blob: 12d9fce027ab492c74d1706043c8aae13097346b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkCanvasPriv_DEFINED
#define SkCanvasPriv_DEFINED
#include "SkCanvas.h"
class SkReadBuffer;
class SkWriteBuffer;
class SkAutoCanvasMatrixPaint : SkNoncopyable {
SkAutoCanvasMatrixPaint(SkCanvas*, const SkMatrix*, const SkPaint*, const SkRect& bounds);
SkCanvas* fCanvas;
int fSaveCount;
class SkCanvasPriv {
// The lattice has pointers directly into the readbuffer
static bool ReadLattice(SkReadBuffer&, SkCanvas::Lattice*);
static void WriteLattice(SkWriteBuffer&, const SkCanvas::Lattice&);
// return the byte-size of the lattice, even if the buffer is null
// storage must be 4-byte aligned
static size_t WriteLattice(void* storage, const SkCanvas::Lattice&);