skpbench is a benchmarking tool for replaying skp or mksp files on android devices. it achieves a lower variance in framerate by controlling the clock speed and stopping all other processes that could cause interference.
skpbench consists of the skpbench binary which must be built for the phone you intend to run on, and which runs on the machine the phone is connected to via ADB and is the entry point.
The to build skia for android are at and reproduced here.
Download the Android NDK
./bin/fetch-sk ./bin/sk asset download android_ndk_linux /tmp/ndk
After this is set up once, build skpbench for your target cpu (assumed to be arm64 here for a Pixel 3)
bin/gn gen out/arm64 --args='ndk="/tmp/ndk" target_cpu="arm64" is_debug=false' ninja -C out/arm64 skpbench
First, copy the built skpbench binary and an example skp file to the device. (or pull a skp corpus using instructions in the section below)
adb push out/arm64/skpbench /data/local/tmp adb push /home/nifong/Downloads/foo.skp /data/local/tmp/skps/
python tools/skpbench/ \ --adb \ --config gles \ /data/local/tmp/skpbench \ /data/local/tmp/skps/foo.skp
specifies that it should use adb to the only connected device and run skpbench there. --force
is necessary because we don't yet have a configuration to monitor vitals on the Pixel 3. --config gles
specifies Open GL ES is the backend GPU config to use.
Additional documentation of arguments is printed by python tools/skpbench/ --help
Output appears in the following format
accum median max min stddev samples sample_ms clock metric config bench 0.1834 0.1832 0.1897 0.1707 1.59% 101 50 cpu ms gles foo.skp
is the time taken to draw all frames, divided by the number of frames. metric
specifies that the unit is ms (milliseconds per frame)
skpbench is run as a tryjob from gerrit, where it uploads the results to Once such job name is Perf-Android-Clang-Pixel4XL-GPU-Adreno640-arm64-Release-All-Android_Skpbench
Perf results are available by querying with this or similar. extra_config = Android_Skpbench sub_result = accum_cpu_ms
Example perf query