blob: afab6c0811e74e27059d1ea2bf2c8185cd7e199c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkRemoteTypeface_DEFINED
#define SkRemoteTypeface_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkFontArguments.h"
#include "include/core/SkFontParameters.h"
#include "include/core/SkFontStyle.h"
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/core/SkString.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypeface.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/private/chromium/SkChromeRemoteGlyphCache.h"
#include "src/core/SkScalerContext.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
class SkArenaAlloc;
class SkDescriptor;
class SkDrawable;
class SkFontDescriptor;
class SkGlyph;
class SkPath;
class SkReadBuffer;
class SkStreamAsset;
class SkTypefaceProxy;
class SkWriteBuffer;
struct SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics;
struct SkFontMetrics;
class SkScalerContextProxy : public SkScalerContext {
SkScalerContextProxy(sk_sp<SkTypeface> tf,
const SkScalerContextEffects& effects,
const SkDescriptor* desc,
sk_sp<SkStrikeClient::DiscardableHandleManager> manager);
GlyphMetrics generateMetrics(const SkGlyph&, SkArenaAlloc*) override;
void generateImage(const SkGlyph&, void*) override;
bool generatePath(const SkGlyph& glyph, SkPath* path, bool* modified) override;
sk_sp<SkDrawable> generateDrawable(const SkGlyph&) override;
void generateFontMetrics(SkFontMetrics* metrics) override;
SkTypefaceProxy* getProxyTypeface() const;
sk_sp<SkStrikeClient::DiscardableHandleManager> fDiscardableManager;
using INHERITED = SkScalerContext;
// SkTypefaceProxyPrototype is the serialization format for SkTypefaceProxy.
class SkTypefaceProxyPrototype {
static std::optional<SkTypefaceProxyPrototype> MakeFromBuffer(SkReadBuffer& buffer);
explicit SkTypefaceProxyPrototype(const SkTypeface& typeface);
SkTypefaceProxyPrototype(SkTypefaceID typefaceID,
int glyphCount,
int32_t styleValue,
bool isFixedPitch,
bool glyphMaskNeedsCurrentColor);
void flatten(SkWriteBuffer&buffer) const;
SkTypefaceID serverTypefaceID() const { return fServerTypefaceID; }
friend class SkTypefaceProxy;
SkFontStyle style() const {
SkFontStyle style;
style.fValue = fStyleValue;
return style;
const SkTypefaceID fServerTypefaceID;
const int fGlyphCount;
const int32_t fStyleValue;
const bool fIsFixedPitch;
// Used for COLRv0 or COLRv1 fonts that may need the 0xFFFF special palette
// index to represent foreground color. This information needs to be on here
// to determine how this typeface can be cached.
const bool fGlyphMaskNeedsCurrentColor;
class SkTypefaceProxy : public SkTypeface {
SkTypefaceProxy(const SkTypefaceProxyPrototype& prototype,
sk_sp<SkStrikeClient::DiscardableHandleManager> manager,
bool isLogging = true);
SkTypefaceProxy(SkTypefaceID typefaceID,
int glyphCount,
const SkFontStyle& style,
bool isFixedPitch,
bool glyphMaskNeedsCurrentColor,
sk_sp<SkStrikeClient::DiscardableHandleManager> manager,
bool isLogging = true);
SkTypefaceID remoteTypefaceID() const {return fTypefaceID;}
int glyphCount() const {return fGlyphCount;}
bool isLogging() const {return fIsLogging;}
int onGetUPEM() const override { SK_ABORT("Should never be called."); }
std::unique_ptr<SkStreamAsset> onOpenStream(int* ttcIndex) const override {
SK_ABORT("Should never be called.");
sk_sp<SkTypeface> onMakeClone(const SkFontArguments& args) const override {
SK_ABORT("Should never be called.");
bool onGlyphMaskNeedsCurrentColor() const override {
return fGlyphMaskNeedsCurrentColor;
int onGetVariationDesignPosition(SkFontArguments::VariationPosition::Coordinate coordinates[],
int coordinateCount) const override {
SK_ABORT("Should never be called.");
int onGetVariationDesignParameters(SkFontParameters::Variation::Axis parameters[],
int parameterCount) const override {
SK_ABORT("Should never be called.");
void onGetFamilyName(SkString* familyName) const override {
// Used by SkStrikeCache::DumpMemoryStatistics.
*familyName = "";
bool onGetPostScriptName(SkString*) const override {
SK_ABORT("Should never be called.");
SkTypeface::LocalizedStrings* onCreateFamilyNameIterator() const override {
SK_ABORT("Should never be called.");
int onGetTableTags(SkFontTableTag tags[]) const override {
SK_ABORT("Should never be called.");
size_t onGetTableData(SkFontTableTag, size_t offset, size_t length, void* data) const override {
SK_ABORT("Should never be called.");
std::unique_ptr<SkScalerContext> onCreateScalerContext(
const SkScalerContextEffects& effects, const SkDescriptor* desc) const override
return std::make_unique<SkScalerContextProxy>(
sk_ref_sp(const_cast<SkTypefaceProxy*>(this)), effects, desc, fDiscardableManager);
void onFilterRec(SkScalerContextRec* rec) const override {
// The rec filtering is already applied by the server when generating
// the glyphs.
void onGetFontDescriptor(SkFontDescriptor*, bool*) const override {
SK_ABORT("Should never be called.");
void getGlyphToUnicodeMap(SkUnichar*) const override {
SK_ABORT("Should never be called.");
void getPostScriptGlyphNames(SkString*) const override {
SK_ABORT("Should never be called.");
std::unique_ptr<SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics> onGetAdvancedMetrics() const override {
SK_ABORT("Should never be called.");
void onCharsToGlyphs(const SkUnichar* chars, int count, SkGlyphID glyphs[]) const override {
SK_ABORT("Should never be called.");
int onCountGlyphs() const override {
return this->glyphCount();
void* onGetCTFontRef() const override {
SK_ABORT("Should never be called.");
const SkTypefaceID fTypefaceID;
const int fGlyphCount;
const bool fIsLogging;
const bool fGlyphMaskNeedsCurrentColor;
sk_sp<SkStrikeClient::DiscardableHandleManager> fDiscardableManager;
#endif // SkRemoteTypeface_DEFINED