blob: c6b997457f7d1fc9d5fe463b7f2df4954d5a1c07 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/vk/GrVkPipelineStateBuilder.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrDirectContext.h"
#include "src/core/SkReadBuffer.h"
#include "src/core/SkTraceEvent.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrAutoLocaleSetter.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrDirectContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrPersistentCacheUtils.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrShaderCaps.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrStencilSettings.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/vk/GrVkDescriptorSetManager.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/vk/GrVkGpu.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/vk/GrVkPipeline.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/vk/GrVkRenderPass.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/vk/GrVkRenderTarget.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLProgramSettings.h"
#include "src/utils/SkShaderUtils.h"
GrVkPipelineState* GrVkPipelineStateBuilder::CreatePipelineState(
GrVkGpu* gpu,
const GrProgramDesc& desc,
const GrProgramInfo& programInfo,
VkRenderPass compatibleRenderPass,
bool overrideSubpassForResolveLoad) {
GrVkResourceProvider& resourceProvider = gpu->resourceProvider();
// ensure that we use "." as a decimal separator when creating SkSL code
GrAutoLocaleSetter als("C");
// create a builder. This will be handed off to effects so they can use it to add
// uniforms, varyings, textures, etc
GrVkPipelineStateBuilder builder(gpu, desc, programInfo);
if (!builder.emitAndInstallProcs()) {
return nullptr;
return builder.finalize(desc, compatibleRenderPass, overrideSubpassForResolveLoad);
GrVkPipelineStateBuilder::GrVkPipelineStateBuilder(GrVkGpu* gpu,
const GrProgramDesc& desc,
const GrProgramInfo& programInfo)
: INHERITED(desc, programInfo)
, fGpu(gpu)
, fVaryingHandler(this)
, fUniformHandler(this) {}
const GrCaps* GrVkPipelineStateBuilder::caps() const {
return fGpu->caps();
void GrVkPipelineStateBuilder::finalizeFragmentSecondaryColor(GrShaderVar& outputColor) {
outputColor.addLayoutQualifier("location = 0, index = 1");
bool GrVkPipelineStateBuilder::createVkShaderModule(VkShaderStageFlagBits stage,
const std::string& sksl,
VkShaderModule* shaderModule,
VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo* stageInfo,
const SkSL::ProgramSettings& settings,
std::string* outSPIRV,
SkSL::Program::Interface* outInterface) {
if (!GrCompileVkShaderModule(fGpu, sksl, stage, shaderModule,
stageInfo, settings, outSPIRV, outInterface)) {
return false;
if (outInterface->fRTFlipUniform != SkSL::Program::Interface::kRTFlip_None) {
return true;
bool GrVkPipelineStateBuilder::installVkShaderModule(VkShaderStageFlagBits stage,
const GrGLSLShaderBuilder& builder,
VkShaderModule* shaderModule,
VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo* stageInfo,
std::string spirv,
SkSL::Program::Interface interface) {
if (!GrInstallVkShaderModule(fGpu, spirv, stage, shaderModule, stageInfo)) {
return false;
if (interface.fRTFlipUniform != SkSL::Program::Interface::kRTFlip_None) {
return true;
static constexpr SkFourByteTag kSPIRV_Tag = SkSetFourByteTag('S', 'P', 'R', 'V');
static constexpr SkFourByteTag kSKSL_Tag = SkSetFourByteTag('S', 'K', 'S', 'L');
int GrVkPipelineStateBuilder::loadShadersFromCache(SkReadBuffer* cached,
VkShaderModule outShaderModules[],
VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo* outStageInfo) {
std::string shaders[kGrShaderTypeCount];
SkSL::Program::Interface interfaces[kGrShaderTypeCount];
if (!GrPersistentCacheUtils::UnpackCachedShaders(
cached, shaders, interfaces, kGrShaderTypeCount)) {
return 0;
bool success = this->installVkShaderModule(VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT,
success = success && this->installVkShaderModule(VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT,
if (!success) {
for (int i = 0; i < kGrShaderTypeCount; ++i) {
if (outShaderModules[i]) {
DestroyShaderModule(fGpu->device(), outShaderModules[i], nullptr));
return 0;
return 2;
void GrVkPipelineStateBuilder::storeShadersInCache(const std::string shaders[],
const SkSL::Program::Interface interfaces[],
bool isSkSL) {
// Here we shear off the Vk-specific portion of the Desc in order to create the
// persistent key. This is bc Vk only caches the SPIRV code, not the fully compiled
// program, and that only depends on the base GrProgramDesc data.
// The +4 is to include the kShader_PersistentCacheKeyType code the Vulkan backend adds
// to the key right after the base key.
sk_sp<SkData> key = SkData::MakeWithoutCopy(this->desc().asKey(),
SkString description = GrProgramDesc::Describe(fProgramInfo, *this->caps());
sk_sp<SkData> data = GrPersistentCacheUtils::PackCachedShaders(isSkSL ? kSKSL_Tag : kSPIRV_Tag,
interfaces, kGrShaderTypeCount);
this->gpu()->getContext()->priv().getPersistentCache()->store(*key, *data, description);
GrVkPipelineState* GrVkPipelineStateBuilder::finalize(const GrProgramDesc& desc,
VkRenderPass compatibleRenderPass,
bool overrideSubpassForResolveLoad) {
TRACE_EVENT0("skia.shaders", TRACE_FUNC);
VkDescriptorSetLayout dsLayout[GrVkUniformHandler::kDescSetCount];
VkShaderModule shaderModules[kGrShaderTypeCount] = { VK_NULL_HANDLE,
GrVkResourceProvider& resourceProvider = fGpu->resourceProvider();
// These layouts are not owned by the PipelineStateBuilder and thus should not be destroyed
dsLayout[GrVkUniformHandler::kUniformBufferDescSet] = resourceProvider.getUniformDSLayout();
GrVkDescriptorSetManager::Handle samplerDSHandle;
fUniformHandler, &samplerDSHandle);
dsLayout[GrVkUniformHandler::kSamplerDescSet] =
dsLayout[GrVkUniformHandler::kInputDescSet] = resourceProvider.getInputDSLayout();
bool usePushConstants = fUniformHandler.usePushConstants();
VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo shaderStageInfo[3];
SkSL::ProgramSettings settings;
settings.fRTFlipBinding = this->gpu()->vkCaps().getFragmentUniformBinding();
settings.fRTFlipSet = this->gpu()->vkCaps().getFragmentUniformSet();
settings.fSharpenTextures = true;
settings.fRTFlipOffset = fUniformHandler.getRTFlipOffset();
settings.fUsePushConstants = usePushConstants;
if (fFS.fForceHighPrecision) {
settings.fForceHighPrecision = true;
sk_sp<SkData> cached;
SkReadBuffer reader;
SkFourByteTag shaderType = 0;
auto persistentCache = fGpu->getContext()->priv().getPersistentCache();
if (persistentCache) {
// Here we shear off the Vk-specific portion of the Desc in order to create the
// persistent key. This is bc Vk only caches the SPIRV code, not the fully compiled
// program, and that only depends on the base GrProgramDesc data.
// The +4 is to include the kShader_PersistentCacheKeyType code the Vulkan backend adds
// to the key right after the base key.
sk_sp<SkData> key = SkData::MakeWithoutCopy(desc.asKey(), desc.initialKeyLength()+4);
cached = persistentCache->load(*key);
if (cached) {
reader.setMemory(cached->data(), cached->size());
shaderType = GrPersistentCacheUtils::GetType(&reader);
int numShaderStages = 0;
if (kSPIRV_Tag == shaderType) {
numShaderStages = this->loadShadersFromCache(&reader, shaderModules, shaderStageInfo);
// Proceed from sources if we didn't get a SPIRV cache (or the cache was invalid)
if (!numShaderStages) {
numShaderStages = 2; // We always have at least vertex and fragment stages.
std::string shaders[kGrShaderTypeCount];
SkSL::Program::Interface interfaces[kGrShaderTypeCount];
std::string* sksl[kGrShaderTypeCount] = {
std::string cached_sksl[kGrShaderTypeCount];
if (kSKSL_Tag == shaderType) {
if (GrPersistentCacheUtils::UnpackCachedShaders(&reader, cached_sksl, interfaces,
kGrShaderTypeCount)) {
for (int i = 0; i < kGrShaderTypeCount; ++i) {
sksl[i] = &cached_sksl[i];
bool success = this->createVkShaderModule(VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT,
success = success && this->createVkShaderModule(VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT,
if (!success) {
for (int i = 0; i < kGrShaderTypeCount; ++i) {
if (shaderModules[i]) {
GR_VK_CALL(fGpu->vkInterface(), DestroyShaderModule(fGpu->device(),
shaderModules[i], nullptr));
return nullptr;
if (persistentCache && !cached) {
bool isSkSL = false;
if (fGpu->getContext()->priv().options().fShaderCacheStrategy ==
GrContextOptions::ShaderCacheStrategy::kSkSL) {
for (int i = 0; i < kGrShaderTypeCount; ++i) {
shaders[i] = SkShaderUtils::PrettyPrint(*sksl[i]);
isSkSL = true;
this->storeShadersInCache(shaders, interfaces, isSkSL);
// The vulkan spec says that if a subpass has an input attachment, then the input attachment
// descriptor set must be bound to all pipelines in that subpass. This includes pipelines that
// don't actually use the input attachment. Thus we look at the renderPassBarriers and not just
// the DstProxyView barrier flags to determine if we use the input attachment.
bool usesInput = SkToBool(fProgramInfo.renderPassBarriers() & GrXferBarrierFlags::kTexture);
uint32_t layoutCount =
usesInput ? GrVkUniformHandler::kDescSetCount : (GrVkUniformHandler::kDescSetCount - 1);
// Create the VkPipelineLayout
VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo layoutCreateInfo;
memset(&layoutCreateInfo, 0, sizeof(VkPipelineLayoutCreateFlags));
layoutCreateInfo.pNext = nullptr;
layoutCreateInfo.flags = 0;
layoutCreateInfo.setLayoutCount = layoutCount;
layoutCreateInfo.pSetLayouts = dsLayout;
VkPushConstantRange pushConstantRange = {};
if (usePushConstants) {
pushConstantRange.stageFlags = fGpu->vkCaps().getPushConstantStageFlags();
pushConstantRange.offset = 0;
// size must be a multiple of 4
SkASSERT(!SkToBool(fUniformHandler.currentOffset() & 0x3));
pushConstantRange.size = fUniformHandler.currentOffset();
layoutCreateInfo.pushConstantRangeCount = 1;
layoutCreateInfo.pPushConstantRanges = &pushConstantRange;
} else {
layoutCreateInfo.pushConstantRangeCount = 0;
layoutCreateInfo.pPushConstantRanges = nullptr;
VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout;
VkResult result;
GR_VK_CALL_RESULT(fGpu, result, CreatePipelineLayout(fGpu->device(), &layoutCreateInfo, nullptr,
if (result != VK_SUCCESS) {
return nullptr;
// For the vast majority of cases we only have one subpass so we default piplines to subpass 0.
// However, if we need to load a resolve into msaa attachment for discardable msaa then the
// main subpass will be 1.
uint32_t subpass = 0;
if (overrideSubpassForResolveLoad ||
(fProgramInfo.colorLoadOp() == GrLoadOp::kLoad &&
fGpu->vkCaps().programInfoWillUseDiscardableMSAA(fProgramInfo))) {
subpass = 1;
sk_sp<const GrVkPipeline> pipeline = resourceProvider.makePipeline(
fProgramInfo, shaderStageInfo, numShaderStages, compatibleRenderPass, pipelineLayout,
for (int i = 0; i < kGrShaderTypeCount; ++i) {
// This if check should not be needed since calling destroy on a VK_NULL_HANDLE is allowed.
// However this is causing a crash in certain drivers (e.g. NVidia).
if (shaderModules[i]) {
GR_VK_CALL(fGpu->vkInterface(), DestroyShaderModule(fGpu->device(), shaderModules[i],
if (!pipeline) {
GR_VK_CALL(fGpu->vkInterface(), DestroyPipelineLayout(fGpu->device(), pipelineLayout,
return nullptr;
return new GrVkPipelineState(fGpu,