blob: 049f232e4095b551a6286caaa33d417e030647eb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkImageFilterTypes_DEFINED
#define SkImageFilterTypes_DEFINED
#include "src/core/SkSpecialImage.h"
#include "src/core/SkSpecialSurface.h"
class GrRecordingContext;
class SkImageFilterCache;
class SkSpecialSurface;
class SkSurfaceProps;
// The skif (SKI[mage]F[ilter]) namespace contains types that are used for filter implementations.
// The defined types come in two groups: users of internal Skia types, and templates to help with
// readability. Image filters cannot be implemented without access to key internal types, such as
// SkSpecialImage. It is possible to avoid the use of the readability templates, although they are
// strongly encouraged.
namespace skif {
// The context contains all necessary information to describe how the image filter should be
// computed (i.e. the current layer matrix and clip), and the color information of the output of
// a filter DAG. For now, this is just the color space (of the original requesting device). This
// is used when constructing intermediate rendering surfaces, so that we ensure we land in a
// surface that's similar/compatible to the final consumer of the DAG's output.
class Context {
// Creates a context with the given layer matrix and destination clip, reading from 'source'
// with an origin of (0,0).
Context(const SkMatrix& layerMatrix, const SkIRect& clipBounds, SkImageFilterCache* cache,
SkColorType colorType, SkColorSpace* colorSpace, const SkSpecialImage* source)
: fLayerMatrix(layerMatrix)
, fClipBounds(clipBounds)
, fCache(cache)
, fColorType(colorType)
, fColorSpace(colorSpace)
, fSource(source) {}
// The transformation from the local parameter space of the filters to the layer space where
// filtering is computed. This may or may not be the total canvas CTM, depending on the
// matrix type of the total CTM and whether or not the filter DAG supports complex CTMs. If
// a node returns false from canHandleComplexCTM(), layerMatrix() will be at most a scale +
// translate matrix and any remaining matrix will be handled by the canvas after filtering
// is finished.
const SkMatrix& layerMatrix() const { return fLayerMatrix; }
// DEPRECATED: Use layerMatrix() instead
const SkMatrix& ctm() const { return this->layerMatrix(); }
// The bounds, in the layer space, that the filtered image will be clipped to. The output
// from filterImage() must cover these clip bounds, except in areas where it will just be
// transparent black, in which case a smaller output image can be returned.
const SkIRect& clipBounds() const { return fClipBounds; }
// The cache to use when recursing through the filter DAG, in order to avoid repeated
// calculations of the same image.
SkImageFilterCache* cache() const { return fCache; }
// The output device's color type, which can be used for intermediate images to be
// compatible with the eventual target of the filtered result.
SkColorType colorType() const { return fColorType; }
GrColorType grColorType() const { return SkColorTypeToGrColorType(fColorType); }
// The output device's color space, so intermediate images can match, and so filtering can
// be performed in the destination color space.
SkColorSpace* colorSpace() const { return fColorSpace; }
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> refColorSpace() const { return sk_ref_sp(fColorSpace); }
// The default surface properties to use when making transient surfaces during filtering.
const SkSurfaceProps* surfaceProps() const { return &fSource->props(); }
// This is the image to use whenever an expected input filter has been set to null. In the
// majority of cases, this is the original source image for the image filter DAG so it comes
// from the SkDevice that holds either the saveLayer or the temporary rendered result. The
// exception is composing two image filters (via SkImageFilters::Compose), which must use
// the output of the inner DAG as the "source" for the outer DAG.
const SkSpecialImage* sourceImage() const { return fSource; }
// True if image filtering should occur on the GPU if possible.
bool gpuBacked() const { return fSource->isTextureBacked(); }
// The recording context to use when computing the filter with the GPU.
GrRecordingContext* getContext() const { return fSource->getContext(); }
* Since a context can be built directly, its constructor has no chance to "return null" if
* it's given invalid or unsupported inputs. Call this to know of the the context can be
* used.
* The SkImageFilterCache Key, for example, requires a finite ctm (no infinities or NaN),
* so that test is part of isValid.
bool isValid() const { return fSource && fLayerMatrix.isFinite(); }
// Create a surface of the given size, that matches the context's color type and color space
// as closely as possible, and uses the same backend of the device that produced the source
// image.
sk_sp<SkSpecialSurface> makeSurface(const SkISize& size,
const SkSurfaceProps* props = nullptr) const {
return fSource->makeSurface(fColorType, fColorSpace, size, kPremul_SkAlphaType, props);
// Create a new context that matches this context, but with an overridden layer CTM matrix.
Context withNewLayerMatrix(const SkMatrix& layerMatrix) const {
return Context(layerMatrix, fClipBounds, fCache, fColorType, fColorSpace, fSource);
// Create a new context that matches this context, but with an overridden clip bounds rect.
Context withNewClipBounds(const SkIRect& clipBounds) const {
return Context(fLayerMatrix, clipBounds, fCache, fColorType, fColorSpace, fSource);
SkMatrix fLayerMatrix;
SkIRect fClipBounds;
SkImageFilterCache* fCache;
SkColorType fColorType;
// These pointers are owned by the device controlling the filter process, and our
// lifetime is bounded by the device, so they can be bare pointers.
SkColorSpace* fColorSpace;
const SkSpecialImage* fSource;
} // end namespace skif
#endif // SkImageFilterTypes_DEFINED