using Bookmaker


How to use the Bookmaker utility.

Get the fiddle command line interface tool.

Get the Bookmaker CL and build it.

Generate an starter Bookmaker file from an existing include. This writes SkXXX.bmh in the current directory, which is out/dir/obj/ from an IDE.

Use your favorite editor to fill out SkXXX.bmh.

Generate fiddle.json from all examples, including the ones you just wrote. Error checking is syntatic: starting keywords are closed, keywords have the correct parents. If you run Bookmaker inside Visual Studio, you can click on errors and it will take you to the source line in question.

Once complete, run fiddlecli to generate the example hashes. Errors are contained by the output but aren't reported yet.

Generate bmh from SkXXX.bmh and fiddleout.json. Error checking includes: undefined references, fiddle compiler errors, missing or mismatched printf output. Again, you can click on any errors inside Visual Studio.

The original include may have changed since you started creating the markdown. Check to see if it is up to date. This reports if a method no longer exists or its parameters have changed.


To Do