blob: b23189943697271d621c6f0c2bc1d702d8bf6309 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrTriangulator_DEFINED
#define GrTriangulator_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkPath.h"
#include "include/core/SkPoint.h"
#include "include/private/SkColorData.h"
#include "src/base/SkArenaAlloc.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrColor.h"
class GrEagerVertexAllocator;
struct SkRect;
* Provides utility functions for converting paths to a collection of triangles.
class GrTriangulator {
constexpr static int kArenaDefaultChunkSize = 16 * 1024;
static int PathToTriangles(const SkPath& path, SkScalar tolerance, const SkRect& clipBounds,
GrEagerVertexAllocator* vertexAllocator, bool* isLinear) {
if (!path.isFinite()) {
return 0;
SkArenaAlloc alloc(kArenaDefaultChunkSize);
GrTriangulator triangulator(path, &alloc);
auto [ polys, success ] = triangulator.pathToPolys(tolerance, clipBounds, isLinear);
if (!success) {
return 0;
int count = triangulator.polysToTriangles(polys, vertexAllocator);
return count;
// Enums used by GrTriangulator internals.
typedef enum { kLeft_Side, kRight_Side } Side;
enum class EdgeType { kInner, kOuter, kConnector };
// Structs used by GrTriangulator internals.
struct Vertex;
struct VertexList;
struct Line;
struct Edge;
struct EdgeList;
struct MonotonePoly;
struct Poly;
struct Comparator;
GrTriangulator(const SkPath& path, SkArenaAlloc* alloc) : fPath(path), fAlloc(alloc) {}
virtual ~GrTriangulator() {}
// There are six stages to the basic algorithm:
// 1) Linearize the path contours into piecewise linear segments:
void pathToContours(float tolerance, const SkRect& clipBounds, VertexList* contours,
bool* isLinear) const;
// 2) Build a mesh of edges connecting the vertices:
void contoursToMesh(VertexList* contours, int contourCnt, VertexList* mesh,
const Comparator&);
// 3) Sort the vertices in Y (and secondarily in X):
static void SortedMerge(VertexList* front, VertexList* back, VertexList* result,
const Comparator&);
static void SortMesh(VertexList* vertices, const Comparator&);
// 4) Simplify the mesh by inserting new vertices at intersecting edges:
enum class SimplifyResult {
enum class BoolFail {
[[nodiscard]] SimplifyResult simplify(VertexList* mesh, const Comparator&);
// 5) Tessellate the simplified mesh into monotone polygons:
virtual std::tuple<Poly*, bool> tessellate(const VertexList& vertices, const Comparator&);
// 6) Triangulate the monotone polygons directly into a vertex buffer:
skgpu::VertexWriter polysToTriangles(Poly* polys,
SkPathFillType overrideFillType,
skgpu::VertexWriter data) const;
// The vertex sorting in step (3) is a merge sort, since it plays well with the linked list
// of vertices (and the necessity of inserting new vertices on intersection).
// Stages (4) and (5) use an active edge list -- a list of all edges for which the
// sweep line has crossed the top vertex, but not the bottom vertex. It's sorted
// left-to-right based on the point where both edges are active (when both top vertices
// have been seen, so the "lower" top vertex of the two). If the top vertices are equal
// (shared), it's sorted based on the last point where both edges are active, so the
// "upper" bottom vertex.
// The most complex step is the simplification (4). It's based on the Bentley-Ottman
// line-sweep algorithm, but due to floating point inaccuracy, the intersection points are
// not exact and may violate the mesh topology or active edge list ordering. We
// accommodate this by adjusting the topology of the mesh and AEL to match the intersection
// points. This occurs in two ways:
// A) Intersections may cause a shortened edge to no longer be ordered with respect to its
// neighbouring edges at the top or bottom vertex. This is handled by merging the
// edges (mergeCollinearVertices()).
// B) Intersections may cause an edge to violate the left-to-right ordering of the
// active edge list. This is handled by detecting potential violations and rewinding
// the active edge list to the vertex before they occur (rewind() during merging,
// rewind_if_necessary() during splitting).
// The tessellation steps (5) and (6) are based on "Triangulating Simple Polygons and
// Equivalent Problems" (Fournier and Montuno); also a line-sweep algorithm. Note that it
// currently uses a linked list for the active edge list, rather than a 2-3 tree as the
// paper describes. The 2-3 tree gives O(lg N) lookups, but insertion and removal also
// become O(lg N). In all the test cases, it was found that the cost of frequent O(lg N)
// insertions and removals was greater than the cost of infrequent O(N) lookups with the
// linked list implementation. With the latter, all removals are O(1), and most insertions
// are O(1), since we know the adjacent edge in the active edge list based on the topology.
// Only type 2 vertices (see paper) require the O(N) lookups, and these are much less
// frequent. There may be other data structures worth investigating, however.
// Note that the orientation of the line sweep algorithms is determined by the aspect ratio of
// the path bounds. When the path is taller than it is wide, we sort vertices based on
// increasing Y coordinate, and secondarily by increasing X coordinate. When the path is wider
// than it is tall, we sort by increasing X coordinate, but secondarily by *decreasing* Y
// coordinate. This is so that the "left" and "right" orientation in the code remains correct
// (edges to the left are increasing in Y; edges to the right are decreasing in Y). That is, the
// setting rotates 90 degrees counterclockwise, rather that transposing.
// Additional helpers and driver functions.
skgpu::VertexWriter emitMonotonePoly(const MonotonePoly*, skgpu::VertexWriter data) const;
skgpu::VertexWriter emitTriangle(Vertex* prev, Vertex* curr, Vertex* next, int winding,
skgpu::VertexWriter data) const;
skgpu::VertexWriter emitPoly(const Poly*, skgpu::VertexWriter data) const;
Poly* makePoly(Poly** head, Vertex* v, int winding) const;
void appendPointToContour(const SkPoint& p, VertexList* contour) const;
void appendQuadraticToContour(const SkPoint[3], SkScalar toleranceSqd,
VertexList* contour) const;
void generateCubicPoints(const SkPoint&, const SkPoint&, const SkPoint&, const SkPoint&,
SkScalar tolSqd, VertexList* contour, int pointsLeft) const;
bool applyFillType(int winding) const;
MonotonePoly* allocateMonotonePoly(Edge* edge, Side side, int winding);
Edge* allocateEdge(Vertex* top, Vertex* bottom, int winding, EdgeType type);
Edge* makeEdge(Vertex* prev, Vertex* next, EdgeType type, const Comparator&);
[[nodiscard]] bool setTop(
Edge* edge, Vertex* v, EdgeList* activeEdges, Vertex** current, const Comparator&) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool setBottom(
Edge* edge, Vertex* v, EdgeList* activeEdges, Vertex** current, const Comparator&) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool mergeEdgesAbove(
Edge* edge, Edge* other, EdgeList* activeEdges, Vertex** current, const Comparator&) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool mergeEdgesBelow(
Edge* edge, Edge* other, EdgeList* activeEdges, Vertex** current, const Comparator&) const;
Edge* makeConnectingEdge(Vertex* prev, Vertex* next, EdgeType, const Comparator&,
int windingScale = 1);
void mergeVertices(Vertex* src, Vertex* dst, VertexList* mesh, const Comparator&) const;
static void FindEnclosingEdges(const Vertex& v, const EdgeList& edges,
Edge** left, Edge** right);
bool mergeCollinearEdges(Edge* edge, EdgeList* activeEdges, Vertex** current,
const Comparator&) const;
BoolFail splitEdge(Edge* edge, Vertex* v, EdgeList* activeEdges, Vertex** current,
const Comparator&);
BoolFail intersectEdgePair(Edge* left, Edge* right, EdgeList* activeEdges, Vertex** current,
const Comparator&);
Vertex* makeSortedVertex(const SkPoint&, uint8_t alpha, VertexList* mesh, Vertex* reference,
const Comparator&) const;
void computeBisector(Edge* edge1, Edge* edge2, Vertex*) const;
BoolFail checkForIntersection(Edge* left, Edge* right, EdgeList* activeEdges, Vertex** current,
VertexList* mesh, const Comparator&);
void sanitizeContours(VertexList* contours, int contourCnt) const;
bool mergeCoincidentVertices(VertexList* mesh, const Comparator&) const;
void buildEdges(VertexList* contours, int contourCnt, VertexList* mesh,
const Comparator&);
std::tuple<Poly*, bool> contoursToPolys(VertexList* contours, int contourCnt);
std::tuple<Poly*, bool> pathToPolys(float tolerance, const SkRect& clipBounds,
bool* isLinear);
static int64_t CountPoints(Poly* polys, SkPathFillType overrideFillType);
int polysToTriangles(Poly*, GrEagerVertexAllocator*) const;
// FIXME: fPath should be plumbed through function parameters instead.
const SkPath fPath;
SkArenaAlloc* const fAlloc;
int fNumMonotonePolys = 0;
int fNumEdges = 0;
// Internal control knobs.
bool fRoundVerticesToQuarterPixel = false;
bool fEmitCoverage = false;
bool fPreserveCollinearVertices = false;
bool fCollectBreadcrumbTriangles = false;
// The breadcrumb triangles serve as a glue that erases T-junctions between a path's outer
// curves and its inner polygon triangulation. Drawing a path's outer curves, breadcrumb
// triangles, and inner polygon triangulation all together into the stencil buffer has the same
// identical rasterized effect as stenciling a classic Redbook fan.
// The breadcrumb triangles track all the edge splits that led from the original inner polygon
// edges to the final triangulation. Every time an edge splits, we emit a razor-thin breadcrumb
// triangle consisting of the edge's original endpoints and the split point. (We also add
// supplemental breadcrumb triangles to areas where abs(winding) > 1.)
// a
// /
// /
// /
// x <- Edge splits at x. New breadcrumb triangle is: [a, b, x].
// /
// /
// b
// The opposite-direction shared edges between the triangulation and breadcrumb triangles should
// all cancel out, leaving just the set of edges from the original polygon.
class BreadcrumbTriangleList {
struct Node {
Node(SkPoint a, SkPoint b, SkPoint c) : fPts{a, b, c} {}
SkPoint fPts[3];
Node* fNext = nullptr;
const Node* head() const { return fHead; }
int count() const { return fCount; }
void append(SkArenaAlloc* alloc, SkPoint a, SkPoint b, SkPoint c, int winding) {
if (a == b || a == c || b == c || winding == 0) {
if (winding < 0) {
std::swap(a, b);
winding = -winding;
for (int i = 0; i < winding; ++i) {
SkASSERT(fTail && !(*fTail));
*fTail = alloc->make<Node>(a, b, c);
fTail = &(*fTail)->fNext;
fCount += winding;
void concat(BreadcrumbTriangleList&& list) {
SkASSERT(fTail && !(*fTail));
if (list.fHead) {
*fTail = list.fHead;
fTail = list.fTail;
fCount += list.fCount;
list.fHead = nullptr;
list.fTail = &list.fHead;
list.fCount = 0;
Node* fHead = nullptr;
Node** fTail = &fHead;
int fCount = 0;
mutable BreadcrumbTriangleList fBreadcrumbList;
* Vertices are used in three ways: first, the path contours are converted into a
* circularly-linked list of Vertices for each contour. After edge construction, the same Vertices
* are re-ordered by the merge sort according to the sweep_lt comparator (usually, increasing
* in Y) using the same fPrev/fNext pointers that were used for the contours, to avoid
* reallocation. Finally, MonotonePolys are built containing a circularly-linked list of
* Vertices. (Currently, those Vertices are newly-allocated for the MonotonePolys, since
* an individual Vertex from the path mesh may belong to multiple
* MonotonePolys, so the original Vertices cannot be re-used.
struct GrTriangulator::Vertex {
Vertex(const SkPoint& point, uint8_t alpha)
: fPoint(point), fPrev(nullptr), fNext(nullptr)
, fFirstEdgeAbove(nullptr), fLastEdgeAbove(nullptr)
, fFirstEdgeBelow(nullptr), fLastEdgeBelow(nullptr)
, fLeftEnclosingEdge(nullptr), fRightEnclosingEdge(nullptr)
, fPartner(nullptr)
, fAlpha(alpha)
, fSynthetic(false)
, fID (-1.0f)
SkPoint fPoint; // Vertex position
Vertex* fPrev; // Linked list of contours, then Y-sorted vertices.
Vertex* fNext; // "
Edge* fFirstEdgeAbove; // Linked list of edges above this vertex.
Edge* fLastEdgeAbove; // "
Edge* fFirstEdgeBelow; // Linked list of edges below this vertex.
Edge* fLastEdgeBelow; // "
Edge* fLeftEnclosingEdge; // Nearest edge in the AEL left of this vertex.
Edge* fRightEnclosingEdge; // Nearest edge in the AEL right of this vertex.
Vertex* fPartner; // Corresponding inner or outer vertex (for AA).
uint8_t fAlpha;
bool fSynthetic; // Is this a synthetic vertex?
float fID; // Identifier used for logging.
bool isConnected() const { return this->fFirstEdgeAbove || this->fFirstEdgeBelow; }
struct GrTriangulator::VertexList {
VertexList() : fHead(nullptr), fTail(nullptr) {}
VertexList(Vertex* head, Vertex* tail) : fHead(head), fTail(tail) {}
Vertex* fHead;
Vertex* fTail;
void insert(Vertex* v, Vertex* prev, Vertex* next);
void append(Vertex* v) { insert(v, fTail, nullptr); }
void append(const VertexList& list) {
if (!list.fHead) {
if (fTail) {
fTail->fNext = list.fHead;
list.fHead->fPrev = fTail;
} else {
fHead = list.fHead;
fTail = list.fTail;
void prepend(Vertex* v) { insert(v, nullptr, fHead); }
void remove(Vertex* v);
void close() {
if (fHead && fTail) {
fTail->fNext = fHead;
fHead->fPrev = fTail;
void dump() const;
// A line equation in implicit form. fA * x + fB * y + fC = 0, for all points (x, y) on the line.
struct GrTriangulator::Line {
Line(double a, double b, double c) : fA(a), fB(b), fC(c) {}
Line(Vertex* p, Vertex* q) : Line(p->fPoint, q->fPoint) {}
Line(const SkPoint& p, const SkPoint& q)
: fA(static_cast<double>(q.fY) - p.fY) // a = dY
, fB(static_cast<double>(p.fX) - q.fX) // b = -dX
, fC(static_cast<double>(p.fY) * q.fX - // c = cross(q, p)
static_cast<double>(p.fX) * q.fY) {}
double dist(const SkPoint& p) const { return fA * p.fX + fB * p.fY + fC; }
Line operator*(double v) const { return Line(fA * v, fB * v, fC * v); }
double magSq() const { return fA * fA + fB * fB; }
void normalize() {
double len = sqrt(this->magSq());
if (len == 0.0) {
double scale = 1.0f / len;
fA *= scale;
fB *= scale;
fC *= scale;
bool nearParallel(const Line& o) const {
return fabs(o.fA - fA) < 0.00001 && fabs(o.fB - fB) < 0.00001;
// Compute the intersection of two (infinite) Lines.
bool intersect(const Line& other, SkPoint* point) const;
double fA, fB, fC;
* An Edge joins a top Vertex to a bottom Vertex. Edge ordering for the list of "edges above" and
* "edge below" a vertex as well as for the active edge list is handled by isLeftOf()/isRightOf().
* Note that an Edge will give occasionally dist() != 0 for its own endpoints (because floating
* point). For speed, that case is only tested by the callers that require it (e.g.,
* rewind_if_necessary()). Edges also handle checking for intersection with other edges.
* Currently, this converts the edges to the parametric form, in order to avoid doing a division
* until an intersection has been confirmed. This is slightly slower in the "found" case, but
* a lot faster in the "not found" case.
* The coefficients of the line equation stored in double precision to avoid catastrophic
* cancellation in the isLeftOf() and isRightOf() checks. Using doubles ensures that the result is
* correct in float, since it's a polynomial of degree 2. The intersect() function, being
* degree 5, is still subject to catastrophic cancellation. We deal with that by assuming its
* output may be incorrect, and adjusting the mesh topology to match (see comment at the top of
* this file).
struct GrTriangulator::Edge {
Edge(Vertex* top, Vertex* bottom, int winding, EdgeType type)
: fWinding(winding)
, fTop(top)
, fBottom(bottom)
, fType(type)
, fLeft(nullptr)
, fRight(nullptr)
, fPrevEdgeAbove(nullptr)
, fNextEdgeAbove(nullptr)
, fPrevEdgeBelow(nullptr)
, fNextEdgeBelow(nullptr)
, fLeftPoly(nullptr)
, fRightPoly(nullptr)
, fLeftPolyPrev(nullptr)
, fLeftPolyNext(nullptr)
, fRightPolyPrev(nullptr)
, fRightPolyNext(nullptr)
, fUsedInLeftPoly(false)
, fUsedInRightPoly(false)
, fLine(top, bottom) {
int fWinding; // 1 == edge goes downward; -1 = edge goes upward.
Vertex* fTop; // The top vertex in vertex-sort-order (sweep_lt).
Vertex* fBottom; // The bottom vertex in vertex-sort-order.
EdgeType fType;
Edge* fLeft; // The linked list of edges in the active edge list.
Edge* fRight; // "
Edge* fPrevEdgeAbove; // The linked list of edges in the bottom Vertex's "edges above".
Edge* fNextEdgeAbove; // "
Edge* fPrevEdgeBelow; // The linked list of edges in the top Vertex's "edges below".
Edge* fNextEdgeBelow; // "
Poly* fLeftPoly; // The Poly to the left of this edge, if any.
Poly* fRightPoly; // The Poly to the right of this edge, if any.
Edge* fLeftPolyPrev;
Edge* fLeftPolyNext;
Edge* fRightPolyPrev;
Edge* fRightPolyNext;
bool fUsedInLeftPoly;
bool fUsedInRightPoly;
Line fLine;
double dist(const SkPoint& p) const {
// Coerce points coincident with the vertices to have dist = 0, since converting from
// a double intersection point back to float storage might construct a point that's no
// longer on the ideal line.
return (p == fTop->fPoint || p == fBottom->fPoint) ? 0.0 : fLine.dist(p);
bool isRightOf(const Vertex& v) const { return this->dist(v.fPoint) < 0.0; }
bool isLeftOf(const Vertex& v) const { return this->dist(v.fPoint) > 0.0; }
void recompute() { fLine = Line(fTop, fBottom); }
void insertAbove(Vertex*, const Comparator&);
void insertBelow(Vertex*, const Comparator&);
void disconnect();
bool intersect(const Edge& other, SkPoint* p, uint8_t* alpha = nullptr) const;
struct GrTriangulator::EdgeList {
EdgeList() : fHead(nullptr), fTail(nullptr) {}
Edge* fHead;
Edge* fTail;
void insert(Edge* edge, Edge* prev, Edge* next);
bool insert(Edge* edge, Edge* prev);
void append(Edge* e) { insert(e, fTail, nullptr); }
bool remove(Edge* edge);
void removeAll() {
while (fHead) {
void close() {
if (fHead && fTail) {
fTail->fRight = fHead;
fHead->fLeft = fTail;
bool contains(Edge* edge) const { return edge->fLeft || edge->fRight || fHead == edge; }
struct GrTriangulator::MonotonePoly {
MonotonePoly(Edge* edge, Side side, int winding)
: fSide(side)
, fFirstEdge(nullptr)
, fLastEdge(nullptr)
, fPrev(nullptr)
, fNext(nullptr)
, fWinding(winding) {
Side fSide;
Edge* fFirstEdge;
Edge* fLastEdge;
MonotonePoly* fPrev;
MonotonePoly* fNext;
int fWinding;
void addEdge(Edge*);
struct GrTriangulator::Poly {
Poly(Vertex* v, int winding);
Poly* addEdge(Edge* e, Side side, GrTriangulator*);
Vertex* lastVertex() const { return fTail ? fTail->fLastEdge->fBottom : fFirstVertex; }
Vertex* fFirstVertex;
int fWinding;
MonotonePoly* fHead;
MonotonePoly* fTail;
Poly* fNext;
Poly* fPartner;
int fCount;
int fID;
struct GrTriangulator::Comparator {
enum class Direction { kVertical, kHorizontal };
Comparator(Direction direction) : fDirection(direction) {}
bool sweep_lt(const SkPoint& a, const SkPoint& b) const;
Direction fDirection;
#endif // GrTriangulator_DEFINED