| /* |
| * Copyright 2021 Google LLC |
| * |
| * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| * found in the LICENSE file. |
| */ |
| |
| #include "gm/gm.h" |
| #include "include/core/SkBlender.h" |
| #include "include/core/SkCanvas.h" |
| #include "include/core/SkColorSpace.h" |
| #include "include/core/SkData.h" |
| #include "include/core/SkMesh.h" |
| #include "include/core/SkPicture.h" |
| #include "include/core/SkPictureRecorder.h" |
| #include "include/core/SkSurface.h" |
| #include "include/effects/SkGradientShader.h" |
| #include "include/gpu/GrDirectContext.h" |
| #include "include/gpu/ganesh/SkMeshGanesh.h" |
| #include "src/base/SkRandom.h" |
| #include "src/core/SkCanvasPriv.h" |
| #include "src/core/SkMeshPriv.h" |
| #include "tools/DecodeUtils.h" |
| #include "tools/Resources.h" |
| #include "tools/timer/TimeUtils.h" |
| |
| #include <memory> |
| |
| using namespace skia_private; |
| |
| namespace skiagm { |
| |
| class MeshGM : public skiagm::GM { |
| public: |
| MeshGM() {} |
| |
| protected: |
| using Attribute = SkMeshSpecification::Attribute; |
| using Varying = SkMeshSpecification::Varying; |
| |
| SkISize getISize() override { return {435, 1180}; } |
| |
| void onOnceBeforeDraw() override { |
| { |
| static const Attribute kAttributes[]{ |
| {Attribute::Type::kFloat4, 8, SkString{"xuyv"}}, |
| {Attribute::Type::kUByte4_unorm, 4, SkString{"brag"}}, |
| }; |
| static const Varying kVaryings[]{ |
| {Varying::Type::kHalf4, SkString{"color"}}, |
| {Varying::Type::kFloat2, SkString{"uv"} }, |
| }; |
| static constexpr char kVS[] = R"( |
| half4 unswizzle_color(half4 color) { return color.garb; } |
| |
| Varyings main(const in Attributes attributes) { |
| Varyings varyings; |
| varyings.color = unswizzle_color(attributes.brag); |
| varyings.uv = attributes.xuyv.yw; |
| varyings.position = attributes.xuyv.xz; |
| return varyings; |
| } |
| )"; |
| static constexpr char kFS[] = R"( |
| uniform colorFilter filter; |
| |
| float2 main(const in Varyings varyings, out float4 color) { |
| color = filter.eval(varyings.color); |
| return varyings.uv; |
| } |
| )"; |
| auto [spec, error] = SkMeshSpecification::Make(kAttributes, |
| sizeof(ColorVertex), |
| kVaryings, |
| SkString(kVS), |
| SkString(kFS)); |
| if (!spec) { |
| SkDebugf("%s\n", error.c_str()); |
| } |
| fSpecWithColor = std::move(spec); |
| } |
| { |
| static const Attribute kAttributes[]{ |
| {Attribute::Type::kFloat4, 0, SkString{"xuyv"}}, |
| }; |
| static const Varying kVaryings[]{ |
| {Varying::Type::kFloat2, SkString{"vux2"}}, |
| }; |
| static constexpr char kVS[] = R"( |
| Varyings main(const in Attributes a) { |
| Varyings v; |
| v.vux2 = 2*a.xuyv.wy; |
| v.position = a.xuyv.xz; |
| return v; |
| } |
| )"; |
| static constexpr char kFS[] = R"( |
| float2 helper(in float2 vux2) { return vux2.yx/2; } |
| float2 main(const in Varyings varyings) { |
| return helper(varyings.vux2); |
| } |
| )"; |
| auto [spec, error] = SkMeshSpecification::Make(kAttributes, |
| sizeof(NoColorVertex), |
| kVaryings, |
| SkString(kVS), |
| SkString(kFS)); |
| if (!spec) { |
| SkDebugf("%s\n", error.c_str()); |
| } |
| fSpecWithNoColor = std::move(spec); |
| } |
| |
| static constexpr SkColor kColors[] = {SK_ColorTRANSPARENT, SK_ColorWHITE}; |
| fShader = SkGradientShader::MakeRadial({10, 10}, |
| 3, |
| kColors, |
| nullptr, |
| 2, |
| SkTileMode::kMirror); |
| } |
| |
| DrawResult onGpuSetup(SkCanvas* canvas, SkString* string) override { |
| auto dc = GrAsDirectContext(canvas->recordingContext()); |
| this->ensureBuffers(); |
| if (!dc || dc->abandoned()) { |
| return DrawResult::kOk; |
| } |
| |
| fColorVB = SkMeshes::CopyVertexBuffer(dc, fColorVB); |
| fColorIndexedVB = SkMeshes::CopyVertexBuffer(dc, fColorIndexedVB); |
| fIB[1] = SkMeshes::CopyIndexBuffer (dc, fIB[0]); |
| if (!fColorVB || !fColorIndexedVB || !fIB[1]) { |
| return DrawResult::kFail; |
| } |
| return DrawResult::kOk; |
| } |
| |
| void onGpuTeardown() override { |
| // Destroy the GPU buffers and recreate on CPU |
| fColorVB = nullptr; |
| fColorIndexedVB = nullptr; |
| fIB[1] = nullptr; |
| this->ensureBuffers(); |
| } |
| |
| SkString getName() const override { return SkString("custommesh"); } |
| |
| DrawResult onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas, SkString*) override { |
| SkRuntimeEffect::ChildPtr nullChild[1] = {}; |
| int i = 0; |
| for (const sk_sp<SkBlender>& blender : {SkBlender::Mode(SkBlendMode::kDst), |
| SkBlender::Mode(SkBlendMode::kSrc), |
| SkBlender::Mode(SkBlendMode::kSaturation)}) { |
| canvas->save(); |
| for (uint8_t alpha : {0xFF , 0x40}) |
| for (bool colors : {false, true}) |
| for (bool shader : {false, true}) { |
| SkMesh::Result result; |
| // Rather than pile onto the combinatorics we draw every other test case indexed. |
| if ((i & 1) == 0) { |
| if (colors) { |
| result = SkMesh::Make(fSpecWithColor, |
| SkMesh::Mode::kTriangleStrip, |
| fColorVB, |
| /*vertexCount=*/4, |
| /*vertexOffset=*/0, |
| /*uniforms=*/nullptr, |
| /*children=*/nullChild, |
| kRect); |
| } else { |
| result = SkMesh::Make(fSpecWithNoColor, |
| SkMesh::Mode::kTriangleStrip, |
| fNoColorVB, |
| /*vertexCount=*/4, |
| kNoColorOffset, |
| /*uniforms=*/nullptr, |
| /*children=*/{}, |
| kRect); |
| } |
| } else { |
| // Alternate between CPU and GPU-backend index buffers. |
| auto ib = (i % 4 == 0) ? fIB[0] : fIB[1]; |
| if (colors) { |
| result = SkMesh::MakeIndexed(fSpecWithColor, |
| SkMesh::Mode::kTriangles, |
| fColorIndexedVB, |
| /*vertexCount=*/6, |
| kColorIndexedOffset, |
| std::move(ib), |
| /*indexCount=*/6, |
| kIndexOffset, |
| /*uniforms=*/nullptr, |
| /*children=*/nullChild, |
| kRect); |
| } else { |
| result = SkMesh::MakeIndexed(fSpecWithNoColor, |
| SkMesh::Mode::kTriangles, |
| fNoColorIndexedVB, |
| /*vertexCount=*/6, |
| /*vertexOffset=*/0, |
| std::move(ib), |
| /*indexCount=*/6, |
| kIndexOffset, |
| /*uniforms=*/nullptr, |
| /*children=*/{}, |
| kRect); |
| } |
| } |
| if (!result.mesh.isValid()) { |
| SkDebugf("Mesh creation failed: %s\n", result.error.c_str()); |
| return DrawResult::kFail; |
| } |
| |
| SkPaint paint; |
| paint.setColor(SK_ColorGREEN); |
| paint.setShader(shader ? fShader : nullptr); |
| paint.setAlpha(alpha); |
| |
| canvas->drawMesh(result.mesh, blender, paint); |
| |
| canvas->translate(0, 150); |
| ++i; |
| } |
| canvas->restore(); |
| canvas->translate(150, 0); |
| } |
| return DrawResult::kOk; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| void ensureBuffers() { |
| if (!fColorVB) { |
| fColorVB = SkMeshes::MakeVertexBuffer(kColorQuad, sizeof(kColorQuad)); |
| } |
| |
| if (!fNoColorVB) { |
| // Make this one such that the data is offset into the buffer. |
| auto data = SkData::MakeUninitialized(sizeof(kNoColorQuad) + kNoColorOffset); |
| std::memcpy(SkTAddOffset<void>(data->writable_data(), kNoColorOffset), |
| kNoColorQuad, |
| sizeof(kNoColorQuad)); |
| fNoColorVB = SkMeshes::MakeVertexBuffer(data->data(), data->size()); |
| } |
| |
| if (!fColorIndexedVB) { |
| // This buffer also has an offset. |
| auto data = SkData::MakeUninitialized(sizeof(kColorIndexedQuad) + kColorIndexedOffset); |
| std::memcpy(SkTAddOffset<void>(data->writable_data(), kColorIndexedOffset), |
| kColorIndexedQuad, |
| sizeof(kColorIndexedQuad)); |
| fColorIndexedVB = SkMeshes::MakeVertexBuffer(data->data(), data->size()); |
| } |
| |
| if (!fNoColorIndexedVB) { |
| fNoColorIndexedVB = |
| SkMeshes::MakeVertexBuffer(kNoColorIndexedQuad, sizeof(kNoColorIndexedQuad)); |
| } |
| |
| if (!fIB[0]) { |
| // The index buffer has an offset. |
| auto data = SkData::MakeUninitialized(sizeof(kIndices) + kIndexOffset); |
| std::memcpy(SkTAddOffset<void>(data->writable_data(), kIndexOffset), |
| kIndices, |
| sizeof(kIndices)); |
| fIB[0] = SkMeshes::MakeIndexBuffer(data->data(), data->size()); |
| } |
| |
| if (!fIB[1]) { |
| // On CPU we always use the same CPU-backed index buffer. |
| fIB[1] = fIB[0]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| struct ColorVertex { |
| uint32_t pad; |
| uint32_t brag; |
| float xuyv[4]; |
| }; |
| |
| struct NoColorVertex { |
| float xuyv[4]; |
| }; |
| |
| static constexpr auto kRect = SkRect::MakeLTRB(20, 20, 120, 120); |
| static constexpr auto kUV = SkRect::MakeLTRB( 0, 0, 20, 20); |
| |
| static constexpr ColorVertex kColorQuad[] { |
| {0, 0x00FFFF00, {kRect.left(), kUV.left(), kRect.top(), kUV.top() }}, |
| {0, 0x00FFFFFF, {kRect.right(), kUV.right(), kRect.top(), kUV.top() }}, |
| {0, 0xFFFF00FF, {kRect.left(), kUV.left(), kRect.bottom(), kUV.bottom()}}, |
| {0, 0xFFFFFF00, {kRect.right(), kUV.right(), kRect.bottom(), kUV.bottom()}}, |
| }; |
| |
| static constexpr NoColorVertex kNoColorQuad[]{ |
| {{kRect.left(), kUV.left(), kRect.top(), kUV.top() }}, |
| {{kRect.right(), kUV.right(), kRect.top(), kUV.top() }}, |
| {{kRect.left(), kUV.left(), kRect.bottom(), kUV.bottom()}}, |
| {{kRect.right(), kUV.right(), kRect.bottom(), kUV.bottom()}}, |
| }; |
| |
| // The indexed quads draw the same as the non-indexed. They just have unused vertices that the |
| // index buffer skips over draw with triangles instead of a triangle strip. |
| static constexpr ColorVertex kColorIndexedQuad[] { |
| {0, 0x00FFFF00, {kRect.left(), kUV.left(), kRect.top(), kUV.top() }}, |
| {0, 0x00000000, { 100.f, 0.f, 100.f, 5.f }}, // unused |
| {0, 0x00FFFFFF, {kRect.right(), kUV.right(), kRect.top(), kUV.top() }}, |
| {0, 0x00000000, { 200.f, 10.f, 200.f, 10.f }}, // unused |
| {0, 0xFFFF00FF, {kRect.left(), kUV.left(), kRect.bottom(), kUV.bottom()}}, |
| {0, 0xFFFFFF00, {kRect.right(), kUV.right(), kRect.bottom(), kUV.bottom()}}, |
| }; |
| |
| static constexpr NoColorVertex kNoColorIndexedQuad[]{ |
| {{kRect.left(), kUV.left(), kRect.top(), kUV.top() }}, |
| {{ 100.f, 0.f, 100.f, 5.f }}, // unused |
| {{kRect.right(), kUV.right(), kRect.top(), kUV.top() }}, |
| {{ 200.f, 10.f, 200.f, 10.f }}, // unused |
| {{kRect.left(), kUV.left(), kRect.bottom(), kUV.bottom()}}, |
| {{kRect.right(), kUV.right(), kRect.bottom(), kUV.bottom()}}, |
| }; |
| |
| static constexpr uint16_t kIndices[]{0, 2, 4, 2, 5, 4}; |
| |
| // For some buffers we add an offset to ensure we're exercising drawing from mid-buffer. |
| static constexpr size_t kNoColorOffset = sizeof(NoColorVertex); |
| static constexpr size_t kColorIndexedOffset = 2*sizeof(ColorVertex); |
| static constexpr size_t kIndexOffset = 6; |
| |
| sk_sp<SkShader> fShader; |
| |
| sk_sp<SkMeshSpecification> fSpecWithColor; |
| sk_sp<SkMeshSpecification> fSpecWithNoColor; |
| |
| // On GPU the first IB is a CPU buffer and the second is a GPU buffer. |
| sk_sp<SkMesh::IndexBuffer> fIB[2]; |
| |
| sk_sp<SkMesh::VertexBuffer> fColorVB; |
| sk_sp<SkMesh::VertexBuffer> fNoColorVB; |
| sk_sp<SkMesh::VertexBuffer> fColorIndexedVB; |
| sk_sp<SkMesh::VertexBuffer> fNoColorIndexedVB; |
| }; |
| |
| DEF_GM(return new MeshGM;) |
| |
| class MeshColorSpaceGM : public skiagm::GM { |
| public: |
| MeshColorSpaceGM() {} |
| |
| protected: |
| using Attribute = SkMeshSpecification::Attribute; |
| using Varying = SkMeshSpecification::Varying; |
| |
| SkISize getISize() override { return {468, 258}; } |
| |
| void onOnceBeforeDraw() override { |
| static const Attribute kAttributes[]{ |
| {Attribute::Type::kFloat2, 0, SkString{"pos"} }, |
| {Attribute::Type::kFloat4, 8, SkString{"color"}}, |
| }; |
| static const Varying kVaryings[]{ |
| {Varying::Type::kHalf4, SkString{"color"}}, |
| }; |
| static constexpr char kPremulVS[] = R"( |
| Varyings main(const in Attributes attributes) { |
| Varyings varyings; |
| varyings.color = half4(attributes.color.a*attributes.color.rgb, |
| attributes.color.a); |
| varyings.position = attributes.pos; |
| return varyings; |
| } |
| )"; |
| static constexpr char kUnpremulVS[] = R"( |
| Varyings main(const in Attributes attributes) { |
| Varyings varyings; |
| varyings.color = attributes.color; |
| varyings.position = attributes.pos; |
| return varyings; |
| } |
| )"; |
| static constexpr char kFS[] = R"( |
| float2 main(in const Varyings varyings, out half4 color) { |
| color = varyings.color; |
| return varyings.position; |
| } |
| )"; |
| for (bool unpremul : {false, true}) { |
| auto at = unpremul ? kUnpremul_SkAlphaType : kPremul_SkAlphaType; |
| auto vs = unpremul ? kUnpremulVS : kPremulVS; |
| for (bool spin : {false, true}) { |
| auto cs = SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB(); |
| if (spin) { |
| cs = cs->makeColorSpin(); |
| } |
| |
| auto [spec, error] = SkMeshSpecification::Make( |
| kAttributes, |
| sizeof(Vertex), |
| kVaryings, |
| SkString(vs), |
| SkString(kFS), |
| std::move(cs), |
| at); |
| if (!spec) { |
| SkDebugf("%s\n", error.c_str()); |
| } |
| fSpecs[SpecIndex(unpremul, spin)] = std::move(spec); |
| } |
| } |
| SkPoint pts[] = {{kRect.fLeft, 0}, {kRect.centerX(), 0}}; |
| SkColor colors[] = {SK_ColorWHITE, SK_ColorTRANSPARENT}; |
| fShader = SkGradientShader::MakeLinear(pts, colors, nullptr, 2, SkTileMode::kMirror); |
| |
| fVB = SkMeshes::MakeVertexBuffer(kQuad, sizeof(kQuad)); |
| } |
| |
| SkString getName() const override { return SkString("custommesh_cs"); } |
| |
| DrawResult onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas, SkString* error) override { |
| // Force an intermediate surface if the canvas is in "legacy" mode |
| SkCanvas* c = canvas; |
| sk_sp<SkSurface> surface; |
| if (!c->imageInfo().colorSpace()) { |
| SkImageInfo info = canvas->imageInfo().makeColorSpace(SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB()); |
| surface = canvas->makeSurface(info); |
| if (!surface) { |
| // This GM won't work on configs that use a recording canvas. |
| return DrawResult::kSkip; |
| } |
| c = surface->getCanvas(); |
| c->clear(SK_ColorWHITE); |
| } |
| for (bool useShader : {false, true}) |
| for (bool unpremul : {false, true}) { |
| c->save(); |
| for (bool spin : {false, true}) { |
| auto result = SkMesh::Make(fSpecs[SpecIndex(unpremul, spin)], |
| SkMesh::Mode::kTriangleStrip, |
| fVB, |
| /*vertexCount=*/4, |
| /*vertexOffset=*/0, |
| /*uniforms=*/nullptr, |
| /*children=*/{}, |
| kRect); |
| if (!result.mesh.isValid()) { |
| SkDebugf("Mesh creation failed: %s\n", result.error.c_str()); |
| return DrawResult::kFail; |
| } |
| |
| SkPaint paint; |
| paint.setShader(useShader ? fShader : nullptr); |
| SkBlendMode mode = useShader ? SkBlendMode::kModulate : SkBlendMode::kDst; |
| canvas->drawMesh(result.mesh, SkBlender::Mode(mode), paint); |
| |
| c->translate(0, kRect.height() + 10); |
| } |
| c->restore(); |
| c->translate(kRect.width() + 10, 0); |
| c->save(); |
| } |
| if (surface) { |
| surface->draw(canvas, 0, 0); |
| } |
| return DrawResult::kOk; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| struct Vertex { |
| SkPoint pos; |
| SkColor4f color; |
| }; |
| |
| static int SpecIndex(bool spin, bool unpremul) { |
| return static_cast<int>(spin) + 2*static_cast<int>(unpremul); |
| } |
| |
| static constexpr auto kRect = SkRect::MakeLTRB(20, 20, 120, 120); |
| |
| static constexpr Vertex kQuad[] { |
| {{kRect.left() , kRect.top() }, {1, 0, 0, 1}}, |
| {{kRect.right(), kRect.top() }, {0, 1, 0, 0}}, |
| {{kRect.left() , kRect.bottom()}, {1, 1, 0, 0}}, |
| {{kRect.right(), kRect.bottom()}, {0, 0, 1, 1}}, |
| }; |
| |
| sk_sp<SkMesh::VertexBuffer> fVB; |
| |
| sk_sp<SkMeshSpecification> fSpecs[4]; |
| |
| sk_sp<SkShader> fShader; |
| }; |
| |
| // helpers for cases when ctx could be nullptr |
| static sk_sp<SkMesh::VertexBuffer> make_vertex_buffer(GrDirectContext* ctx, |
| const void* data, |
| size_t size) { |
| if (ctx) { |
| return SkMeshes::MakeVertexBuffer(ctx, data, size); |
| } |
| return SkMeshes::MakeVertexBuffer(data, size); |
| } |
| |
| static sk_sp<SkMesh::IndexBuffer> make_index_buffer(GrDirectContext* ctx, |
| const void* data, |
| size_t size) { |
| if (ctx) { |
| return SkMeshes::MakeIndexBuffer(ctx, data, size); |
| } |
| return SkMeshes::MakeIndexBuffer(data, size); |
| } |
| |
| DEF_GM(return new MeshColorSpaceGM;) |
| |
| class MeshUniformsGM : public skiagm::GM { |
| public: |
| MeshUniformsGM() { this->onAnimate(0); } |
| |
| protected: |
| using Attribute = SkMeshSpecification::Attribute; |
| using Varying = SkMeshSpecification::Varying; |
| |
| SkISize getISize() override { return {140, 250}; } |
| |
| void onOnceBeforeDraw() override { |
| static const Attribute kAttributes[]{ |
| {Attribute::Type::kFloat2, 0, SkString{"pos"} }, |
| {Attribute::Type::kFloat2, 8, SkString{"coords"}}, |
| }; |
| static const Varying kVaryings[]{ |
| {Varying::Type::kFloat2, SkString{"coords"}}, |
| }; |
| // To exercise shared VS/FS uniforms we have a matrix that is applied twice, once in each |
| // stage. |
| static constexpr char kVS[] = R"( |
| uniform float t[2]; |
| uniform half3x3 m; |
| Varyings main(in const Attributes attributes) { |
| Varyings varyings; |
| varyings.coords = (m*float3(attributes.coords + float2(t[0], t[1]), 1)).xy; |
| varyings.position = attributes.pos; |
| return varyings; |
| } |
| )"; |
| static constexpr char kFS[] = R"( |
| uniform half3x3 m; |
| layout(color) uniform half4 color; |
| float2 main(const Varyings varyings, out half4 c) { |
| c = color; |
| return (m*float3(varyings.coords, 1)).xy; |
| } |
| )"; |
| auto [spec, error] = |
| SkMeshSpecification::Make(kAttributes, |
| sizeof(Vertex), |
| kVaryings, |
| SkString(kVS), |
| SkString(kFS), |
| SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB(), |
| kPremul_SkAlphaType); |
| if (!spec) { |
| SkDebugf("%s\n", error.c_str()); |
| } |
| fSpec = std::move(spec); |
| |
| SkColor colors[] = {SK_ColorWHITE, SK_ColorBLACK}; |
| fShader = SkGradientShader::MakeRadial(kGradCenter, |
| .4f, |
| colors, |
| nullptr, |
| 2, |
| SkTileMode::kMirror); |
| |
| fVB = SkMeshes::MakeVertexBuffer(kQuad, sizeof(kQuad)); |
| } |
| |
| SkString getName() const override { return SkString("custommesh_uniforms"); } |
| |
| DrawResult onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas, SkString* error) override { |
| SkMatrix matrices[] { |
| SkMatrix::MakeAll(-1, 0, 0, // self inverse so no effect. |
| 0, -1, 0, |
| 0, 0, 1), |
| SkMatrix::RotateDeg(fDegrees/2.f, {0.5f, 0.5f}), |
| }; |
| for (const auto& m : matrices) { |
| auto unis = SkData::MakeUninitialized(fSpec->uniformSize()); |
| |
| SkPoint trans = -kCoordTrans; |
| static_assert(sizeof(SkPoint) == 2*sizeof(float)); |
| |
| const SkMeshSpecification::Uniform* u = fSpec->findUniform("t"); |
| SkASSERT(u); |
| std::memcpy(SkTAddOffset<void>(unis->writable_data(), u->offset), |
| (void*)&trans, |
| 2*sizeof(float)); |
| |
| u = fSpec->findUniform("m"); |
| SkASSERT(u); |
| for (size_t offset = u->offset, col = 0; col < 3; ++col) { |
| for (size_t row = 0; row < 3; ++row, offset += sizeof(float)) { |
| *SkTAddOffset<float>(unis->writable_data(), offset) = m.rc(row, col); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| u = fSpec->findUniform("color"); |
| SkASSERT(u); |
| std::memcpy(SkTAddOffset<void>(unis->writable_data(), u->offset), |
| fColor.vec(), |
| 4*sizeof(float)); |
| |
| auto result = SkMesh::Make(fSpec, |
| SkMesh::Mode::kTriangleStrip, |
| fVB, |
| /*vertexCount=*/4, |
| /*vertexOffset=*/0, |
| /*uniforms=*/std::move(unis), |
| /*children=*/{}, |
| kRect); |
| |
| if (!result.mesh.isValid()) { |
| SkDebugf("Mesh creation failed: %s\n", result.error.c_str()); |
| return DrawResult::kFail; |
| } |
| |
| SkPaint paint; |
| paint.setShader(fShader); |
| canvas->drawMesh(result.mesh, SkBlender::Mode(SkBlendMode::kModulate), paint); |
| |
| canvas->translate(0, kRect.height() + 10); |
| } |
| return DrawResult::kOk; |
| } |
| |
| bool onAnimate(double nanos) override { |
| fDegrees = TimeUtils::NanosToSeconds(nanos) * 360.f/10.f + 45.f; |
| // prime number periods, like locusts. |
| fColor.fR = TimeUtils::SineWave(nanos, 13.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f); |
| fColor.fG = TimeUtils::SineWave(nanos, 23.f, 5.f, 0.f, 1.f); |
| fColor.fB = TimeUtils::SineWave(nanos, 11.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f); |
| fColor.fA = 1.f; |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| struct Vertex { |
| SkPoint pos; |
| SkPoint tex; |
| }; |
| |
| static constexpr auto kRect = SkRect::MakeLTRB(20, 20, 120, 120); |
| |
| // Our logical tex coords are [0..1] but we insert an arbitrary translation that gets undone |
| // with a uniform. |
| static constexpr SkPoint kCoordTrans = {75, -37}; |
| static constexpr auto kCoordRect = SkRect::MakeXYWH(kCoordTrans.x(), kCoordTrans.y(), 1, 1); |
| |
| static constexpr SkPoint kGradCenter = {0.3f, 0.2f}; |
| |
| static constexpr Vertex kQuad[] { |
| {{kRect.left() , kRect.top() }, {kCoordRect.left() , kCoordRect.top()} }, |
| {{kRect.right(), kRect.top() }, {kCoordRect.right(), kCoordRect.top()} }, |
| {{kRect.left() , kRect.bottom()}, {kCoordRect.left() , kCoordRect.bottom()}}, |
| {{kRect.right(), kRect.bottom()}, {kCoordRect.right(), kCoordRect.bottom()}}, |
| }; |
| |
| float fDegrees; |
| |
| SkColor4f fColor; |
| |
| sk_sp<SkMesh::VertexBuffer> fVB; |
| |
| sk_sp<SkMeshSpecification> fSpec; |
| |
| sk_sp<SkShader> fShader; |
| }; |
| |
| DEF_GM(return new MeshUniformsGM()) |
| |
| class MeshUpdateGM : public skiagm::GM { |
| public: |
| MeshUpdateGM() = default; |
| |
| protected: |
| using Attribute = SkMeshSpecification::Attribute; |
| using Varying = SkMeshSpecification::Varying; |
| |
| SkISize getISize() override { return {270, 490}; } |
| |
| void onOnceBeforeDraw() override { |
| static const Attribute kAttributes[]{ |
| {Attribute::Type::kFloat2, 0, SkString{"pos"}}, |
| {Attribute::Type::kFloat2, 8, SkString{"coords"}}, |
| }; |
| static const Varying kVaryings[]{ |
| {Varying::Type::kFloat2, SkString{"coords"}}, |
| }; |
| static constexpr char kVS[] = R"( |
| Varyings main(const in Attributes attributes) { |
| Varyings varyings; |
| varyings.coords = attributes.coords; |
| varyings.position = attributes.pos; |
| return varyings; |
| } |
| )"; |
| static constexpr char kFS[] = R"( |
| float2 main(const Varyings varyings) { return varyings.coords; } |
| )"; |
| auto [spec, error] = SkMeshSpecification::Make(kAttributes, |
| sizeof(Vertex), |
| kVaryings, |
| SkString(kVS), |
| SkString(kFS), |
| SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB(), |
| kPremul_SkAlphaType); |
| if (!spec) { |
| SkDebugf("%s\n", error.c_str()); |
| } |
| fSpec = std::move(spec); |
| |
| uint32_t colors[] = {SK_ColorYELLOW, SK_ColorMAGENTA, SK_ColorCYAN, SK_ColorWHITE}; |
| SkPixmap pixmap(SkImageInfo::Make({2, 2}, kBGRA_8888_SkColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType), |
| colors, |
| /*rowBytes=*/8); |
| fShader = SkImages::RasterFromPixmapCopy(pixmap)->makeShader( |
| SkTileMode::kClamp, SkTileMode::kClamp, SkFilterMode::kLinear); |
| } |
| |
| SkString getName() const override { return SkString("mesh_updates"); } |
| |
| DrawResult onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas, SkString* error) override { |
| canvas->clear(SK_ColorBLACK); |
| |
| GrRecordingContext* rc = canvas->recordingContext(); |
| GrDirectContext* dc = GrAsDirectContext(rc); |
| if (rc && !dc) { |
| // On GPU this relies on using the DC to update the GPU backed vertex/index buffers. |
| return DrawResult::kSkip; |
| } |
| |
| if (dc && dc->abandoned()) { |
| return DrawResult::kSkip; |
| } |
| |
| SkPaint paint; |
| paint.setShader(fShader); |
| |
| SkRect r = SkRect::MakeXYWH(10.f, 10.f, 50.f, 50.f); |
| |
| // We test updating CPU and GPU buffers. |
| for (bool gpuBuffer : {false, true}) { |
| auto ctx = gpuBuffer ? dc : nullptr; |
| |
| // How many rects worth of storage is in the vertex buffer? |
| static constexpr int kVBRects = 2; |
| |
| // How many times do we update the vertex buffer? Wraps to start of buffer if |
| // > kVBRects. |
| static constexpr int kUpdatesRects = 3; |
| |
| auto vb = make_vertex_buffer(ctx, /*data=*/nullptr, kVBRects * 6 * sizeof(Vertex)); |
| SkASSERT(vb); |
| |
| SkRect bounds; |
| for (int i = 0; i < kUpdatesRects; ++i) { |
| auto p = r.makeOffset(100.f*i, 0.f); |
| if (i) { |
| bounds.join(p); |
| } else { |
| bounds = p; |
| } |
| |
| SkPoint t[4]; |
| SkRect::MakeWH(2.f, 2.f).toQuad(t); |
| SkMatrix::RotateDeg(90.f*i, {1.f, 1.f}).mapPoints(t, std::size(t)); |
| |
| Vertex vertices[6]; |
| vertices[0] = {{p.left(), p.top()}, t[0]}; |
| vertices[1] = {{p.left(), p.bottom()}, t[3]}; |
| vertices[2] = {{p.right(), p.top()}, t[1]}; |
| vertices[3] = vertices[2]; |
| vertices[4] = vertices[1]; |
| vertices[5] = {{p.right(), p.bottom()}, t[2]}; |
| |
| size_t offset = 6*(i % kVBRects)*sizeof(Vertex); |
| SkAssertResult(vb->update(ctx, vertices, offset, 6*sizeof(Vertex))); |
| // Make there aren't accidentally deferred reads of the client data. |
| std::memset(vertices, 0, sizeof(vertices)); |
| |
| int rectCount = std::min(i + 1, kVBRects); |
| auto result = SkMesh::Make(fSpec, |
| SkMesh::Mode::kTriangles, |
| vb, |
| /*vertexCount=*/6 * rectCount, |
| /*vertexOffset=*/0, |
| /*uniforms=*/nullptr, |
| /*children=*/{}, |
| bounds); |
| |
| if (!result.mesh.isValid()) { |
| SkDebugf("Mesh creation failed: %s\n", result.error.c_str()); |
| return DrawResult::kFail; |
| } |
| |
| canvas->drawMesh(result.mesh, SkBlender::Mode(SkBlendMode::kDst), paint); |
| |
| canvas->translate(0, r.height() + 10); |
| } |
| |
| // Now test updating an IB. |
| |
| // How many rects worth of storage is in the index buffer? |
| static constexpr int kIBRects = 2; |
| |
| // How many times do we update the index buffer? Wraps to start of buffer if > kIBRects. |
| static constexpr int kNumIBUpdates = 3; |
| |
| // Make the vertex buffer large enough to hold all the rects and populate. |
| vb = make_vertex_buffer(ctx, /*data=*/nullptr, kNumIBUpdates * 4 * sizeof(Vertex)); |
| SkASSERT(vb); |
| for (int i = 0; i < kNumIBUpdates; ++i) { |
| SkPoint p[4]; |
| auto rect = r.makeOffset(100*i, 0); |
| rect.toQuad(p); |
| if (i) { |
| bounds.join(rect); |
| } else { |
| bounds = rect; |
| } |
| |
| SkPoint t[4]; |
| SkRect::MakeWH(2.f, 2.f).toQuad(t); |
| SkMatrix::RotateDeg(90.f*i, {1.f, 1.f}).mapPoints(t, std::size(t)); |
| Vertex vertices[4]{{p[0], t[0]}, {p[1], t[1]}, {p[2], t[2]}, {p[3], t[3]}}; |
| SkAssertResult( |
| vb->update(ctx, vertices, i*4*sizeof(Vertex), 4*sizeof(Vertex))); |
| } |
| |
| auto ib = make_index_buffer( |
| ctx, /*data=*/nullptr, kIBRects * 6 * sizeof(uint16_t)); |
| SkASSERT(ib); |
| for (int i = 0; i < kNumIBUpdates; ++i) { |
| uint16_t indices[6] = {SkToU16(0 + 4*i), |
| SkToU16(3 + 4*i), |
| SkToU16(1 + 4*i), |
| SkToU16(1 + 4*i), |
| SkToU16(3 + 4*i), |
| SkToU16(2 + 4*i)}; |
| size_t offset = 6*(i % kIBRects)*sizeof(uint16_t); |
| SkAssertResult(ib->update(ctx, indices, offset, 6*sizeof(uint16_t))); |
| std::memset(indices, 0, 6*sizeof(uint16_t)); |
| |
| auto result = SkMesh::MakeIndexed(fSpec, |
| SkMesh::Mode::kTriangles, |
| vb, |
| /*vertexCount=*/4 * kNumIBUpdates, |
| /*vertexOffset=*/0, |
| ib, |
| /*indexCount=*/6, |
| /*indexOffset=*/offset, |
| /*uniforms=*/nullptr, |
| /*children=*/{}, |
| bounds); |
| |
| if (!result.mesh.isValid()) { |
| SkDebugf("Mesh creation failed: %s\n", result.error.c_str()); |
| return DrawResult::kFail; |
| } |
| |
| canvas->drawMesh(result.mesh, SkBlender::Mode(SkBlendMode::kDst), paint); |
| } |
| canvas->translate(0, r.height() + 10); |
| } |
| |
| return DrawResult::kOk; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| struct Vertex { |
| SkPoint pos; |
| SkPoint tex; |
| }; |
| |
| sk_sp<SkMeshSpecification> fSpec; |
| |
| sk_sp<SkShader> fShader; |
| }; |
| |
| DEF_GM(return new MeshUpdateGM()) |
| |
| class MeshZeroInitGM : public skiagm::GM { |
| public: |
| MeshZeroInitGM() = default; |
| |
| protected: |
| using Attribute = SkMeshSpecification::Attribute; |
| using Varying = SkMeshSpecification::Varying; |
| |
| SkISize getISize() override { return {90, 30}; } |
| |
| void onOnceBeforeDraw() override { |
| static const Attribute kAttributes1[]{ |
| {Attribute::Type::kUByte4_unorm, 0, SkString{"color"}}, |
| {Attribute::Type::kFloat2, 4, SkString{"pos" }}, |
| }; |
| static const Attribute kAttributes2[]{ |
| {Attribute::Type::kFloat2, 0, SkString{"pos" }}, |
| {Attribute::Type::kUByte4_unorm, 8, SkString{"color"}}, |
| }; |
| static const Varying kVaryings[]{{Varying::Type::kHalf4, SkString{"color"}}}; |
| static constexpr char kVS[] = R"( |
| Varyings main(const in Attributes attributes) { |
| Varyings varyings; |
| varyings.color = attributes.color; |
| varyings.position = attributes.pos; |
| return varyings; |
| } |
| )"; |
| static constexpr char kFS[] = R"( |
| float2 main(const Varyings varyings, out half4 color) { |
| color = varyings.color; |
| return varyings.position; |
| } |
| )"; |
| auto result = SkMeshSpecification::Make(kAttributes1, |
| /*vertexStride==*/12, |
| kVaryings, |
| SkString(kVS), |
| SkString(kFS), |
| SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB(), |
| kPremul_SkAlphaType); |
| if (!result.specification) { |
| SkDebugf("%s\n", result.error.c_str()); |
| } |
| fSpec[0] = std::move(result.specification); |
| |
| result = SkMeshSpecification::Make(kAttributes1, |
| /*vertexStride=*/12, |
| kVaryings, |
| SkString(kVS), |
| SkString(kFS), |
| SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB(), |
| kPremul_SkAlphaType); |
| if (!result.specification) { |
| SkDebugf("%s\n", result.error.c_str()); |
| } |
| fSpec[1] = std::move(result.specification); |
| } |
| |
| SkString getName() const override { return SkString("mesh_zero_init"); } |
| |
| DrawResult onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas, SkString* error) override { |
| GrRecordingContext* rc = canvas->recordingContext(); |
| GrDirectContext* dc = GrAsDirectContext(rc); |
| if (rc && !dc) { |
| // On GPU this relies on using the DC to update the GPU backed vertex/index buffers. |
| return DrawResult::kSkip; |
| } |
| |
| if (dc && dc->abandoned()) { |
| return DrawResult::kSkip; |
| } |
| |
| static constexpr SkPoint kTri[]{{10, 10}, {20, 10}, {10, 20}}; |
| // The zero will come from the uninit part of the buffer. |
| static constexpr uint16_t kTiIndices[]{1, 2}; |
| |
| // We test updating CPU and GPU buffers. |
| for (bool gpuBuffer : {false, true}) { |
| auto ctx = gpuBuffer ? dc : nullptr; |
| for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { |
| const auto& spec = fSpec[i]; |
| |
| size_t posOffset = spec->findAttribute("pos")->offset; |
| auto vb = make_vertex_buffer(ctx, nullptr, spec->stride() * std::size(kTri)); |
| SkASSERT(vb); |
| for (size_t j = 0; j < std::size(kTri); ++j) { |
| SkAssertResult(vb->update(ctx, |
| &kTri[j], |
| spec->stride()*j + posOffset, |
| sizeof(kTri[j]))); |
| } |
| |
| // The first time we make the indices be 0,1,2 using the zero'ed buffer for the |
| // first. However, because uploads must be 4 byte aligned it's actually 0,0,1,2. |
| // The second time we upload 1,2 to beginning of the buffer to form 1,2,0. |
| size_t indexUploadOffset = i == 0 ? 4 : 0; |
| size_t indexMeshOffset = i == 0 ? 2 : 0; |
| |
| auto ib = make_index_buffer(ctx, nullptr, sizeof(uint16_t) * 4); |
| SkASSERT(ib); |
| SkAssertResult(ib->update(ctx, kTiIndices, indexUploadOffset, sizeof(kTiIndices))); |
| |
| SkRect bounds; |
| bounds.setBounds(kTri, std::size(kTri)); |
| auto result = SkMesh::MakeIndexed(spec, |
| SkMesh::Mode::kTriangles, |
| std::move(vb), |
| /*vertexCount=*/std::size(kTri), |
| /*vertexOffset=*/0, |
| std::move(ib), |
| /*indexCount=*/std::size(kTiIndices) + 1, |
| indexMeshOffset, |
| /*uniforms=*/nullptr, |
| /*children=*/{}, |
| bounds); |
| if (!result.mesh.isValid()) { |
| SkDebugf("Mesh creation failed: %s\n", result.error.c_str()); |
| return DrawResult::kFail; |
| } |
| |
| SkPaint paint; |
| // The color will be transparent black. Set the blender to kDstOver so when combined |
| // with the paint's opaque black we get opaque black. |
| canvas->drawMesh(result.mesh, SkBlender::Mode(SkBlendMode::kDstOver), paint); |
| canvas->translate(bounds.width() + 10, 0); |
| if (ctx) { |
| // Free up the buffers for recycling in the cache. This helps test that |
| // a recycled buffer gets zero'ed. |
| result.mesh = {}; |
| SkASSERT(!ib); // NOLINT - bugprone-use-after-move. We're asserting it's moved. |
| SkASSERT(!vb); // NOLINT |
| ctx->flushAndSubmit(GrSyncCpu::kYes); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return DrawResult::kOk; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| sk_sp<SkMeshSpecification> fSpec[2]; |
| }; |
| |
| DEF_GM(return new MeshZeroInitGM()) |
| |
| // We have a special GM for testing SkMesh through SkPicture because all of SkPicture GM testing |
| // uses the CPU backend and SkMesh only works on GPU. |
| class PictureMesh : public skiagm::GM { |
| public: |
| PictureMesh() = default; |
| |
| protected: |
| using Attribute = SkMeshSpecification::Attribute; |
| using Varying = SkMeshSpecification::Varying; |
| |
| SkISize getISize() override { return {390, 90}; } |
| |
| void onOnceBeforeDraw() override { |
| static const Attribute kAttributes[]{ |
| {Attribute::Type::kFloat2, 0, SkString{"pos"}}, |
| }; |
| static const Varying kVaryings[]{ |
| {Varying::Type::kFloat2, SkString{"coords"}}, |
| }; |
| static constexpr char kVS[] = R"( |
| Varyings main(in const Attributes attributes) { |
| Varyings varyings; |
| varyings.position = attributes.pos; |
| return varyings; |
| } |
| )"; |
| static const SkString kFS = SkStringPrintf(R"( |
| uniform float2 offset; |
| float2 main(const Varyings varyings, out float4 color) { |
| float2 tl = float2(%f, %f); |
| float2 wh = float2(%f, %f); |
| float2 c = tl + wh/2; |
| float r = length(wh)/4; |
| color.rba = float3(1); |
| color.g = min(1, length(varyings.position - c + offset) / r); |
| return varyings.position; |
| } |
| )", kRect.x(), kRect.y(), kRect.width(), kRect.height()); |
| auto [spec, error] = |
| SkMeshSpecification::Make(kAttributes, |
| sizeof(Vertex), |
| kVaryings, |
| SkString(kVS), |
| kFS, |
| SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB()->makeColorSpin(), |
| kPremul_SkAlphaType); |
| if (!spec) { |
| SkDebugf("%s\n", error.c_str()); |
| } |
| fSpec = std::move(spec); |
| |
| fVB = SkMeshes::MakeVertexBuffer(kQuad, sizeof(kQuad)); |
| fIB = SkMeshes::MakeIndexBuffer(kIndices, sizeof(kIndices)); |
| |
| SkRandom random; |
| SkColor4f colors[6]; |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(colors) - 1; ++i) { |
| colors[i] = {random.nextF(), random.nextF(), random.nextF(), 1.f}; |
| } |
| colors[std::size(colors) - 1] = colors[0]; |
| SkPaint paint; |
| SkGradientShader::Interpolation interpolation; |
| interpolation.fColorSpace = SkGradientShader::Interpolation::ColorSpace::kHSL; |
| fShader = SkGradientShader::MakeSweep(kRect.centerX(), kRect.centerY(), |
| colors, |
| SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB(), |
| nullptr, |
| std::size(colors), |
| SkTileMode::kRepeat, |
| 0, |
| 360.f, |
| interpolation, |
| /*localMatrix=*/nullptr); |
| } |
| |
| SkString getName() const override { return SkString("picture_mesh"); } |
| |
| DrawResult onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas, SkString* error) override { |
| SkPaint paint; |
| paint.setShader(fShader); |
| |
| auto dc = GrAsDirectContext(canvas->recordingContext()); |
| for (bool picture : {false, true}) { |
| canvas->save(); |
| for (bool gpu : {false, true}) { |
| auto vb = gpu ? SkMeshes::CopyVertexBuffer(dc, fVB) : fVB; |
| auto ib = gpu ? SkMeshes::CopyIndexBuffer (dc, fIB) : fIB; |
| |
| float offset[2] = {8, 8}; |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { |
| auto uniforms = SkData::MakeWithCopy(&offset, sizeof(offset)); |
| SkMesh::Result r; |
| switch (i) { |
| case 0: |
| r = SkMesh::Make(fSpec, |
| SkMesh::Mode::kTriangles, |
| fVB, |
| 6, |
| 1 * sizeof(Vertex), |
| std::move(uniforms), |
| /*children=*/{}, |
| kRect); |
| break; |
| case 1: |
| r = SkMesh::Make(fSpec, |
| SkMesh::Mode::kTriangleStrip, |
| fVB, |
| 4, |
| 1 * sizeof(Vertex), |
| std::move(uniforms), |
| /*children=*/{}, |
| kRect); |
| break; |
| case 2: |
| r = SkMesh::MakeIndexed(fSpec, |
| SkMesh::Mode::kTriangles, |
| fVB, |
| std::size(kQuad), |
| 0, |
| fIB, |
| 6, |
| 2 * (sizeof(uint16_t)), |
| std::move(uniforms), |
| /*children=*/{}, |
| kRect); |
| break; |
| case 3: |
| r = SkMesh::MakeIndexed(fSpec, |
| SkMesh::Mode::kTriangleStrip, |
| fVB, |
| std::size(kQuad), |
| 0, |
| fIB, |
| 6, |
| 2 * sizeof(uint16_t), |
| std::move(uniforms), |
| /*children=*/{}, |
| kRect); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| if (!r.mesh.isValid()) { |
| *error = r.error; |
| return DrawResult::kFail; |
| } |
| |
| auto draw = [&](SkCanvas* c) { |
| c->drawMesh(r.mesh, SkBlender::Mode(SkBlendMode::kDifference), paint); |
| }; |
| if (picture) { |
| SkPictureRecorder recorder; |
| draw(recorder.beginRecording(SkRect::Make(this->getISize()), |
| /*bbhFactory=*/nullptr)); |
| canvas->drawPicture(recorder.finishRecordingAsPicture()); |
| } else { |
| draw(canvas); |
| } |
| offset[i%2] *= -1; |
| canvas->translate(kRect.width() + 10, 0); |
| } |
| } |
| canvas->restore(); |
| canvas->translate(0, kRect.height() + 10); |
| } |
| return DrawResult::kOk; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| struct Vertex { |
| SkPoint pos; |
| }; |
| |
| static constexpr auto kRect = SkRect::MakeWH(40, 40); |
| |
| static constexpr Vertex kQuad[] { |
| {1000, 1000}, // skip |
| {{kRect.left() , kRect.top() }}, |
| {{kRect.right(), kRect.top() }}, |
| {{kRect.left() , kRect.bottom()}}, |
| {{kRect.right(), kRect.bottom()}}, |
| {{kRect.left() , kRect.bottom()}}, |
| {{kRect.right(), kRect.top() }}, |
| }; |
| |
| static constexpr uint16_t kIndices[] = {1000, 2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; |
| |
| sk_sp<SkMesh::VertexBuffer> fVB; |
| |
| sk_sp<SkMesh::IndexBuffer> fIB; |
| |
| sk_sp<SkMeshSpecification> fSpec; |
| |
| sk_sp<SkShader> fShader; |
| }; |
| |
| DEF_GM(return new PictureMesh()) |
| |
| class MeshWithShadersGM : public skiagm::GM { |
| public: |
| enum class Type { |
| kMeshWithImage, |
| kMeshWithPaintColor, |
| kMeshWithPaintImage, |
| kMeshWithEffects, |
| }; |
| |
| MeshWithShadersGM(Type type) : fType(type) { |
| // Create a grid of evenly spaced points for our mesh |
| this->onAnimate(0.0); |
| |
| // Create an index buffer of triangles over our point mesh. |
| for (int y = 0; y < kMeshSize - 1; ++y) { |
| for (int x = 0; x < kMeshSize - 1; ++x) { |
| SkASSERT(((y + 1) * kMeshSize + x + 1) < fVerts.size()); |
| |
| uint16_t TL = y * kMeshSize + x; |
| uint16_t TR = y * kMeshSize + x + 1; |
| uint16_t BL = (y + 1) * kMeshSize + x; |
| uint16_t BR = (y + 1) * kMeshSize + x + 1; |
| |
| fIndices.push_back(TL); |
| fIndices.push_back(TR); |
| fIndices.push_back(BL); |
| |
| fIndices.push_back(BR); |
| fIndices.push_back(BL); |
| fIndices.push_back(TR); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| protected: |
| using Attribute = SkMeshSpecification::Attribute; |
| using Varying = SkMeshSpecification::Varying; |
| |
| SkISize getISize() override { return {320, 320}; } |
| |
| void onOnceBeforeDraw() override { |
| { |
| static const Attribute kAttributes[] = { |
| {Attribute::Type::kFloat2, 0, SkString{"position"}}, |
| {Attribute::Type::kFloat2, 8, SkString{"uv"}}, |
| }; |
| static const Varying kVaryings[] = { |
| {Varying::Type::kFloat2, SkString{"uv"}}, |
| }; |
| static constexpr char kVS[] = R"( |
| Varyings main(const in Attributes attributes) { |
| Varyings varyings; |
| varyings.uv = attributes.uv; |
| varyings.position = attributes.position; |
| return varyings; |
| } |
| )"; |
| static constexpr char kFS[] = R"( |
| uniform shader myShader1; |
| uniform shader myShader2; |
| uniform colorFilter myColorFilter; |
| uniform blender myBlend; |
| |
| float2 main(const in Varyings varyings, out half4 color) { |
| half4 color1 = myShader1.eval(varyings.uv); |
| half4 color2 = myShader2.eval(varyings.uv); |
| |
| // Apply a inverse color filter to the first image. |
| color1 = myColorFilter.eval(color1); |
| |
| // Fade in the second image horizontally, leveraging the UVs. |
| color2 *= varyings.uv.x / 128.0; |
| |
| // Combine the two images by using a blender (set to dst-over). |
| color = myBlend.eval(color1, color2); |
| |
| return varyings.uv; |
| } |
| )"; |
| auto [spec, error] = SkMeshSpecification::Make(kAttributes, |
| sizeof(Vertex), |
| kVaryings, |
| SkString(kVS), |
| SkString(kFS)); |
| if (!spec) { |
| SkDebugf("%s\n", error.c_str()); |
| } |
| fSpec = std::move(spec); |
| } |
| |
| |
| switch (fType) { |
| case Type::kMeshWithImage: { |
| fShader1 = ToolUtils::GetResourceAsImage("images/mandrill_128.png") |
| ->makeShader(SkSamplingOptions(SkFilterMode::kLinear)); |
| fShader2 = nullptr; |
| fColorFilter = nullptr; |
| fBlender = nullptr; |
| fPaintShader = nullptr; |
| break; |
| } |
| case Type::kMeshWithEffects: { |
| uint8_t inverseTable[256]; |
| for (int index = 0; index < 256; ++index) { |
| inverseTable[index] = 255 - index; |
| } |
| |
| fShader1 = ToolUtils::GetResourceAsImage("images/mandrill_128.png") |
| ->makeShader(SkSamplingOptions(SkFilterMode::kLinear)); |
| fShader2 = ToolUtils::GetResourceAsImage("images/color_wheel.png") |
| ->makeShader(SkSamplingOptions(SkFilterMode::kLinear)); |
| fColorFilter = SkColorFilters::TableARGB(/*tableA=*/nullptr, |
| inverseTable, |
| inverseTable, |
| inverseTable); |
| fBlender = SkBlender::Mode(SkBlendMode::kDstOver); |
| fPaintShader = nullptr; |
| break; |
| } |
| case Type::kMeshWithPaintColor: { |
| fShader1 = nullptr; |
| fShader2 = ToolUtils::GetResourceAsImage("images/mandrill_128.png") |
| ->makeShader(SkSamplingOptions(SkFilterMode::kLinear)); |
| fColorFilter = nullptr; |
| fBlender = SkBlender::Mode(SkBlendMode::kDst); |
| fPaintShader = SkShaders::Color(SK_ColorGREEN); |
| break; |
| } |
| case Type::kMeshWithPaintImage: { |
| fShader1 = ToolUtils::GetResourceAsImage("images/color_wheel.png") |
| ->makeShader(SkSamplingOptions(SkFilterMode::kLinear)); |
| fShader2 = nullptr; |
| fColorFilter = nullptr; |
| fBlender = nullptr; |
| fPaintShader = ToolUtils::GetResourceAsImage("images/mandrill_128.png") |
| ->makeShader(SkSamplingOptions(SkFilterMode::kLinear)); |
| break; |
| } |
| default: |
| } |
| } |
| |
| DrawResult onGpuSetup(SkCanvas* canvas, SkString* string) override { |
| auto dc = GrAsDirectContext(canvas->recordingContext()); |
| this->ensureBuffers(); |
| if (!dc || dc->abandoned()) { |
| return DrawResult::kOk; |
| } |
| |
| fVB = SkMeshes::CopyVertexBuffer(dc, fVB); |
| fIB = SkMeshes::CopyIndexBuffer (dc, fIB); |
| return (!fVB || !fIB) ? DrawResult::kFail |
| : DrawResult::kOk; |
| } |
| |
| void onGpuTeardown() override { |
| // Destroy the GPU buffers and recreate on CPU |
| fVB = nullptr; |
| fIB = nullptr; |
| this->ensureBuffers(); |
| } |
| |
| SkString getName() const override { |
| switch (fType) { |
| case Type::kMeshWithImage: return SkString("mesh_with_image"); |
| case Type::kMeshWithEffects: return SkString("mesh_with_effects"); |
| case Type::kMeshWithPaintColor: return SkString("mesh_with_paint_color"); |
| case Type::kMeshWithPaintImage: return SkString("mesh_with_paint_image"); |
| default: SkUNREACHABLE; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool onAnimate(double nanos) override { |
| // `periodic` goes from zero to 2π every four seconds, then wraps around. |
| double periodic = nanos / 4'000'000'000.; |
| periodic -= std::floor(periodic); |
| periodic *= 2 * SK_DoublePI; |
| |
| double xOff[kMeshSize], yOff[kMeshSize]; |
| for (int index = 0; index < kMeshSize; ++index) { |
| xOff[index] = std::sin(periodic) * kRippleSize; |
| yOff[index] = std::sin(periodic + 10.0) * kRippleSize; |
| periodic += 0.8; |
| } |
| |
| fVerts.clear(); |
| for (int y = 0; y < kMeshSize; ++y) { |
| float yf = (float)y / (kMeshSize - 1); // yf = 0 .. 1 |
| for (int x = 0; x < kMeshSize; ++x) { |
| float xf = (float)x / (kMeshSize - 1); // xf = 0 .. 1 |
| |
| Vertex* vert = &fVerts.push_back(); |
| vert->pos[0] = kRect.left() + xf * kRect.width() + xOff[y]; |
| vert->pos[1] = kRect.top() + yf * kRect.height() + yOff[x]; |
| vert->uv[0] = kUV.left() + xf * kUV.width(); |
| vert->uv[1] = kUV.top() + yf * kUV.height(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| DrawResult onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas, SkString*) override { |
| SkRuntimeEffect::ChildPtr child[4] = {fShader1, fShader2, fColorFilter, fBlender}; |
| |
| GrRecordingContext* rc = canvas->recordingContext(); |
| GrDirectContext* dc = GrAsDirectContext(rc); |
| fVB->update(dc, fVerts.data(), /*offset=*/0, fVerts.size_bytes()); |
| |
| SkMesh::Result result = SkMesh::MakeIndexed(fSpec, |
| SkMesh::Mode::kTriangles, |
| fVB, |
| fVerts.size(), |
| /*vertexOffset=*/0, |
| fIB, |
| fIndices.size(), |
| /*indexOffset=*/0, |
| /*uniforms=*/nullptr, |
| /*children=*/child, |
| kRect.makeOutset(kRippleSize, kRippleSize)); |
| if (!result.mesh.isValid()) { |
| SkDebugf("Mesh creation failed: %s\n", result.error.c_str()); |
| return DrawResult::kFail; |
| } |
| |
| SkPaint paint; |
| paint.setShader(fPaintShader); |
| canvas->drawMesh(result.mesh, SkBlender::Mode(SkBlendMode::kDstOver), paint); |
| |
| return DrawResult::kOk; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| void ensureBuffers() { |
| if (!fVB) { |
| fVB = SkMeshes::MakeVertexBuffer(fVerts.data(), fVerts.size_bytes()); |
| } |
| if (!fIB) { |
| fIB = SkMeshes::MakeIndexBuffer(fIndices.data(), fIndices.size_bytes()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| struct Vertex { |
| float pos[2]; |
| float uv[2]; |
| }; |
| |
| static constexpr auto kRect = SkRect::MakeLTRB(20, 20, 300, 300); |
| static constexpr auto kUV = SkRect::MakeLTRB( 0, 0, 128, 128); |
| static constexpr int kMeshSize = 16; |
| static constexpr float kRippleSize = 6.0f; |
| |
| Type fType; |
| |
| TArray<Vertex> fVerts; |
| TArray<uint16_t> fIndices; |
| |
| sk_sp<SkShader> fShader1, fShader2, fPaintShader; |
| sk_sp<SkColorFilter> fColorFilter; |
| sk_sp<SkBlender> fBlender; |
| |
| sk_sp<SkMeshSpecification> fSpec; |
| |
| sk_sp<SkMesh::VertexBuffer> fVB; |
| sk_sp<SkMesh::IndexBuffer> fIB; |
| }; |
| |
| DEF_GM(return new MeshWithShadersGM(MeshWithShadersGM::Type::kMeshWithImage)) |
| DEF_GM(return new MeshWithShadersGM(MeshWithShadersGM::Type::kMeshWithPaintColor)) |
| DEF_GM(return new MeshWithShadersGM(MeshWithShadersGM::Type::kMeshWithPaintImage)) |
| DEF_GM(return new MeshWithShadersGM(MeshWithShadersGM::Type::kMeshWithEffects)) |
| |
| } // namespace skiagm |