blob: 2db990774a9d20e478c6dfee580758f884d522b4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef ClipStack_DEFINED
#define ClipStack_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkClipOp.h"
#include "include/core/SkMatrix.h"
#include "include/core/SkShader.h"
#include "src/core/SkTBlockList.h"
#include "src/gpu/ResourceKey.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrClip.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrSurfaceProxyView.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/geometry/GrShape.h"
class GrAppliedClip;
class GrProxyProvider;
class GrRecordingContext;
namespace skgpu { namespace v1 { class SurfaceDrawContext; }}
class GrSWMaskHelper;
class SkMatrixProvider;
namespace skgpu::v1 {
class ClipStack final : public GrClip {
enum class ClipState : uint8_t {
kEmpty, kWideOpen, kDeviceRect, kDeviceRRect, kComplex
// All data describing a geometric modification to the clip
struct Element {
GrShape fShape;
SkMatrix fLocalToDevice;
SkClipOp fOp;
// The SkMatrixProvider must outlive the ClipStack.
ClipStack(const SkIRect& deviceBounds, const SkMatrixProvider* matrixProvider, bool forceAA);
~ClipStack() override;
ClipStack(const ClipStack&) = delete;
ClipStack& operator=(const ClipStack&) = delete;
ClipState clipState() const { return this->currentSaveRecord().state(); }
class ElementIter;
// Provides for-range over active, valid clip elements from most recent to oldest.
// The iterator provides items as "const Element&".
inline ElementIter begin() const;
inline ElementIter end() const;
// Clip stack manipulation
void save();
void restore();
void clipRect(const SkMatrix& ctm, const SkRect& rect, GrAA aa, SkClipOp op) {
this->clip({ctm, GrShape(rect), aa, op});
void clipRRect(const SkMatrix& ctm, const SkRRect& rrect, GrAA aa, SkClipOp op) {
this->clip({ctm, GrShape(rrect), aa, op});
void clipPath(const SkMatrix& ctm, const SkPath& path, GrAA aa, SkClipOp op) {
this->clip({ctm, GrShape(path), aa, op});
void clipShader(sk_sp<SkShader> shader);
void replaceClip(const SkIRect& rect);
// GrClip implementation
GrClip::Effect apply(GrRecordingContext*, skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext*, GrDrawOp*, GrAAType,
GrAppliedClip*, SkRect* bounds) const override;
GrClip::PreClipResult preApply(const SkRect& drawBounds, GrAA aa) const override;
SkIRect getConservativeBounds() const override;
UniqueKey testingOnly_getLastSWMaskKey() const {
return fMasks.empty() ? UniqueKey() : fMasks.back().key();
class SaveRecord;
class Mask;
// Internally, a lot of clip reasoning is based on an op, outer bounds, and whether a shape
// contains another (possibly just conservatively based on inner/outer device-space bounds).
// Element and SaveRecord store this information directly, but a draw fits the same definition
// with an implicit intersect op and empty inner bounds. The OpDraw and RRectDraw types provide
// the same interface as Element and SaveRecord for internal clip reasoning templates.
class Draw;
// Wraps the geometric Element data with logic for containment and bounds testing.
class RawElement : private Element {
using Stack = SkTBlockList<RawElement, 1>;
RawElement(const SkMatrix& localToDevice, const GrShape& shape, GrAA aa, SkClipOp op);
// Common clip type interface
SkClipOp op() const { return fOp; }
const SkIRect& outerBounds() const { return fOuterBounds; }
bool contains(const SaveRecord& s) const;
bool contains(const Draw& d) const;
bool contains(const RawElement& e) const;
// Additional element-specific data
const Element& asElement() const { return *this; }
const GrShape& shape() const { return fShape; }
const SkMatrix& localToDevice() const { return fLocalToDevice; }
const SkIRect& innerBounds() const { return fInnerBounds; }
GrAA aa() const { return fAA; }
ClipState clipType() const;
// As new elements are pushed on to the stack, they may make older elements redundant.
// The old elements are marked invalid so they are skipped during clip application, but may
// become active again when a save record is restored.
bool isInvalid() const { return fInvalidatedByIndex >= 0; }
void markInvalid(const SaveRecord& current);
void restoreValid(const SaveRecord& current);
// 'added' represents a new op added to the element stack. Its combination with this element
// can result in a number of possibilities:
// 1. The entire clip is empty (signaled by both this and 'added' being invalidated).
// 2. The 'added' op supercedes this element (this element is invalidated).
// 3. This op supercedes the 'added' element (the added element is marked invalidated).
// 4. Their combination can be represented by a single new op (in which case this
// element should be invalidated, and the combined shape stored in 'added').
// 5. Or both elements remain needed to describe the clip (both are valid and unchanged).
// The calling element will only modify its invalidation index since it could belong
// to part of the inactive stack (that might be restored later). All merged state/geometry
// is handled by modifying 'added'.
void updateForElement(RawElement* added, const SaveRecord& current);
void simplify(const SkIRect& deviceBounds, bool forceAA);
bool combine(const RawElement& other, const SaveRecord& current);
SkMatrix fDeviceToLocal; // cached inverse of fLocalToDevice for contains() optimization
// Device space bounds, rounded in or out to pixel boundaries and accounting for any
// uncertainty around anti-aliasing and rasterization snapping.
SkIRect fInnerBounds;
SkIRect fOuterBounds;
// Elements are invalidated by SaveRecords as the record is updated with new elements that
// override old geometry. An invalidated element stores the index of the first element of
// the save record that invalidated it. This makes it easy to undo when the save record is
// popped from the stack, and is stable as the current save record is modified.
int fInvalidatedByIndex;
// Represents an alpha mask with the rasterized coverage from elements in a draw query that
// could not be converted to analytic coverage FPs.
// TODO: This is only required for SW masks. Stencil masks and atlas masks don't have resources
// owned by the ClipStack. Once SW masks are no longer needed, this can go away.
class Mask {
using Stack = SkTBlockList<Mask, 1>;
Mask(const SaveRecord& current, const SkIRect& bounds);
~Mask() {
// The key should have been released by the clip stack before hand
const UniqueKey& key() const { return fKey; }
const SkIRect& bounds() const { return fBounds; }
uint32_t genID() const { return fGenID; }
bool appliesToDraw(const SaveRecord& current, const SkIRect& drawBounds) const;
void invalidate(GrProxyProvider* proxyProvider);
SkDEBUGCODE(const SaveRecord* owner() const { return fOwner; })
UniqueKey fKey;
// The gen ID of the save record and the query bounds uniquely define the set of elements
// that would go into a mask. If the save record adds new elements, its gen ID would change.
// If the draw had different bounds it would select a different set of masked elements.
// Repeatedly querying an unmodified save record with the same bounds is idempotent.
SkIRect fBounds;
uint32_t fGenID;
SkDEBUGCODE(const SaveRecord* fOwner;)
// Represents a saved point in the clip stack, and manages the life time of elements added to
// stack within the record's life time. Also provides the logic for determining active elements
// given a draw query.
class SaveRecord {
using Stack = SkTBlockList<SaveRecord, 2>;
explicit SaveRecord(const SkIRect& deviceBounds);
SaveRecord(const SaveRecord& prior, int startingMaskIndex, int startingElementIndex);
// The common clip type interface
SkClipOp op() const { return fStackOp; }
const SkIRect& outerBounds() const { return fOuterBounds; }
bool contains(const Draw& d) const;
bool contains(const RawElement& e) const;
// Additional save record-specific data/functionality
const SkShader* shader() const { return fShader.get(); }
const SkIRect& innerBounds() const { return fInnerBounds; }
int firstActiveElementIndex() const { return fStartingElementIndex; }
int oldestElementIndex() const { return fOldestValidIndex; }
bool canBeUpdated() const { return (fDeferredSaveCount == 0); }
ClipState state() const;
uint32_t genID() const;
// Deferred save manipulation
void pushSave() {
SkASSERT(fDeferredSaveCount >= 0);
// Returns true if the record should stay alive. False means the ClipStack must delete it
bool popSave() {
SkASSERT(fDeferredSaveCount >= -1);
return fDeferredSaveCount >= 0;
// Return true if the element was added to 'elements', or otherwise affected the save record
// (e.g. turned it empty).
bool addElement(RawElement&& toAdd, RawElement::Stack* elements);
void addShader(sk_sp<SkShader> shader);
void reset(const SkIRect& bounds);
// Remove the elements owned by this save record, which must happen before the save record
// itself is removed from the clip stack.
void removeElements(RawElement::Stack* elements);
// Restore element validity now that this record is the new top of the stack.
void restoreElements(RawElement::Stack* elements);
void invalidateMasks(GrProxyProvider* proxyProvider, Mask::Stack* masks);
// These functions modify 'elements' and element-dependent state of the record
// (such as valid index and fState).
bool appendElement(RawElement&& toAdd, RawElement::Stack* elements);
void replaceWithElement(RawElement&& toAdd, RawElement::Stack* elements);
// Inner bounds is always contained in outer bounds, or it is empty. All bounds will be
// contained in the device bounds.
SkIRect fInnerBounds; // Inside is full coverage (stack op == intersect) or 0 cov (diff)
SkIRect fOuterBounds; // Outside is 0 coverage (op == intersect) or full cov (diff)
// A save record can have up to one shader, multiple shaders are automatically blended
sk_sp<SkShader> fShader;
const int fStartingMaskIndex; // First mask owned by this save record
const int fStartingElementIndex; // First element owned by this save record
int fOldestValidIndex; // Index of oldest element that remains valid for this record
int fDeferredSaveCount; // Number of save() calls without modifications (yet)
// Will be kIntersect unless every valid element is kDifference, which is significant
// because if kDifference then there is an implicit extra outer bounds at the device edges.
SkClipOp fStackOp;
ClipState fState;
uint32_t fGenID;
// Adds the element to the clip, handling allocating a new save record on the stack if
// there is a deferred save.
void clip(RawElement&& element);
const SaveRecord& currentSaveRecord() const {
return fSaves.back();
// Will return the current save record, properly updating deferred saves
// and initializing a first record if it were empty.
SaveRecord& writableSaveRecord(bool* wasDeferred);
// Generate or find a cached SW coverage mask and return an FP that samples it.
// 'elements' is an array of pointers to elements in the stack.
static GrFPResult GetSWMaskFP(GrRecordingContext* context, Mask::Stack* masks,
const SaveRecord& current, const SkIRect& bounds,
const Element** elements, int count,
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> clipFP);
RawElement::Stack fElements;
SaveRecord::Stack fSaves; // always has one wide open record at the top
// The masks are recorded during apply() calls so we can cache them; they are not modifications
// of the actual clip stack.
// NOTE: These fields can go away once a context has a dedicated clip atlas
mutable Mask::Stack fMasks;
mutable GrProxyProvider* fProxyProvider;
const SkIRect fDeviceBounds;
const SkMatrixProvider* fMatrixProvider;
// When there's MSAA, clip elements are applied using the stencil buffer. If a backend cannot
// disable MSAA per draw, then all elements are effectively AA'ed. Tracking them as such makes
// keeps the entire stack as simple as possible.
bool fForceAA;
// Clip element iteration
class ClipStack::ElementIter {
bool operator!=(const ElementIter& o) const {
return o.fItem != fItem && o.fRemaining != fRemaining;
const Element& operator*() const { return (*fItem).asElement(); }
ElementIter& operator++() {
// Skip over invalidated elements
do {
} while(fRemaining > 0 && (*fItem).isInvalid());
return *this;
ElementIter(RawElement::Stack::CRIter::Item item, int r) : fItem(item), fRemaining(r) {}
RawElement::Stack::CRIter::Item fItem;
int fRemaining;
friend class ClipStack;
ClipStack::ElementIter ClipStack::begin() const {
if (this->currentSaveRecord().state() == ClipState::kEmpty ||
this->currentSaveRecord().state() == ClipState::kWideOpen) {
// No visible clip elements when empty or wide open
return this->end();
int count = fElements.count() - this->currentSaveRecord().oldestElementIndex();
return ElementIter(fElements.ritems().begin(), count);
ClipStack::ElementIter ClipStack::end() const {
return ElementIter(fElements.ritems().end(), 0);
} // namespace skgpu::v1
#endif // ClipStack_DEFINED