blob: f79e4c5ec09fc63397e59c07d26f161165351727 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 Google LLC.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkPDFUnion_DEFINED
#define SkPDFUnion_DEFINED
#include "src/pdf/SkPDFTypes.h"
// Exposed for unit testing.
void SkPDFWriteString(SkWStream* wStream, const char* cin, size_t len);
A SkPDFUnion is a non-virtualized implementation of the
non-compound, non-specialized PDF Object types: Name, String,
Number, Boolean.
class SkPDFUnion {
// Move constructor and assignment operator destroy the argument
// and steal their references (if needed).
SkPDFUnion& operator=(SkPDFUnion&&);
/** The following nine functions are the standard way of creating
SkPDFUnion objects. */
static SkPDFUnion Int(int32_t);
static SkPDFUnion Int(size_t v) { return SkPDFUnion::Int(SkToS32(v)); }
static SkPDFUnion Bool(bool);
static SkPDFUnion Scalar(SkScalar);
static SkPDFUnion ColorComponent(uint8_t);
static SkPDFUnion ColorComponentF(float);
/** These two functions do NOT take ownership of char*, and do NOT
copy the string. Suitable for passing in static const
strings. For example:
SkPDFUnion n = SkPDFUnion::Name("Length");
SkPDFUnion u = SkPDFUnion::String("Identity"); */
/** SkPDFUnion::Name(const char*) assumes that the passed string
is already a valid name (that is: it has no control or
whitespace characters). This will not copy the name. */
static SkPDFUnion Name(const char*);
/** SkPDFUnion::String will encode the passed string. This will
not copy the name. */
static SkPDFUnion String(const char*);
/** SkPDFUnion::Name(SkString) does not assume that the
passed string is already a valid name and it will escape the
string. */
static SkPDFUnion Name(SkString);
/** SkPDFUnion::String will encode the passed string. */
static SkPDFUnion String(SkString);
static SkPDFUnion Object(std::unique_ptr<SkPDFObject>);
static SkPDFUnion Ref(SkPDFIndirectReference);
/** These two non-virtual methods mirror SkPDFObject's
corresponding virtuals. */
void emitObject(SkWStream*) const;
bool isName() const;
using PDFObject = std::unique_ptr<SkPDFObject>;
union {
int32_t fIntValue;
bool fBoolValue;
SkScalar fScalarValue;
const char* fStaticString;
SkString fSkString;
PDFObject fObject;
enum class Type : char {
/** It is an error to call emitObject() or addResources() on an kDestroyed object. */
kDestroyed = 0,
Type fType;
SkPDFUnion(Type, int32_t);
SkPDFUnion(Type, bool);
SkPDFUnion(Type, SkScalar);
SkPDFUnion(Type, const char*);
SkPDFUnion(Type, SkString);
SkPDFUnion(Type, PDFObject);
SkPDFUnion& operator=(const SkPDFUnion&) = delete;
SkPDFUnion(const SkPDFUnion&) = delete;
static_assert(sizeof(SkString) == sizeof(void*), "SkString_size");
#endif // SkPDFUnion_DEFINED