blob: abc51ee9513970a4be6be79ef45fc6f6e8bc1236 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/utils/SkRandom.h"
#include "modules/particles/include/SkParticleEffect.h"
#include "modules/particles/include/SkParticleSerialization.h"
#include "modules/skresources/include/SkResources.h"
#include <string>
#include <emscripten.h>
#include <emscripten/bind.h>
using namespace emscripten;
namespace {
class ParticleAssetProvider : public skresources::ResourceProvider {
~ParticleAssetProvider() override = default;
// Tried using a map, but that gave strange errors like
// Not entirely sure why, but perhaps the iterator in the map was
// confusing enscripten.
using AssetVec = std::vector<std::pair<SkString, sk_sp<SkData>>>;
static sk_sp<ParticleAssetProvider> Make(AssetVec assets) {
if (assets.empty()) {
return nullptr;
return sk_sp<ParticleAssetProvider>(new ParticleAssetProvider(std::move(assets)));
sk_sp<skresources::ImageAsset> loadImageAsset(const char[] /* path */,
const char name[],
const char[] /* id */) const override {
// For CK we ignore paths & IDs, and identify images based solely on name.
if (auto data = this->findAsset(name)) {
return skresources::MultiFrameImageAsset::Make(std::move(data));
return nullptr;
sk_sp<SkData> loadFont(const char name[], const char[] /* url */) const override {
// Same as images paths, we ignore font URLs.
return this->findAsset(name);
explicit ParticleAssetProvider(AssetVec assets) : fAssets(std::move(assets)) {}
sk_sp<SkData> findAsset(const char name[]) const {
for (const auto& asset : fAssets) {
if (asset.first.equals(name)) {
return asset.second;
SkDebugf("Could not find %s\n", name);
return nullptr;
const AssetVec fAssets;
.function("draw", &SkParticleEffect::draw, allow_raw_pointers())
.function("start", select_overload<void (double, bool)>(&SkParticleEffect::start))
.function("update", select_overload<void (double)>(&SkParticleEffect::update))
.function("setPosition", select_overload<void (SkPoint)>(&SkParticleEffect::setPosition))
.function("setRate", select_overload<void (float)>(&SkParticleEffect::setRate));
function("_MakeParticles", optional_override([](std::string json,
size_t assetCount,
uintptr_t /* char** */ nptr,
uintptr_t /* uint8_t** */ dptr,
uintptr_t /* size_t* */ sptr)
->sk_sp<SkParticleEffect> {
// See the comment in canvaskit_bindings.cpp about the use of uintptr_t
static bool didInit = false;
if (!didInit) {
didInit = true;
const auto assetNames = reinterpret_cast<char** >(nptr);
const auto assetDatas = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t**>(dptr);
const auto assetSizes = reinterpret_cast<size_t* >(sptr);
ParticleAssetProvider::AssetVec assets;
for (size_t i = 0; i < assetCount; i++) {
auto name = SkString(assetNames[i]);
auto bytes = SkData::MakeFromMalloc(assetDatas[i], assetSizes[i]);
assets.push_back(std::make_pair(std::move(name), std::move(bytes)));
SkRandom r;
sk_sp<SkParticleEffectParams> params(new SkParticleEffectParams());
skjson::DOM dom(json.c_str(), json.length());
SkFromJsonVisitor fromJson(dom.root());
return sk_sp<SkParticleEffect>(new SkParticleEffect(std::move(params), r));
constant("particles", true);