blob: aef097b43e1e061c89c2cafdea0605ae2cd1a7ce [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkFactoryFunctions_DEFINED
#define SkFactoryFunctions_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/core/SkBlendMode.h"
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/core/SkSpan.h"
#include "include/effects/SkRuntimeEffect.h"
class SkPrecompileBase;
class SkPrecompileBlender;
class SkPrecompileColorFilter;
class SkPrecompileImageFilter;
class SkPrecompileMaskFilter;
class SkPrecompileShader;
// All of these factory functions will be moved elsewhere once the pre-compile API becomes public
// This will move to be beside SkShaders in include/core/SkShader.h
class SkPrecompileShaders {
//TODO: Add Empty? - see
static sk_sp<SkPrecompileShader> Color();
static sk_sp<SkPrecompileShader> Blend(SkSpan<const sk_sp<SkPrecompileBlender>> blenders,
SkSpan<const sk_sp<SkPrecompileShader>> dsts,
SkSpan<const sk_sp<SkPrecompileShader>> srcs);
static sk_sp<SkPrecompileShader> Blend(SkSpan<SkBlendMode> blendModes,
SkSpan<const sk_sp<SkPrecompileShader>> dsts,
SkSpan<const sk_sp<SkPrecompileShader>> srcs);
// TODO: add an SkShaders::Image to match this and SkImageFilters (
static sk_sp<SkPrecompileShader> Image();
// TODO: make SkGradientShader match this convention (
static sk_sp<SkPrecompileShader> LinearGradient();
static sk_sp<SkPrecompileShader> RadialGradient();
static sk_sp<SkPrecompileShader> TwoPointConicalGradient();
static sk_sp<SkPrecompileShader> SweepGradient();
SkPrecompileShaders() = delete;
// Initially this will go next to SkMaskFilter in include/core/SkMaskFilter.h but the
// SkMaskFilter::MakeBlur factory should be split out or removed. This namespace will follow
// where ever that factory goes.
class SkPrecompileMaskFilters {
// TODO: change SkMaskFilter::MakeBlur to match this and SkImageFilters::Blur (
static sk_sp<SkPrecompileMaskFilter> Blur();
SkPrecompileMaskFilters() = delete;
// This will move to be beside SkColorFilters in include/core/SkColorFilter.h
class SkPrecompileColorFilters {
static sk_sp<SkPrecompileColorFilter> Matrix();
// TODO: Compose, Blend, HSLAMatrix, LinearToSRGBGamma, SRGBToLinearGamma, Lerp
SkPrecompileColorFilters() = delete;
// This will move to be beside SkImageFilters in include/effects/SkImageFilters.h
class SkPrecompileImageFilters {
static sk_sp<SkPrecompileImageFilter> Blur();
static sk_sp<SkPrecompileImageFilter> Image();
// TODO: AlphaThreshold, Arithmetic, Blend (2 kinds), ColorFilter, Compose, DisplacementMap,
// DropShadow, DropShadowOnly, Magnifier, MatrixConvolution, MatrixTransform, Merge, Offset,
// Picture, Runtime, Shader, Tile, Dilate, Erode, DistantLitDiffuse, PointLitDiffuse,
// SpotLitDiffuse, DistantLitSpecular, PointLitSpecular, SpotLitSpecular
SkPrecompileImageFilters() = delete;
// Object that allows passing a SkPrecompileShader, SkPrecompileColorFilter or
// SkPrecompileBlender as a child
// This will moved to be on SkRuntimeEffect
class SkPrecompileChildPtr {
SkPrecompileChildPtr() = default;
// Asserts that the SkPrecompileBase is either null, or one of the legal derived types
std::optional<SkRuntimeEffect::ChildType> type() const;
SkPrecompileShader* shader() const;
SkPrecompileColorFilter* colorFilter() const;
SkPrecompileBlender* blender() const;
SkPrecompileBase* base() const { return fChild.get(); }
sk_sp<SkPrecompileBase> fChild;
using SkPrecompileChildOptions = SkSpan<const SkPrecompileChildPtr>;
// These will move to be on SkRuntimeEffect to parallel makeShader, makeColorFilter and
// makeBlender
sk_sp<SkPrecompileShader> MakePrecompileShader(
sk_sp<SkRuntimeEffect> effect,
SkSpan<const SkPrecompileChildOptions> childOptions = {});
sk_sp<SkPrecompileColorFilter> MakePrecompileColorFilter(
sk_sp<SkRuntimeEffect> effect,
SkSpan<const SkPrecompileChildOptions> childOptions = {});
sk_sp<SkPrecompileBlender> MakePrecompileBlender(
sk_sp<SkRuntimeEffect> effect,
SkSpan<const SkPrecompileChildOptions> childOptions = {});
#endif // SkFactoryFunctions_DEFINED