blob: 5b141da5f0e9989f479a34d4c240b3f1e9f5edef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package gen_tasks_logic
import (
// keyParams generates the key used by DM for Gold results.
func keyParams(parts map[string]string) []string {
// Don't bother to include role, which is always Test.
ignored := []string{"role", "test_filter"}
keys := make([]string, 0, len(parts))
for key := range parts {
found := false
for _, b := range ignored {
if key == b {
found = true
if !found {
keys = append(keys, key)
rv := make([]string, 0, 2*len(keys))
for _, key := range keys {
rv = append(rv, key, parts[key])
return rv
// dmFlags generates flags to DM based on the given task properties.
func (b *taskBuilder) dmFlags(internalHardwareLabel string) {
properties := map[string]string{
"builder": b.Name,
"buildbucket_build_id": specs.PLACEHOLDER_BUILDBUCKET_BUILD_ID,
"task_id": specs.PLACEHOLDER_TASK_ID,
"issue": specs.PLACEHOLDER_ISSUE,
"patchset": specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCHSET,
"patch_storage": specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCH_STORAGE,
"swarming_bot_id": "${SWARMING_BOT_ID}",
"swarming_task_id": "${SWARMING_TASK_ID}",
args := []string{
configs := []string{}
skipped := []string{}
hasConfig := func(cfg string) bool {
for _, c := range configs {
if c == cfg {
return true
return false
filter := func(slice []string, elems ...string) []string {
m := make(map[string]bool, len(elems))
for _, e := range elems {
m[e] = true
rv := make([]string, 0, len(slice))
for _, e := range slice {
if m[e] {
rv = append(rv, e)
return rv
remove := func(slice []string, elem string) []string {
rv := make([]string, 0, len(slice))
for _, e := range slice {
if e != elem {
rv = append(rv, e)
return rv
removeContains := func(slice []string, elem string) []string {
rv := make([]string, 0, len(slice))
for _, e := range slice {
if !strings.Contains(e, elem) {
rv = append(rv, e)
return rv
suffix := func(slice []string, sfx string) []string {
rv := make([]string, 0, len(slice))
for _, e := range slice {
rv = append(rv, e+sfx)
return rv
// When matching skip logic, _ is a wildcard that matches all parts for the field.
// For example, "8888 _ _ _" means everything that is part of an 8888 config and
// "_ skp _ SomeBigDraw" means the skp named SomeBigDraw on all config and options.
const ALL = "_"
// The inputs here are turned into a --skip flag which represents a
// "Space-separated config/src/srcOptions/name quadruples to skip."
// See DM.cpp for more, especially should_skip(). ~ negates the match.
skip := func(config, src, srcOptions, name string) {
// config is also called "sink" in DM
if config == "_" ||
hasConfig(config) ||
(config[0] == '~' && hasConfig(config[1:])) {
skipped = append(skipped, config, src, srcOptions, name)
// Keys.
keys := keyParams(
if b.extraConfig("Lottie") {
keys = append(keys, "renderer", "skottie")
if b.matchExtraConfig("DDL") {
// 'DDL' style means "--skpViewportSize 2048"
keys = append(keys, "style", "DDL")
} else {
keys = append(keys, "style", "default")
args = append(args, "--key")
args = append(args, keys...)
// This enables non-deterministic random seeding of the GPU FP optimization
// test.
// Not Android due to:
// -
// -
// Not MSAN due to:
// -
if !b.matchOs("Android") && !b.extraConfig("MSAN") {
args = append(args, "--randomProcessorTest")
threadLimit := -1
// 32-bit desktop machines tend to run out of memory, because they have relatively
// far more cores than RAM (e.g. 32 cores, 3G RAM). Hold them back a bit.
if b.arch("x86") {
threadLimit = 4
// These devices run out of memory easily.
if b.model("MotoG4", "Nexus7") {
threadLimit = MAIN_THREAD_ONLY
// Avoid issues with dynamically exceeding resource cache limits.
if b.matchExtraConfig("DISCARDABLE") {
threadLimit = MAIN_THREAD_ONLY
if threadLimit >= 0 {
args = append(args, "--threads", strconv.Itoa(threadLimit))
sampleCount := 0
glPrefix := ""
if b.extraConfig("FakeWGPU") {
configs = append(configs, "grdawn_fakeWGPU")
} else if b.extraConfig("SwiftShader") {
configs = append(configs, "vk", "vkdmsaa")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "GrThreadSafeCache16Verts")
// b/296440036
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageAsyncReadPixels")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "image_subset")
} else if b.cpu() {
args = append(args, "--nogpu")
configs = append(configs, "8888")
if b.extraConfig("BonusConfigs") {
configs = []string{
"r8", "565",
"pic-8888", "serialize-8888"}
if b.extraConfig("PDF") {
configs = []string{"pdf"}
args = append(args, "--rasterize_pdf") // Works only on Mac.
// Take ~forever to rasterize:
skip("pdf", "gm", ALL, "lattice2")
skip("pdf", "gm", ALL, "hairmodes")
skip("pdf", "gm", ALL, "longpathdash")
if b.extraConfig("OldestSupportedSkpVersion") {
// For triaging convenience, make the old-skp job's output match the size of the DDL jobs' output
args = append(args, "--skpViewportSize", "2048")
} else if b.gpu() {
args = append(args, "--nocpu")
// Add in either gles or gl configs to the canonical set based on OS
glPrefix = "gl"
// Use 4x MSAA for all our testing. It's more consistent and 8x MSAA is nondeterministic (by
// design) on NVIDIA hardware. The problem is especially bad on ANGLE. skia:6813 skia:6545
sampleCount = 4
if b.matchOs("Android") || b.os("iOS") {
glPrefix = "gles"
// MSAA is disabled on Pixel3a (
// MSAA is disabled on Pixel5 (
if b.model("Pixel3a", "Pixel5") {
sampleCount = 0
} else if b.matchGpu("Intel") {
// MSAA doesn't work well on Intel GPUs chromium:527565, chromium:983926
if b.gpu("IntelIrisXe") && b.matchOs("Win") && b.extraConfig("ANGLE") {
// Make an exception for newer GPUs + D3D
args = append(args, "--allowMSAAOnNewIntel", "true")
} else {
sampleCount = 0
} else if b.os("ChromeOS") {
glPrefix = "gles"
if b.extraConfig("NativeFonts") {
configs = append(configs, glPrefix)
} else {
configs = append(configs, glPrefix, glPrefix+"dft")
if sampleCount > 0 {
configs = append(configs, fmt.Sprintf("%smsaa%d", glPrefix, sampleCount))
// Temporarily limit the machines we test dynamic MSAA on.
if b.gpu("QuadroP400", "MaliG77") || b.matchOs("Mac") {
configs = append(configs, fmt.Sprintf("%sdmsaa", glPrefix))
if b.extraConfig("Protected") {
args = append(args, "--createProtected")
// The Protected jobs (for now) only run the unit tests
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, ALL)
skip(ALL, "image", ALL, ALL)
skip(ALL, "lottie", ALL, ALL)
skip(ALL, "colorImage", ALL, ALL)
skip(ALL, "svg", ALL, ALL)
skip(ALL, "skp", ALL, ALL)
// These unit tests attempt to readback
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ApplyGamma")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "BigImageTest_Ganesh")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "BigImageTest_Graphite")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "BlendRequiringDstReadWithLargeCoordinates")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "BlurMaskBiggerThanDest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ClearOp")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ColorTypeBackendAllocationTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ComposedImageFilterBounds_Gpu")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "CopySurface")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "crbug_1271431")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "DashPathEffectTest_2PiInterval")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "DeviceTestVertexTransparency")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "DDLMultipleDDLs")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "DefaultPathRendererTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "DMSAA_aa_dst_read_after_dmsaa")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "DMSAA_dst_read")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "DMSAA_dst_read_with_existing_barrier")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "DMSAA_dual_source_blend_disable")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "DMSAA_preserve_contents")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ExtendedSkColorTypeTests_gpu")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "FilterResult_ganesh") // knocks out a bunch
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "FullScreenClearWithLayers")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "GrAHardwareBuffer_BasicDrawTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "GrGpuBufferTransferTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "GrGpuBufferUpdateDataTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "GrMeshTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "GrPipelineDynamicStateTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "GrTextBlobScaleAnimation")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "HalfFloatAlphaTextureTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "HalfFloatRGBATextureTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageAsyncReadPixelsGraphite")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageEncode_Gpu")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageFilterFailAffectsTransparentBlack_Gpu")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageFilterNegativeBlurSigma_Gpu")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageFilterZeroBlurSigma_Gpu")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageLegacyBitmap_Gpu")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageNewShader_GPU")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageOriginTest_drawImage_Graphite")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageOriginTest_imageShader_Graphite")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageProviderTest_Graphite_Default")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageProviderTest_Graphite_Testing")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageReadPixels_Gpu")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageScalePixels_Gpu")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageShaderTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageWrapTextureMipmapsTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "MatrixColorFilter_TransparentBlack")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "MorphologyFilterRadiusWithMirrorCTM_Gpu")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "MultisampleRetainTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "MutableImagesTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "OpsTaskFlushCount")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "OverdrawSurface_Gpu")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "PinnedImageTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "RecordingOrderTest_Graphite")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "RecordingSurfacesTestClear")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "RecordingSurfacesTestWritePixels")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "RecordingSurfacesTestWritePixelsOffscreen")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ReplaceSurfaceBackendTexture")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ResourceCacheCache")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SaveLayerOrigin")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ShaderTestNestedBlendsGanesh")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ShaderTestNestedBlendsGraphite")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "skbug6653")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SkImage_makeNonTextureImage")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SkipCopyTaskTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SkipOpsTaskTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SkRuntimeBlender_GPU")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SkRuntimeEffect") // knocks out a bunch
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SkRuntimeShaderImageFilter_GPU")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SkSLCross")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SkSL") // knocks out a bunch
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SpecialImage_Gpu")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SRGBReadWritePixels")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SurfaceAsyncReadPixels")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SurfaceContextReadPixels")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SurfaceContextWritePixelsMipped")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SurfaceDrawContextTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SurfaceSemaphores")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "TestSweepGradientZeroXGanesh")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "TiledDrawCacheTest_Ganesh")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "TiledDrawCacheTest_Graphite")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "UnpremulTextureImage")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "VkBackendAllocationTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "VkDrawableTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "VkDrawableImportTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "VkYCbcrSampler_DrawImageWithYcbcrSampler")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "WritePixels_Gpu")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "WritePixels_Graphite")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "WritePixelsMSAA_Gpu")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "WritePixelsPendingIO")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "XfermodeImageFilterCroppedInput_Gpu")
// These unit tests require some debugging (
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "GrTextBlobMoveAround") // a lot of AllocImageMemory failures
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "Programs") // Perlin Noise FP violating protected constraints
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "Protected_SmokeTest") // Ganesh/Vulkan disallow creating Unprotected Image
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ReadOnlyTexture") // crashes device!
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "RepeatedClippedBlurTest") // blurs not creating expected # of resources
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "CharacterizationVkSCBnessTest") // DDL Validation failure for Vk SCBs
// These unit tests are very slow and probably don't benefit from Protected testing
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "PaintParamsKeyTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ProcessorCloneTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ProcessorOptimizationValidationTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "TextBlobAbnormal")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "TextBlobStressAbnormal")
// The Tegra3 doesn't support MSAA
if b.gpu("Tegra3") ||
// We aren't interested in fixing msaa bugs on current iOS devices.
b.model("iPad4", "iPadPro", "iPhone7") ||
// skia:5792
b.gpu("IntelHD530", "IntelIris540") {
configs = removeContains(configs, "msaa")
// We want to test both the OpenGL config and the GLES config on Linux Intel:
// GL is used by Chrome, GLES is used by ChromeOS.
if b.matchGpu("Intel") && b.isLinux() {
configs = append(configs, "gles", "glesdft")
// The FailFlushTimeCallbacks tasks only run the 'gl' config
if b.extraConfig("FailFlushTimeCallbacks") {
configs = []string{"gl"}
// Graphite task *only* runs the gr*** configs
if b.extraConfig("Graphite") {
args = append(args, "--nogpu") // disable non-Graphite tests
if b.extraConfig("Dawn") {
if b.extraConfig("D3D11") {
configs = []string{"grdawn_d3d11"}
if b.extraConfig("D3D12") {
configs = []string{"grdawn_d3d12"}
if b.extraConfig("Metal") {
configs = []string{"grdawn_mtl"}
if b.extraConfig("Vulkan") {
configs = []string{"grdawn_vk"}
if b.extraConfig("GL") {
configs = []string{"grdawn_gl"}
if b.extraConfig("GLES") {
configs = []string{"grdawn_gles"}
// Shader doesn't compile
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "runtime_intrinsics_matrix")
// Crashes and failures
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "BackendTextureTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "GraphitePurgeNotUsedSinceResourcesTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "PaintParamsKeyTest")
if b.matchOs("Win10") || b.matchGpu("MaliG78", "Adreno620", "QuadroP400") {
// The Dawn Win10 and some Android/Linux device jobs OOMs (, b/318725123)
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "BigImageTest_Graphite")
if b.matchGpu("Adreno620") {
// The Dawn Pixel5 device job fails one compute test (b/318725123)
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "Compute_AtomicOperationsOverArrayAndStructTest")
} else if b.extraConfig("Native") {
if b.extraConfig("Metal") {
configs = []string{"grmtl"}
if b.gpu("IntelIrisPlus") {
// We get some 27/255 RGB diffs on the 45 degree
// rotation case on this device (
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "BigImageTest_Graphite")
if b.extraConfig("Vulkan") {
configs = []string{"grvk"}
// Couldn't readback
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "aaxfermodes")
// Could not instantiate texture proxy for UploadTask!
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "BigImageTest_Graphite")
// Test failures
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "DeviceTestVertexTransparency")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "GraphitePromiseImageMultipleImgUses")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "GraphitePromiseImageRecorderLoss")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "GraphitePurgeNotUsedSinceResourcesTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "GraphiteTextureProxyTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "GraphiteYUVAPromiseImageMultipleImgUses")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "GraphiteYUVAPromiseImageRecorderLoss")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageOriginTest_drawImage_Graphite")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageOriginTest_imageShader_Graphite")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageProviderTest_Graphite_Testing")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageProviderTest_Graphite_Default")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "MakeColorSpace_Test")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageProviderTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageShaderTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "MutableImagesTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "MultisampleRetainTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "NonVolatileGraphitePromiseImageTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "NonVolatileGraphiteYUVAPromiseImageTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "PaintParamsKeyTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "RecordingOrderTest_Graphite")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "RecordingSurfacesTestClear")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ShaderTestNestedBlendsGraphite")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SkRuntimeEffectSimple_Graphite")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "VolatileGraphiteYUVAPromiseImageTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "VolatileGraphitePromiseImageTest")
if b.matchOs("Android") {
// Currently broken on Android Vulkan (
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ImageAsyncReadPixelsGraphite")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SurfaceAsyncReadPixelsGraphite")
// ANGLE bot *only* runs the angle configs
if b.extraConfig("ANGLE") {
if b.matchOs("Win") {
configs = []string{"angle_d3d11_es2", "angle_d3d11_es3"}
if sampleCount > 0 {
configs = append(configs, fmt.Sprintf("angle_d3d11_es2_msaa%d", sampleCount))
configs = append(configs, fmt.Sprintf("angle_d3d11_es2_dmsaa"))
configs = append(configs, fmt.Sprintf("angle_d3d11_es3_msaa%d", sampleCount))
configs = append(configs, fmt.Sprintf("angle_d3d11_es3_dmsaa"))
if !b.matchGpu("GTX", "Quadro", "GT610") {
// See skia:10149
configs = append(configs, "angle_d3d9_es2")
if b.model("NUC5i7RYH") {
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ProcessorCloneTest")
if b.matchGpu("Intel") {
// Debug-ANGLE-All on Intel frequently timeout, and the FilterResult test suite
// produces many test cases, that are multiplied by the number of configs (of
// which ANGLE has many variations). There is not a lot of value gained by
// running these if they are the source of long 'dm' time on Xe hardware given
// many other tasks are executing them.
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "FilterResult")
} else if b.matchOs("Mac") {
configs = []string{"angle_mtl_es2", "angle_mtl_es3"}
skip("angle_mtl_es3", "gm", ALL, "runtime_intrinsics_common_es3")
if b.gpu("AppleM1") {
// M1 Macs fail this test for sRGB color types
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "TransferPixelsToTextureTest")
if b.model("AndroidOne", "Nexus5", "Nexus7", "JioNext") {
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ProcessorCloneTest")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "Programs")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ProcessorOptimizationValidationTest")
if b.model("GalaxyS20") {
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ProcessorCloneTest")
if b.model("Spin513") {
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "Programs")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "TestMockContext")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "TestGpuRenderingContexts")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "TestGpuAllContexts")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "TextBlobCache")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "OverdrawSurface_Gpu")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "ReplaceSurfaceBackendTexture")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SurfaceAttachStencil_Gpu")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SurfacePartialDraw_Gpu")
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SurfaceWrappedWithRelease_Gpu")
// - these devices render this test incorrectly
// when opList splitting reduction is enabled
if b.gpu() && b.extraConfig("Vulkan") && (b.gpu("RadeonR9M470X", "RadeonHD7770")) {
skip(ALL, "tests", ALL, "VkDrawableImportTest")
if b.extraConfig("Vulkan") && !b.extraConfig("Graphite") {
configs = []string{"vk"}
// MSAA doesn't work well on Intel GPUs chromium:527565, chromium:983926, skia:9023
if !b.matchGpu("Intel") {
configs = append(configs, "vkmsaa4")
// Temporarily limit the machines we test dynamic MSAA on.
if b.gpu("QuadroP400", "MaliG77") && !b.extraConfig("TSAN") {
configs = append(configs, "vkdmsaa")
if b.extraConfig("Metal") && !b.extraConfig("Graphite") {
configs = []string{"mtl"}
// MSAA doesn't work well on Intel GPUs chromium:527565, chromium:983926
if !b.matchGpu("Intel") {
configs = append(configs, "mtlmsaa4")
if b.extraConfig("Slug") {
// Test slug drawing
configs = []string{"glslug", "glserializeslug", "glremoteslug"}
// glremoteslug does not handle layers right. Exclude the tests for now.
skip("glremoteslug", "gm", ALL, "rtif_distort")
skip("glremoteslug", "gm", ALL, "textfilter_image")
skip("glremoteslug", "gm", ALL, "textfilter_color")
skip("glremoteslug", "gm", ALL, "savelayerpreservelcdtext")
skip("glremoteslug", "gm", ALL, "typefacerendering_pfa")
skip("glremoteslug", "gm", ALL, "typefacerendering_pfb")
skip("glremoteslug", "gm", ALL, "typefacerendering")
if b.extraConfig("Direct3D") {
configs = []string{"d3d"}
// Test 1010102 on our Linux/NVIDIA tasks and the persistent cache config
// on the GL tasks.
if b.gpu("QuadroP400") && !b.extraConfig("PreAbandonGpuContext") && !b.extraConfig("TSAN") && b.isLinux() &&
!b.extraConfig("FailFlushTimeCallbacks") && !b.extraConfig("Graphite") {
if b.extraConfig("Vulkan") {
configs = append(configs, "vk1010102")
// Decoding transparent images to 1010102 just looks bad
skip("vk1010102", "image", ALL, ALL)
} else {
configs = append(configs, "gl1010102", "gltestpersistentcache", "gltestglslcache", "gltestprecompile")
// Decoding transparent images to 1010102 just looks bad
skip("gl1010102", "image", ALL, ALL)
// These tests produce slightly different pixels run to run on NV.
skip("gltestpersistentcache", "gm", ALL, "atlastext")
skip("gltestpersistentcache", "gm", ALL, "dftext")
skip("gltestpersistentcache", "gm", ALL, "glyph_pos_h_b")
skip("gltestpersistentcache", "gm", ALL, "glyph_pos_h_f")
skip("gltestpersistentcache", "gm", ALL, "glyph_pos_n_f")
skip("gltestglslcache", "gm", ALL, "atlastext")
skip("gltestglslcache", "gm", ALL, "dftext")
skip("gltestglslcache", "gm", ALL, "glyph_pos_h_b")
skip("gltestglslcache", "gm", ALL, "glyph_pos_h_f")
skip("gltestglslcache", "gm", ALL, "glyph_pos_n_f")
skip("gltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "atlastext")
skip("gltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "dftext")
skip("gltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "glyph_pos_h_b")
skip("gltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "glyph_pos_h_f")
skip("gltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "glyph_pos_n_f")
// Tessellation shaders do not yet participate in the persistent cache.
skip("gltestpersistentcache", "gm", ALL, "tessellation")
skip("gltestglslcache", "gm", ALL, "tessellation")
skip("gltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "tessellation")
// We also test the SkSL precompile config on Pixel2XL as a representative
// Android device - this feature is primarily used by Flutter.
if b.model("Pixel2XL") && !b.extraConfig("Vulkan") {
configs = append(configs, "glestestprecompile")
// Test SkSL precompile on iPhone 8 as representative iOS device
if b.model("iPhone8") && b.extraConfig("Metal") {
configs = append(configs, "mtltestprecompile")
// avoid tests that can generate slightly different pixels per run
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "atlastext")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "circular_arcs_hairline")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "dashcircle")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "dftext")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "encode-platform")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "fontmgr_bounds")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "fontmgr_bounds_1_-0.25")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "glyph_pos_h_b")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "glyph_pos_h_f")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "glyph_pos_n_f")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "persp_images")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "ovals")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "roundrects")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "shadow_utils_occl")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "strokedlines")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "strokerect")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "strokes3")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "texel_subset_linear_mipmap_nearest_down")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "texel_subset_linear_mipmap_linear_down")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "textblobmixedsizes_df")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "gm", ALL, "yuv420_odd_dim_repeat")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "svg", ALL, "A_large_blank_world_map_with_oceans_marked_in_blue.svg")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "svg", ALL, "Chalkboard.svg")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "svg", ALL, "Ghostscript_Tiger.svg")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "svg", ALL, "Seal_of_American_Samoa.svg")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "svg", ALL, "Seal_of_Illinois.svg")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "svg", ALL, "cartman.svg")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "svg", ALL, "desk_motionmark_paths.svg")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "svg", ALL, "rg1024_green_grapes.svg")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "svg", ALL, "shapes-intro-02-f.svg")
skip("mtltestprecompile", "svg", ALL, "tiger-8.svg")
// Test reduced shader mode on iPhone 11 as representative iOS device
if b.model("iPhone11") && b.extraConfig("Metal") && !b.extraConfig("Graphite") {
configs = append(configs, "mtlreducedshaders")
args = append(args, "--dontReduceOpsTaskSplitting", "true")
// Test reduceOpsTaskSplitting fallback when over budget.
if b.model("NUC7i5BNK") && b.extraConfig("ASAN") {
args = append(args, "--gpuResourceCacheLimit", "16777216")
// Test rendering to wrapped dsts on a few tasks
if b.extraConfig("BonusConfigs") {
configs = []string{"glbetex", "glbert", "glreducedshaders", "glr8"}
if b.os("ChromeOS") {
// Just run GLES for now - maybe add gles_msaa4 in the future
configs = []string{"gles"}
// Test GPU tessellation path renderer.
if b.extraConfig("GpuTess") {
configs = []string{glPrefix + "msaa4"}
// Use fixed count tessellation path renderers as much as possible.
args = append(args, "--pr", "atlas", "tess")
// DDL is a GPU-only feature
if b.extraConfig("DDL1") {
// This bot generates comparison images for the large skps and the gms
configs = filter(configs, "gl", "vk", "mtl")
args = append(args, "--skpViewportSize", "2048")
if b.extraConfig("DDL3") {
// This bot generates the real ddl images for the large skps and the gms
configs = suffix(filter(configs, "gl", "vk", "mtl"), "ddl")
args = append(args, "--skpViewportSize", "2048")
args = append(args, "--gpuThreads", "0")
if b.matchExtraConfig("ColorSpaces") {
// Here we're going to generate a bunch of configs with the format:
// <colorspace> <backend> <targetFormat>
// Where: <colorspace> is one of: "", "linear-", "narrow-", p3-", "rec2020-", "srgb2-"
// <backend> is one of: "gl, "gles", "mtl", "vk"
// their "gr" prefixed versions
// and "" (for raster)
// <targetFormat> is one of: "f16", { "" (for gpus) or "rgba" (for raster) }
// We also add on two configs with the format:
// narrow-<backend>f16norm
// linear-<backend>srgba
colorSpaces := []string{"", "linear-", "narrow-", "p3-", "rec2020-", "srgb2-"}
backendStr := ""
if b.gpu() {
if b.extraConfig("Graphite") {
if b.extraConfig("GL") {
backendStr = "grgl"
} else if b.extraConfig("GLES") {
backendStr = "grgles"
} else if b.extraConfig("Metal") {
backendStr = "grmtl"
} else if b.extraConfig("Vulkan") {
backendStr = "grvk"
} else {
if b.extraConfig("GL") {
backendStr = "gl"
} else if b.extraConfig("GLES") {
backendStr = "gles"
} else if b.extraConfig("Metal") {
backendStr = "mtl"
} else if b.extraConfig("Vulkan") {
backendStr = "vk"
targetFormats := []string{"f16"}
if b.gpu() {
targetFormats = append(targetFormats, "")
} else {
targetFormats = append(targetFormats, "rgba")
configs = []string{}
for _, cs := range colorSpaces {
for _, tf := range targetFormats {
configs = append(configs, cs+backendStr+tf)
configs = append(configs, "narrow-"+backendStr+"f16norm")
configs = append(configs, "linear-"+backendStr+"srgba")
// Sharding.
tf :=["test_filter"]
if tf != "" && tf != "All" {
// Expected format: shard_XX_YY
split := strings.Split(tf, ALL)
if len(split) == 3 {
args = append(args, "--shard", split[1])
args = append(args, "--shards", split[2])
} else {
glog.Fatalf("Invalid task name - bad shards: %s", tf)
args = append(args, "--config")
args = append(args, configs...)
removeFromArgs := func(arg string) {
args = remove(args, arg)
// Run tests, gms, and image decoding tests everywhere.
args = append(args, "--src", "tests", "gm", "image", "lottie", "colorImage", "svg", "skp")
if b.gpu() {
// Don't run the "svgparse_*" svgs on GPU.
skip(ALL, "svg", ALL, "svgparse_")
} else if b.Name == "Test-Debian10-Clang-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All-ASAN" {
// Only run the CPU SVGs on 8888.
skip("~8888", "svg", ALL, ALL)
} else {
// On CPU SVGs we only care about parsing. Only run them on the above bot.
// Eventually I'd like these to pass, but for now just skip 'em.
if b.model("Spin513") {
if b.extraConfig("NativeFonts") { // images won't exercise native font integration :)
if b.matchExtraConfig("Graphite") {
if b.matchExtraConfig("Fontations") {
// The only fontations code is exercised via gms and tests
// Remove skps for all tasks except for a select few. On tasks that will run SKPs remove some of
// their other tests.
if b.matchExtraConfig("DDL", "PDF") {
// The DDL and PDF tasks just render the large skps and the gms
} else if b.matchExtraConfig("OldestSupportedSkpVersion") {
// The OldestSupportedSkpVersion bot only renders skps.
} else if b.matchExtraConfig("FailFlushTimeCallbacks") {
// The FailFlushTimeCallbacks bot only runs skps, gms and svgs
} else if b.extraConfig("Protected") {
// Currently the Protected jobs only run the unit tests
} else {
// No other tasks render the .skps.
if b.extraConfig("Lottie") {
// Only run the lotties on Lottie tasks.
} else {
if b.extraConfig("TSAN") {
// avoid OOM on
// Test-Ubuntu18-Clang-Golo-GPU-QuadroP400-x86_64-Release-All-TSAN_Vulkan
// Avoid lots of spurious TSAN failures on
// Test-Debian11-Clang-NUC11TZi5-GPU-IntelIrisXe-x86_64-Release-All-TSAN_Vulkan
// Test-Debian11-Clang-NUC11TZi5-GPU-IntelIrisXe-x86_64-Release-All-DDL3_TSAN_Vulkan
if b.Name == "Test-Ubuntu18-Clang-Golo-GPU-QuadroP400-x86_64-Release-All-TSAN_Vulkan" ||
b.Name == "Test-Debian11-Clang-NUC11TZi5-GPU-IntelIrisXe-x86_64-Release-All-TSAN_Vulkan" ||
b.Name == "Test-Debian11-Clang-NUC11TZi5-GPU-IntelIrisXe-x86_64-Release-All-DDL3_TSAN_Vulkan" {
skip("_", "test", "_", "_")
// TODO: ???
skip("f16", ALL, ALL, "dstreadshuffle")
// --src image --config r8 means "decode into R8", which isn't supported.
skip("r8", "image", ALL, ALL)
skip("r8", "colorImage", ALL, ALL)
if b.extraConfig("Valgrind") {
// These take 18+ hours to run.
skip("pdf", "gm", ALL, "fontmgr_iter")
skip("pdf", ALL, ALL, "PANO_20121023_214540.jpg")
skip("pdf", "skp", ALL, "worldjournal")
skip("pdf", "skp", ALL, "desk_baidu.skp")
skip("pdf", "skp", ALL, "desk_wikipedia.skp")
skip(ALL, "svg", ALL, ALL)
// and 8847
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "InitialTextureClear")
if b.model("TecnoSpark3Pro", "Wembley") {
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "InitialTextureClear")
if b.model("Wembley", "JioNext") {
// These tests run forever on the Wembley.
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "async_rescale_and_read")
if b.os("iOS") {
skip(glPrefix, "skp", ALL, ALL)
if b.matchOs("Mac", "iOS") {
// CG fails on questionable bmps
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "rgba32abf.bmp")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "rgb24prof.bmp")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "rgb24lprof.bmp")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "8bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "4bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "32bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "24bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp")
// CG has unpredictable behavior on this questionable gif
// It's probably using uninitialized memory
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "frame_larger_than_image.gif")
// CG has unpredictable behavior on incomplete pngs
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "inc0.png")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "inc1.png")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "inc2.png")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "inc3.png")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "inc4.png")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "inc5.png")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "inc6.png")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "inc7.png")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "inc8.png")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "inc9.png")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "inc10.png")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "inc11.png")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "inc12.png")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "inc13.png")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "inc14.png")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "incInterlaced.png")
// These images fail after Mac 10.13.1 upgrade.
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "incInterlaced.gif")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "inc1.gif")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "inc0.gif")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "butterfly.gif")
// WIC fails on questionable bmps
if b.matchOs("Win") {
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "pal8os2v2.bmp")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "pal8os2v2-16.bmp")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "rgba32abf.bmp")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "rgb24prof.bmp")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "rgb24lprof.bmp")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "8bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "4bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "32bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "24bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp")
if b.arch("x86_64") && b.cpu() {
// This GM triggers a SkSmallAllocator assert.
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "composeshader_bitmap")
if !b.matchOs("Win", "Debian11", "Ubuntu18") || b.gpu("IntelIris655", "IntelIris540") {
// This test requires a decent max texture size so just run it on the desktops.
// The OS list should include Mac but Mac10.13 doesn't work correctly.
// The IntelIris655 and IntelIris540 GPUs don't work correctly in the Vk backend
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "BigImageTest_Ganesh")
if b.matchOs("Win", "Mac") {
// WIC and CG fail on arithmetic jpegs
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "testimgari.jpg")
// More questionable bmps that fail on Mac, too.
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "rle8-height-negative.bmp")
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "rle4-height-negative.bmp")
// These PNGs have CRC errors. The platform generators seem to draw
// uninitialized memory without reporting an error, so skip them to
// avoid lots of images on Gold.
skip(ALL, "image", "gen_platf", "error")
if b.matchOs("Android") || b.os("iOS") {
// This test crashes the N9 (perhaps because of large malloc/frees). It also
// is fairly slow and not platform-specific. So we just disable it on all of
// Android and iOS. skia:5438
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "GrStyledShape")
if internalHardwareLabel == "5" {
// http://b/118312149#comment9
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SRGBReadWritePixels")
// skia:4095
badSerializeGMs := []string{
"strict_constraint_batch_no_red_allowed", //
"strict_constraint_no_red_allowed", //
"fast_constraint_red_is_allowed", //
// skia:5589
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs,
// skia:5595
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs,
// skia:5778
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs, "typefacerendering_pfaMac")
// skia:5942
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs, "parsedpaths")
// these use a custom image generator which doesn't serialize
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs, "ImageGeneratorExternal_rect")
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs, "ImageGeneratorExternal_shader")
// skia:6189
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs, "shadow_utils")
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs, "graphitestart")
// skia:7938
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs, "persp_images")
// Not expected to round trip encoding/decoding.
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs, "all_bitmap_configs")
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs, "makecolorspace")
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs, "readpixels")
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs, "draw_image_set_rect_to_rect")
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs, "draw_image_set_alpha_only")
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs, "compositor_quads_shader")
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs, "wacky_yuv_formats_qtr")
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs, "runtime_effect_image")
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs, "ctmpatheffect")
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs, "image_out_of_gamut")
// This GM forces a path to be convex. That property doesn't survive
// serialization.
badSerializeGMs = append(badSerializeGMs, "analytic_antialias_convex")
for _, test := range badSerializeGMs {
skip("serialize-8888", "gm", ALL, test)
// We skip these to avoid out-of-memory failures.
if b.matchOs("Win", "Android") {
for _, test := range []string{"verylargebitmap", "verylarge_picture_image"} {
skip("serialize-8888", "gm", ALL, test)
if b.matchOs("Mac") && b.cpu() {
// skia:6992
skip("pic-8888", "gm", ALL, "encode-platform")
skip("serialize-8888", "gm", ALL, "encode-platform")
// skia:14411 -- images are visibly identical, not interested in diagnosing non-determinism here
skip("pic-8888", "gm", ALL, "perlinnoise_layered")
skip("serialize-8888", "gm", ALL, "perlinnoise_layered")
if b.gpu("IntelIrisXe") && !b.extraConfig("Vulkan") {
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "perlinnoise_layered") // skia:14411
if b.gpu("IntelIrisXe") && b.matchOs("Win") && b.extraConfig("Vulkan") {
skip(ALL, "tests", ALL, "VkYCbcrSampler_DrawImageWithYcbcrSampler") // skia:14628
// skia:4769
skip("pic-8888", "gm", ALL, "drawfilter")
// skia:4703
for _, test := range []string{"image-cacherator-from-picture",
"image-cacherator-from-ctable"} {
skip("pic-8888", "gm", ALL, test)
skip("serialize-8888", "gm", ALL, test)
// GM that requires raster-backed canvas
for _, test := range []string{"complexclip4_bw", "complexclip4_aa", "p3",
"async_rescale_and_read_alpha_type"} {
skip("pic-8888", "gm", ALL, test)
skip("serialize-8888", "gm", ALL, test)
// GM requires canvas->makeSurface() to return a valid surface.
// TODO(borenet): These should be just outside of this block but are
// left here to match the recipe which has an indentation bug.
skip("pic-8888", "gm", ALL, "blurrect_compare")
skip("serialize-8888", "gm", ALL, "blurrect_compare")
// Extensions for RAW images
r := []string{
"arw", "cr2", "dng", "nef", "nrw", "orf", "raf", "rw2", "pef", "srw",
"ARW", "CR2", "DNG", "NEF", "NRW", "ORF", "RAF", "RW2", "PEF", "SRW",
// Skip RAW images (and a few large PNGs) on GPU tasks
// until we can resolve failures.
if b.gpu() {
skip(ALL, "image", ALL, "interlaced1.png")
skip(ALL, "image", ALL, "interlaced2.png")
skip(ALL, "image", ALL, "interlaced3.png")
for _, rawExt := range r {
skip(ALL, "image", ALL, "."+rawExt)
if b.model("Nexus5", "Nexus5x", "JioNext") && b.gpu() {
// skia:5876
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "encode-platform")
if b.model("AndroidOne") && b.gpu() { // skia:4697, skia:4704, skia:4694, skia:4705, skia:11133
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "bigblurs")
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "strict_constraint_no_red_allowed")
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "fast_constraint_red_is_allowed")
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "dropshadowimagefilter")
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "filterfastbounds")
skip(glPrefix, "gm", ALL, "imageblurtiled")
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "imagefiltersclipped")
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "imagefiltersscaled")
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "imageresizetiled")
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "matrixconvolution")
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "strokedlines")
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "runtime_intrinsics_matrix")
if sampleCount > 0 {
glMsaaConfig := fmt.Sprintf("%smsaa%d", glPrefix, sampleCount)
skip(glMsaaConfig, "gm", ALL, "imageblurtiled")
skip(glMsaaConfig, "gm", ALL, "imagefiltersbase")
// b/296440036
// disable broken tests on Adreno 5/6xx Vulkan or API30
if b.matchGpu("Adreno[56]") && (b.extraConfig("Vulkan") || b.extraConfig("API30")) {
skip(ALL, "tests", ALL, "ImageAsyncReadPixels_Renderable_BottomLeft")
skip(ALL, "tests", ALL, "ImageAsyncReadPixels_Renderable_TopLeft")
skip(ALL, "tests", ALL, "ImageAsyncReadPixels_NonRenderable_BottomLeft")
skip(ALL, "tests", ALL, "ImageAsyncReadPixels_NonRenderable_TopLeft")
skip(ALL, "tests", ALL, "SurfaceAsyncReadPixels")
if b.matchGpu("Adreno[56]") && b.extraConfig("Vulkan") {
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "mesh_with_image")
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "mesh_with_paint_color")
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "mesh_with_paint_image")
if b.matchGpu("Mali400") {
skip(ALL, "tests", ALL, "BlendRequiringDstReadWithLargeCoordinates")
skip(ALL, "tests", ALL, "SkSLCross") // despite the name, it's not in SkSLTest.cpp
if b.matchOs("Mac") && (b.gpu("IntelIrisPlus") || b.gpu("IntelHD6000")) &&
b.extraConfig("Metal") {
// TODO(skia:296960708): The IntelIrisPlus+Metal config hangs on this test, but passes
// SurfaceContextWritePixelsMipped so let that one keep running.
skip(ALL, "tests", ALL, "SurfaceContextWritePixels")
skip(ALL, "tests", ALL, "SurfaceContextWritePixelsMipped")
skip(ALL, "tests", ALL, "ImageAsyncReadPixels")
skip(ALL, "tests", ALL, "SurfaceAsyncReadPixels")
if b.extraConfig("ANGLE") && b.matchOs("Win") && b.matchGpu("IntelIris(540|655|Xe)") {
skip(ALL, "tests", ALL, "ImageFilterCropRect_Gpu") // b/294080402
if b.gpu("RTX3060") && b.extraConfig("Vulkan") && b.matchOs("Win") {
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "blurcircles2") // skia:13342
if b.gpu("QuadroP400") && b.matchOs("Win10") && b.matchModel("Golo") {
// Times out with driver
skip("vkmsaa4", "gm", ALL, "shadow_utils")
if b.gpu("RadeonR9M470X") && b.extraConfig("ANGLE") {
// skbug:14293 - ANGLE D3D9 ES2 has flaky texture sampling that leads to fuzzy diff errors
skip(ALL, "tests", ALL, "FilterResult")
// skbug:13815 - Flaky failures on ANGLE D3D9 ES2
skip(ALL, "tests", ALL, "SkRuntimeEffectSimple_Ganesh")
skip(ALL, "tests", ALL, "TestSweepGradientZeroXGanesh")
if b.extraConfig("Vulkan") && b.gpu("RadeonVega6") {
skip(ALL, "gm", ALL, "ycbcrimage") // skia:13265
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "VkYCbcrSampler_DrawImageWithYcbcrSampler") // skia:13265
match := []string{}
if b.extraConfig("Graphite") {
// Graphite doesn't do auto-image-tiling so these GMs should remain disabled
match = append(match, "~^verylarge_picture_image$")
match = append(match, "~^verylargebitmap$")
match = append(match, "~^path_huge_aa$")
match = append(match, "~^fast_constraint_red_is_allowed$")
match = append(match, "~^strict_constraint_batch_no_red_allowed$")
match = append(match, "~^strict_constraint_no_red_allowed$")
if b.extraConfig("Valgrind") { // skia:3021
match = append(match, "~Threaded")
if b.extraConfig("Valgrind") && b.extraConfig("PreAbandonGpuContext") {
// skia:6575
match = append(match, "~multipicturedraw_")
if b.model("AndroidOne") {
match = append(match, "~WritePixels") // skia:4711
match = append(match, "~PremulAlphaRoundTrip_Gpu") // skia:7501
match = append(match, "~ReimportImageTextureWithMipLevels") // skia:8090
match = append(match, "~MorphologyFilterRadiusWithMirrorCTM_Gpu") // skia:10383
if b.gpu("IntelIrisXe") {
match = append(match, "~ReimportImageTextureWithMipLevels")
if b.extraConfig("MSAN") {
match = append(match, "~Once", "~Shared") // Not sure what's up with these tests.
// By default, we test with GPU threading enabled, unless specifically
// disabled.
if b.extraConfig("NoGPUThreads") {
args = append(args, "--gpuThreads", "0")
if b.extraConfig("Vulkan") && b.gpu("Adreno530") {
// skia:5777
match = append(match, "~CopySurface")
// Pixel4XL on the tree is still on Android 10 (Q), and the vulkan drivers
// crash during this GM. It works correctly on newer versions of Android.
// The Pixel3a is also failing on this GM with an invalid return value from
// vkCreateGraphicPipelines.
if b.extraConfig("Vulkan") && (b.model("Pixel4XL") || b.model("Pixel3a")) {
skip("vk", "gm", ALL, "custommesh_cs_uniforms")
if b.extraConfig("Vulkan") && b.matchGpu("Adreno") {
// skia:7663
match = append(match, "~WritePixelsNonTextureMSAA_Gpu")
match = append(match, "~WritePixelsMSAA_Gpu")
if b.extraConfig("Vulkan") && b.isLinux() && b.gpu("IntelIris640") {
match = append(match, "~VkHeapTests") // skia:6245
if b.isLinux() && b.gpu("IntelIris640") {
match = append(match, "~Programs") // skia:7849
if b.model("TecnoSpark3Pro", "Wembley") {
// skia:9814
match = append(match, "~Programs")
match = append(match, "~ProcessorCloneTest")
match = append(match, "~ProcessorOptimizationValidationTest")
if b.gpu("IntelIris640", "IntelHD615", "IntelHDGraphics615") {
match = append(match, "~^SRGBReadWritePixels$") // skia:9225
if b.extraConfig("Vulkan") && b.isLinux() && b.gpu("IntelHD405") {
// skia:7322
skip("vk", "gm", ALL, "skbug_257")
skip("vk", "gm", ALL, "filltypespersp")
match = append(match, "~^ClearOp$")
match = append(match, "~^CopySurface$")
match = append(match, "~^ImageNewShader_GPU$")
match = append(match, "~^InitialTextureClear$")
match = append(match, "~^PinnedImageTest$")
match = append(match, "~^ReadPixels_Gpu$")
match = append(match, "~^ReadPixels_Texture$")
match = append(match, "~^SRGBReadWritePixels$")
match = append(match, "~^VkUploadPixelsTests$")
match = append(match, "~^WritePixelsNonTexture_Gpu$")
match = append(match, "~^WritePixelsNonTextureMSAA_Gpu$")
match = append(match, "~^WritePixels_Gpu$")
match = append(match, "~^WritePixelsMSAA_Gpu$")
if b.extraConfig("Vulkan") && b.gpu("GTX660") && b.matchOs("Win") {
match = append(match, "~FloatingPointTextureTest$")
if b.extraConfig("Metal") && !b.extraConfig("Graphite") && b.gpu("RadeonHD8870M") && b.matchOs("Mac") {
// skia:9255
match = append(match, "~WritePixelsNonTextureMSAA_Gpu")
match = append(match, "~SurfacePartialDraw_Gpu")
if b.extraConfig("Metal") && !b.extraConfig("Graphite") && b.gpu("PowerVRGX6450") && b.matchOs("iOS") {
match = append(match, "~flight_animated_image")
if b.extraConfig("ANGLE") {
// skia:7835
match = append(match, "~BlurMaskBiggerThanDest")
if b.gpu("IntelIris6100") && b.extraConfig("ANGLE") && !b.debug() {
// skia:7376
match = append(match, "~^ProcessorOptimizationValidationTest$")
if b.gpu("IntelIris6100", "IntelHD4400") && b.extraConfig("ANGLE") {
// skia:6857
skip("angle_d3d9_es2", "gm", ALL, "lighting")
if b.gpu("PowerVRGX6250") {
match = append(match, "~gradients_view_perspective_nodither") //skia:6972
if b.arch("arm") && b.extraConfig("ASAN") {
// TODO: can we run with env allocator_may_return_null=1 instead?
match = append(match, "~BadImage")
if b.arch("arm64") && b.extraConfig("ASAN") {
// the use of longjmp may cause ASAN stack check issues.
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SkPDF_JpegIdentification")
if b.extraConfig("HWASAN") {
// HWASAN adds tag bytes to pointers. That's incompatible with this test -- it compares
// pointers from unrelated stack frames to check that RP isn't growing the stack.
skip(ALL, "test", ALL, "SkRasterPipeline_stack_rewind")
if b.matchOs("Mac") && b.gpu("IntelHD6000") {
// skia:7574
match = append(match, "~^ProcessorCloneTest$")
match = append(match, "~^GrMeshTest$")
if b.matchOs("Mac") && b.gpu("IntelHD615") {
// skia:7603
match = append(match, "~^GrMeshTest$")
if b.matchOs("Mac") && b.gpu("IntelIrisPlus") {
// skia:7603
match = append(match, "~^GrMeshTest$")
if b.extraConfig("Vulkan") && b.model("GalaxyS20") {
// skia:10247
match = append(match, "~VkPrepareForExternalIOQueueTransitionTest")
if b.matchExtraConfig("Graphite") {
// skia:12813
match = append(match, "~async_rescale_and_read")
if b.matchExtraConfig("ColorSpaces") {
// Here we reset the 'match' and 'skipped' strings bc the ColorSpaces job only runs
// a very specific subset of the GMs.
skipped = []string{}
match = []string{}
match = append(match, "async_rescale_and_read_dog_up")
match = append(match, "bug6783")
match = append(match, "colorspace")
match = append(match, "colorspace2")
match = append(match, "coloremoji")
match = append(match, "composeCF")
match = append(match, "crbug_224618")
match = append(match, "drawlines_with_local_matrix")
match = append(match, "gradients_interesting")
match = append(match, "manypathatlases_2048")
match = append(match, "custommesh_cs_uniforms")
match = append(match, "paint_alpha_normals_rt")
match = append(match, "runtimefunctions")
match = append(match, "savelayer_f16")
match = append(match, "spiral_rt")
match = append(match, "srgb_colorfilter")
match = append(match, "strokedlines")
match = append(match, "sweep_tiling")
if len(skipped) > 0 {
args = append(args, "--skip")
args = append(args, skipped...)
if len(match) > 0 {
args = append(args, "--match")
args = append(args, match...)
// These devices run out of memory running RAW codec tests. Do not run them in
// parallel
// TODO(borenet): Previously this was `'Nexus5' in bot or 'Nexus9' in bot`
// which also matched 'Nexus5x'. I added That here to maintain the
// existing behavior, but we should verify that it's needed.
if b.model("Nexus5", "Nexus5x", "Nexus9", "JioNext") {
args = append(args, "--noRAW_threading")
if b.extraConfig("NativeFonts") {
args = append(args, "--nativeFonts")
if !b.matchOs("Android") {
args = append(args, "--paragraph_fonts", "extra_fonts")
args = append(args, "--norun_paragraph_tests_needing_system_fonts")
} else {
args = append(args, "--nonativeFonts")
if b.extraConfig("GDI") {
args = append(args, "--gdi")
if b.extraConfig("Fontations") {
args = append(args, "--fontations")
// Let's make all tasks produce verbose output by default.
args = append(args, "--verbose")
// See skia:2789.
if b.extraConfig("AbandonGpuContext") {
args = append(args, "--abandonGpuContext")
if b.extraConfig("PreAbandonGpuContext") {
args = append(args, "--preAbandonGpuContext")
if b.extraConfig("ReleaseAndAbandonGpuContext") {
args = append(args, "--releaseAndAbandonGpuContext")
if b.extraConfig("NeverYield") {
args = append(args, "--neverYieldToWebGPU")
if b.extraConfig("FailFlushTimeCallbacks") {
args = append(args, "--failFlushTimeCallbacks")
// Finalize the DM flags and properties.
b.recipeProp("dm_flags", marshalJson(args))
b.recipeProp("dm_properties", marshalJson(properties))
// Add properties indicating which assets the task should use.
if b.matchExtraConfig("Lottie") {
b.recipeProp("lotties", "true")
} else if b.matchExtraConfig("OldestSupportedSkpVersion") {
b.recipeProp("skps", "true")
} else {
b.recipeProp("images", "true")
b.recipeProp("skps", "true")
b.recipeProp("svgs", "true")
b.recipeProp("do_upload", fmt.Sprintf("%t", b.doUpload()))
b.recipeProp("resources", "true")