blob: efb296ea2cc734297a43c3e79d992d4128ba5822 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkImageFilters_DEFINED
#define SkImageFilters_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkBlendMode.h"
#include "include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "include/core/SkFilterQuality.h"
#include "include/core/SkImage.h"
#include "include/core/SkImageFilter.h"
#include "include/core/SkPicture.h"
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "include/core/SkTileMode.h"
class SkColorFilter;
class SkPaint;
class SkRegion;
// A set of factory functions providing useful SkImageFilter effects. For image filters that take an
// input filter, providing nullptr means it will automatically use the dynamic source image. This
// source depends on how the filter is applied, but is either the contents of a saved layer when
// drawing with SkCanvas, or an explicit SkImage if using SkImage::makeWithFilter.
class SK_API SkImageFilters {
* Create a filter that updates the alpha of the image based on 'region'. Pixels inside the
* region are made more opaque and pixels outside are made more transparent.
* Specifically, if a pixel is inside the region, its alpha will be set to
* max(innerMin, pixel's alpha). If a pixel is outside the region, its alpha will be updated to
* min(outerMax, pixel's alpha).
* @param region The geometric region controlling the inner and outer alpha thresholds.
* @param innerMin The minimum alpha value for pixels inside 'region'.
* @param outerMax The maximum alpha value for pixels outside of 'region'.
* @param input The input filter, or uses the source bitmap if this is null.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the input and output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> AlphaThreshold(const SkRegion& region, SkScalar innerMin,
SkScalar outerMax, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
* Create a filter that implements a custom blend mode. Each output pixel is the result of
* combining the corresponding background and foreground pixels using the 4 coefficients:
* k1 * foreground * background + k2 * foreground + k3 * background + k4
* @param k1, k2, k3, k4 The four coefficients used to combine the foreground and background.
* @param enforcePMColor If true, the RGB channels will be clamped to the calculated alpha.
* @param background The background content, using the source bitmap when this is null.
* @param foreground The foreground content, using the source bitmap when this is null.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the inputs and output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> Arithmetic(SkScalar k1, SkScalar k2, SkScalar k3, SkScalar k4,
bool enforcePMColor, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> background,
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> foreground,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
* Create a filter that blurs its input by the separate X and Y sigmas. The provided tile mode
* is used when the blur kernel goes outside the input image.
* @param sigmaX The Gaussian sigma value for blurring along the X axis.
* @param sigmaY The Gaussian sigma value for blurring along the Y axis.
* @param tileMode The tile mode applied at edges .
* TODO (michaelludwig) - kMirror is not supported yet
* @param input The input filter that is blurred, uses source bitmap if this is null.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the input and output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> Blur(SkScalar sigmaX, SkScalar sigmaY, SkTileMode tileMode,
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input, const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
// As above, but defaults to the decal tile mode.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> Blur(SkScalar sigmaX, SkScalar sigmaY, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr) {
return Blur(sigmaX, sigmaY, SkTileMode::kDecal, std::move(input), cropRect);
* Create a filter that applies the color filter to the input filter results.
* @param cf The color filter that transforms the input image.
* @param input The input filter, or uses the source bitmap if this is null.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the input and output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> ColorFilter(sk_sp<SkColorFilter> cf, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
* Create a filter that composes 'inner' with 'outer', such that the results of 'inner' are
* treated as the source bitmap passed to 'outer', i.e. result = outer(inner(source)).
* @param outer The outer filter that evaluates the results of inner.
* @param inner The inner filter that produces the input to outer.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> Compose(sk_sp<SkImageFilter> outer, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> inner);
* Create a filter that moves each pixel in its color input based on an (x,y) vector encoded
* in its displacement input filter. Two color components of the displacement image are
* mapped into a vector as scale * (color[xChannel], color[yChannel]), where the channel
* selectors are one of R, G, B, or A.
* @param xChannelSelector RGBA channel that encodes the x displacement per pixel.
* @param yChannelSelector RGBA channel that encodes the y displacement per pixel.
* @param scale Scale applied to displacement extracted from image.
* @param displacement The filter defining the displacement image, or null to use source.
* @param color The filter providing the color pixels to be displaced.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the color input and output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> DisplacementMap(SkColorChannel xChannelSelector,
SkColorChannel yChannelSelector,
SkScalar scale, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> displacement,
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> color,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
* Create a filter that draws a drop shadow under the input content. This filter produces an
* image that includes the inputs' content.
* @param dx The X offset of the shadow.
* @param dy The Y offset of the shadow.
* @param sigmaX The blur radius for the shadow, along the X axis.
* @param sigmaY The blur radius for the shadow, along the Y axis.
* @param color The color of the drop shadow.
* @param input The input filter, or will use the source bitmap if this is null.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the input and output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> DropShadow(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy,
SkScalar sigmaX, SkScalar sigmaY,
SkColor color, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
* Create a filter that renders a drop shadow, in exactly the same manner as ::DropShadow,
* except that the resulting image does not include the input content. This allows the shadow
* and input to be composed by a filter DAG in a more flexible manner.
* @param dx The X offset of the shadow.
* @param dy The Y offset of the shadow.
* @param sigmaX The blur radius for the shadow, along the X axis.
* @param sigmaY The blur radius for the shadow, along the Y axis.
* @param color The color of the drop shadow.
* @param input The input filter, or will use the source bitmap if this is null.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the input and output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> DropShadowOnly(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy,
SkScalar sigmaX, SkScalar sigmaY,
SkColor color, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
* Create a filter that draws the 'srcRect' portion of image into 'dstRect' using the given
* filter quality. Similar to SkCanvas::drawImageRect. Returns null if 'image' is null.
* @param image The image that is output by the filter, subset by 'srcRect'.
* @param srcRect The source pixels sampled into 'dstRect'
* @param dstRect The local rectangle to draw the image into.
* @param filterQuality The filter quality that is used when sampling the image.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> Image(sk_sp<SkImage> image, const SkRect& srcRect,
const SkRect& dstRect, SkFilterQuality filterQuality);
* Create a filter that produces the image contents.
* @param image The image that is output by the filter.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> Image(sk_sp<SkImage> image) {
// Defaults to kHigh_SkFilterQuality because the dstRect of the image filter will be mapped
// by the layer matrix set during filtering. If that has a scale factor, then the image
// will not be drawn at a 1-to-1 pixel scale, even that is what this appears to create here.
SkRect r = image ? SkRect::MakeWH(image->width(), image->height()) : SkRect::MakeEmpty();
return Image(std::move(image), r, r, kHigh_SkFilterQuality);
* Create a filter that mimics a zoom/magnifying lens effect.
* @param srcRect
* @param inset
* @param input The input filter that is magnified, if null the source bitmap is used.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the input and output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> Magnifier(const SkRect& srcRect, SkScalar inset,
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
* Create a filter that applies an NxM image processing kernel to the input image. This can be
* used to produce effects such as sharpening, blurring, edge detection, etc.
* @param kernelSize The kernel size in pixels, in each dimension (N by M).
* @param kernel The image processing kernel. Must contain N * M elements, in row order.
* @param gain A scale factor applied to each pixel after convolution. This can be
* used to normalize the kernel, if it does not already sum to 1.
* @param bias A bias factor added to each pixel after convolution.
* @param kernelOffset An offset applied to each pixel coordinate before convolution.
* This can be used to center the kernel over the image
* (e.g., a 3x3 kernel should have an offset of {1, 1}).
* @param tileMode How accesses outside the image are treated.
* TODO (michaelludwig) - kMirror is not supported yet
* @param convolveAlpha If true, all channels are convolved. If false, only the RGB channels
* are convolved, and alpha is copied from the source image.
* @param input The input image filter, if null the source bitmap is used instead.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle to which the output processing will be limited.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> MatrixConvolution(const SkISize& kernelSize,
const SkScalar kernel[], SkScalar gain,
SkScalar bias, const SkIPoint& kernelOffset,
SkTileMode tileMode, bool convolveAlpha,
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
* Create a filter that transforms the input image by 'matrix'. This matrix transforms the
* local space, which means it effectively happens prior to any transformation coming from the
* SkCanvas initiating the filtering.
* @param matrix The matrix to apply to the original content.
* @param filterQuality The filter quality to use when sampling the input image.
* @param input The image filter to transform, or null to use the source image.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> MatrixTransform(const SkMatrix& matrix,
SkFilterQuality filterQuality,
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input);
* Create a filter that merges the 'count' filters together by drawing their results in order
* with src-over blending.
* @param filters The input filter array to merge, which must have 'count' elements. Any null
* filter pointers will use the source bitmap instead.
* @param count The number of input filters to be merged.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops all input filters and the output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> Merge(sk_sp<SkImageFilter>* const filters, int count,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
* Create a filter that merges the results of the two filters together with src-over blending.
* @param first The first input filter, or the source bitmap if this is null.
* @param second The second input filter, or the source bitmap if this null.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the inputs and output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> Merge(sk_sp<SkImageFilter> first, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> second,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr) {
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> array[] = { std::move(first), std::move(second) };
return Merge(array, 2, cropRect);
* Create a filter that offsets the input filter by the given vector.
* @param dx The x offset in local space that the image is shifted.
* @param dy The y offset in local space that the image is shifted.
* @param input The input that will be moved, if null the source bitmap is used instead.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle to crop the input and output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> Offset(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
* Create a filter that fills the output with the given paint.
* @param paint The paint to fill
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle that will be filled. If null, the source bitmap's bounds
* are filled even though the source bitmap itself is not used.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> Paint(const SkPaint& paint, const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
* Create a filter that produces the SkPicture as its output, drawn into targetRect. Note that
* the targetRect is not the same as the SkIRect cropRect that many filters accept. Returns
* null if 'pic' is null.
* @param pic The picture that is drawn for the filter output.
* @param targetRect The drawing region for the picture.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> Picture(sk_sp<SkPicture> pic, const SkRect& targetRect);
// As above, but uses SkPicture::cullRect for the drawing region.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> Picture(sk_sp<SkPicture> pic) {
SkRect target = pic ? pic->cullRect() : SkRect::MakeEmpty();
return Picture(std::move(pic), target);
* Create a tile image filter.
* @param src Defines the pixels to tile
* @param dst Defines the pixel region that the tiles will be drawn to
* @param input The input that will be tiled, if null the source bitmap is used instead.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> Tile(const SkRect& src, const SkRect& dst,
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input);
* This filter takes an SkBlendMode and uses it to composite the two filters together.
* @param background The Dst pixels used in blending, if null the source bitmap is used.
* @param foreground The Src pixels used in blending, if null the source bitmap is used.
* @cropRect Optional rectangle to crop input and output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> Xfermode(SkBlendMode, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> background,
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> foreground = nullptr,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
// Morphology filter effects
* Create a filter that dilates each input pixel's channel values to the max value within the
* given radii along the x and y axes.
* @param radiusX The distance to dilate along the x axis to either side of each pixel.
* @param radiusY The distance to dilate along the y axis to either side of each pixel.
* @param input The image filter that is dilated, using source bitmap if this is null.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the input and output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> Dilate(SkScalar radiusX, SkScalar radiusY,
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
* Create a filter that erodes each input pixel's channel values to the minimum channel value
* within the given radii along the x and y axes.
* @param radiusX The distance to erode along the x axis to either side of each pixel.
* @param radiusY The distance to erode along the y axis to either side of each pixel.
* @param input The image filter that is eroded, using source bitmap if this is null.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the input and output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> Erode(SkScalar radiusX, SkScalar radiusY,
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
// Lighting filter effects
* Create a filter that calculates the diffuse illumination from a distant light source,
* interpreting the alpha channel of the input as the height profile of the surface (to
* approximate normal vectors).
* @param direction The direction to the distance light.
* @param lightColor The color of the diffuse light source.
* @param surfaceScale Scale factor to transform from alpha values to physical height.
* @param kd Diffuse reflectance coefficient.
* @param input The input filter that defines surface normals (as alpha), or uses the
* source bitmap when null.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the input and output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> DistantLitDiffuse(const SkPoint3& direction, SkColor lightColor,
SkScalar surfaceScale, SkScalar kd,
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
* Create a filter that calculates the diffuse illumination from a point light source, using
* alpha channel of the input as the height profile of the surface (to approximate normal
* vectors).
* @param location The location of the point light.
* @param lightColor The color of the diffuse light source.
* @param surfaceScale Scale factor to transform from alpha values to physical height.
* @param kd Diffuse reflectance coefficient.
* @param input The input filter that defines surface normals (as alpha), or uses the
* source bitmap when null.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the input and output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> PointLitDiffuse(const SkPoint3& location, SkColor lightColor,
SkScalar surfaceScale, SkScalar kd,
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
* Create a filter that calculates the diffuse illumination from a spot light source, using
* alpha channel of the input as the height profile of the surface (to approximate normal
* vectors). The spot light is restricted to be within 'cutoffAngle' of the vector between
* the location and target.
* @param location The location of the spot light.
* @param target The location that the spot light is point towards
* @param falloffExponent Exponential falloff parameter for illumination outside of cutoffAngle
* @param cutoffAngle Maximum angle from lighting direction that receives full light
* @param lightColor The color of the diffuse light source.
* @param surfaceScale Scale factor to transform from alpha values to physical height.
* @param kd Diffuse reflectance coefficient.
* @param input The input filter that defines surface normals (as alpha), or uses the
* source bitmap when null.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the input and output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> SpotLitDiffuse(const SkPoint3& location, const SkPoint3& target,
SkScalar falloffExponent, SkScalar cutoffAngle,
SkColor lightColor, SkScalar surfaceScale,
SkScalar kd, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
* Create a filter that calculates the specular illumination from a distant light source,
* interpreting the alpha channel of the input as the height profile of the surface (to
* approximate normal vectors).
* @param direction The direction to the distance light.
* @param lightColor The color of the specular light source.
* @param surfaceScale Scale factor to transform from alpha values to physical height.
* @param ks Specular reflectance coefficient.
* @param shininess The specular exponent determining how shiny the surface is.
* @param input The input filter that defines surface normals (as alpha), or uses the
* source bitmap when null.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the input and output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> DistantLitSpecular(const SkPoint3& direction, SkColor lightColor,
SkScalar surfaceScale, SkScalar ks,
SkScalar shininess, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
* Create a filter that calculates the specular illumination from a point light source, using
* alpha channel of the input as the height profile of the surface (to approximate normal
* vectors).
* @param location The location of the point light.
* @param lightColor The color of the specular light source.
* @param surfaceScale Scale factor to transform from alpha values to physical height.
* @param ks Specular reflectance coefficient.
* @param shininess The specular exponent determining how shiny the surface is.
* @param input The input filter that defines surface normals (as alpha), or uses the
* source bitmap when null.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the input and output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> PointLitSpecular(const SkPoint3& location, SkColor lightColor,
SkScalar surfaceScale, SkScalar ks,
SkScalar shininess, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
* Create a filter that calculates the specular illumination from a spot light source, using
* alpha channel of the input as the height profile of the surface (to approximate normal
* vectors). The spot light is restricted to be within 'cutoffAngle' of the vector between
* the location and target.
* @param location The location of the spot light.
* @param target The location that the spot light is point towards
* @param falloffExponent Exponential falloff parameter for illumination outside of cutoffAngle
* @param cutoffAngle Maximum angle from lighting direction that receives full light
* @param lightColor The color of the specular light source.
* @param surfaceScale Scale factor to transform from alpha values to physical height.
* @param ks Specular reflectance coefficient.
* @param shininess The specular exponent determining how shiny the surface is.
* @param input The input filter that defines surface normals (as alpha), or uses the
* source bitmap when null.
* @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the input and output.
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> SpotLitSpecular(const SkPoint3& location, const SkPoint3& target,
SkScalar falloffExponent, SkScalar cutoffAngle,
SkColor lightColor, SkScalar surfaceScale,
SkScalar ks, SkScalar shininess,
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const SkIRect* cropRect = nullptr);
static void RegisterFlattenables();
SkImageFilters() = delete;
#endif // SkImageFilters_DEFINED