blob: e6a96fee7c56920ed104729c46b526017bd08e46 [file] [log] [blame]
# android_gdb_app: Pushes gdbserver, launches Viewer, and connects
# the debugging environment.
SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
source $SCRIPT_DIR/ "$@"
source $SCRIPT_DIR/utils/
APP_ARGS=( "Viewer" ${APP_ARGS[*]} )
# Forward local to remote socket connection.
$ADB $DEVICE_SERIAL forward "tcp:$PORT" "tcp:$PORT"
# We kill all previous instances of gdbserver to rid all port overriding errors.
if [ $(uname) == "Linux" ]; then
$ADB $DEVICE_SERIAL shell ps | grep gdbserver | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -r $ADB $DEVICE_SERIAL shell kill
elif [ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]; then
$ADB $DEVICE_SERIAL shell ps | grep gdbserver | awk '{print $2}' | xargs $ADB $DEVICE_SERIAL shell kill
echo "Could not automatically determine OS!"
exit 1;
# We need the debug symbols from these files
mkdir -p $GDB_TMP_DIR
echo "Pushing gdbserver..."
adb_push_if_needed $ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN/gdbserver /data/local/tmp
# Launch the app
echo "Launching the app..."
$ADB $DEVICE_SERIAL shell "am start -n ${activity} --es cmdLineFlags \"${APP_ARGS[*]:1}\""
# Wait for app process to initialize
sleep 2
# Attach gdbserver to the app process
PID=$($ADB shell ps | grep ${activityShort} | awk '{print $2}')
echo "Attaching to pid: $PID"
$ADB $DEVICE_SERIAL shell /data/local/tmp/gdbserver :$PORT --attach $PID &
# Wait for gdbserver
sleep 2
# Set up gdb commands
echo "target remote :$PORT" >> $GDBSETUP
# Launch gdb client
echo "Entering gdb client shell"
${ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN}/host_prebuilt/bin/gdb-orig -x $GDBSETUP
# Clean up:
# We could 'rm -rf $GDB_TMP_DIR', but doing so would cause subsequent debugging
# sessions to take longer than necessary. The tradeoff is to now force the user
# to remove the directory when they are done debugging.