blob: 33b801b667c33f25c2498cef9f9b5e4ec6ef61a7 [file] [log] [blame]
### Compilation failed:
error: 7: 'half4' is not a valid parameter to 'half3' constructor; use '.xyz' instead
const half3 h3 = half3(h4);
error: 8: 'half4' is not a valid parameter to 'half2' constructor; use '.xy' instead
const half2 h2 = half2(h4);
error: 9: 'half4' is not a valid parameter to 'half' constructor; use '.x' instead
const half h = half (h4);
error: 12: 'int4' is not a valid parameter to 'int3' constructor; use '.xyz' instead
const int3 i3 = int3(i4);
error: 13: 'int4' is not a valid parameter to 'int2' constructor; use '.xy' instead
const int2 i2 = int2(i4);
error: 14: 'int4' is not a valid parameter to 'int' constructor; use '.x' instead
const int i = int (i4);
error: 17: 'bool4' is not a valid parameter to 'bool3' constructor; use '.xyz' instead
const bool3 b3 = bool3(b4);
error: 18: 'bool4' is not a valid parameter to 'bool2' constructor; use '.xy' instead
const bool2 b2 = bool2(b4);
error: 19: 'bool4' is not a valid parameter to 'bool' constructor; use '.x' instead
const bool b = bool (b4);
9 errors