackdrop, and fSaveLayerFlags.
@param bounds layer dimensions; may be nullptr
@param paint applied to layer when overlaying prior layer;
may be nullptr
@param backdrop If not null, this causes the current layer to be filtered by
backdrop, and then drawn into the new layer
(respecting the current clip).
If null, the new layer is initialized with transparent-black.
@param saveLayerFlags SaveLayerRec options to modify layer
@return SaveLayerRec fully specified
SaveLayerRec(const SkRect* bounds, const SkPaint* paint, const SkImageFilter* backdrop,
SaveLayerFlags saveLayerFlags)
: SaveLayerRec(bounds, paint, backdrop, nullptr, 1.f, SkTileMode::kClamp,
saveLayerFlags, /*filters=*/{}) {}
/** Sets fBounds, fBackdrop, fColorSpace, and fSaveLayerFlags.
@param bounds layer dimensions; may be nullptr
@param paint applied to layer when overlaying prior layer;
may be nullptr
@param backdrop If not null, this causes the current layer to be filtered by
backdrop, and then drawn into the new layer
(respecting the current clip).
If null, the new layer is initialized with transparent-black.
@param colorSpace If not null, when the layer is restored, a color space
conversion will be applied from this color space to the
parent's color space. The restore paint and backdrop filters will
be applied in this color space.
If null, the new layer will inherit the color space from its
@param saveLayerFlags SaveLayerRec options to modify layer
@return SaveLayerRec fully specified
SaveLayerRec(const SkRect* bounds, const SkPaint* paint, const SkImageFilter* backdrop,
const SkColorSpace* colorSpace, SaveLayerFlags saveLayerFlags)
: SaveLayerRec(bounds, paint, backdrop, colorSpace, 1.f, SkTileMode::kClamp,
saveLayerFlags, /*filters=*/{}) {}
/** Sets fBounds, fBackdrop, fBackdropTileMode, fColorSpace, and fSaveLayerFlags.
@param bounds layer dimensions; may be nullptr
@param paint applied to layer when overlaying prior layer;
may be nullptr
@param backdrop If not null, this causes the current layer to be filtered by
backdrop, and then drawn into the new layer
(respecting the current clip).
If null, the new layer is initialized with transparent-black.
@param backdropTileMode If the 'backdrop' is not null, or 'saveLayerFlags' has
kInitWithPrevious set, this tile mode is used when the new layer
would read outside the backdrop image's available content.
@param colorSpace If not null, when the layer is restored, a color space
conversion will be applied from this color space to the parent's
color space. The restore paint and backdrop filters will be
applied in this color space.
If null, the new layer will inherit the color space from its
@param saveLayerFlags SaveLayerRec options to modify layer
@return SaveLayerRec fully specified
SaveLayerRec(const SkRect* bounds, const SkPaint* paint, const SkImageFilter* backdrop,
SkTileMode backdropTileMode, const SkColorSpace* colorSpace,
SaveLayerFlags saveLayerFlags)
: SaveLayerRec(bounds, paint, backdrop, colorSpace, 1.f, backdropTileMode,
saveLayerFlags, /*filters=*/{}) {}
/** hints at layer size limit */
const SkRect* fBounds = nullptr;
/** modifies overlay */
const SkPaint* fPaint = nullptr;
FilterSpan fFilters = {};
* If not null, this triggers the same initialization behavior as setting
* kInitWithPrevious_SaveLayerFlag on fSaveLayerFlags: the current layer is copied into
* the new layer, rather than initializing the new layer with transparent-black.
* This is then filtered by fBackdrop (respecting the current clip).
const SkImageFilter* fBackdrop = nullptr;
* If the layer is initialized with prior content (and/or with a backdrop filter) and this
* would require sampling outside of the available backdrop, this is the tilemode applied
* to the boundary of the prior layer's image.
SkTileMode fBackdropTileMode = SkTileMode::kClamp;
* If not null, this triggers a color space conversion when the layer is restored. It
* will be as if the layer's contents are drawn in this color space. Filters from
* fBackdrop and fPaint will be applied in this color space.
const SkColorSpace* fColorSpace = nullptr;
/** preserves LCD text, creates with prior layer contents */
SaveLayerFlags fSaveLayerFlags = 0;
friend class SkCanvas;
friend class SkCanvasPriv;
SaveLayerRec(const SkRect* bounds,
const SkPaint* paint,
const SkImageFilter* backdrop,
const SkColorSpace* colorSpace,
SkScalar backdropScale,
SkTileMode backdropTileMode,
SaveLayerFlags saveLayerFlags,
FilterSpan filters)
: fBounds(bounds)
, fPaint(paint)
, fFilters(filters)
, fBackdrop(backdrop)
, fBackdropTileMode(backdropTileMode)
, fColorSpace(colorSpace)
, fSaveLayerFlags(saveLayerFlags)
, fExperimentalBackdropScale(backdropScale) {
// We only allow the paint's image filter or the side-car list of filters -- not both.
SkASSERT(fFilters.empty() || !paint || !paint->getImageFilter());
// To keep things reasonable (during deserialization), we limit filter list size.
SkASSERT(fFilters.size() <= kMaxFiltersPerLayer);
// Relative scale factor that the image content used to initialize the layer when the
// kInitFromPrevious flag or a backdrop filter is used.
SkScalar fExperimentalBackdropScale = 1.f;
/** Saves SkMatrix and clip, and allocates SkSurface for subsequent drawing.
Calling restore() discards changes to SkMatrix and clip,
and blends SkSurface with alpha opacity onto the prior layer.
SkMatrix may be changed by translate(), scale(), rotate(), skew(), concat(),
setMatrix(), and resetMatrix(). Clip may be changed by clipRect(), clipRRect(),
clipPath(), clipRegion().
SaveLayerRec contains the state used to create the layer.
Call restoreToCount() with returned value to restore this and subsequent saves.
@param layerRec layer state
@return depth of save state stack before this call was made.
int saveLayer(const SaveLayerRec& layerRec);
/** Removes changes to SkMatrix and clip since SkCanvas state was
last saved. The state is removed from the stack.
Does nothing if the stack is empty.
void restore();
/** Returns the number of saved states, each containing: SkMatrix and clip.
Equals the number of save() calls less the number of restore() calls plus one.
The save count of a new canvas is one.
@return depth of save state stack
int getSaveCount() const;
/** Restores state to SkMatrix and clip values when save(), saveLayer(),
saveLayerPreserveLCDTextRequests(), or saveLayerAlpha() returned saveCount.
Does nothing if saveCount is greater than state stack count.
Restores state to initial values if saveCount is less than or equal to one.
@param saveCount depth of state stack to restore
void restoreToCount(int saveCount);
/** Translates SkMatrix by dx along the x-axis and dy along the y-axis.
Mathematically, replaces SkMatrix with a translation matrix
premultiplied with SkMatrix.
This has the effect of moving the drawing by (dx, dy) before transforming
the result with SkMatrix.
@param dx distance to translate on x-axis
@param dy distance to translate on y-axis
void translate(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy);
/** Scales SkMatrix by sx on the x-axis and sy on the y-axis.
Mathematically, replaces SkMatrix with a scale matrix
premultiplied with SkMatrix.
This has the effect of scaling the drawing by (sx, sy) before transforming
the result with SkMatrix.
@param sx amount to scale on x-axis
@param sy amount to scale on y-axis
void scale(SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy);
/** Rotates SkMatrix by degrees. Positive degrees rotates clockwise.
Mathematically, replaces SkMatrix with a rotation matrix
premultiplied with SkMatrix.
This has the effect of rotating the drawing by degrees before transforming
the result with SkMatrix.
@param degrees amount to rotate, in degrees
void rotate(SkScalar degrees);
/** Rotates SkMatrix by degrees about a point at (px, py). Positive degrees rotates
Mathematically, constructs a rotation matrix; premultiplies the rotation matrix by
a translation matrix; then replaces SkMatrix with the resulting matrix
premultiplied with SkMatrix.
This has the effect of rotating the drawing about a given point before
transforming the result with SkMatrix.
@param degrees amount to rotate, in degrees
@param px x-axis value of the point to rotate about
@param py y-axis value of the point to rotate about
void rotate(SkScalar degrees, SkScalar px, SkScalar py);
/** Skews SkMatrix by sx on the x-axis and sy on the y-axis. A positive value of sx
skews the drawing right as y-axis values increase; a positive value of sy skews
the drawing down as x-axis values increase.
Mathematically, replaces SkMatrix with a skew matrix premultiplied with SkMatrix.
This has the effect of skewing the drawing by (sx, sy) before transforming
the result with SkMatrix.
@param sx amount to skew on x-axis
@param sy amount to skew on y-axis
void skew(SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy);
/** Replaces SkMatrix with matrix premultiplied with existing SkMatrix.
This has the effect of transforming the drawn geometry by matrix, before
transforming the result with existing SkMatrix.
@param matrix matrix to premultiply with existing SkMatrix
void concat(const SkMatrix& matrix);
void concat(const SkM44&);
/** Replaces SkMatrix with matrix.
Unlike concat(), any prior matrix state is overwritten.
@param matrix matrix to copy, replacing existing SkMatrix
void setMatrix(const SkM44& matrix);
// DEPRECATED -- use SkM44 version
void setMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix);
/** Sets SkMatrix to the identity matrix.
Any prior matrix state is overwritten.
void resetMatrix();
/** Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of clip and rect,
with an aliased or anti-aliased clip edge. rect is transformed by SkMatrix
before it is combined with clip.
@param rect SkRect to combine with clip
@param op SkClipOp to apply to clip
@param doAntiAlias true if clip is to be anti-aliased
void clipRect(const SkRect& rect, SkClipOp op, bool doAntiAlias);
/** Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of clip and rect.
Resulting clip is aliased; pixels are fully contained by the clip.
rect is transformed by SkMatrix before it is combined with clip.
@param rect SkRect to combine with clip
@param op SkClipOp to apply to clip
void clipRect(const SkRect& rect, SkClipOp op) {
this->clipRect(rect, op, false);
/** Replaces clip with the intersection of clip and rect.
Resulting clip is aliased; pixels are fully contained by the clip.
rect is transformed by SkMatrix
before it is combined with clip.
@param rect SkRect to combine with clip
@param doAntiAlias true if clip is to be anti-aliased
void clipRect(const SkRect& rect, bool doAntiAlias = false) {
this->clipRect(rect, SkClipOp::kIntersect, doAntiAlias);
void clipIRect(const SkIRect& irect, SkClipOp op = SkClipOp::kIntersect) {
this->clipRect(SkRect::Make(irect), op, false);
/** Sets the maximum clip rectangle, which can be set by clipRect(), clipRRect() and
clipPath() and intersect the current clip with the specified rect.
The maximum clip affects only future clipping operations; it is not retroactive.
The clip restriction is not recorded in pictures.
Pass an empty rect to disable maximum clip.
This private API is for use by Android framework only.
DEPRECATED: Replace usage with SkAndroidFrameworkUtils::replaceClip()
@param rect maximum allowed clip in device coordinates
void androidFramework_setDeviceClipRestriction(const SkIRect& rect);
/** Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of clip and rrect,
with an aliased or anti-aliased clip edge.
rrect is transformed by SkMatrix
before it is combined with clip.
@param rrect SkRRect to combine with clip
@param op SkClipOp to apply to clip
@param doAntiAlias true if clip is to be anti-aliased
void clipRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, SkClipOp op, bool doAntiAlias);
/** Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of clip and rrect.
Resulting clip is aliased; pixels are fully contained by the clip.
rrect is transformed by SkMatrix before it is combined with clip.
@param rrect SkRRect to combine with clip
@param op SkClipOp to apply to clip
void clipRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, SkClipOp op) {
this->clipRRect(rrect, op, false);
/** Replaces clip with the intersection of clip and rrect,
with an aliased or anti-aliased clip edge.
rrect is transformed by SkMatrix before it is combined with clip.
@param rrect SkRRect to combine with clip
@param doAntiAlias true if clip is to be anti-aliased
void clipRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, bool doAntiAlias = false) {
this->clipRRect(rrect, SkClipOp::kIntersect, doAntiAlias);
/** Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of clip and path,
with an aliased or anti-aliased clip edge. SkPath::FillType determines if path
describes the area inside or outside its contours; and if path contour overlaps
itself or another path contour, whether the overlaps form part of the area.
path is transformed by SkMatrix before it is combined with clip.
@param path SkPath to combine with clip
@param op SkClipOp to apply to clip
@param doAntiAlias true if clip is to be anti-aliased
void clipPath(const SkPath& path, SkClipOp op, bool doAntiAlias);
/** Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of clip and path.
Resulting clip is aliased; pixels are fully contained by the clip.
SkPath::FillType determines if path
describes the area inside or outside its contours; and if path contour overlaps
itself or another path contour, whether the overlaps form part of the area.
path is transformed by SkMatrix
before it is combined with clip.
@param path SkPath to combine with clip
@param op SkClipOp to apply to clip
void clipPath(const SkPath& path, SkClipOp op) {
this->clipPath(path, op, false);
/** Replaces clip with the intersection of clip and path.
Resulting clip is aliased; pixels are fully contained by the clip.
SkPath::FillType determines if path
describes the area inside or outside its contours; and if path contour overlaps
itself or another path contour, whether the overlaps form part of the area.
path is transformed by SkMatrix before it is combined with clip.
@param path SkPath to combine with clip
@param doAntiAlias true if clip is to be anti-aliased
void clipPath(const SkPath& path, bool doAntiAlias = false) {
this->clipPath(path, SkClipOp::kIntersect, doAntiAlias);
void clipShader(sk_sp<SkShader>, SkClipOp = SkClipOp::kIntersect);
/** Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of clip and SkRegion deviceRgn.
Resulting clip is aliased; pixels are fully contained by the clip.
deviceRgn is unaffected by SkMatrix.
@param deviceRgn SkRegion to combine with clip
@param op SkClipOp to apply to clip
void clipRegion(const SkRegion& deviceRgn, SkClipOp op = SkClipOp::kIntersect);
/** Returns true if SkRect rect, transformed by SkMatrix, can be quickly determined to be
outside of clip. May return false even though rect is outside of clip.
Use to check if an area to be drawn is clipped out, to skip subsequent draw calls.
@param rect SkRect to compare with clip
@return true if rect, transformed by SkMatrix, does not intersect clip
bool quickReject(const SkRect& rect) const;
/** Returns true if path, transformed by SkMatrix, can be quickly determined to be
outside of clip. May return false even though path is outside of clip.
Use to check if an area to be drawn is clipped out, to skip subsequent draw calls.
@param path SkPath to compare with clip
@return true if path, transformed by SkMatrix, does not intersect clip
bool quickReject(const SkPath& path) const;
/** Returns bounds of clip, transformed by inverse of SkMatrix. If clip is empty,
return SkRect::MakeEmpty, where all SkRect sides equal zero.
SkRect returned is outset by one to account for partial pixel coverage if clip
is anti-aliased.
@return bounds of clip in local coordinates
SkRect getLocalClipBounds() const;
/** Returns bounds of clip, transformed by inverse of SkMatrix. If clip is empty,
return false, and set bounds to SkRect::MakeEmpty, where all SkRect sides equal zero.
bounds is outset by one to account for partial pixel coverage if clip
is anti-aliased.
@param bounds SkRect of clip in local coordinates
@return true if clip bounds is not empty
bool getLocalClipBounds(SkRect* bounds) const {
*bounds = this->getLocalClipBounds();
return !bounds->isEmpty();
/** Returns SkIRect bounds of clip, unaffected by SkMatrix. If clip is empty,
return SkRect::MakeEmpty, where all SkRect sides equal zero.
Unlike getLocalClipBounds(), returned SkIRect is not outset.
@return bounds of clip in base device coordinates
SkIRect getDeviceClipBounds() const;
/** Returns SkIRect bounds of clip, unaffected by SkMatrix. If clip is empty,
return false, and set bounds to SkRect::MakeEmpty, where all SkRect sides equal zero.
Unlike getLocalClipBounds(), bounds is not outset.
@param bounds SkRect of clip in device coordinates
@return true if clip bounds is not empty
bool getDeviceClipBounds(SkIRect* bounds) const {
*bounds = this->getDeviceClipBounds();
return !bounds->isEmpty();
/** Fills clip with color color.
mode determines how ARGB is combined with destination.
@param color unpremultiplied ARGB
@param mode SkBlendMode used to combine source color and destination
void drawColor(SkColor color, SkBlendMode mode = SkBlendMode::kSrcOver) {
this->drawColor(SkColor4f::FromColor(color), mode);
/** Fills clip with color color.
mode determines how ARGB is combined with destination.
@param color SkColor4f representing unpremultiplied color.
@param mode SkBlendMode used to combine source color and destination
void drawColor(const SkColor4f& color, SkBlendMode mode = SkBlendMode::kSrcOver);
/** Fills clip with color color using SkBlendMode::kSrc.
This has the effect of replacing all pixels contained by clip with color.
@param color unpremultiplied ARGB
void clear(SkColor color) {
/** Fills clip with color color using SkBlendMode::kSrc.
This has the effect of replacing all pixels contained by clip with color.
@param color SkColor4f representing unpremultiplied color.
void clear(const SkColor4f& color) {
this->drawColor(color, SkBlendMode::kSrc);
/** Makes SkCanvas contents undefined. Subsequent calls that read SkCanvas pixels,
such as drawing with SkBlendMode, return undefined results. discard() does
not change clip or SkMatrix.
discard() may do nothing, depending on the implementation of SkSurface or SkDevice
that created SkCanvas.
discard() allows optimized performance on subsequent draws by removing
cached data associated with SkSurface or SkDevice.
It is not necessary to call discard() once done with SkCanvas;
any cached data is deleted when owning SkSurface or SkDevice is deleted.
void discard() { this->onDiscard(); }
/** Fills clip with SkPaint paint. SkPaint components, SkShader,
SkColorFilter, SkImageFilter, and SkBlendMode affect drawing;
SkMaskFilter and SkPathEffect in paint are ignored.
@param paint graphics state used to fill SkCanvas
void drawPaint(const SkPaint& paint);
/** \enum SkCanvas::PointMode
Selects if an array of points are drawn as discrete points, as lines, or as
an open polygon.
enum PointMode {
kPoints_PointMode, //!< draw each point separately
kLines_PointMode, //!< draw each pair of points as a line segment
kPolygon_PointMode, //!< draw the array of points as a open polygon
/** Draws pts using clip, SkMatrix and SkPaint paint.
count is the number of points; if count is less than one, has no effect.
mode may be one of: kPoints_PointMode, kLines_PointMode, or kPolygon_PointMode.
If mode is kPoints_PointMode, the shape of point drawn depends on paint
SkPaint::Cap. If paint is set to SkPaint::kRound_Cap, each point draws a
circle of diameter SkPaint stroke width. If paint is set to SkPaint::kSquare_Cap
or SkPaint::kButt_Cap, each point draws a square of width and height
SkPaint stroke width.
If mode is kLines_PointMode, each pair of points draws a line segment.
One line is drawn for every two points; each point is used once. If count is odd,
the final point is ignored.
If mode is kPolygon_PointMode, each adjacent pair of points draws a line segment.
count minus one lines are drawn; the first and last point are used once.
Each line segment respects paint SkPaint::Cap and SkPaint stroke width.
SkPaint::Style is ignored, as if were set to SkPaint::kStroke_Style.
Always draws each element one at a time; is not affected by
SkPaint::Join, and unlike drawPath(), does not create a mask from all points
and lines before drawing.
@param mode whether pts draws points or lines
@param count number of points in the array
@param pts array of points to draw
@param paint stroke, blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawPoints(PointMode mode, size_t count, const SkPoint pts[], const SkPaint& paint);
/** Draws point at (x, y) using clip, SkMatrix and SkPaint paint.
The shape of point drawn depends on paint SkPaint::Cap.
If paint is set to SkPaint::kRound_Cap, draw a circle of diameter
SkPaint stroke width. If paint is set to SkPaint::kSquare_Cap or SkPaint::kButt_Cap,
draw a square of width and height SkPaint stroke width.
SkPaint::Style is ignored, as if were set to SkPaint::kStroke_Style.
@param x left edge of circle or square
@param y top edge of circle or square
@param paint stroke, blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawPoint(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint& paint);
/** Draws point p using clip, SkMatrix and SkPaint paint.
The shape of point drawn depends on paint SkPaint::Cap.
If paint is set to SkPaint::kRound_Cap, draw a circle of diameter
SkPaint stroke width. If paint is set to SkPaint::kSquare_Cap or SkPaint::kButt_Cap,
draw a square of width and height SkPaint stroke width.
SkPaint::Style is ignored, as if were set to SkPaint::kStroke_Style.
@param p top-left edge of circle or square
@param paint stroke, blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawPoint(SkPoint p, const SkPaint& paint) {
this->drawPoint(p.x(), p.y(), paint);
/** Draws line segment from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1) using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.
In paint: SkPaint stroke width describes the line thickness;
SkPaint::Cap draws the end rounded or square;
SkPaint::Style is ignored, as if were set to SkPaint::kStroke_Style.
@param x0 start of line segment on x-axis
@param y0 start of line segment on y-axis
@param x1 end of line segment on x-axis
@param y1 end of line segment on y-axis
@param paint stroke, blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawLine(SkScalar x0, SkScalar y0, SkScalar x1, SkScalar y1, const SkPaint& paint);
/** Draws line segment from p0 to p1 using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.
In paint: SkPaint stroke width describes the line thickness;
SkPaint::Cap draws the end rounded or square;
SkPaint::Style is ignored, as if were set to SkPaint::kStroke_Style.
@param p0 start of line segment
@param p1 end of line segment
@param paint stroke, blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawLine(SkPoint p0, SkPoint p1, const SkPaint& paint) {
this->drawLine(p0.x(), p0.y(), p1.x(), p1.y(), paint);
/** Draws SkRect rect using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.
In paint: SkPaint::Style determines if rectangle is stroked or filled;
if stroked, SkPaint stroke width describes the line thickness, and
SkPaint::Join draws the corners rounded or square.
@param rect rectangle to draw
@param paint stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawRect(const SkRect& rect, const SkPaint& paint);
/** Draws SkIRect rect using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.
In paint: SkPaint::Style determines if rectangle is stroked or filled;
if stroked, SkPaint stroke width describes the line thickness, and
SkPaint::Join draws the corners rounded or square.
@param rect rectangle to draw
@param paint stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawIRect(const SkIRect& rect, const SkPaint& paint) {
SkRect r;
r.set(rect); // promotes the ints to scalars
this->drawRect(r, paint);
/** Draws SkRegion region using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.
In paint: SkPaint::Style determines if rectangle is stroked or filled;
if stroked, SkPaint stroke width describes the line thickness, and
SkPaint::Join draws the corners rounded or square.
@param region region to draw
@param paint SkPaint stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawRegion(const SkRegion& region, const SkPaint& paint);
/** Draws oval oval using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint.
In paint: SkPaint::Style determines if oval is stroked or filled;
if stroked, SkPaint stroke width describes the line thickness.
@param oval SkRect bounds of oval
@param paint SkPaint stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawOval(const SkRect& oval, const SkPaint& paint);
/** Draws SkRRect rrect using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.
In paint: SkPaint::Style determines if rrect is stroked or filled;
if stroked, SkPaint stroke width describes the line thickness.
rrect may represent a rectangle, circle, oval, uniformly rounded rectangle, or
may have any combination of positive non-square radii for the four corners.
@param rrect SkRRect with up to eight corner radii to draw
@param paint SkPaint stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, const SkPaint& paint);
/** Draws SkRRect outer and inner
using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.
outer must contain inner or the drawing is undefined.
In paint: SkPaint::Style determines if SkRRect is stroked or filled;
if stroked, SkPaint stroke width describes the line thickness.
If stroked and SkRRect corner has zero length radii, SkPaint::Join can
draw corners rounded or square.
GPU-backed platforms optimize drawing when both outer and inner are
concave and outer contains inner. These platforms may not be able to draw
SkPath built with identical data as fast.
@param outer SkRRect outer bounds to draw
@param inner SkRRect inner bounds to draw
@param paint SkPaint stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawDRRect(const SkRRect& outer, const SkRRect& inner, const SkPaint& paint);
/** Draws circle at (cx, cy) with radius using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.
If radius is zero or less, nothing is drawn.
In paint: SkPaint::Style determines if circle is stroked or filled;
if stroked, SkPaint stroke width describes the line thickness.
@param cx circle center on the x-axis
@param cy circle center on the y-axis
@param radius half the diameter of circle
@param paint SkPaint stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawCircle(SkScalar cx, SkScalar cy, SkScalar radius, const SkPaint& paint);
/** Draws circle at center with radius using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.
If radius is zero or less, nothing is drawn.
In paint: SkPaint::Style determines if circle is stroked or filled;
if stroked, SkPaint stroke width describes the line thickness.
@param center circle center
@param radius half the diameter of circle
@param paint SkPaint stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawCircle(SkPoint center, SkScalar radius, const SkPaint& paint) {
this->drawCircle(center.x(), center.y(), radius, paint);
/** Draws arc using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.
Arc is part of oval bounded by oval, sweeping from startAngle to startAngle plus
sweepAngle. startAngle and sweepAngle are in degrees.
startAngle of zero places start point at the right middle edge of oval.
A positive sweepAngle places arc end point clockwise from start point;
a negative sweepAngle places arc end point counterclockwise from start point.
sweepAngle may exceed 360 degrees, a full circle.
If useCenter is true, draw a wedge that includes lines from oval
center to arc end points. If useCenter is false, draw arc between end points.
If SkRect oval is empty or sweepAngle is zero, nothing is drawn.
@param oval SkRect bounds of oval containing arc to draw
@param startAngle angle in degrees where arc begins
@param sweepAngle sweep angle in degrees; positive is clockwise
@param useCenter if true, include the center of the oval
@param paint SkPaint stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawArc(const SkRect& oval, SkScalar startAngle, SkScalar sweepAngle,
bool useCenter, const SkPaint& paint);
/** Draws arc using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.
Arc is part of oval bounded by oval, sweeping from startAngle to startAngle plus
sweepAngle. startAngle and sweepAngle are in degrees.
startAngle of zero places start point at the right middle edge of oval.
A positive sweepAngle places arc end point clockwise from start point;
a negative sweepAngle places arc end point counterclockwise from start point.
sweepAngle may exceed 360 degrees, a full circle.
If useCenter is true, draw a wedge that includes lines from oval
center to arc end points. If useCenter is false, draw arc between end points.
If SkRect oval is empty or sweepAngle is zero, nothing is drawn.
@param arc SkArc specifying oval, startAngle, sweepAngle, and arc-vs-wedge
@param paint SkPaint stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawArc(const SkArc& arc, const SkPaint& paint) {
this->drawArc(arc.fOval, arc.fStartAngle, arc.fSweepAngle, arc.isWedge(), paint);
/** Draws SkRRect bounded by SkRect rect, with corner radii (rx, ry) using clip,
SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.
In paint: SkPaint::Style determines if SkRRect is stroked or filled;
if stroked, SkPaint stroke width describes the line thickness.
If rx or ry are less than zero, they are treated as if they are zero.
If rx plus ry exceeds rect width or rect height, radii are scaled down to fit.
If rx and ry are zero, SkRRect is drawn as SkRect and if stroked is affected by
@param rect SkRect bounds of SkRRect to draw
@param rx axis length on x-axis of oval describing rounded corners
@param ry axis length on y-axis of oval describing rounded corners
@param paint stroke, blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawRoundRect(const SkRect& rect, SkScalar rx, SkScalar ry, const SkPaint& paint);
/** Draws SkPath path using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.
SkPath contains an array of path contour, each of which may be open or closed.
In paint: SkPaint::Style determines if SkRRect is stroked or filled:
if filled, SkPath::FillType determines whether path contour describes inside or
outside of fill; if stroked, SkPaint stroke width describes the line thickness,
SkPaint::Cap describes line ends, and SkPaint::Join describes how
corners are drawn.
@param path SkPath to draw
@param paint stroke, blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawPath(const SkPath& path, const SkPaint& paint);
void drawImage(const SkImage* image, SkScalar left, SkScalar top) {
this->drawImage(image, left, top, SkSamplingOptions(), nullptr);
void drawImage(const sk_sp<SkImage>& image, SkScalar left, SkScalar top) {
this->drawImage(image.get(), left, top, SkSamplingOptions(), nullptr);
/** \enum SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint
SrcRectConstraint controls the behavior at the edge of source SkRect,
provided to drawImageRect() when there is any filtering. If kStrict is set,
then extra code is used to ensure it never samples outside of the src-rect.
kStrict_SrcRectConstraint disables the use of mipmaps and anisotropic filtering.
enum SrcRectConstraint {
kStrict_SrcRectConstraint, //!< sample only inside bounds; slower
kFast_SrcRectConstraint, //!< sample outside bounds; faster
void drawImage(const SkImage*, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkSamplingOptions&,
const SkPaint* = nullptr);
void drawImage(const sk_sp<SkImage>& image, SkScalar x, SkScalar y,
const SkSamplingOptions& sampling, const SkPaint* paint = nullptr) {
this->drawImage(image.get(), x, y, sampling, paint);
void drawImageRect(const SkImage*, const SkRect& src, const SkRect& dst,
const SkSamplingOptions&, const SkPaint*, SrcRectConstraint);
void drawImageRect(const SkImage*, const SkRect& dst, const SkSamplingOptions&,
const SkPaint* = nullptr);
void drawImageRect(const sk_sp<SkImage>& image, const SkRect& src, const SkRect& dst,
const SkSamplingOptions& sampling, const SkPaint* paint,
SrcRectConstraint constraint) {
this->drawImageRect(image.get(), src, dst, sampling, paint, constraint);
void drawImageRect(const sk_sp<SkImage>& image, const SkRect& dst,
const SkSamplingOptions& sampling, const SkPaint* paint = nullptr) {
this->drawImageRect(image.get(), dst, sampling, paint);
/** Draws SkImage image stretched proportionally to fit into SkRect dst.
SkIRect center divides the image into nine sections: four sides, four corners, and
the center. Corners are unmodified or scaled down proportionately if their sides
are larger than dst; center and four sides are scaled to fit remaining space, if any.
Additionally transform draw using clip, SkMatrix, and optional SkPaint paint.
If SkPaint paint is supplied, apply SkColorFilter, alpha, SkImageFilter, and
SkBlendMode. If image is kAlpha_8_SkColorType, apply SkShader.
If paint contains SkMaskFilter, generate mask from image bounds.
Any SkMaskFilter on paint is ignored as is paint anti-aliasing state.
If generated mask extends beyond image bounds, replicate image edge colors, just
as SkShader made from SkImage::makeShader with SkShader::kClamp_TileMode set
replicates the image edge color when it samples outside of its bounds.
@param image SkImage containing pixels, dimensions, and format
@param center SkIRect edge of image corners and sides
@param dst destination SkRect of image to draw to
@param filter what technique to use when sampling the image
@param paint SkPaint containing SkBlendMode, SkColorFilter, SkImageFilter,
and so on; or nullptr
void drawImageNine(const SkImage* image, const SkIRect& center, const SkRect& dst,
SkFilterMode filter, const SkPaint* paint = nullptr);
/** \struct SkCanvas::Lattice
SkCanvas::Lattice divides SkBitmap or SkImage into a rectangular grid.
Grid entries on even columns and even rows are fixed; these entries are
always drawn at their original size if the destination is large enough.
If the destination side is too small to hold the fixed entries, all fixed
entries are proportionately scaled down to fit.
The grid entries not on even columns and rows are scaled to fit the
remaining space, if any.
struct Lattice {
/** \enum SkCanvas::Lattice::RectType
Optional setting per rectangular grid entry to make it transparent,
or to fill the grid entry with a color.
enum RectType : uint8_t {
kDefault = 0, //!< draws SkBitmap into lattice rectangle
kTransparent, //!< skips lattice rectangle by making it transparent
kFixedColor, //!< draws one of fColors into lattice rectangle
const int* fXDivs; //!< x-axis values dividing bitmap
const int* fYDivs; //!< y-axis values dividing bitmap
const RectType* fRectTypes; //!< array of fill types
int fXCount; //!< number of x-coordinates
int fYCount; //!< number of y-coordinates
const SkIRect* fBounds; //!< source bounds to draw from
const SkColor* fColors; //!< array of colors
/** Draws SkImage image stretched proportionally to fit into SkRect dst.
SkCanvas::Lattice lattice divides image into a rectangular grid.
Each intersection of an even-numbered row and column is fixed;
fixed lattice elements never scale larger than their initial
size and shrink proportionately when all fixed elements exceed the bitmap
dimension. All other grid elements scale to fill the available space, if any.
Additionally transform draw using clip, SkMatrix, and optional SkPaint paint.
If SkPaint paint is supplied, apply SkColorFilter, alpha, SkImageFilter, and
SkBlendMode. If image is kAlpha_8_SkColorType, apply SkShader.
If paint contains SkMaskFilter, generate mask from image bounds.
Any SkMaskFilter on paint is ignored as is paint anti-aliasing state.
If generated mask extends beyond bitmap bounds, replicate bitmap edge colors,
just as SkShader made from SkShader::MakeBitmapShader with
SkShader::kClamp_TileMode set replicates the bitmap edge color when it samples
outside of its bounds.
@param image SkImage containing pixels, dimensions, and format
@param lattice division of bitmap into fixed and variable rectangles
@param dst destination SkRect of image to draw to
@param filter what technique to use when sampling the image
@param paint SkPaint containing SkBlendMode, SkColorFilter, SkImageFilter,
and so on; or nullptr
void drawImageLattice(const SkImage* image, const Lattice& lattice, const SkRect& dst,
SkFilterMode filter, const SkPaint* paint = nullptr);
void drawImageLattice(const SkImage* image, const Lattice& lattice, const SkRect& dst) {
this->drawImageLattice(image, lattice, dst, SkFilterMode::kNearest, nullptr);
* Experimental. Controls anti-aliasing of each edge of images in an image-set.
enum QuadAAFlags : unsigned {
kLeft_QuadAAFlag = 0b0001,
kTop_QuadAAFlag = 0b0010,
kRight_QuadAAFlag = 0b0100,
kBottom_QuadAAFlag = 0b1000,
kNone_QuadAAFlags = 0b0000,
kAll_QuadAAFlags = 0b1111,
/** This is used by the experimental API below. */
struct SK_API ImageSetEntry {
ImageSetEntry(sk_sp<const SkImage> image, const SkRect& srcRect, const SkRect& dstRect,
int matrixIndex, float alpha, unsigned aaFlags, bool hasClip);
ImageSetEntry(sk_sp<const SkImage> image, const SkRect& srcRect, const SkRect& dstRect,
float alpha, unsigned aaFlags);
ImageSetEntry(const ImageSetEntry&);
ImageSetEntry& operator=(const ImageSetEntry&);
sk_sp<const SkImage> fImage;
SkRect fSrcRect;
SkRect fDstRect;
int fMatrixIndex = -1; // Index into the preViewMatrices arg, or < 0
float fAlpha = 1.f;
unsigned fAAFlags = kNone_QuadAAFlags; // QuadAAFlags
bool fHasClip = false; // True to use next 4 points in dstClip arg as quad
* This is an experimental API for the SkiaRenderer Chromium project, and its API will surely
* evolve if it is not removed outright.
* This behaves very similarly to drawRect() combined with a clipPath() formed by clip
* quadrilateral. 'rect' and 'clip' are in the same coordinate space. If 'clip' is null, then it
* is as if the rectangle was not clipped (or, alternatively, clipped to itself). If not null,
* then it must provide 4 points.
* In addition to combining the draw and clipping into one operation, this function adds the
* additional capability of controlling each of the rectangle's edges anti-aliasing
* independently. The edges of the clip will respect the per-edge AA flags. It is required that
* 'clip' be contained inside 'rect'. In terms of mapping to edge labels, the 'clip' points
* should be ordered top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left so that the edge between [0]
* and [1] is "top", [1] and [2] is "right", [2] and [3] is "bottom", and [3] and [0] is "left".
* This ordering matches SkRect::toQuad().
* This API only draws solid color, filled rectangles so it does not accept a full SkPaint.
void experimental_DrawEdgeAAQuad(const SkRect& rect, const SkPoint clip[4], QuadAAFlags aaFlags,
const SkColor4f& color, SkBlendMode mode);
void experimental_DrawEdgeAAQuad(const SkRect& rect, const SkPoint clip[4], QuadAAFlags aaFlags,
SkColor color, SkBlendMode mode) {
this->experimental_DrawEdgeAAQuad(rect, clip, aaFlags, SkColor4f::FromColor(color), mode);
* This is an bulk variant of experimental_DrawEdgeAAQuad() that renders 'cnt' textured quads.
* For each entry, 'fDstRect' is rendered with its clip (determined by entry's 'fHasClip' and
* the current index in 'dstClip'). The entry's fImage is applied to the destination rectangle
* by sampling from 'fSrcRect' sub-image. The corners of 'fSrcRect' map to the corners of
* 'fDstRect', just like in drawImageRect(), and they will be properly interpolated when
* applying a clip.
* Like experimental_DrawEdgeAAQuad(), each entry can specify edge AA flags that apply to both
* the destination rect and its clip.
* If provided, the 'dstClips' array must have length equal 4 * the number of entries with
* fHasClip true. If 'dstClips' is null, every entry must have 'fHasClip' set to false. The
* destination clip coordinates will be read consecutively with the image set entries, advancing
* by 4 points every time an entry with fHasClip is passed.
* This entry point supports per-entry manipulations to the canvas's current matrix. If an
* entry provides 'fMatrixIndex' >= 0, it will be drawn as if the canvas's CTM was
* canvas->getTotalMatrix() * preViewMatrices[fMatrixIndex]. If 'fMatrixIndex' is less than 0,
* the pre-view matrix transform is implicitly the identity, so it will be drawn using just the
* current canvas matrix. The pre-view matrix modifies the canvas's view matrix, it does not
* affect the local coordinates of each entry.
* An optional paint may be provided, which supports the same subset of features usable with
* drawImageRect (i.e. assumed to be filled and no path effects). When a paint is provided, the
* image set is drawn as if each image used the applied paint independently, so each is affected
* by the image, color, and/or mask filter.
void experimental_DrawEdgeAAImageSet(const ImageSetEntry imageSet[], int cnt,
const SkPoint dstClips[], const SkMatrix preViewMatrices[],
const SkSamplingOptions&, const SkPaint* paint = nullptr,
SrcRectConstraint constraint = kStrict_SrcRectConstraint);
/** Draws text, with origin at (x, y), using clip, SkMatrix, SkFont font,
and SkPaint paint.
When encoding is SkTextEncoding::kUTF8, SkTextEncoding::kUTF16, or
SkTextEncoding::kUTF32, this function uses the default
character-to-glyph mapping from the SkTypeface in font. It does not
perform typeface fallback for characters not found in the SkTypeface.
It does not perform kerning or other complex shaping; glyphs are
positioned based on their default advances.
Text meaning depends on SkTextEncoding.
Text size is affected by SkMatrix and SkFont text size. Default text
size is 12 point.
All elements of paint: SkPathEffect, SkMaskFilter, SkShader,
SkColorFilter, and SkImageFilter; apply to text. By
default, draws filled black glyphs.
@param text character code points or glyphs drawn
@param byteLength byte length of text array
@param encoding text encoding used in the text array
@param x start of text on x-axis
@param y start of text on y-axis
@param font typeface, text size and so, used to describe the text
@param paint blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawSimpleText(const void* text, size_t byteLength, SkTextEncoding encoding,
SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkFont& font, const SkPaint& paint);
/** Draws null terminated string, with origin at (x, y), using clip, SkMatrix,
SkFont font, and SkPaint paint.
This function uses the default character-to-glyph mapping from the
SkTypeface in font. It does not perform typeface fallback for
characters not found in the SkTypeface. It does not perform kerning;
glyphs are positioned based on their default advances.
String str is encoded as UTF-8.
Text size is affected by SkMatrix and font text size. Default text
size is 12 point.
All elements of paint: SkPathEffect, SkMaskFilter, SkShader,
SkColorFilter, and SkImageFilter; apply to text. By
default, draws filled black glyphs.
@param str character code points drawn,
ending with a char value of zero
@param x start of string on x-axis
@param y start of string on y-axis
@param font typeface, text size and so, used to describe the text
@param paint blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawString(const char str[], SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkFont& font,
const SkPaint& paint) {
this->drawSimpleText(str, strlen(str), SkTextEncoding::kUTF8, x, y, font, paint);
/** Draws SkString, with origin at (x, y), using clip, SkMatrix, SkFont font,
and SkPaint paint.
This function uses the default character-to-glyph mapping from the
SkTypeface in font. It does not perform typeface fallback for
characters not found in the SkTypeface. It does not perform kerning;
glyphs are positioned based on their default advances.
SkString str is encoded as UTF-8.
Text size is affected by SkMatrix and SkFont text size. Default text
size is 12 point.
All elements of paint: SkPathEffect, SkMaskFilter, SkShader,
SkColorFilter, and SkImageFilter; apply to text. By
default, draws filled black glyphs.
@param str character code points drawn,
ending with a char value of zero
@param x start of string on x-axis
@param y start of string on y-axis
@param font typeface, text size and so, used to describe the text
@param paint blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawString(const SkString& str, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkFont& font,
const SkPaint& paint) {
this->drawSimpleText(str.c_str(), str.size(), SkTextEncoding::kUTF8, x, y, font, paint);
/** Draws count glyphs, at positions relative to origin styled with font and paint with
supporting utf8 and cluster information.
This function draw glyphs at the given positions relative to the given origin.
It does not perform typeface fallback for glyphs not found in the SkTypeface in font.
The drawing obeys the current transform matrix and clipping.
All elements of paint: SkPathEffect, SkMaskFilter, SkShader,
SkColorFilter, and SkImageFilter; apply to text. By
default, draws filled black glyphs.
@param count number of glyphs to draw
@param glyphs the array of glyphIDs to draw
@param positions where to draw each glyph relative to origin
@param clusters array of size count of cluster information
@param textByteCount size of the utf8text
@param utf8text utf8text supporting information for the glyphs
@param origin the origin of all the positions
@param font typeface, text size and so, used to describe the text
@param paint blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawGlyphs(int count, const SkGlyphID glyphs[], const SkPoint positions[],
const uint32_t clusters[], int textByteCount, const char utf8text[],
SkPoint origin, const SkFont& font, const SkPaint& paint);
/** Draws count glyphs, at positions relative to origin styled with font and paint.
This function draw glyphs at the given positions relative to the given origin.
It does not perform typeface fallback for glyphs not found in the SkTypeface in font.
The drawing obeys the current transform matrix and clipping.
All elements of paint: SkPathEffect, SkMaskFilter, SkShader,
SkColorFilter, and SkImageFilter; apply to text. By
default, draws filled black glyphs.
@param count number of glyphs to draw
@param glyphs the array of glyphIDs to draw
@param positions where to draw each glyph relative to origin
@param origin the origin of all the positions
@param font typeface, text size and so, used to describe the text
@param paint blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawGlyphs(int count, const SkGlyphID glyphs[], const SkPoint positions[],
SkPoint origin, const SkFont& font, const SkPaint& paint);
/** Draws count glyphs, at positions relative to origin styled with font and paint.
This function draw glyphs using the given scaling and rotations. They are positioned
relative to the given origin. It does not perform typeface fallback for glyphs not found
in the SkTypeface in font.
The drawing obeys the current transform matrix and clipping.
All elements of paint: SkPathEffect, SkMaskFilter, SkShader,
SkColorFilter, and SkImageFilter; apply to text. By
default, draws filled black glyphs.
@param count number of glyphs to draw
@param glyphs the array of glyphIDs to draw
@param xforms where to draw and orient each glyph
@param origin the origin of all the positions
@param font typeface, text size and so, used to describe the text
@param paint blend, color, and so on, used to draw
void drawGlyphs(int count, const SkGlyphID glyphs[], const SkRSXform xforms[],
SkPoint origin, const SkFont& font, const SkPaint& paint);
/** Draws SkTextBlob blob at (x, y), using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.
blob contains glyphs, their positions, and paint attributes specific to text:
SkTypeface, SkPaint text size, SkPaint text scale x,
SkPaint text skew x, SkPaint::Align, SkPaint::Hinting, anti-alias, SkPaint fake bold,
SkPaint font embedded bitmaps, SkPaint full hinting spacing, LCD text, SkPaint linear text,
and SkPaint subpixel text.
SkTextEncoding must be set to SkTextEncoding::kGlyphID.
Elements of paint: anti-alias, SkBlendMode, color including alpha,
SkColorFilter, SkPaint dither, SkMaskFilter, SkPathEffect, SkShader, and
SkPaint::Style; apply to blob. If SkPaint contains SkPaint::kStroke_Style:
SkPaint miter limit, SkPaint::Cap, SkPaint::Join, and SkPaint stroke width;
apply to SkPath created from blob.
@param blob glyphs, positions, and their paints' text size, typeface, and so on
@param x horizontal offset applied to blob
@param y vertical offset applied to blob
@param paint blend, color, stroking, and so on, used to draw
void drawTextBlob(const SkTextBlob* blob, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint& paint);
/** Draws SkTextBlob blob at (x, y), using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.
blob contains glyphs, their positions, and paint attributes specific to text:
SkTypeface, SkPaint text size, SkPaint text scale x,
SkPaint text skew x, SkPaint::Align, SkPaint::Hinting, anti-alias, SkPaint fake bold,
SkPaint font embedded bitmaps, SkPaint full hinting spacing, LCD text, SkPaint linear text,
and SkPaint subpixel text.
SkTextEncoding must be set to SkTextEncoding::kGlyphID.
Elements of paint: SkPathEffect, SkMaskFilter, SkShader, SkColorFilter,
and SkImageFilter; apply to blob.
@param blob glyphs, positions, and their paints' text size, typeface, and so on
@param x horizontal offset applied to blob
@param y vertical offset applied to blob
@param paint blend, color, stroking, and so on, used to draw
void drawTextBlob(const sk_sp<SkTextBlob>& blob, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint& paint) {
this->drawTextBlob(blob.get(), x, y, paint);
/** Draws SkPicture picture, using clip and SkMatrix.
Clip and SkMatrix are unchanged by picture contents, as if
save() was called before and restore() was called after drawPicture().
SkPicture records a series of draw commands for later playback.
@param picture recorded drawing commands to play
void drawPicture(const SkPicture* picture) {
this->drawPicture(picture, nullptr, nullptr);
/** Draws SkPicture picture, using clip and SkMatrix.
Clip and SkMatrix are unchanged by picture contents, as if
save() was called before and restore() was called after drawPicture().
SkPicture records a series of draw commands for later playback.
@param picture recorded drawing commands to play
void drawPicture(const sk_sp<SkPicture>& picture) {
/** Draws SkPicture picture, using clip and SkMatrix; transforming picture with
SkMatrix matrix, if provided; and use SkPaint paint alpha, SkColorFilter,
SkImageFilter, and SkBlendMode, if provided.
If paint is non-null, then the picture is always drawn into a temporary layer before
actually landing on the canvas. Note that drawing into a layer can also change its
appearance if there are any non-associative blendModes inside any of the pictures elements.
@param picture recorded drawing commands to play
@param matrix SkMatrix to rotate, scale, translate, and so on; may be nullptr
@param paint SkPaint to apply transparency, filtering, and so on; may be nullptr
void drawPicture(const SkPicture* picture, const SkMatrix* matrix, const SkPaint* paint);
/** Draws SkPicture picture, using clip and SkMatrix; transforming picture with
SkMatrix matrix, if provided; and use SkPaint paint alpha, SkColorFilter,
SkImageFilter, and SkBlendMode, if provided.
If paint is non-null, then the picture is always drawn into a temporary layer before
actually landing on the canvas. Note that drawing into a layer can also change its
appearance if there are any non-associative blendModes inside any of the pictures elements.
@param picture recorded drawing commands to play
@param matrix SkMatrix to rotate, scale, translate, and so on; may be nullptr
@param paint SkPaint to apply transparency, filtering, and so on; may be nullptr
void drawPicture(const sk_sp<SkPicture>& picture, const SkMatrix* matrix,
const SkPaint* paint) {
this->drawPicture(picture.get(), matrix, paint);
/** Draws SkVertices vertices, a triangle mesh, using clip and SkMatrix.
If paint contains an SkShader and vertices does not contain texCoords, the shader
is mapped using the vertices' positions.
SkBlendMode is ignored if SkVertices does not have colors. Otherwise, it combines
- the SkShader if SkPaint contains SkShader
- or the opaque SkPaint color if SkPaint does not contain SkShader
as the src of the blend and the interpolated vertex colors as the dst.
SkMaskFilter, SkPathEffect, and antialiasing on SkPaint are ignored.
@param vertices triangle mesh to draw
@param mode combines vertices' colors with SkShader if present or SkPaint opaque color
if not. Ignored if the vertices do not contain color.
@param paint specifies the SkShader, used as SkVertices texture, and SkColorFilter.
void drawVertices(const SkVertices* vertices, SkBlendMode mode, const SkPaint& paint);
/** Draws SkVertices vertices, a triangle mesh, using clip and SkMatrix.
If paint contains an SkShader and vertices does not contain texCoords, the shader
is mapped using the vertices' positions.
SkBlendMode is ignored if SkVertices does not have colors. Otherwise, it combines
- the SkShader if SkPaint contains SkShader
- or the opaque SkPaint color if SkPaint does not contain SkShader
as the src of the blend and the interpolated vertex colors as the dst.
SkMaskFilter, SkPathEffect, and antialiasing on SkPaint are ignored.
@param vertices triangle mesh to draw
@param mode combines vertices' colors with SkShader if present or SkPaint opaque color
if not. Ignored if the vertices do not contain color.
@param paint specifies the SkShader, used as SkVertices texture, may be nullptr
void drawVertices(const sk_sp<SkVertices>& vertices, SkBlendMode mode, const SkPaint& paint);
Experimental, under active development, and subject to change without notice.
Draws a mesh using a user-defined specification (see SkMeshSpecification). Requires
a GPU backend or SkSL to be compiled in.
SkBlender is ignored if SkMesh's specification does not output fragment shader color.
Otherwise, it combines
- the SkShader if SkPaint contains SkShader
- or the opaque SkPaint color if SkPaint does not contain SkShader
as the src of the blend and the mesh's fragment color as the dst.
SkMaskFilter, SkPathEffect, and antialiasing on SkPaint are ignored.
@param mesh the mesh vertices and compatible specification.
@param blender combines vertices colors with SkShader if present or SkPaint opaque color
if not. Ignored if the custom mesh does not output color. Defaults to
SkBlendMode::kModulate if nullptr.
@param paint specifies the SkShader, used as SkVertices texture, may be nullptr
void drawMesh(const SkMesh& mesh, sk_sp<SkBlender> blender, const SkPaint& paint);
/** Draws a Coons patch: the interpolation of four cubics with shared corners,
associating a color, and optionally a texture SkPoint, with each corner.
SkPoint array cubics specifies four SkPath cubic starting at the top-left corner,
in clockwise order, sharing every fourth point. The last SkPath cubic ends at the
first point.
Color array color associates colors with corners in top-left, top-right,
bottom-right, bottom-left order.
If paint contains SkShader, SkPoint array texCoords maps SkShader as texture to
corners in top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left order. If texCoords is
nullptr, SkShader is mapped using positions (derived from cubics).
SkBlendMode is ignored if colors is null. Otherwise, it combines
- the SkShader if SkPaint contains SkShader
- or the opaque SkPaint color if SkPaint does not contain SkShader
as the src of the blend and the interpolated patch colors as the dst.
SkMaskFilter, SkPathEffect, and antialiasing on SkPaint are ignored.
@param cubics SkPath cubic array, sharing common points
@param colors color array, one for each corner
@param texCoords SkPoint array of texture coordinates, mapping SkShader to corners;
may be nullptr
@param mode combines patch's colors with SkShader if present or SkPaint opaque color
if not. Ignored if colors is null.
@param paint SkShader, SkColorFilter, SkBlendMode, used to draw
void drawPatch(const SkPoint cubics[12], const SkColor colors[4],
const SkPoint texCoords[4], SkBlendMode mode, const SkPaint& paint);
/** Draws a set of sprites from atlas, using clip, SkMatrix, and optional SkPaint paint.
paint uses anti-alias, alpha, SkColorFilter, SkImageFilter, and SkBlendMode
to draw, if present. For each entry in the array, SkRect tex locates sprite in
atlas, and SkRSXform xform transforms it into destination space.
SkMaskFilter and SkPathEffect on paint are ignored.
xform, tex, and colors if present, must contain count entries.
Optional colors are applied for each sprite using SkBlendMode mode, treating
sprite as source and colors as destination.
Optional cullRect is a conservative bounds of all transformed sprites.
If cullRect is outside of clip, canvas can skip drawing.
If atlas is nullptr, this draws nothing.
@param atlas SkImage containing sprites
@param xform SkRSXform mappings for sprites in atlas
@param tex SkRect locations of sprites in atlas
@param colors one per sprite, blended with sprite using SkBlendMode; may be nullptr
@param count number of sprites to draw
@param mode SkBlendMode combining colors and sprites
@param sampling SkSamplingOptions used when sampling from the atlas image
@param cullRect bounds of transformed sprites for efficient clipping; may be nullptr
@param paint SkColorFilter, SkImageFilter, SkBlendMode, and so on; may be nullptr
void drawAtlas(const SkImage* atlas, const SkRSXform xform[], const SkRect tex[],
const SkColor colors[], int count, SkBlendMode mode,
const SkSamplingOptions& sampling, const SkRect* cullRect, const SkPaint* paint);
/** Draws SkDrawable drawable using clip and SkMatrix, concatenated with
optional matrix.
If SkCanvas has an asynchronous implementation, as is the case
when it is recording into SkPicture, then drawable will be referenced,
so that SkDrawable::draw() can be called when the operation is finalized. To force
immediate drawing, call SkDrawable::draw() instead.
@param drawable custom struct encapsulating drawing commands
@param matrix transformation applied to drawing; may be nullptr
void drawDrawable(SkDrawable* drawable, const SkMatrix* matrix = nullptr);
/** Draws SkDrawable drawable using clip and SkMatrix, offset by (x, y).
If SkCanvas has an asynchronous implementation, as is the case
when it is recording into SkPicture, then drawable will be referenced,
so that SkDrawable::draw() can be called when the operation is finalized. To force
immediate drawing, call SkDrawable::draw() instead.
@param drawable custom struct encapsulating drawing commands
@param x offset into SkCanvas writable pixels on x-axis
@param y offset into SkCanvas writable pixels on y-axis
void drawDrawable(SkDrawable* drawable, SkScalar x, SkScalar y);
/** Associates SkRect on SkCanvas with an annotation; a key-value pair, where the key is
a null-terminated UTF-8 string, and optional value is stored as SkData.
Only some canvas implementations, such as recording to SkPicture, or drawing to
document PDF, use annotations.
@param rect SkRect extent of canvas to annotate
@param key string used for lookup
@param value data holding value stored in annotation
void drawAnnotation(const SkRect& rect, const char key[], SkData* value);
/** Associates SkRect on SkCanvas when an annotation; a key-value pair, where the key is
a null-terminated UTF-8 string, and optional value is stored as SkData.
Only some canvas implementations, such as recording to SkPicture, or drawing to
document PDF, use annotations.
@param rect SkRect extent of canvas to annotate
@param key string used for lookup
@param value data holding value stored in annotation
void drawAnnotation(const SkRect& rect, const char key[], const sk_sp<SkData>& value) {
this->drawAnnotation(rect, key, value.get());
/** Returns true if clip is empty; that is, nothing will draw.
May do work when called; it should not be called
more often than needed. However, once called, subsequent calls perform no
work until clip changes.
@return true if clip is empty
virtual bool isClipEmpty() const;
/** Returns true if clip is SkRect and not empty.
Returns false if the clip is empty, or if it is not SkRect.
@return true if clip is SkRect and not empty
virtual bool isClipRect() const;
/** Returns the current transform from local coordinates to the 'device', which for most
* purposes means pixels.
* @return transformation from local coordinates to device / pixels.
SkM44 getLocalToDevice() const;
* Throws away the 3rd row and column in the matrix, so be warned.
SkMatrix getLocalToDeviceAs3x3() const {
return this->getLocalToDevice().asM33();
* Legacy version of getLocalToDevice(), which strips away any Z information, and
* just returns a 3x3 version.
* @return 3x3 version of getLocalToDevice()
* example:
* example:
SkMatrix getTotalMatrix() const;
* Returns the global clip as a region. If the clip contains AA, then only the bounds
* of the clip may be returned.
void temporary_internal_getRgnClip(SkRegion* region);
void private_draw_shadow_rec(const SkPath&, const SkDrawShadowRec&);
// default impl defers to getDevice()->newSurface(info)
virtual sk_sp<SkSurface> onNewSurface(const SkImageInfo& info, const SkSurfaceProps& props);
// default impl defers to its device
virtual bool onPeekPixels(SkPixmap* pixmap);
virtual bool onAccessTopLayerPixels(SkPixmap* pixmap);
virtual SkImageInfo onImageInfo() const;
virtual bool onGetProps(SkSurfaceProps* props, bool top) const;
// Subclass save/restore notifiers.
// Overriders should call the corresponding INHERITED method up the inheritance chain.
// getSaveLayerStrategy()'s return value may suppress full layer allocation.
enum SaveLayerStrategy {
virtual void willSave() {}
// Overriders should call the corresponding INHERITED method up the inheritance chain.
virtual SaveLayerStrategy getSaveLayerStrategy(const SaveLayerRec& ) {
return kFullLayer_SaveLayerStrategy;
// returns true if we should actually perform the saveBehind, or false if we should just save.
virtual bool onDoSaveBehind(const SkRect*) { return true; }
virtual void willRestore() {}
virtual void didRestore() {}
virtual void didConcat44(const SkM44&) {}
virtual void didSetM44(const SkM44&) {}
virtual void didTranslate(SkScalar, SkScalar) {}
virtual void didScale(SkScalar, SkScalar) {}
// NOTE: If you are adding a new onDraw virtual to SkCanvas, PLEASE add an override to
// SkCanvasVirtualEnforcer (in SkCanvasVirtualEnforcer.h). This ensures that subclasses using
// that mechanism will be required to implement the new function.
virtual void onDrawPaint(const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void onDrawBehind(const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void onDrawRect(const SkRect& rect, const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void onDrawRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void onDrawDRRect(const SkRRect& outer, const SkRRect& inner, const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void onDrawOval(const SkRect& rect, const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void onDrawArc(const SkRect& rect, SkScalar startAngle, SkScalar sweepAngle,
bool useCenter, const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void onDrawPath(const SkPath& path, const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void onDrawRegion(const SkRegion& region, const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void onDrawTextBlob(const SkTextBlob* blob, SkScalar x, SkScalar y,
const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void onDrawGlyphRunList(const sktext::GlyphRunList& glyphRunList, const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void onDrawPatch(const SkPoint cubics[12], const SkColor colors[4],
const SkPoint texCoords[4], SkBlendMode mode, const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void onDrawPoints(PointMode mode, size_t count, const SkPoint pts[],
const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void onDrawImage2(const SkImage*, SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy, const SkSamplingOptions&,
const SkPaint*);
virtual void onDrawImageRect2(const SkImage*, const SkRect& src, const SkRect& dst,
const SkSamplingOptions&, const SkPaint*, SrcRectConstraint);
virtual void onDrawImageLattice2(const SkImage*, const Lattice&, const SkRect& dst,
SkFilterMode, const SkPaint*);
virtual void onDrawAtlas2(const SkImage*, const SkRSXform[], const SkRect src[],
const SkColor[], int count, SkBlendMode, const SkSamplingOptions&,
const SkRect* cull, const SkPaint*);
virtual void onDrawEdgeAAImageSet2(const ImageSetEntry imageSet[], int count,
const SkPoint dstClips[], const SkMatrix preViewMatrices[],
const SkSamplingOptions&, const SkPaint*,
virtual void onDrawVerticesObject(const SkVertices* vertices, SkBlendMode mode,
const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void onDrawMesh(const SkMesh&, sk_sp<SkBlender>, const SkPaint&);
virtual void onDrawAnnotation(const SkRect& rect, const char key[], SkData* value);
virtual void onDrawShadowRec(const SkPath&, const SkDrawShadowRec&);
virtual void onDrawDrawable(SkDrawable* drawable, const SkMatrix* matrix);
virtual void onDrawPicture(const SkPicture* picture, const SkMatrix* matrix,
const SkPaint* paint);
virtual void onDrawEdgeAAQuad(const SkRect& rect, const SkPoint clip[4], QuadAAFlags aaFlags,
const SkColor4f& color, SkBlendMode mode);
enum ClipEdgeStyle {
virtual void onClipRect(const SkRect& rect, SkClipOp op, ClipEdgeStyle edgeStyle);
virtual void onClipRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, SkClipOp op, ClipEdgeStyle edgeStyle);
virtual void onClipPath(const SkPath& path, SkClipOp op, ClipEdgeStyle edgeStyle);
virtual void onClipShader(sk_sp<SkShader>, SkClipOp);
virtual void onClipRegion(const SkRegion& deviceRgn, SkClipOp op);
virtual void onResetClip();
virtual void onDiscard();
virtual sk_sp<sktext::gpu::Slug> onConvertGlyphRunListToSlug(
const sktext::GlyphRunList& glyphRunList, const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void onDrawSlug(const sktext::gpu::Slug* slug, const SkPaint& paint);
enum class PredrawFlags : unsigned {
kNone = 0,
kOpaqueShaderOverride = 1, // The paint's shader is overridden with an opaque image
kNonOpaqueShaderOverride = 2, // The paint's shader is overridden but is not opaque
kCheckForOverwrite = 4, // Check if the draw would overwrite the entire surface
kSkipMaskFilterAutoLayer = 8, // Do not apply mask filters in the AutoLayer
// Inlined SK_DECL_BITMASK_OPS_FRIENDS to avoid including SkEnumBitMask.h
friend constexpr SkEnumBitMask<PredrawFlags> operator|(PredrawFlags, PredrawFlags);
friend constexpr SkEnumBitMask<PredrawFlags> operator&(PredrawFlags, PredrawFlags);
friend constexpr SkEnumBitMask<PredrawFlags> operator^(PredrawFlags, PredrawFlags);
friend constexpr SkEnumBitMask<PredrawFlags> operator~(PredrawFlags);
// notify our surface (if we have one) that we are about to draw, so it
// can perform copy-on-write or invalidate any cached images
// returns false if the copy failed
[[nodiscard]] bool predrawNotify(bool willOverwritesEntireSurface = false);
[[nodiscard]] bool predrawNotify(const SkRect*, const SkPaint*, SkEnumBitMask<PredrawFlags>);
// call the appropriate predrawNotify and create a layer if needed.
std::optional<AutoLayerForImageFilter> aboutToDraw(
const SkPaint& paint,
const SkRect* rawBounds,
SkEnumBitMask<PredrawFlags> flags);
std::optional<AutoLayerForImageFilter> aboutToDraw(
const SkPaint& paint,
const SkRect* rawBounds = nullptr);
// The bottom-most device in the stack, only changed by init(). Image properties and the final
// canvas pixels are determined by this device.
SkDevice* rootDevice() const {
return fRootDevice.get();
// The top-most device in the stack, will change within saveLayer()'s. All drawing and clipping
// operations should route to this device.
SkDevice* topDevice() const;
// Canvases maintain a sparse stack of layers, where the top-most layer receives the drawing,
// clip, and matrix commands. There is a layer per call to saveLayer() using the
// kFullLayer_SaveLayerStrategy.
struct Layer {
sk_sp<SkDevice> fDevice;
skia_private::STArray<1, sk_sp<SkImageFilter>> fImageFilters;
SkPaint fPaint;
bool fIsCoverage;
bool fDiscard;
// If true, the layer image is sized to include a 1px buffer that remains transparent
// to allow for faster linear filtering under complex transforms.
bool fIncludesPadding;
Layer(sk_sp<SkDevice> device,
FilterSpan imageFilters,
const SkPaint& paint,
bool isCoverage,
bool includesPadding);
// Encapsulate state needed to restore from saveBehind()
struct BackImage {
// Out of line to avoid including SkSpecialImage.h
BackImage(sk_sp<SkSpecialImage>, SkIPoint);
BackImage(const BackImage&);
BackImage& operator=(const BackImage&);
sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> fImage;
SkIPoint fLoc;
class MCRec {
// If not null, this MCRec corresponds with the saveLayer() record that made the layer.
// The base "layer" is not stored here, since it is stored inline in SkCanvas and has no
// restoration behavior.
std::unique_ptr<Layer> fLayer;
// This points to the device of the top-most layer (which may be lower in the stack), or
// to the canvas's fRootDevice. The MCRec does not own the device.
SkDevice* fDevice;
std::unique_ptr<BackImage> fBackImage;
SkM44 fMatrix;
int fDeferredSaveCount = 0;
MCRec(SkDevice* device);
MCRec(const MCRec* prev);
void newLayer(sk_sp<SkDevice> layerDevice,
FilterSpan filters,
const SkPaint& restorePaint,
bool layerIsCoverage,
bool includesPadding);
void reset(SkDevice* device);
// the first N recs that can fit here mean we won't call malloc
static constexpr int kMCRecSize = 96; // most recent measurement
static constexpr int kMCRecCount = 32; // common depth for save/restores
intptr_t fMCRecStorage[kMCRecSize * kMCRecCount / sizeof(intptr_t)];
SkDeque fMCStack;
// points to top of stack
MCRec* fMCRec;
// Installed via init()
sk_sp<SkDevice> fRootDevice;
const SkSurfaceProps fProps;
int fSaveCount; // value returned by getSaveCount()
std::unique_ptr<SkRasterHandleAllocator> fAllocator;
SkSurface_Base* fSurfaceBase;
SkSurface_Base* getSurfaceBase() const { return fSurfaceBase; }
void setSurfaceBase(SkSurface_Base* sb) {
fSurfaceBase = sb;
friend class SkSurface_Base;
friend class SkSurface_Ganesh;
SkIRect fClipRestrictionRect = SkIRect::MakeEmpty();
int fClipRestrictionSaveCount = -1;
void doSave();
void checkForDeferredSave();
void internalSetMatrix(const SkM44&);
friend class SkAndroidFrameworkUtils;
friend class SkCanvasPriv; // needs to expose android functions for testing outside android
friend class AutoLayerForImageFilter;
friend class SkSurface_Raster; // needs getDevice()
friend class SkNoDrawCanvas; // needs resetForNextPicture()
friend class SkNWayCanvas;
friend class SkPictureRecord; // predrawNotify (why does it need it? <reed>)
friend class SkOverdrawCanvas;
friend class SkRasterHandleAllocator;
friend class SkRecords::Draw;
template <typename Key>
friend class skiatest::TestCanvas;
// For use by SkNoDrawCanvas (via SkCanvasVirtualEnforcer, which can't be a friend)
SkCanvas(const SkIRect& bounds);
SkCanvas(const SkBitmap&, std::unique_ptr<SkRasterHandleAllocator>,
SkRasterHandleAllocator::Handle, const SkSurfaceProps* props);
SkCanvas(SkCanvas&&) = delete;
SkCanvas(const SkCanvas&) = delete;
SkCanvas& operator=(SkCanvas&&) = delete;
SkCanvas& operator=(const SkCanvas&) = delete;
friend class sktext::gpu::Slug;
friend class SkPicturePlayback;
* Convert a SkTextBlob to a sktext::gpu::Slug using the current canvas state.
sk_sp<sktext::gpu::Slug> convertBlobToSlug(const SkTextBlob& blob, SkPoint origin,
const SkPaint& paint);
* Draw an sktext::gpu::Slug given the current canvas state.
void drawSlug(const sktext::gpu::Slug* slug, const SkPaint& paint);
/** Experimental
* Saves the specified subset of the current pixels in the current layer,
* and then clears those pixels to transparent black.
* Restores the pixels on restore() by drawing them in SkBlendMode::kDstOver.
* @param subset conservative bounds of the area to be saved / restored.
* @return depth of save state stack before this call was made.
int only_axis_aligned_saveBehind(const SkRect* subset);
* Like drawPaint, but magically clipped to the most recent saveBehind buffer rectangle.
* If there is no active saveBehind, then this draws nothing.
void drawClippedToSaveBehind(const SkPaint&);
void resetForNextPicture(const SkIRect& bounds);
// needs gettotalclip()
friend class SkCanvasStateUtils;
void init(sk_sp<SkDevice>);
// All base onDrawX() functions should call this and skip drawing if it returns true.
// If 'matrix' is non-null, it maps the paint's fast bounds before checking for quick rejection
bool internalQuickReject(const SkRect& bounds, const SkPaint& paint,
const SkMatrix* matrix = nullptr);
void internalDrawPaint(const SkPaint& paint);
void internalSaveLayer(const SaveLayerRec&, SaveLayerStrategy, bool coverageOnly=false);
void internalSaveBehind(const SkRect*);
void internalConcat44(const SkM44&);
// shared by save() and saveLayer()
void internalSave();
void internalRestore();
enum class DeviceCompatibleWithFilter : int {
// Check the src device's local-to-device matrix for compatibility with the filter, and if
// it is not compatible, introduce an intermediate image and transformation that allows the
// filter to be evaluated on the modified src content.
// Assume that the src device's local-to-device matrix is compatible with the filter.
// Assume that the src device's local-to-device matrix is compatible with the filter,
// *and* the source image has a 1px buffer of padding.
* Filters the contents of 'src' and draws the result into 'dst'. The filter is evaluated
* relative to the current canvas matrix, and src is drawn to dst using their relative transform
* 'paint' is applied after the filter and must not have a mask or image filter of its own.
* A null 'filter' behaves as if the identity filter were used.
* 'scaleFactor' is an extra uniform scale transform applied to downscale the 'src' image
* before any filtering, or as part of the copy, and is then drawn with 1/scaleFactor to 'dst'.
* Must be 1.0 if 'compat' is kYes (i.e. any scale factor has already been baked into the
* relative transforms between the devices).
* 'srcTileMode' is the tile mode to apply to the boundary of the 'src' image when insufficient
* content is available. It defaults to kDecal for the regular saveLayer() case.
void internalDrawDeviceWithFilter(SkDevice* src, SkDevice* dst,
FilterSpan filters, const SkPaint& paint,
DeviceCompatibleWithFilter compat,
const SkColorInfo& filterColorInfo,
SkScalar scaleFactor = 1.f,
SkTileMode srcTileMode = SkTileMode::kDecal,
bool srcIsCoverageLayer = false);
* Returns true if drawing the specified rect (or all if it is null) with the specified
* paint (or default if null) would overwrite the entire root device of the canvas
* (i.e. the canvas' surface if it had one).
bool wouldOverwriteEntireSurface(const SkRect*, const SkPaint*,
SkEnumBitMask<PredrawFlags>) const;
* Returns true if the clip (for any active layer) contains antialiasing.
* If the clip is empty, this will return false.
bool androidFramework_isClipAA() const;
* Reset the clip to be wide-open (modulo any separately specified device clip restriction).
* This operate within the save/restore clip stack so it can be undone by restoring to an
* earlier save point.
void internal_private_resetClip();
virtual SkPaintFilterCanvas* internal_private_asPaintFilterCanvas() const { return nullptr; }
// Keep track of the device clip bounds in the canvas' global space to reject draws before
// invoking the top-level device.
SkRect fQuickRejectBounds;
// Compute the clip's bounds based on all clipped SkDevice's reported device bounds transformed
// into the canvas' global space.
SkRect computeDeviceClipBounds(bool outsetForAA=true) const;
// Attempt to draw a rrect with an analytic blur. If the paint does not contain a blur, or the
// geometry can't be drawn with an analytic blur by the device, a layer is returned for a
// regular draw. If the draw succeeds or predrawNotify fails, nullopt is returned indicating
// that nothing further should be drawn.
std::optional<AutoLayerForImageFilter> attemptBlurredRRectDraw(const SkRRect&,
const SkPaint&,
class AutoUpdateQRBounds;
void validateClip() const;
std::unique_ptr<sktext::GlyphRunBuilder> fScratchGlyphRunBuilder;
/** \class SkAutoCanvasRestore
Stack helper class calls SkCanvas::restoreToCount when SkAutoCanvasRestore
goes out of scope. Use this to guarantee that the canvas is restored to a known
class SkAutoCanvasRestore {
/** Preserves SkCanvas::save() count. Optionally saves SkCanvas clip and SkCanvas matrix.
@param canvas SkCanvas to guard
@param doSave call SkCanvas::save()
@return utility to restore SkCanvas state on destructor
SkAutoCanvasRestore(SkCanvas* canvas, bool doSave) : fCanvas(canvas), fSaveCount(0) {
if (fCanvas) {
fSaveCount = canvas->getSaveCount();
if (doSave) {
/** Restores SkCanvas to saved state. Destructor is called when container goes out of
~SkAutoCanvasRestore() {
if (fCanvas) {
/** Restores SkCanvas to saved state immediately. Subsequent calls and
~SkAutoCanvasRestore() have no effect.
void restore() {
if (fCanvas) {
fCanvas = nullptr;
SkCanvas* fCanvas;
int fSaveCount;
SkAutoCanvasRestore(SkAutoCanvasRestore&&) = delete;
SkAutoCanvasRestore(const SkAutoCanvasRestore&) = delete;
SkAutoCanvasRestore& operator=(SkAutoCanvasRestore&&) = delete;
SkAutoCanvasRestore& operator=(const SkAutoCanvasRestore&) = delete;