| load("//bazel:macros.bzl", "exports_files_legacy", "wasm_cc_binary") |
| load("//bazel/common_config_settings:defs.bzl", "bool_flag") |
| load("//bazel:cc_binary_with_flags.bzl", "cc_binary_with_flags") |
| load("//bazel:karma_test.bzl", "karma_test") |
| |
| licenses(["notice"]) |
| |
| exports_files_legacy() |
| |
| #"-flto", # https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk/issues/807 |
| "--bind", # Compiles the source code using the Embind bindings to connect C/C++ and JavaScript |
| "--no-entry", |
| "-sUSE_PTHREADS=0", # Disable pthreads |
| "-sDISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING", # Disable all exception catching |
| "-sNODEJS_CATCH_EXIT=0", # We don't have a 'main' so disable exit() catching |
| "-sWASM", |
| "-sUSE_WEBGL2=1", |
| "-sFILESYSTEM=0", |
| "-sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['_malloc','_free']", |
| ] |
| |
| "-sASSERTIONS=0", # Turn off assertions |
| "-Oz", |
| ] |
| |
| DEBUG_OPTS = [ |
| "--closure 0", # Do not use closure |
| "-sASSERTIONS", # Turn on assertions |
| "-O0", |
| "-g3", |
| "--source-map-base=/build/", |
| ] |
| |
| filegroup( |
| name = "hdrs", |
| srcs = [ |
| "WasmCommon.h", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| # See https://stackoverflow.com/a/57499321 for reference. |
| genrule( |
| name = "create_notomono_cpp", |
| srcs = ["fonts/NotoMono-Regular.ttf"], |
| outs = ["fonts/NotoMono-Regular.ttf.bazel.cpp"], # Distinct name from compile.sh's version |
| cmd = "$(location //tools:embed_resources) --name=SK_EMBEDDED_FONTS " + |
| "--input=modules/canvaskit/fonts/NotoMono-Regular.ttf " + |
| # The $@ means substitute in the one and only output location, which will be located |
| # in //bazel-out, not in the fonts subdirectory (although it will be available to clients |
| # in the fonts/ subdirectory as if it had been there all along. |
| "--output=$@ " + |
| "--align=4", |
| tools = ["//tools:embed_resources"], |
| ) |
| |
| # Note: These are defines that only impact the _bindings.cpp files in this folder. |
| # Any defines that need to effect the entire Skia build should go in //bazel/BUILD.bazel |
| CK_DEFINES = [ |
| ] + select({ |
| ":enable_fonts_true": ["CK_INCLUDE_PARAGRAPH"], |
| ":enable_fonts_false": ["CK_NO_FONTS"], |
| }) + select({ |
| ":enable_skp_serialization_true": ["CK_SERIALIZE_SKP=1"], |
| ":enable_skp_serialization_false": [], |
| }) + select({ |
| ":enable_runtime_effect_true": ["CK_INCLUDE_RUNTIME_EFFECT=1"], |
| ":enable_runtime_effect_false": [], |
| }) |
| |
| "--closure 1", # Run the closure compiler |
| # pass the externs file in |
| "--closure-args=--externs=$(location externs.js)", |
| ] |
| |
| "-sEXPORT_NAME=CanvasKitInit", |
| # The order of these --pre-js flags matters! The preamble is a partially open scope and the |
| # postamble closes it. TODO(kjlubick) do we need to do it this way anymore? |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/preamble.js", |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/color.js", |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/memory.js", |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/util.js", |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/interface.js", |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/pathops.js", |
| ] + select({ |
| "//bazel/common_config_settings:gl_backend": [ |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/cpu.js", |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/webgl.js", |
| ], |
| "//conditions:default": [ |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/cpu.js", |
| ], |
| }) + select({ |
| ":enable_fonts_true": [ |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/font.js", |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/paragraph.js", |
| ], |
| ":enable_fonts_false": [], |
| }) + select({ |
| ":enable_canvas_polyfill_true": [ |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/htmlcanvas/preamble.js", |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/htmlcanvas/util.js", |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/htmlcanvas/color.js", |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/htmlcanvas/font.js", |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/htmlcanvas/canvas2dcontext.js", |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/htmlcanvas/htmlcanvas.js", |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/htmlcanvas/htmlimage.js", |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/htmlcanvas/imagedata.js", |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/htmlcanvas/lineargradient.js", |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/htmlcanvas/path2d.js", |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/htmlcanvas/pattern.js", |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/htmlcanvas/radialgradient.js", |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/htmlcanvas/postamble.js", |
| ], |
| ":enable_canvas_polyfill_false": [], |
| }) + select({ |
| ":enable_skottie_true": [ |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/skottie.js", |
| ], |
| ":enable_skottie_false": [], |
| }) + select({ |
| ":enable_skp_serialization_true": [ |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/skp.js", |
| ], |
| ":enable_skp_serialization_false": [], |
| }) + select({ |
| ":enable_particles_true": [ |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/particles.js", |
| ], |
| ":enable_particles_false": [], |
| }) + select({ |
| ":enable_runtime_effect_true": [ |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/rt_shader.js", |
| ], |
| ":enable_runtime_effect_false": [], |
| }) + select({ |
| ":include_matrix_js_true": [ |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/matrix.js", |
| ], |
| ":include_matrix_js_false": [], |
| }) + [ |
| # This must come last |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/postamble.js", |
| ] + select({ |
| "//bazel/common_config_settings:debug_build": DEBUG_OPTS + [ |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/debug.js", |
| ], |
| "//conditions:default": RELEASE_OPTS + CK_RELEASE_OPTS + [ |
| "--pre-js", |
| "modules/canvaskit/release.js", |
| ], |
| }) |
| |
| # All JS files that could possibly be included via --pre-js or --post-js. |
| # Whether they actually will be or not will be controlled above in the construction of CK_OPTS. |
| "color.js", |
| "cpu.js", |
| "debug.js", |
| "font.js", |
| "webgl.js", |
| "webgpu.js", |
| "interface.js", |
| "matrix.js", |
| "memory.js", |
| "paragraph.js", |
| "particles.js", |
| "pathops.js", |
| "postamble.js", |
| "preamble.js", |
| "release.js", |
| "rt_shader.js", |
| "skottie.js", |
| "skp.js", |
| "util.js", |
| ] + [ |
| "htmlcanvas/canvas2dcontext.js", |
| "htmlcanvas/color.js", |
| "htmlcanvas/font.js", |
| "htmlcanvas/htmlcanvas.js", |
| "htmlcanvas/htmlimage.js", |
| "htmlcanvas/imagedata.js", |
| "htmlcanvas/lineargradient.js", |
| "htmlcanvas/path2d.js", |
| "htmlcanvas/pattern.js", |
| "htmlcanvas/postamble.js", |
| "htmlcanvas/preamble.js", |
| "htmlcanvas/radialgradient.js", |
| "htmlcanvas/util.js", |
| ] |
| |
| CK_SRCS = [ |
| "canvaskit_bindings.cpp", |
| ":hdrs", |
| ] + select({ |
| ":include_embedded_font_true": ["fonts/NotoMono-Regular.ttf.bazel.cpp"], |
| ":include_embedded_font_false": [], |
| }) + select({ |
| ":enable_fonts_true": [ |
| "paragraph_bindings.cpp", |
| "paragraph_bindings_gen.cpp", |
| ], |
| ":enable_fonts_false": [], |
| }) + select({ |
| ":enable_skottie_true": ["skottie_bindings.cpp"], |
| ":enable_skottie_false": [], |
| }) + select({ |
| ":enable_particles_true": ["particles_bindings.cpp"], |
| ":enable_particles_false": [], |
| }) |
| |
| cc_binary_with_flags( |
| name = "canvaskit.with_flags", |
| srcs = CK_SRCS, |
| additional_linker_inputs = JS_INTERFACE_FILES + ["externs.js"], |
| # wasm_cc_binary makes the canvaskit.js/canvaskit.wasm based on the actual name |
| # of the executable. |
| linkopts = CK_OPTS, |
| local_defines = CK_DEFINES, |
| set_flags = { |
| "disable_tracing": ["True"], |
| "include_decoder": [ |
| "jpeg_decode_codec", |
| "png_decode_codec", |
| "webp_decode_codec", |
| "gif_decode_codec", |
| ], |
| "include_encoder": [ |
| "jpeg_encode_codec", |
| "png_encode_codec", |
| "webp_encode_codec", |
| ], |
| # TODO(kjlubick) make this optional, depending on enable_fonts |
| "fontmgr_factory": [ |
| "custom_embedded_fontmgr_factory", |
| ], |
| "gpu_backend": [ |
| "gl_backend", |
| ], |
| "with_gl_standard": [ |
| "webgl_standard", |
| ], |
| "use_icu": [ |
| "True", |
| ], |
| "enable_sksl_tracing": [ |
| "True", |
| ], |
| "shaper_backend": [ |
| "harfbuzz_shaper", |
| ], |
| }, |
| # This target won't build successfully on its own because of missing emscripten |
| # headers etc. Therefore, we hide it from wildcards. |
| tags = ["manual"], |
| deps = [ |
| "//:skia_public", |
| ] + select({ |
| ":enable_fonts_true": [ |
| "//modules/skparagraph", |
| ], |
| ":enable_fonts_false": [], |
| }) + select({ |
| ":enable_skottie_true": [ |
| "//modules/skottie", |
| "//modules/skottie:utils", |
| ], |
| ":enable_skottie_false": [], |
| }) + select({ |
| ":enable_particles_true": [ |
| "//modules/particles", |
| ], |
| ":enable_particles_false": [], |
| }), |
| ) |
| |
| wasm_cc_binary( |
| name = "canvaskit_wasm", |
| # Whatever is before the dot will be the name of the output js and wasm, aka "the stem". |
| # https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk/blob/82ad00499a42abde16b363239d2bc83bf5d863ab/bazel/emscripten_toolchain/wasm_cc_binary.bzl#L91 |
| cc_target = ":canvaskit.with_flags", |
| ) |
| |
| bool_flag( |
| default = True, |
| flag_name = "enable_canvas_polyfill", |
| ) |
| |
| bool_flag( |
| default = True, |
| flag_name = "enable_fonts", |
| ) |
| |
| bool_flag( |
| default = True, |
| flag_name = "include_embedded_font", |
| ) |
| |
| bool_flag( |
| default = True, |
| flag_name = "enable_skottie", |
| ) |
| |
| bool_flag( |
| default = True, |
| flag_name = "enable_skp_serialization", |
| ) |
| |
| bool_flag( |
| default = True, |
| flag_name = "enable_particles", |
| ) |
| |
| bool_flag( |
| default = True, |
| flag_name = "enable_runtime_effect", |
| ) |
| |
| bool_flag( |
| default = True, |
| flag_name = "include_matrix_js", |
| ) |
| |
| karma_test( |
| name = "canvaskit_js_tests", |
| srcs = [ |
| ":canvaskit_wasm/canvaskit.js", |
| # We want to make sure the CanvasKit JS is loaded before the loader script |
| "tests/bazel/canvaskitinit.js", |
| "tests/bazel/util.js", |
| "tests/bazel/test_reporter.js", |
| # which is loaded before the tests... |
| "tests/bazel/smoke_test.js", |
| "tests/bazel/canvas_test.js", |
| "tests/bazel/canvas2d_test.js", |
| "tests/bazel/core_test.js", |
| "tests/bazel/font_test.js", |
| "tests/bazel/matrix_test.js", |
| "tests/bazel/paragraph_test.js", |
| "tests/bazel/path_test.js", |
| "tests/bazel/rtshader_test.js", |
| "tests/bazel/skottie_test.js", |
| ], |
| config_file = "karma.bazel.js", |
| # The tests need the Gold server to be up and running so they can make POST requests to |
| # exfiltrate the PNGs they create. |
| env = "//modules/canvaskit/go/gold_test_env:gold_test_env", |
| static_files = [ |
| ":canvaskit_wasm/canvaskit.wasm", |
| "//modules/canvaskit/tests/assets:test_assets", |
| ], |
| ) |