blob: 6b22a87813b04a5660019d8def081ddcf41f6e41 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrVkAttachment_DEFINED
#define GrVkAttachment_DEFINED
#include "include/gpu/vk/GrVkTypes.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrAttachment.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRefCnt.h"
#include "src/gpu/vk/GrVkDescriptorSet.h"
#include "src/gpu/vk/GrVkImage.h"
class GrVkImageView;
class GrVkGpu;
class GrVkAttachment : public GrAttachment, public GrVkImage {
static sk_sp<GrVkAttachment> MakeStencil(GrVkGpu* gpu,
SkISize dimensions,
int sampleCnt,
VkFormat format);
static sk_sp<GrVkAttachment> MakeMSAA(GrVkGpu* gpu,
SkISize dimensions,
int numSamples,
VkFormat format,
GrProtected isProtected);
static sk_sp<GrVkAttachment> MakeTexture(GrVkGpu* gpu,
SkISize dimensions,
VkFormat format,
uint32_t mipLevels,
GrRenderable renderable,
int numSamples,
SkBudgeted budgeted,
GrProtected isProtected);
static sk_sp<GrVkAttachment> MakeWrapped(GrVkGpu* gpu,
SkISize dimensions,
const GrVkImageInfo&,
UsageFlags attachmentUsages,
bool forSecondaryCB = false);
~GrVkAttachment() override;
GrBackendFormat backendFormat() const override { return this->getBackendFormat(); }
const GrManagedResource* imageResource() const { return this->resource(); }
const GrVkImageView* framebufferView() const { return fFramebufferView.get(); }
const GrVkImageView* textureView() const { return fTextureView.get(); }
// So that we don't need to rewrite descriptor sets each time, we keep cached input descriptor
// sets on the attachment and simply reuse those descriptor sets for this attachment only. These
// calls will fail if the attachment does not support being used as an input attachment. These
// calls do not ref the GrVkDescriptorSet so they called will need to manually ref them if they
// need to be kept alive.
gr_rp<const GrVkDescriptorSet> inputDescSetForBlending(GrVkGpu* gpu);
// Input descripotr set used when needing to read a resolve attachment to load data into a
// discardable msaa attachment.
gr_rp<const GrVkDescriptorSet> inputDescSetForMSAALoad(GrVkGpu* gpu);
void onRelease() override;
void onAbandon() override;
static sk_sp<GrVkAttachment> Make(GrVkGpu* gpu,
SkISize dimensions,
UsageFlags attachmentUsages,
int sampleCnt,
VkFormat format,
uint32_t mipLevels,
VkImageUsageFlags vkUsageFlags,
GrProtected isProtected,
GrVkAttachment(GrVkGpu* gpu,
SkISize dimensions,
UsageFlags supportedUsages,
const GrVkImageInfo&,
sk_sp<GrBackendSurfaceMutableStateImpl> mutableState,
sk_sp<const GrVkImageView> framebufferView,
sk_sp<const GrVkImageView> textureView,
GrVkAttachment(GrVkGpu* gpu,
SkISize dimensions,
UsageFlags supportedUsages,
const GrVkImageInfo&,
sk_sp<GrBackendSurfaceMutableStateImpl> mutableState,
sk_sp<const GrVkImageView> framebufferView,
sk_sp<const GrVkImageView> textureView,
bool forSecondaryCB);
GrVkGpu* getVkGpu() const;
void release();
sk_sp<const GrVkImageView> fFramebufferView;
sk_sp<const GrVkImageView> fTextureView;
// Descriptor set used when this is used as an input attachment for reading the dst in blending.
gr_rp<const GrVkDescriptorSet> fCachedBlendingInputDescSet;
// Descriptor set used when this is used as an input attachment for loading an msaa attachment.
gr_rp<const GrVkDescriptorSet> fCachedMSAALoadInputDescSet;