blob: e0e213f4c7cc194271146b3bf9ce2729eecd5516 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkPerfettoTrace_DEFINED
#define SkPerfettoTrace_DEFINED
#include "include/utils/SkEventTracer.h"
#include "tools/trace/EventTracingPriv.h"
#include "perfetto.h"
* This class is used to support Perfetto tracing. It hooks into the SkEventTracer system.
class SkPerfettoTrace : public SkEventTracer {
~SkPerfettoTrace() override;
SkEventTracer::Handle addTraceEvent(char phase,
const uint8_t* categoryEnabledFlag,
const char* name,
uint64_t id,
int numArgs,
const char** argNames,
const uint8_t* argTypes,
const uint64_t* argValues,
uint8_t flags) override;
void updateTraceEventDuration(const uint8_t* categoryEnabledFlag,
const char* name,
SkEventTracer::Handle handle) override;
const uint8_t* getCategoryGroupEnabled(const char* name) override;
const char* getCategoryGroupName(const uint8_t* categoryEnabledFlag) override;
void newTracingSection(const char* name) override;
SkPerfettoTrace(const SkPerfettoTrace&) = delete;
SkPerfettoTrace& operator=(const SkPerfettoTrace&) = delete;
SkEventTracingCategories fCategories;
std::unique_ptr<perfetto::TracingSession> tracingSession;
int fd{-1};
/** Store the perfetto trace file output path, name, and extension separately. This isolation
* of name components becomes useful when splitting traces up by sections, where we want to
* alter the base file name but keep the trace output path and file extension the same.
std::string fOutputPath;
std::string fOutputFileExtension;
std::string fCurrentSessionFullOutputPath;
void openNewTracingSession(const std::string& baseFileName);
void closeTracingSession();
/** Overloaded private methods to initiate a trace event with 0-2 arguments. Perfetto supports
* adding an arbitrary number of debug annotations or arguments, but the existing Skia trace
* structure only supports 0-2 so that is all we accommodate.
void triggerTraceEvent(const uint8_t* categoryEnabledFlag, const char* eventName);
void triggerTraceEvent(const uint8_t* categoryEnabledFlag, const char* eventName,
const char* arg1Name, const uint8_t& arg1Type, const uint64_t& arg1Val);
void triggerTraceEvent(const uint8_t* categoryEnabledFlag, const char* eventName,
const char* arg1Name, const uint8_t& arg1Type, const uint64_t& arg1Val,
const char* arg2Name, const uint8_t& arg2Type, const uint64_t& arg2Val);