blob: 228bfa19153b8a88733af0bb4661a27f2f620ec4 [file] [log] [blame]
"""This module defines the android_gm_test macro."""
load("//tools/testrunners/common/android:android_test.bzl", "android_test")
load("//tools/testrunners/common/surface_manager:surface_configs.bzl", "SURFACE_CONFIGS")
def android_gm_test(surface_config, via = None, extra_args = [], flags = {}, **kwargs):
"""Defines an Android GM test.
This macro is just a wrapper around the android_test macro with the necessary defaults for
Android GM tests. See the android_test macro documentation for details.
surface_config: The surface config under which the GMs should run.
via: The via under which the GMs should run. If set, the "flags" argument will be updated
to set the //gm/vias:via flag accordingly. If unset, no via will be used.
extra_args: See the android_test macro documentation.
flags: See the android_test macro documentation.
**kwargs: Any arguments to pass to the underlying android_test macro instance.
if surface_config not in SURFACE_CONFIGS:
fail("Unknown surface_config: " + surface_config)
# Set the //gm/vias:via flag to match the "via" argument. This ensures that the build includes
# the sources for the requested via. If the "via" argument has an unknown value, Bazel will
# produce an error when the underlying cc_binary_with_flags target attempts to set the
# //gm/vias:via flag.
if via:
flags.update([("via", [via])])
test_runner_if_required_condition_is_satisfied = "//tools/testrunners/gm:testrunner",
test_runner_if_required_condition_is_not_satisfied = "//tools/testrunners/common:noop_testrunner",
extra_args = extra_args + [
# This environment variable is set by the adb_test_runner.go program.
] + (["--via", via] if via else []),
flags = flags,
save_output_files = True, # Save any produced PNG and JSON files as undeclared outputs.