blob: 9e530ebd2b9409c40e4c24f32852661ba58dc11a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2024 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkArc_DEFINED
#define SkArc_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "include/core/SkScalar.h"
// Represents an arc along an oval boundary, or a closed wedge of the oval.
struct SkArc {
enum class Type : bool {
kArc, // An arc along the perimeter of the oval
kWedge // A closed wedge that includes the oval's center
SkArc() = default;
SkArc(const SkArc& arc) = default;
SkArc& operator=(const SkArc& arc) = default;
const SkRect& oval() const { return fOval; }
SkScalar startAngle() const { return fStartAngle; }
SkScalar sweepAngle() const { return fSweepAngle; }
bool isWedge() const { return fType == Type::kWedge; }
friend bool operator==(const SkArc& a, const SkArc& b) {
return a.fOval == b.fOval && a.fStartAngle == b.fStartAngle &&
a.fSweepAngle == b.fSweepAngle && a.fType == b.fType;
friend bool operator!=(const SkArc& a, const SkArc& b) { return !(a == b); }
// Preferred factory that explicitly states which type of arc
static SkArc Make(const SkRect& oval,
SkScalar startAngleDegrees,
SkScalar sweepAngleDegrees,
Type type) {
return SkArc(oval, startAngleDegrees, sweepAngleDegrees, type);
// Deprecated factory to assist with legacy code based on `useCenter`
static SkArc Make(const SkRect& oval,
SkScalar startAngleDegrees,
SkScalar sweepAngleDegrees,
bool useCenter) {
return SkArc(
oval, startAngleDegrees, sweepAngleDegrees, useCenter ? Type::kWedge : Type::kArc);
// Bounds of oval containing the arc.
SkRect fOval = SkRect::MakeEmpty();
// Angle in degrees where the arc begins. Zero means horizontally to the right.
SkScalar fStartAngle = 0;
// Sweep angle in degrees; positive is clockwise.
SkScalar fSweepAngle = 0;
Type fType = Type::kArc;
SkArc(const SkRect& oval, SkScalar startAngle, SkScalar sweepAngle, Type type)
: fOval(oval), fStartAngle(startAngle), fSweepAngle(sweepAngle), fType(type) {}