blob: c28c19b604b2dc84c926c06a387d8eba58bef2a2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/codec/SkJpegGainmap.h"
#include "include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "include/core/SkData.h"
#include "include/core/SkScalar.h"
#include "include/core/SkStream.h"
#include "include/private/SkGainmapInfo.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkFloatingPoint.h"
#include "include/utils/SkParse.h"
#include "src/codec/SkCodecPriv.h"
#include "src/codec/SkJpegMultiPicture.h"
#include "src/codec/SkJpegPriv.h"
#include "src/codec/SkJpegSegmentScan.h"
#include "src/xml/SkDOM.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
// SkStream helpers.
* Class that will will rewind an SkStream, and then restore it to its original position when it
* goes out of scope. If the SkStream is not seekable, then the stream will not be altered at all,
* and will return false from canRestore.
class ScopedSkStreamRestorer {
ScopedSkStreamRestorer(SkStream* stream)
: fStream(stream), fPosition(stream->hasPosition() ? stream->getPosition() : 0) {
if (canRestore()) {
if (!fStream->rewind()) {
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to rewind decoder stream.\n");
~ScopedSkStreamRestorer() {
if (canRestore()) {
if (!fStream->seek(fPosition)) {
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to restore decoder stream.\n");
bool canRestore() const { return fStream->hasPosition(); }
SkStream* const fStream;
const size_t fPosition;
// SkDOM and XMP helpers.
* Build an SkDOM from an SkData. Return true on success and false on failure (including the input
* data being nullptr).
bool SkDataToSkDOM(sk_sp<const SkData> data, SkDOM* dom) {
if (!data) {
return false;
auto stream = SkMemoryStream::MakeDirect(data->data(), data->size());
if (!stream) {
return false;
return dom->build(*stream) != nullptr;
* Given an SkDOM, verify that the dom is XMP, and find the first rdf:Description node that matches
* the specified namespaces to the specified URIs. The XML structure that this function matches is
* as follows (with NAMESPACEi and URIi being the parameters specified to this function):
* <x:xmpmeta ...>
* <rdf:RDF ...>
* <rdf:Description NAMESPACE0="URI0" NAMESPACE1="URI1" .../>
* </rdf:RDF>
* </x:xmpmeta>
const SkDOM::Node* FindXmpNamespaceUriMatch(const SkDOM& dom,
const char* namespaces[],
const char* uris[],
size_t count) {
const SkDOM::Node* root = dom.getRootNode();
if (!root) {
return nullptr;
const char* rootName = dom.getName(root);
if (!rootName || strcmp(rootName, "x:xmpmeta") != 0) {
return nullptr;
const char* kRdf = "rdf:RDF";
for (const auto* rdf = dom.getFirstChild(root, kRdf); rdf;
rdf = dom.getNextSibling(rdf, kRdf)) {
const char* kDesc = "rdf:Description";
for (const auto* desc = dom.getFirstChild(rdf, kDesc); desc;
desc = dom.getNextSibling(desc, kDesc)) {
bool allNamespaceURIsMatch = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (!dom.hasAttr(desc, namespaces[i], uris[i])) {
allNamespaceURIsMatch = false;
if (allNamespaceURIsMatch) {
return desc;
return nullptr;
* Given a node, see if that node has only one child with the indicated name. If so, see if that
* child has only a single child of its own, and that child is text. If all of that is the case
* then return the text, otherwise return nullptr.
* In the following example, innerText will be returned.
* <node><childName>innerText</childName></node>
* In the following examples, nullptr will be returned (because there are multiple children with
* childName in the first case, and because the child has children of its own in the second).
* <node><childName>innerTextA</childName><childName>innerTextB</childName></node>
* <node><childName>innerText<otherGrandChild/></childName></node>
static const char* GetUniqueChildText(const SkDOM& dom,
const SkDOM::Node* node,
const char* childName) {
// Fail if there are multiple children with childName.
if (dom.countChildren(node, childName) != 1) {
return nullptr;
const auto* child = dom.getFirstChild(node, childName);
if (!child) {
return nullptr;
// Fail if the child has any children besides text.
if (dom.countChildren(child) != 1) {
return nullptr;
const auto* grandChild = dom.getFirstChild(child);
if (dom.getType(grandChild) != SkDOM::kText_Type) {
return nullptr;
// Return the text.
return dom.getName(grandChild);
// Helper function that builds on GetUniqueChildText, returning true if the unique child with
// childName has inner text that matches an expected text.
static bool UniqueChildTextMatches(const SkDOM& dom,
const SkDOM::Node* node,
const char* childName,
const char* expectedText) {
const char* text = GetUniqueChildText(dom, node, childName);
if (text && !strcmp(text, expectedText)) {
return true;
return false;
// Helper function that builds on GetUniqueChildText, returning true if the unique child with
// childName has inner text that matches an expected integer.
static bool UniqueChildTextMatches(const SkDOM& dom,
const SkDOM::Node* node,
const char* childName,
int32_t expectedValue) {
const char* text = GetUniqueChildText(dom, node, childName);
int32_t actualValue = 0;
if (text && SkParse::FindS32(text, &actualValue)) {
return actualValue == expectedValue;
return false;
// Multi-PictureFormat Gainmap Functions
// Return true if the specified XMP metadata identifies this image as an HDR gainmap.
static bool XmpIsHDRGainMap(const sk_sp<const SkData>& xmpMetadata) {
// Parse the XMP.
SkDOM dom;
if (!SkDataToSkDOM(xmpMetadata, &dom)) {
return false;
// Find a node that matches the requested namespaces and URIs.
const char* namespaces[2] = {"xmlns:apdi", "xmlns:HDRGainMap"};
const char* uris[2] = {"",
const SkDOM::Node* node = FindXmpNamespaceUriMatch(dom, namespaces, uris, 2);
if (!node) {
return false;
if (!UniqueChildTextMatches(
dom, node, "apdi:AuxiliaryImageType", "urn:com:apple:photo:2020:aux:hdrgainmap")) {
SkCodecPrintf("Did not find auxiliary image type.\n");
return false;
if (!UniqueChildTextMatches(dom, node, "HDRGainMap:HDRGainMapVersion", 65536)) {
SkCodecPrintf("HDRGainMapVersion absent or not 65536.\n");
return false;
// This node will often have StoredFormat and NativeFormat children that have inner text that
// specifies the integer 'L008' (also known as kCVPixelFormatType_OneComponent8).
return true;
bool SkJpegGetMultiPictureGainmap(sk_sp<const SkData> decoderMpfMetadata,
SkStream* decoderStream,
SkGainmapInfo* outInfo,
std::unique_ptr<SkStream>* outGainmapImageStream) {
// The decoder has already scanned for MPF metadata. If it doesn't exist, or it doesn't parse,
// then early-out.
if (!decoderMpfMetadata || !SkJpegParseMultiPicture(decoderMpfMetadata)) {
return false;
// The implementation of Multi-Picture images requires a seekable stream. Save the position so
// that it can be restored before returning.
ScopedSkStreamRestorer streamRestorer(decoderStream);
if (!streamRestorer.canRestore()) {
SkCodecPrintf("Multi-Picture gainmap extraction requires a seekable stream.\n");
return false;
// Scan the original decoder stream.
auto scan = SkJpegSeekableScan::Create(decoderStream);
if (!scan) {
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to scan decoder stream.\n");
return false;
// Extract the Multi-Picture image streams in the original decoder stream (we needed the scan to
// find the offsets of the MP images within the original decoder stream).
auto mpStreams = SkJpegExtractMultiPictureStreams(scan.get());
if (!mpStreams) {
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to extract MP image streams.\n");
return false;
// Iterate over the MP image streams.
for (auto& mpImage : mpStreams->images) {
if (! {
// Create a scan of this MP image.
auto mpImageScan = SkJpegSeekableScan::Create(;
if (!mpImageScan) {
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to can MP image.\n");
// Search for the XMP metadata in the MP image's scan.
for (const auto& segment : mpImageScan->segments()) {
if (segment.marker != kXMPMarker) {
auto xmpMetadata = mpImageScan->copyParameters(segment, kXMPSig, sizeof(kXMPSig));
if (!xmpMetadata) {
// If this XMP does not indicate that the image is an HDR gainmap, then continue.
if (!XmpIsHDRGainMap(xmpMetadata)) {
// This MP image is the gainmap image. Populate its stream and the rendering parameters
// for its format.
if (outGainmapImageStream) {
if (!>rewind()) {
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to rewind gainmap image stream.\n");
return false;
*outGainmapImageStream = std::move(;
constexpr float kLogRatioMin = 0.f;
constexpr float kLogRatioMax = 1.f;
outInfo->fLogRatioMin = {kLogRatioMin, kLogRatioMin, kLogRatioMin, 1.f};
outInfo->fLogRatioMax = {kLogRatioMax, kLogRatioMax, kLogRatioMax, 1.f};
outInfo->fGainmapGamma = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f};
outInfo->fEpsilonSdr = 1 / 128.f;
outInfo->fEpsilonHdr = 1 / 128.f;
outInfo->fHdrRatioMin = 1.f;
outInfo->fHdrRatioMax = sk_float_exp(kLogRatioMax);
outInfo->fBaseImageType = SkGainmapInfo::BaseImageType::kSDR;
outInfo->fType = SkGainmapInfo::Type::kMultiPicture;
return true;
return false;
// JpegR Gainmap functions
static bool SkJpegGetJpegRGainmapParseXMP(sk_sp<const SkData> xmpMetadata,
size_t* outOffset,
size_t* outSize,
SkGainmapInfo::Type* outType,
float* outRangeScalingFactor) {
// Parse the XMP.
SkDOM dom;
if (!SkDataToSkDOM(xmpMetadata, &dom)) {
return false;
// Find a node that matches the requested namespaces and URIs.
const char* namespaces[2] = {"xmlns:GContainer", "xmlns:RecoveryMap"};
const char* uris[2] = {"",
const SkDOM::Node* node = FindXmpNamespaceUriMatch(dom, namespaces, uris, 2);
if (!node) {
return false;
// The node must have a GContainer:Version child that specifies version 1.
if (!UniqueChildTextMatches(dom, node, "GContainer:Version", 1)) {
SkCodecPrintf("GContainer:Version is absent or not 1");
return false;
// The node must have a GContainer:Directory.
const auto* directory = dom.getFirstChild(node, "GContainer:Directory");
if (!directory) {
SkCodecPrintf("Missing GContainer:Directory");
return false;
// That GContainer:Directory must have a sequence of items.
const auto* seq = dom.getFirstChild(directory, "rdf:Seq");
if (!seq) {
SkCodecPrintf("Missing rdf:Seq");
return false;
// Iterate through the items in the GContainer:Directory's sequence. Keep a running sum of the
// GContainer::ItemLength of all items that appear before the RecoveryMap.
bool isFirstItem = true;
size_t itemLengthSum = 0;
for (const auto* li = dom.getFirstChild(seq, "rdf:li"); li;
li = dom.getNextSibling(li, "rdf:li")) {
// Each list item must contain a GContainer item.
const auto* item = dom.getFirstChild(li, "GContainer:Item");
if (!item) {
SkCodecPrintf("List item does not have GContainer:Item.\n");
return false;
// An ItemSemantic is required for every GContainer item.
const char* itemSemantic = dom.findAttr(item, "GContainer:ItemSemantic");
if (!itemSemantic) {
SkCodecPrintf("GContainer item is missing ItemSemantic.\n");
return false;
// An ItemMime is required for every GContainer item.
const char* itemMime = dom.findAttr(item, "GContainer:ItemMime");
if (!itemMime) {
SkCodecPrintf("GContainer item is missing ItemMime.\n");
return false;
if (isFirstItem) {
isFirstItem = false;
// The first item must be Primary.
if (strcmp(itemSemantic, "Primary") != 0) {
SkCodecPrintf("First item is not Primary.\n");
return false;
// The first item has mime type image/jpeg (we are decoding a jpeg).
if (strcmp(itemMime, "image/jpeg") != 0) {
SkCodecPrintf("Primary does not report that it is image/jpeg.\n");
return false;
// The Verison of 1 is required for the Primary.
if (!dom.hasAttr(item, "RecoveryMap:Version", "1")) {
SkCodecPrintf("RecoveryMap:Version is not 1.");
return false;
// The TransferFunction is required for the Primary.
int32_t transferFunction = 0;
if (!dom.findS32(item, "RecoveryMap:TransferFunction", &transferFunction)) {
SkCodecPrintf("RecoveryMap:TransferFunction is absent.");
return false;
switch (transferFunction) {
case 0:
*outType = SkGainmapInfo::Type::kJpegR_Linear;
case 1:
*outType = SkGainmapInfo::Type::kJpegR_HLG;
case 2:
*outType = SkGainmapInfo::Type::kJpegR_PQ;
SkCodecPrintf("RecoveryMap:TransferFunction is out of range.");
return false;
// The RangeScalingFactor is required for the Primary.
SkScalar rangeScalingFactor = 1.f;
if (!dom.findScalars(item, "RecoveryMap:RangeScalingFactor", &rangeScalingFactor, 1)) {
SkCodecPrintf("RecoveryMap:RangeScalingFactor is absent.");
return false;
*outRangeScalingFactor = rangeScalingFactor;
} else {
// An ItemLength is required for all non-Primary GContainter items.
int32_t itemLength = 0;
if (!dom.findS32(item, "GContainer:ItemLength", &itemLength)) {
SkCodecPrintf("GContainer:ItemLength is absent.");
return false;
// If this is not the recovery map, then read past it.
if (strcmp(itemSemantic, "RecoveryMap") != 0) {
itemLengthSum += itemLength;
// The recovery map must have mime type image/jpeg in this implementation.
if (strcmp(itemMime, "image/jpeg") != 0) {
SkCodecPrintf("RecoveryMap does not report that it is image/jpeg.\n");
return false;
// This is the recovery map.
*outOffset = itemLengthSum;
*outSize = itemLength;
return true;
return false;
bool SkJpegGetJpegRGainmap(sk_sp<const SkData> xmpMetadata,
SkStream* decoderStream,
SkGainmapInfo* outInfo,
std::unique_ptr<SkStream>* outGainmapImageStream) {
// Parse the XMP metadata of the original image, to see if it specifies a RecoveryMap.
size_t itemOffsetFromEndOfImage = 0;
size_t itemSize = 0;
SkGainmapInfo::Type type = SkGainmapInfo::Type::kUnknown;
float rangeScalingFactor = 1.f;
if (!SkJpegGetJpegRGainmapParseXMP(
xmpMetadata, &itemOffsetFromEndOfImage, &itemSize, &type, &rangeScalingFactor)) {
return false;
// The implementation of GContainer images requires a seekable stream. Save the position so that
// it can be restored before returning.
ScopedSkStreamRestorer streamRestorer(decoderStream);
if (!streamRestorer.canRestore()) {
SkCodecPrintf("RecoveryMap gainmap extraction requires a seekable stream.\n");
return false;
// The offset read from the XMP metadata is relative to the end of the EndOfImage marker in the
// original decoder stream. Create a full scan of the original decoder stream, so we can find
// that EndOfImage marker's offset in the decoder stream.
auto scan = SkJpegSeekableScan::Create(decoderStream, SkJpegSegmentScanner::kMarkerEndOfImage);
if (!scan) {
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to do full scan.\n");
return false;
const auto& lastSegment = scan->segments().back();
const size_t endOfImageOffset = lastSegment.offset + SkJpegSegmentScanner::kMarkerCodeSize;
const size_t itemOffsetFromStartOfImage = endOfImageOffset + itemOffsetFromEndOfImage;
// Extract the gainmap image's stream.
auto gainmapImageStream = scan->getSubsetStream(itemOffsetFromStartOfImage, itemSize);
if (!gainmapImageStream) {
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to extract gainmap stream.");
return false;
// Populate the output parameters for this format.
if (outGainmapImageStream) {
if (!gainmapImageStream->rewind()) {
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to rewind gainmap image stream.");
return false;
*outGainmapImageStream = std::move(gainmapImageStream);
const float kLogRatioMax = sk_float_log(rangeScalingFactor);
const float kLogRatioMin = -kLogRatioMax;
outInfo->fLogRatioMin = {kLogRatioMin, kLogRatioMin, kLogRatioMin, 1.f};
outInfo->fLogRatioMax = {kLogRatioMax, kLogRatioMax, kLogRatioMax, 1.f};
outInfo->fGainmapGamma = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f};
outInfo->fEpsilonSdr = 0.f;
outInfo->fEpsilonHdr = 0.f;
outInfo->fHdrRatioMin = 1.f;
outInfo->fHdrRatioMax = rangeScalingFactor;
outInfo->fBaseImageType = SkGainmapInfo::BaseImageType::kSDR;
outInfo->fType = type;
return true;
// HDRGM support
// Helper function to read a 1 or 3 floats and write them into an SkColor4f.
static void find_per_channel_attr(const SkDOM& dom,
const SkDOM::Node* node,
const char* attr,
SkColor4f* outColor) {
SkScalar values[3] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
if (dom.findScalars(node, attr, values, 3)) {
*outColor = {values[0], values[1], values[2], 1.f};
} else if (dom.findScalars(node, attr, values, 1)) {
*outColor = {values[0], values[0], values[0], 1.f};
bool SkJpegGetHDRGMGainmapInfo(sk_sp<const SkData> xmpMetadata,
SkStream* decoderStream,
SkGainmapInfo* outGainmapInfo) {
// Parse the XMP.
SkDOM dom;
if (!SkDataToSkDOM(xmpMetadata, &dom)) {
return false;
// Find a node that matches the requested namespace and URI.
const char* namespaces[1] = {"xmlns:hdrgm"};
const char* uris[1] = {""};
const SkDOM::Node* node = FindXmpNamespaceUriMatch(dom, namespaces, uris, 1);
if (!node) {
return false;
// Initialize the parameters to their defaults.
SkColor4f gainMapMin = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f};
SkColor4f gainMapMax = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f};
SkColor4f gamma = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f};
SkColor4f offsetSdr = {1.f / 64.f, 1.f / 64.f, 1.f / 64.f, 0.f};
SkColor4f offsetHdr = {1.f / 64.f, 1.f / 64.f, 1.f / 64.f, 0.f};
SkScalar hdrCapacityMin = 0.f;
SkScalar hdrCapacityMax = 1.f;
// Read all parameters that are present.
const char* baseRendition = dom.findAttr(node, "hdrgm:BaseRendition");
find_per_channel_attr(dom, node, "hdrgm:GainMapMin", &gainMapMin);
find_per_channel_attr(dom, node, "hdrgm:GainMapMax", &gainMapMax);
find_per_channel_attr(dom, node, "hdrgm:Gamma", &gamma);
find_per_channel_attr(dom, node, "hdrgm:OffsetSDR", &offsetSdr);
find_per_channel_attr(dom, node, "hdrgm:OffsetHDR", &offsetHdr);
dom.findScalar(node, "hdrgm:HDRCapacityMin", &hdrCapacityMin);
dom.findScalar(node, "hdrgm:HDRCapacityMax", &hdrCapacityMax);
// Translate all parameters to SkGainmapInfo's expected format.
// TODO(ccameron): Move all of SkGainmapInfo to linear space.
const float kLog2 = sk_float_log(2.f);
outGainmapInfo->fLogRatioMin = {
gainMapMin.fR * kLog2, gainMapMin.fG * kLog2, gainMapMin.fB * kLog2, 1.f};
outGainmapInfo->fLogRatioMax = {
gainMapMax.fR * kLog2, gainMapMax.fG * kLog2, gainMapMax.fB * kLog2, 1.f};
outGainmapInfo->fGainmapGamma = gamma;
// TODO(ccameron): Use SkColor4f for epsilons.
outGainmapInfo->fEpsilonSdr = (offsetSdr.fR + offsetSdr.fG + offsetSdr.fB) / 3.f;
outGainmapInfo->fEpsilonHdr = (offsetHdr.fR + offsetHdr.fG + offsetHdr.fB) / 3.f;
outGainmapInfo->fHdrRatioMin = sk_float_exp(hdrCapacityMin * kLog2);
outGainmapInfo->fHdrRatioMax = sk_float_exp(hdrCapacityMax * kLog2);
if (baseRendition && !strcmp(baseRendition, "HDR")) {
outGainmapInfo->fBaseImageType = SkGainmapInfo::BaseImageType::kHDR;
} else {
outGainmapInfo->fBaseImageType = SkGainmapInfo::BaseImageType::kSDR;
outGainmapInfo->fType = SkGainmapInfo::Type::kHDRGM;
return true;