blob: 925183da6059e81777f7cf9fd1aca567e7833095 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/private/SkFloatingPoint.h"
#include "src/core/SkRasterPipeline.h"
#include "src/core/SkReadBuffer.h"
#include "src/core/SkWriteBuffer.h"
#include "src/shaders/gradients/SkGradientShaderBase.h"
#include <utility>
#include "src/core/SkKeyHelpers.h"
#include "src/core/SkPaintParamsKey.h"
// Please see for how our shader works.
class SkTwoPointConicalGradient final : public SkGradientShaderBase {
// See for what focal data means and how our shader works.
// We make it public so the GPU shader can also use it.
struct FocalData {
SkScalar fR1; // r1 after mapping focal point to (0, 0)
SkScalar fFocalX; // f
bool fIsSwapped; // whether we swapped r0, r1
// The input r0, r1 are the radii when we map centers to {(0, 0), (1, 0)}.
// We'll post concat matrix with our transformation matrix that maps focal point to (0, 0).
// Returns true if the set succeeded
bool set(SkScalar r0, SkScalar r1, SkMatrix* matrix);
// Whether the focal point (0, 0) is on the end circle with center (1, 0) and radius r1. If
// this is true, it's as if an aircraft is flying at Mach 1 and all circles (soundwaves)
// will go through the focal point (aircraft). In our previous implementations, this was
// known as the edge case where the inside circle touches the outside circle (on the focal
// point). If we were to solve for t bruteforcely using a quadratic equation, this case
// implies that the quadratic equation degenerates to a linear equation.
bool isFocalOnCircle() const { return SkScalarNearlyZero(1 - fR1); }
bool isSwapped() const { return fIsSwapped; }
bool isWellBehaved() const { return !this->isFocalOnCircle() && fR1 > 1; }
bool isNativelyFocal() const { return SkScalarNearlyZero(fFocalX); }
enum class Type {
static sk_sp<SkShader> Create(const SkPoint& start, SkScalar startRadius,
const SkPoint& end, SkScalar endRadius,
const Descriptor&);
SkShader::GradientType asAGradient(GradientInfo* info) const override;
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> asFragmentProcessor(const GrFPArgs&) const override;
void addToKey(const SkKeyContext&,
SkPipelineDataGatherer*) const override;
bool isOpaque() const override;
SkScalar getCenterX1() const { return SkPoint::Distance(fCenter1, fCenter2); }
SkScalar getStartRadius() const { return fRadius1; }
SkScalar getDiffRadius() const { return fRadius2 - fRadius1; }
const SkPoint& getStartCenter() const { return fCenter1; }
const SkPoint& getEndCenter() const { return fCenter2; }
SkScalar getEndRadius() const { return fRadius2; }
Type getType() const { return fType; }
const FocalData& getFocalData() const { return fFocalData; }
void flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const override;
void appendGradientStages(SkArenaAlloc* alloc, SkRasterPipeline* tPipeline,
SkRasterPipeline* postPipeline) const override;
skvm::F32 transformT(skvm::Builder*, skvm::Uniforms*,
skvm::Coord coord, skvm::I32* mask) const final;
friend void ::SkRegisterTwoPointConicalGradientShaderFlattenable();
SkTwoPointConicalGradient(const SkPoint& c0, SkScalar r0,
const SkPoint& c1, SkScalar r1,
const Descriptor&, Type, const SkMatrix&, const FocalData&);
SkPoint fCenter1;
SkPoint fCenter2;
SkScalar fRadius1;
SkScalar fRadius2;
Type fType;
FocalData fFocalData;
bool SkTwoPointConicalGradient::FocalData::set(SkScalar r0, SkScalar r1, SkMatrix* matrix) {
fIsSwapped = false;
fFocalX = sk_ieee_float_divide(r0, (r0 - r1));
if (SkScalarNearlyZero(fFocalX - 1)) {
// swap r0, r1
matrix->postTranslate(-1, 0);
matrix->postScale(-1, 1);
std::swap(r0, r1);
fFocalX = 0; // because r0 is now 0
fIsSwapped = true;
// Map {focal point, (1, 0)} to {(0, 0), (1, 0)}
const SkPoint from[2] = { {fFocalX, 0}, {1, 0} };
const SkPoint to[2] = { {0, 0}, {1, 0} };
SkMatrix focalMatrix;
if (!focalMatrix.setPolyToPoly(from, to, 2)) {
return false;
fR1 = r1 / SkScalarAbs(1 - fFocalX); // focalMatrix has a scale of 1/(1-f)
// The following transformations are just to accelerate the shader computation by saving
// some arithmatic operations.
if (this->isFocalOnCircle()) {
matrix->postScale(0.5, 0.5);
} else {
matrix->postScale(fR1 / (fR1 * fR1 - 1), 1 / sqrt(SkScalarAbs(fR1 * fR1 - 1)));
matrix->postScale(SkScalarAbs(1 - fFocalX), SkScalarAbs(1 - fFocalX)); // scale |1 - f|
return true;
sk_sp<SkShader> SkTwoPointConicalGradient::Create(const SkPoint& c0, SkScalar r0,
const SkPoint& c1, SkScalar r1,
const Descriptor& desc) {
SkMatrix gradientMatrix;
Type gradientType;
if (SkScalarNearlyZero((c0 - c1).length())) {
if (SkScalarNearlyZero(std::max(r0, r1)) || SkScalarNearlyEqual(r0, r1)) {
// Degenerate case; avoid dividing by zero. Should have been caught by caller but
// just in case, recheck here.
return nullptr;
// Concentric case: we can pretend we're radial (with a tiny twist).
const SkScalar scale = sk_ieee_float_divide(1, std::max(r0, r1));
gradientMatrix = SkMatrix::Translate(-c1.x(), -c1.y());
gradientMatrix.postScale(scale, scale);
gradientType = Type::kRadial;
} else {
const SkPoint centers[2] = { c0 , c1 };
const SkPoint unitvec[2] = { {0, 0}, {1, 0} };
if (!gradientMatrix.setPolyToPoly(centers, unitvec, 2)) {
// Degenerate case.
return nullptr;
gradientType = SkScalarNearlyZero(r1 - r0) ? Type::kStrip : Type::kFocal;
FocalData focalData;
if (gradientType == Type::kFocal) {
const auto dCenter = (c0 - c1).length();
if (!focalData.set(r0 / dCenter, r1 / dCenter, &gradientMatrix)) {
return nullptr;
return sk_sp<SkShader>(new SkTwoPointConicalGradient(c0, r0, c1, r1, desc,
gradientType, gradientMatrix, focalData));
const SkPoint& start, SkScalar startRadius,
const SkPoint& end, SkScalar endRadius,
const Descriptor& desc, Type type, const SkMatrix& gradientMatrix, const FocalData& data)
: SkGradientShaderBase(desc, gradientMatrix)
, fCenter1(start)
, fCenter2(end)
, fRadius1(startRadius)
, fRadius2(endRadius)
, fType(type)
// this is degenerate, and should be caught by our caller
SkASSERT(fCenter1 != fCenter2 || fRadius1 != fRadius2);
if (type == Type::kFocal) {
fFocalData = data;
bool SkTwoPointConicalGradient::isOpaque() const {
// Because areas outside the cone are left untouched, we cannot treat the
// shader as opaque even if the gradient itself is opaque.
// TODO(junov): Compute whether the cone fills the plane
return false;
// Returns the original non-sorted version of the gradient
SkShader::GradientType SkTwoPointConicalGradient::asAGradient(GradientInfo* info) const {
if (info) {
info->fPoint[0] = fCenter1;
info->fPoint[1] = fCenter2;
info->fRadius[0] = fRadius1;
info->fRadius[1] = fRadius2;
return kConical_GradientType;
sk_sp<SkFlattenable> SkTwoPointConicalGradient::CreateProc(SkReadBuffer& buffer) {
DescriptorScope desc;
if (!desc.unflatten(buffer)) {
return nullptr;
SkPoint c1 = buffer.readPoint();
SkPoint c2 = buffer.readPoint();
SkScalar r1 = buffer.readScalar();
SkScalar r2 = buffer.readScalar();
if (!buffer.isValid()) {
return nullptr;
return SkGradientShader::MakeTwoPointConical(c1, r1, c2, r2, desc.fColors,
std::move(desc.fColorSpace), desc.fPos,
desc.fCount, desc.fTileMode, desc.fGradFlags,
void SkTwoPointConicalGradient::flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const {
void SkTwoPointConicalGradient::appendGradientStages(SkArenaAlloc* alloc, SkRasterPipeline* p,
SkRasterPipeline* postPipeline) const {
const auto dRadius = fRadius2 - fRadius1;
if (fType == Type::kRadial) {
// Tiny twist: radial computes a t for [0, r2], but we want a t for [r1, r2].
auto scale = std::max(fRadius1, fRadius2) / dRadius;
auto bias = -fRadius1 / dRadius;
p->append_matrix(alloc, SkMatrix::Translate(bias, 0) * SkMatrix::Scale(scale, 1));
if (fType == Type::kStrip) {
auto* ctx = alloc->make<SkRasterPipeline_2PtConicalCtx>();
SkScalar scaledR0 = fRadius1 / this->getCenterX1();
ctx->fP0 = scaledR0 * scaledR0;
p->append(SkRasterPipeline::xy_to_2pt_conical_strip, ctx);
p->append(SkRasterPipeline::mask_2pt_conical_nan, ctx);
postPipeline->append(SkRasterPipeline::apply_vector_mask, &ctx->fMask);
auto* ctx = alloc->make<SkRasterPipeline_2PtConicalCtx>();
ctx->fP0 = 1/fFocalData.fR1;
ctx->fP1 = fFocalData.fFocalX;
if (fFocalData.isFocalOnCircle()) {
} else if (fFocalData.isWellBehaved()) {
p->append(SkRasterPipeline::xy_to_2pt_conical_well_behaved, ctx);
} else if (fFocalData.isSwapped() || 1 - fFocalData.fFocalX < 0) {
p->append(SkRasterPipeline::xy_to_2pt_conical_smaller, ctx);
} else {
p->append(SkRasterPipeline::xy_to_2pt_conical_greater, ctx);
if (!fFocalData.isWellBehaved()) {
p->append(SkRasterPipeline::mask_2pt_conical_degenerates, ctx);
if (1 - fFocalData.fFocalX < 0) {
if (!fFocalData.isNativelyFocal()) {
p->append(SkRasterPipeline::alter_2pt_conical_compensate_focal, ctx);
if (fFocalData.isSwapped()) {
if (!fFocalData.isWellBehaved()) {
postPipeline->append(SkRasterPipeline::apply_vector_mask, &ctx->fMask);
skvm::F32 SkTwoPointConicalGradient::transformT(skvm::Builder* p, skvm::Uniforms* uniforms,
skvm::Coord coord, skvm::I32* mask) const {
auto mag = [](skvm::F32 x, skvm::F32 y) { return sqrt(x*x + y*y); };
// See, and onAppendStages() above.
// There's a lot going on here, and I'm not really sure what's independent
// or disjoint, what can be reordered, simplified, etc. Tweak carefully.
const skvm::F32 x = coord.x,
y = coord.y;
if (fType == Type::kRadial) {
float denom = 1.0f / (fRadius2 - fRadius1),
scale = std::max(fRadius1, fRadius2) * denom,
bias = -fRadius1 * denom;
return mag(x,y) * p->uniformF(uniforms->pushF(scale))
+ p->uniformF(uniforms->pushF(bias ));
if (fType == Type::kStrip) {
float r = fRadius1 / this->getCenterX1();
skvm::F32 t = x + sqrt(p->uniformF(uniforms->pushF(r*r)) - y*y);
*mask = (t == t); // t != NaN
return t;
const skvm::F32 invR1 = p->uniformF(uniforms->pushF(1 / fFocalData.fR1));
skvm::F32 t;
if (fFocalData.isFocalOnCircle()) {
t = (y/x) * y + x; // (x^2 + y^2) / x ~~> x + y^2/x ~~> y/x * y + x
} else if (fFocalData.isWellBehaved()) {
t = mag(x,y) - x*invR1;
} else {
skvm::F32 k = sqrt(x*x - y*y);
if (fFocalData.isSwapped() || 1 - fFocalData.fFocalX < 0) {
k = -k;
t = k - x*invR1;
if (!fFocalData.isWellBehaved()) {
// TODO: not sure why we consider t == 0 degenerate
*mask = (t > 0.0f); // and implicitly, t != NaN
const skvm::F32 focalX = p->uniformF(uniforms->pushF(fFocalData.fFocalX));
if (1 - fFocalData.fFocalX < 0) { t = -t; }
if (!fFocalData.isNativelyFocal()) { t += focalX; }
if ( fFocalData.isSwapped()) { t = 1.0f - t; }
return t;
#include "src/core/SkRuntimeEffectPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/effects/GrSkSLFP.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/gradients/GrGradientShader.h"
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> SkTwoPointConicalGradient::asFragmentProcessor(
const GrFPArgs& args) const {
// The 2 point conical gradient can reject a pixel so it does change opacity even if the input
// was opaque. Thus, all of these layout FPs disable that optimization.
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> fp;
SkTLazy<SkMatrix> matrix;
switch (this->getType()) {
case SkTwoPointConicalGradient::Type::kStrip: {
static const SkRuntimeEffect* kEffect =
"uniform half r0_2;"
"half4 main(float2 p) {"
"half v = 1;" // validation flag,set to negative to discard fragment later
"float t = r0_2 - p.y * p.y;"
"if (t >= 0) {"
"t = p.x + sqrt(t);"
"} else {"
"v = -1;"
"return half4(half(t), v, 0, 0);"
float r0 = this->getStartRadius() / this->getCenterX1();
fp = GrSkSLFP::Make(kEffect, "TwoPointConicalStripLayout", /*inputFP=*/nullptr,
"r0_2", r0 * r0);
} break;
case SkTwoPointConicalGradient::Type::kRadial: {
static const SkRuntimeEffect* kEffect =
"uniform half r0;"
"uniform half lengthScale;"
"half4 main(float2 p) {"
"half v = 1;" // validation flag,set to negative to discard fragment later
"float t = length(p) * lengthScale - r0;"
"return half4(half(t), v, 0, 0);"
float dr = this->getDiffRadius();
float r0 = this->getStartRadius() / dr;
bool isRadiusIncreasing = dr >= 0;
fp = GrSkSLFP::Make(kEffect, "TwoPointConicalRadialLayout", /*inputFP=*/nullptr,
"r0", r0,
"lengthScale", isRadiusIncreasing ? 1.0f : -1.0f);
// GPU radial matrix is different from the original matrix, since we map the diff radius
// to have |dr| = 1, so manually compute the final gradient matrix here.
// Map center to (0, 0)
// scale |diffRadius| to 1
matrix->postScale(1 / dr, 1 / dr);
} break;
case SkTwoPointConicalGradient::Type::kFocal: {
static const SkRuntimeEffect* kEffect =
// Optimization flags, all specialized:
"uniform int isRadiusIncreasing;"
"uniform int isFocalOnCircle;"
"uniform int isWellBehaved;"
"uniform int isSwapped;"
"uniform int isNativelyFocal;"
"uniform half invR1;" // 1/r1
"uniform half fx;" // focalX = r0/(r0-r1)
"half4 main(float2 p) {"
"float t = -1;"
"half v = 1;" // validation flag,set to negative to discard fragment later
"float x_t = -1;"
"if (bool(isFocalOnCircle)) {"
"x_t = dot(p, p) / p.x;"
"} else if (bool(isWellBehaved)) {"
"x_t = length(p) - p.x * invR1;"
"} else {"
"float temp = p.x * p.x - p.y * p.y;"
// Only do sqrt if temp >= 0; this is significantly slower than
// checking temp >= 0 in the if statement that checks r(t) >= 0.
// But GPU may break if we sqrt a negative float. (Although I
// haven't observed that on any devices so far, and the old
// approach also does sqrt negative value without a check.) If
// the performance is really critical, maybe we should just
// compute the area where temp and x_t are always valid and drop
// all these ifs.
"if (temp >= 0) {"
"if (bool(isSwapped) || !bool(isRadiusIncreasing)) {"
"x_t = -sqrt(temp) - p.x * invR1;"
"} else {"
"x_t = sqrt(temp) - p.x * invR1;"
// The final calculation of t from x_t has lots of static
// optimizations but only do them when x_t is positive (which
// can be assumed true if isWellBehaved is true)
"if (!bool(isWellBehaved)) {"
// This will still calculate t even though it will be ignored
// later in the pipeline to avoid a branch
"if (x_t <= 0.0) {"
"v = -1;"
"if (bool(isRadiusIncreasing)) {"
"if (bool(isNativelyFocal)) {"
"t = x_t;"
"} else {"
"t = x_t + fx;"
"} else {"
"if (bool(isNativelyFocal)) {"
"t = -x_t;"
"} else {"
"t = -x_t + fx;"
"if (bool(isSwapped)) {"
"t = 1 - t;"
"return half4(half(t), v, 0, 0);"
const SkTwoPointConicalGradient::FocalData& focalData = this->getFocalData();
bool isRadiusIncreasing = (1 - focalData.fFocalX) > 0,
isFocalOnCircle = focalData.isFocalOnCircle(),
isWellBehaved = focalData.isWellBehaved(),
isSwapped = focalData.isSwapped(),
isNativelyFocal = focalData.isNativelyFocal();
fp = GrSkSLFP::Make(kEffect, "TwoPointConicalFocalLayout", /*inputFP=*/nullptr,
"isRadiusIncreasing", GrSkSLFP::Specialize<int>(isRadiusIncreasing),
"isFocalOnCircle", GrSkSLFP::Specialize<int>(isFocalOnCircle),
"isWellBehaved", GrSkSLFP::Specialize<int>(isWellBehaved),
"isSwapped", GrSkSLFP::Specialize<int>(isSwapped),
"isNativelyFocal", GrSkSLFP::Specialize<int>(isNativelyFocal),
"invR1", 1.0f / focalData.fR1,
"fx", focalData.fFocalX);
} break;
return GrGradientShader::MakeGradientFP(*this, args, std::move(fp), matrix.getMaybeNull());
void SkTwoPointConicalGradient::addToKey(const SkKeyContext& keyContext,
SkPaintParamsKeyBuilder* builder,
SkPipelineDataGatherer* gatherer) const {
GradientShaderBlocks::GradientData data(kConical_GradientType,
fCenter1, fCenter2,
fRadius1, fRadius2,
0.0f, 0.0f,
GradientShaderBlocks::BeginBlock(keyContext, builder, gatherer, data);
// assumes colors is SkColor4f* and pos is SkScalar*
#define EXPAND_1_COLOR(count) \
SkColor4f tmp[2]; \
do { \
if (1 == count) { \
tmp[0] = tmp[1] = colors[0]; \
colors = tmp; \
pos = nullptr; \
count = 2; \
} \
} while (0)
sk_sp<SkShader> SkGradientShader::MakeTwoPointConical(const SkPoint& start,
SkScalar startRadius,
const SkPoint& end,
SkScalar endRadius,
const SkColor4f colors[],
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace,
const SkScalar pos[],
int colorCount,
SkTileMode mode,
uint32_t flags,
const SkMatrix* localMatrix) {
if (startRadius < 0 || endRadius < 0) {
return nullptr;
if (!SkGradientShaderBase::ValidGradient(colors, pos, colorCount, mode)) {
return nullptr;
if (SkScalarNearlyZero((start - end).length(), SkGradientShaderBase::kDegenerateThreshold)) {
// If the center positions are the same, then the gradient is the radial variant of a 2 pt
// conical gradient, an actual radial gradient (startRadius == 0), or it is fully degenerate
// (startRadius == endRadius).
if (SkScalarNearlyEqual(startRadius, endRadius,
SkGradientShaderBase::kDegenerateThreshold)) {
// Degenerate case, where the interpolation region area approaches zero. The proper
// behavior depends on the tile mode, which is consistent with the default degenerate
// gradient behavior, except when mode = clamp and the radii > 0.
if (mode == SkTileMode::kClamp &&
endRadius > SkGradientShaderBase::kDegenerateThreshold) {
// The interpolation region becomes an infinitely thin ring at the radius, so the
// final gradient will be the first color repeated from p=0 to 1, and then a hard
// stop switching to the last color at p=1.
static constexpr SkScalar circlePos[3] = {0, 1, 1};
SkColor4f reColors[3] = {colors[0], colors[0], colors[colorCount - 1]};
return MakeRadial(start, endRadius, reColors, std::move(colorSpace),
circlePos, 3, mode, flags, localMatrix);
} else {
// Otherwise use the default degenerate case
return SkGradientShaderBase::MakeDegenerateGradient(colors, pos, colorCount,
std::move(colorSpace), mode);
} else if (SkScalarNearlyZero(startRadius, SkGradientShaderBase::kDegenerateThreshold)) {
// We can treat this gradient as radial, which is faster. If we got here, we know
// that endRadius is not equal to 0, so this produces a meaningful gradient
return MakeRadial(start, endRadius, colors, std::move(colorSpace), pos, colorCount,
mode, flags, localMatrix);
// Else it's the 2pt conical radial variant with no degenerate radii, so fall through to the
// regular 2pt constructor.
if (localMatrix && !localMatrix->invert(nullptr)) {
return nullptr;
SkGradientShaderBase::ColorStopOptimizer opt(colors, pos, colorCount, mode);
SkGradientShaderBase::Descriptor desc(opt.fColors, std::move(colorSpace), opt.fPos,
opt.fCount, mode, flags, localMatrix);
return SkTwoPointConicalGradient::Create(start, startRadius, end, endRadius, desc);
sk_sp<SkShader> SkGradientShader::MakeTwoPointConical(const SkPoint& start,
SkScalar startRadius,
const SkPoint& end,
SkScalar endRadius,
const SkColor colors[],
const SkScalar pos[],
int colorCount,
SkTileMode mode,
uint32_t flags,
const SkMatrix* localMatrix) {
SkColorConverter converter(colors, colorCount);
return MakeTwoPointConical(start, startRadius, end, endRadius, converter.fColors4f.begin(),
nullptr, pos, colorCount, mode, flags, localMatrix);
sk_sp<SkShader> SkGradientShader::MakeTwoPointConical(const SkPoint& start,
SkScalar startRadius,
const SkPoint& end,
SkScalar endRadius,
const SkColor4f colors[],
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace,
const SkScalar pos[],
int count, SkTileMode mode) {
return MakeTwoPointConical(start, startRadius, end, endRadius, colors,
std::move(colorSpace), pos, count, mode, 0, nullptr);
void SkRegisterTwoPointConicalGradientShaderFlattenable() {