| load("//bazel:skia_rules.bzl", "generate_cpp_files_for_headers", "skia_filegroup") |
| |
| package( |
| default_applicable_licenses = ["//:license"], |
| ) |
| |
| licenses(["notice"]) |
| |
| skia_filegroup( |
| name = "core_hdrs", |
| srcs = [ |
| "SkAlphaType.h", |
| "SkAnnotation.h", |
| "SkArc.h", |
| "SkBBHFactory.h", |
| "SkBitmap.h", |
| "SkBlendMode.h", |
| "SkBlender.h", |
| "SkBlurTypes.h", |
| "SkCanvas.h", |
| "SkCanvasVirtualEnforcer.h", |
| "SkCapabilities.h", |
| "SkClipOp.h", |
| "SkColor.h", |
| "SkColorFilter.h", |
| "SkColorPriv.h", |
| "SkColorSpace.h", |
| "SkColorTable.h", |
| "SkColorType.h", |
| "SkContourMeasure.h", |
| "SkCoverageMode.h", |
| "SkCubicMap.h", |
| "SkData.h", |
| "SkDataTable.h", |
| "SkDocument.h", |
| "SkDrawable.h", |
| "SkExecutor.h", |
| "SkFlattenable.h", |
| "SkFont.h", |
| "SkFontArguments.h", |
| "SkFontMetrics.h", |
| "SkFontMgr.h", |
| "SkFontParameters.h", |
| "SkFontStyle.h", |
| "SkFontTypes.h", |
| "SkFourByteTag.h", |
| "SkGraphics.h", |
| "SkImage.h", |
| "SkImageFilter.h", |
| "SkImageGenerator.h", |
| "SkImageInfo.h", |
| "SkM44.h", |
| "SkMallocPixelRef.h", |
| "SkMaskFilter.h", |
| "SkMatrix.h", |
| "SkMesh.h", |
| "SkMilestone.h", |
| "SkOpenTypeSVGDecoder.h", |
| "SkOverdrawCanvas.h", |
| "SkPaint.h", |
| "SkPath.h", |
| "SkPathBuilder.h", |
| "SkPathEffect.h", |
| "SkPathMeasure.h", |
| "SkPathTypes.h", |
| "SkPathUtils.h", |
| "SkPicture.h", |
| "SkPictureRecorder.h", |
| "SkPixelRef.h", |
| "SkPixmap.h", |
| "SkPoint.h", |
| "SkPoint3.h", |
| "SkRRect.h", |
| "SkRSXform.h", |
| "SkRasterHandleAllocator.h", |
| "SkRect.h", |
| "SkRefCnt.h", |
| "SkRegion.h", |
| "SkSamplingOptions.h", |
| "SkScalar.h", |
| "SkSerialProcs.h", |
| "SkShader.h", |
| "SkSize.h", |
| "SkSpan.h", |
| "SkStream.h", |
| "SkString.h", |
| "SkStrokeRec.h", |
| "SkSurface.h", |
| "SkSurfaceProps.h", |
| "SkSwizzle.h", |
| "SkTextBlob.h", |
| "SkTextureCompressionType.h", |
| "SkTileMode.h", |
| "SkTiledImageUtils.h", |
| "SkTraceMemoryDump.h", |
| "SkTypeface.h", |
| "SkTypes.h", |
| "SkUnPreMultiply.h", |
| "SkVertices.h", |
| "SkYUVAInfo.h", |
| "SkYUVAPixmaps.h", |
| ], |
| visibility = ["//src/core:__pkg__"], |
| ) |
| |
| skia_filegroup( |
| name = "opts_srcs", |
| srcs = [ |
| "SkAlphaType.h", |
| "SkColor.h", |
| "SkColorPriv.h", |
| "SkScalar.h", |
| "SkTypes.h", |
| ], |
| visibility = ["//src/opts:__pkg__"], |
| ) |
| |
| generate_cpp_files_for_headers( |
| name = "headers_to_compile", |
| headers = [ |
| # All headers listed here will have a .cpp file generated that is a copy of the header file |
| # just with a .cpp suffix so Bazel will try to compile it. |
| # This allows us to run IWYU on these files. |
| "SkAlphaType.h", |
| "SkBlendMode.h", |
| "SkBlurTypes.h", |
| "SkCoverageMode.h", |
| "SkFontArguments.h", |
| "SkFontParameters.h", |
| "SkFontStyle.h", |
| "SkFontTypes.h", |
| "SkFourByteTag.h", |
| "SkPathTypes.h", |
| "SkRefCnt.h", |
| "SkScalar.h", |
| "SkSerialProcs.h", |
| "SkShader.h", |
| "SkSize.h", |
| "SkTypes.h", |
| ], |
| ) |