blob: 17995cb24d3de0ff542b6337164bff1cd6ecab0c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2024 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/codec/SkJpegMetadataDecoderImpl.h"
#include "include/core/SkData.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTemplates.h"
#include "src/codec/SkCodecPriv.h"
#include "src/codec/SkJpegConstants.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "include/core/SkStream.h"
#include "include/private/SkExif.h"
#include "include/private/SkGainmapInfo.h"
#include "include/private/SkXmp.h"
#include "src/base/SkEndian.h"
#include "src/codec/SkJpegMultiPicture.h"
#include "src/codec/SkJpegSegmentScan.h"
#include "src/codec/SkJpegSourceMgr.h"
#include "src/codec/SkJpegXmp.h"
struct SkGainmapInfo;
std::unique_ptr<SkXmp> SkJpegMetadataDecoderImpl::getXmpMetadata() const {
std::vector<sk_sp<SkData>> decoderApp1Params;
for (const auto& marker : fMarkerList) {
if (marker.fMarker == kXMPMarker) {
return SkJpegMakeXmp(decoderApp1Params);
// Extract the SkJpegMultiPictureParameters from this image (if they exist). If |sourceMgr| and
// |outMpParamsSegment| are non-nullptr, then also return the SkJpegSegment that the parameters came
// from (and return nullptr if one cannot be found).
static std::unique_ptr<SkJpegMultiPictureParameters> find_mp_params(
const SkJpegMarkerList& markerList,
SkJpegSourceMgr* sourceMgr,
SkJpegSegment* outMpParamsSegment) {
std::unique_ptr<SkJpegMultiPictureParameters> mpParams;
size_t skippedSegmentCount = 0;
// Search though the libjpeg segments until we find a segment that parses as MP parameters. Keep
// track of how many segments with the MPF marker we skipped over to get there.
for (const auto& marker : markerList) {
if (marker.fMarker != kMpfMarker) {
mpParams = SkJpegMultiPictureParameters::Make(marker.fData);
if (mpParams) {
if (!mpParams) {
return nullptr;
// If |sourceMgr| is not specified, then do not try to find the SkJpegSegment.
if (!sourceMgr) {
return mpParams;
// Now, find the SkJpegSegmentScanner segment that corresponds to the libjpeg marker.
// TODO(ccameron): It may be preferable to make SkJpegSourceMgr save segments with certain
// markers to avoid this strangeness.
for (const auto& segment : sourceMgr->getAllSegments()) {
if (segment.marker != kMpfMarker) {
if (skippedSegmentCount == 0) {
*outMpParamsSegment = segment;
return mpParams;
return nullptr;
// Attempt to extract a gainmap image from a specified offset and size within the decoder's stream.
// Returns true only if the extracted gainmap image includes XMP metadata that specifies HDR gainmap
// rendering parameters.
static bool extract_gainmap(SkJpegSourceMgr* decoderSource,
size_t offset,
size_t size,
bool baseImageHasIsoVersion,
bool baseImageHasAdobeXmp,
std::optional<float> baseImageAppleHdrHeadroom,
SkGainmapInfo& outInfo,
sk_sp<SkData>& outData) {
// Extract the SkData for this image.
bool imageDataWasCopied = false;
auto imageData = decoderSource->getSubsetData(offset, size, &imageDataWasCopied);
if (!imageData) {
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to extract MP image.\n");
return false;
// Parse the potential gainmap image's metadata.
SkJpegMetadataDecoderImpl metadataDecoder(imageData);
// If this image identifies itself as a gainmap, then populate |info|.
bool didPopulateInfo = false;
SkGainmapInfo info;
// Check for ISO 21496-1 gain map metadata.
if (baseImageHasIsoVersion) {
didPopulateInfo = SkGainmapInfo::Parse(
metadataDecoder.getISOGainmapMetadata(/*copyData=*/false).get(), info);
if (didPopulateInfo && info.fGainmapMathColorSpace) {
auto iccData = metadataDecoder.getICCProfileData(/*copyData=*/false);
skcms_ICCProfile iccProfile;
if (iccData && skcms_Parse(iccData->data(), iccData->size(), &iccProfile)) {
auto iccProfileSpace = SkColorSpace::Make(iccProfile);
if (iccProfileSpace) {
info.fGainmapMathColorSpace = std::move(iccProfileSpace);
if (!didPopulateInfo) {
// The Adobe and Apple gain map metadata require XMP. Parse it now.
auto xmp = metadataDecoder.getXmpMetadata();
if (!xmp) {
return false;
// Check for Adobe gain map metadata only if the base image specified hdrgm:Version="1.0".
if (!didPopulateInfo && baseImageHasAdobeXmp) {
didPopulateInfo = xmp->getGainmapInfoAdobe(&info);
// Next try for Apple gain map metadata. This does not require anything specific from the
// base image.
if (!didPopulateInfo && baseImageAppleHdrHeadroom.has_value()) {
didPopulateInfo = xmp->getGainmapInfoApple(baseImageAppleHdrHeadroom.value(), &info);
// If none of the formats identified itself as a gainmap and populated |info| then fail.
if (!didPopulateInfo) {
return false;
// This image is a gainmap.
outInfo = info;
if (imageDataWasCopied) {
outData = imageData;
} else {
outData = SkData::MakeWithCopy(imageData->data(), imageData->size());
return true;
bool SkJpegMetadataDecoderImpl::findGainmapImage(SkJpegSourceMgr* sourceMgr,
sk_sp<SkData>& outData,
SkGainmapInfo& outInfo) const {
SkExif::Metadata baseExif;
SkExif::Parse(baseExif, getExifMetadata(/*copyData=*/false).get());
auto xmp = getXmpMetadata();
// Determine if a support ISO 21496-1 gain map version is present in the base image.
bool isoGainmapPresent =
// Determine if Adobe HDR gain map is indicated in the base image.
bool adobeGainmapPresent = xmp && xmp->getGainmapInfoAdobe(nullptr);
// Attempt to locate the gainmap from the container XMP.
size_t containerGainmapOffset = 0;
size_t containerGainmapSize = 0;
if (xmp && xmp->getContainerGainmapLocation(&containerGainmapOffset, &containerGainmapSize)) {
const auto& segments = sourceMgr->getAllSegments();
if (!segments.empty()) {
const auto& lastSegment = segments.back();
if (lastSegment.marker == kJpegMarkerEndOfImage) {
containerGainmapOffset += lastSegment.offset + kJpegMarkerCodeSize;
// Attempt to find MultiPicture parameters.
SkJpegSegment mpParamsSegment;
auto mpParams = find_mp_params(fMarkerList, sourceMgr, &mpParamsSegment);
// First, search through the Multi-Picture images.
if (mpParams) {
for (size_t mpImageIndex = 1; mpImageIndex < mpParams->images.size(); ++mpImageIndex) {
size_t mpImageOffset = SkJpegMultiPictureParameters::GetImageAbsoluteOffset(
mpParams->images[mpImageIndex].dataOffset, mpParamsSegment.offset);
size_t mpImageSize = mpParams->images[mpImageIndex].size;
if (extract_gainmap(sourceMgr,
outData)) {
// If the GContainer also suggested an offset and size, assert that we found the
// image that the GContainer suggested.
if (containerGainmapOffset) {
SkASSERT(containerGainmapOffset == mpImageOffset);
SkASSERT(containerGainmapSize == mpImageSize);
return true;
// Next, try the location suggested by the container XMP.
if (containerGainmapOffset) {
if (extract_gainmap(sourceMgr,
outData)) {
return true;
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to extract container-specified gainmap.\n");
return false;
* Return true if the specified SkJpegMarker has marker |targetMarker| and begins with the specified
* signature.
static bool marker_has_signature(const SkJpegMarker& marker,
const uint32_t targetMarker,
const uint8_t* signature,
size_t signatureSize) {
if (targetMarker != marker.fMarker) {
return false;
if (marker.fData->size() <= signatureSize) {
return false;
if (memcmp(marker.fData->bytes(), signature, signatureSize) != 0) {
return false;
return true;
* Return metadata with a specific marker and signature.
* Search for segments that start with the specified targetMarker, followed by the specified
* signature, followed by (optional) padding.
* Some types of metadata (e.g, ICC profiles) are too big to fit into a single segment's data (which
* is limited to 64k), and come in multiple parts. For this type of data, bytesInIndex is >0. After
* the signature comes bytesInIndex bytes (big endian) for the index of the segment's part, followed
* by bytesInIndex bytes (big endian) for the total number of parts. If all parts are present,
* stitch them together and return the combined result. Return failure if parts are absent, there
* are duplicate parts, or parts disagree on the total number of parts.
* Visually, each segment is:
* [|signatureSize| bytes containing |signature|]
* [|signaturePadding| bytes that are unexamined]
* [|bytesInIndex] bytes listing the segment index for multi-segment metadata]
* [|bytesInIndex] bytes listing the segment count for multi-segment metadata]
* [the returned data]
* If alwaysCopyData is true, then return a copy of the data. If alwaysCopyData is false, then
* return a direct reference to the data pointed to by dinfo, if possible.
static sk_sp<SkData> read_metadata(const SkJpegMarkerList& markerList,
const uint32_t targetMarker,
const uint8_t* signature,
size_t signatureSize,
size_t signaturePadding,
size_t bytesInIndex,
bool alwaysCopyData) {
// Compute the total size of the entire header (signature plus padding plus index plus count),
// since we'll use it often.
const size_t headerSize = signatureSize + signaturePadding + 2 * bytesInIndex;
// A map from part index to the data in each part.
std::vector<sk_sp<SkData>> parts;
// Running total of number of data in all parts.
size_t partsTotalSize = 0;
// Running total number of parts found.
uint32_t foundPartCount = 0;
// The expected number of parts (initialized at the first part we encounter).
uint32_t expectedPartCount = 0;
// Iterate through the image's segments.
for (const auto& marker : markerList) {
// Skip segments that don't have the right marker or signature.
if (!marker_has_signature(marker, targetMarker, signature, signatureSize)) {
// Skip segments that are too small to include the index and count.
const size_t dataLength = marker.fData->size();
if (dataLength <= headerSize) {
// Read this part's index and count as big-endian (if they are present, otherwise hard-code
// them to 1).
const uint8_t* data = marker.fData->bytes();
uint32_t partIndex = 0;
uint32_t partCount = 0;
if (bytesInIndex == 0) {
partIndex = 1;
partCount = 1;
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < bytesInIndex; ++i) {
const size_t offset = signatureSize + signaturePadding;
partIndex = (partIndex << 8) + data[offset + i];
partCount = (partCount << 8) + data[offset + bytesInIndex + i];
// A part count of 0 is invalid.
if (!partCount) {
SkCodecPrintf("Invalid marker part count zero\n");
return nullptr;
// The indices must in the range 1, ..., count.
if (partIndex <= 0 || partIndex > partCount) {
SkCodecPrintf("Invalid marker index %u for count %u\n", partIndex, partCount);
return nullptr;
// If this is the first marker we've encountered set the expected part count to its count.
if (expectedPartCount == 0) {
expectedPartCount = partCount;
// If this does not match the expected part count, then fail.
if (partCount != expectedPartCount) {
SkCodecPrintf("Conflicting marker counts %u vs %u\n", partCount, expectedPartCount);
return nullptr;
// Make an SkData directly referencing the decoder's data for this part.
auto partData = SkData::MakeWithoutCopy(data + headerSize, dataLength - headerSize);
// Fail if duplicates are found.
if (parts[partIndex - 1]) {
SkCodecPrintf("Duplicate parts for index %u of %u\n", partIndex, expectedPartCount);
return nullptr;
// Save part in the map.
partsTotalSize += partData->size();
parts[partIndex - 1] = std::move(partData);
foundPartCount += 1;
// Stop as soon as we find all of the parts.
if (foundPartCount == expectedPartCount) {
// Return nullptr if we don't find the data (this is not an error).
if (expectedPartCount == 0) {
return nullptr;
// Fail if we don't have all of the parts.
if (foundPartCount != expectedPartCount) {
SkCodecPrintf("Incomplete set of markers (expected %u got %u)\n",
return nullptr;
// Return a direct reference to the data if there is only one part and we're allowed to.
if (!alwaysCopyData && expectedPartCount == 1) {
return std::move(parts[0]);
// Copy all of the markers and stitch them together.
auto result = SkData::MakeUninitialized(partsTotalSize);
void* copyDest = result->writable_data();
for (const auto& part : parts) {
memcpy(copyDest, part->data(), part->size());
copyDest = SkTAddOffset<void>(copyDest, part->size());
return result;
SkJpegMetadataDecoderImpl::SkJpegMetadataDecoderImpl(SkJpegMarkerList markerList)
: fMarkerList(std::move(markerList)) {}
SkJpegMetadataDecoderImpl::SkJpegMetadataDecoderImpl(sk_sp<SkData> data) {
SkJpegSegmentScanner scan(kJpegMarkerStartOfScan);
scan.onBytes(data->data(), data->size());
if (scan.hadError() || !scan.isDone()) {
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to scan header of MP image.\n");
for (const auto& segment : scan.getSegments()) {
// Save the APP1 and APP2 parameters (which includes Exif, XMP, ICC, and MPF).
if (segment.marker != kJpegMarkerAPP0 + 1 && segment.marker != kJpegMarkerAPP0 + 2) {
auto parameters = SkJpegSegmentScanner::GetParameters(data.get(), segment);
if (!parameters) {
fMarkerList.emplace_back(segment.marker, std::move(parameters));
sk_sp<SkData> SkJpegMetadataDecoderImpl::getExifMetadata(bool copyData) const {
return read_metadata(fMarkerList,
sk_sp<SkData> SkJpegMetadataDecoderImpl::getICCProfileData(bool copyData) const {
return read_metadata(fMarkerList,
sk_sp<SkData> SkJpegMetadataDecoderImpl::getISOGainmapMetadata(bool copyData) const {
return read_metadata(fMarkerList,
bool SkJpegMetadataDecoderImpl::mightHaveGainmapImage() const {
// All supported gainmap formats require MPF. Reject images that do not have MPF.
return find_mp_params(fMarkerList, nullptr, nullptr) != nullptr;
return false;
bool SkJpegMetadataDecoderImpl::findGainmapImage(sk_sp<SkData> baseImageData,
sk_sp<SkData>& outGainmapImageData,
SkGainmapInfo& outGainmapInfo) {
auto baseImageStream = SkMemoryStream::Make(baseImageData);
auto sourceMgr = SkJpegSourceMgr::Make(baseImageStream.get());
return findGainmapImage(sourceMgr.get(), outGainmapImageData, outGainmapInfo);
return false;
std::unique_ptr<SkJpegMetadataDecoder> SkJpegMetadataDecoder::Make(std::vector<Segment> segments) {
return std::make_unique<SkJpegMetadataDecoderImpl>(std::move(segments));